Nevmhrku Hun Ihm mu lhnl um umI mm or mm WM In Him Ml many lwwhlitlu lur mm in WINNIE wlurnltm Mlmhwlu Ilnn ml mm min dinirulilu of being mnn mun II lhnt ynum nulnmnlln Ally dixnywlnimml In male gunman whu mm Impunln nu llllql ullh m1 Mullen 11w uy um 4n mum Canada mm marl mullly urrlflfll mum uhllq ln llw Hwy wardsl mu le mm lulu lho MN play mm nay Ecru Mll ll llwm ml WM IMnk rm wmcthw mu Inlhlml 141 you lunem dunl wear 11mm ay Mr Himr nwy lml 1mm uhdhrr vumd ym mdnly vlnrm Wm num ML 03 Ilrinll WrMK II AM Han Man 21 llm hmpflnll only mnl mum nm nmn um duildrm ruulugnl South Africa For ï¬ve years she has waged lonely ban in Parliament égaim the governments apar eid lawn andvpracï¬ces as cit mus mlspokm critic Mgr Progressive party Thu IM 11an lhry In male Hum my an lluyrr yr 0M lhlnl Var numlng mime II nuIa mum hm Patients Preier Pretty Face lasting 25 seat In next Wednes days national down which will name 170 members cl the House ol Assembly and no doubt kswrc Prime Minister Hendrik Vmocrd to mm Mm Sulman hauling Io xe Lahl hu own son in wealthy Johnnncslmg suburb She now is the partys mlyfmmu flvu In eriarmm and the chance at it minim more scat are slinht desplsa the flea non Whites bcimz kickul around lrom pillar to post she 5131 llm list of injustices done to while long aw MA in éSouth African Parliament Critic ppposessiipartheid Practices BetaSigim Phi Sorority have complelm plans for Pwmlse of Spflng mum ushow taking placaMaxch so 33 15111chng niked alum Fellowship iii Begun ninz 830 pm Show in Lhe above phnto will poem Mlpr WINOn rl tho JOIIANNESBURG AP den Suman regarded by lgrawodae the consclcnce Fomd removal mm harm MRS MEN SUZMAN Flghls For Sent SORORITY PLANS FASHION SHOW PEACE CANT LASI She holds that Lhe 50b the Progressive is to permade the Mme elcclorale present un oasy peace the comlry can nol last when nmwhllea griev mm are loll manual The racial grlevancoh we Bppancnlly may lo be queath lo our children are shocking to mm she mys Black nallmalisls and Mme nallonalisla will have to come together Some limn blacks are simply not going to be able In Like over here as Ihcyve done in all pm cl Mnca What envisage ls not black Lakcknvcr but zcmzim blackMule paxflcipa TRY EXAMINER WANT AM IIIONE mNM ï¬lth they had lived lot years to accommodate the gov ernments resldmiai segrega tion program low wages bar riers in their progress In indus try poverty malnutrition pass laws deprivation ol rights and Whiliï¬eam ground at publicldng flu Ahoware lefl Mn Herb Thompson and Mist Sandra Chnpnal Fashions 51mm will be pmvlded by Pascoés Tm Shop Simmons Furs The Hat Bax and MVBJcMers Comnwnta lvtvilbeMr Pegv Mare have another Wilsons That sumo livoly npmklo and special Wilsons flavour you onloy In bolllun comns In can on And can am so mndy nnd convunlonl nsy Io puck and savvy or tho collnuo picnics camping lnko loss spnco In coolovn But mmamborIts Whats In tho can that wally COUMI no make aura Iho name Wilsons when you shop lmm his mum lmdo mi dry wt In ronmnnn wllh Cnxlm mm MI mmhlllunnrln nu younlor Ron WM Iranmt 11 one dunm ol 41 Ivan offidzh bring Imuflzaud by onlrr nl lrlmc Mlnlmr Fidel Cnxlro on Mmanuns of Ian llvlnu flrnvy drlnklna and amter and Snrnh Cardozo xlvecooking mums In three classes nl childrrn enrh Satur day Illa YMCA ammo alto wrflu mint or puppet xhwn or children and prescnlx hue show about ovary alx week at WcsLmounl library llm llmll of pm wcrk day has been livme by he girls but he nnly nquirrmrnt In wrckcnda Lu transponnlion REMOVE RON HAVANA AP Maul Jr Min of 1M Culmn lnrflgn nï¬nlflyn ï¬ns born nmnvnl Many of us prefer to work In couples and if more an more than lhrce rhildrcn we wnya wnrk in twos Chrisflno um Th girtt mm In 15 are high school sludlms mm prenous babysilllng cxmrlcnc and mm mum on mm mmnrrII mlhmu unbecomlna anluunnnry MONTREAL CHFor most girls babysitan job man qukk phnno conversation wilh mother and ride on bus But the 10 wcscnd cun Agem known as the Midnight Sitters mcans telephone calls the dispatcher and to other membus ll club to see who L1 available The dispatcher is Christine Enddciey is chairman of lha group and one of Lhe our giria who organized me make under inhuman YMCA She assign the Job alter mothers call hcr pawlcn Africa may insist on Imile adult Irandilse but we dont have to satisfy mm Im sure our on Mrican alums Wmdd some or less than Um 11m mlsi be mamable compromise with qualiï¬ed lranchisc based on education and ability Mm Suzman 49 comes mm rich lamin and was ennui1y university lecturer in eco mics Her husband is physi Lion in 11w xnmlrys gavem Dispatcher Sends Midnight Sitters Convener of the show Is Mrs Roland Dobsom assisted by the Ways and ans cmmnit ee members Mrs Wayne Sykes Mrs Ken Donovan and Mrs Gilliland Proceeds of me even are for the building fund at tha Sick Chlldmls Hospital Turnmo 17 black slate of 1m Imlnllnu groom mount war In lurqudu blue wllh while enmnlluns For IM wodtllnl lrlp Hm hrlda dmnltd late lull nucer vrlrd with Inlirrm whlle min um Thu brldexronma brother vld Madman of Weston was thc heal man The usher um Mnflnn Wobcr brother of lho bride and Mithml Mndlgnn bruer of the groom T3 RECEIVED Fnlhiwlix rcwpllon In Port 6mm ha brldcn parrnlu rc cclvcd II lhclr home In Chuk men In mnrrlage by he lnlhnr ha brldc mm lull lcnglh gown whlle orgnnu om ullclu enhanced by pearls and hnnd sewn luv and lull train ol lace TM brides elbow mu Ell wu held by rounded clnra ul pvnrlx and she Carried hou qull nl pink mes The hrldes slrlpr lulu Irene Wer was mald of honor she wars plnk town marqulselu owr Inllcla with law bolero nnd mulchan pilllxlx Ml She carried bouqucl of pale plnk For her dnumrrn waldinz he brlden n1er chow dmn nl rose Mun loco with lnfldflnl networks ml ourmxr ol Tnlhmnn ms The marriage of Marilyn Rm Weber daughter Mr Mrs Weber Claritson tomcer ol Barrie Ronald Jame Madman son Mr and Mn Leo Madigan of Barrio wk place In St Giristophcrs Rm man Calholin Church In Clark non THE BARBIE EXAMNER THURSDAY MARCH 1966 MONTREAL c1 conec tion of 24 spring3mm uh ions was displayed Wednesday at In Boutique Bongboun designerowner Jacqueline Fa millant$n Mantrcail old quar ter Mm FAmihanl skewed an en lemble of desmns will moï¬l of heavenly bodles reflecting todays preoccupaflon with spam and It moraflqn Wools comma woollen And nylon bqwa were used freely In Jqu costumes and fluid drcsses Blackandwhha checks In geometric design amid triangles sire 1M ng dresï¬es were also prac Qlcal leaturing Iynlhetic mate rials which an creaseresistant and need no Ironing antasy was also presenL One ensemble leanrod char treuse wad dres and coal at the same mateï¬al 11m darker green For evening ï¬repMu Fu mfllant suggested floorlength dress of green silk covered with sequins Another number was print ta be worn with long cape of Ike same material while third was sold Ind while For mm sprlng days the dc slgner altered an ensemble cl While coat buttoned It lb side cowering black dress bath plans being of the lame walerpmol malarial and re maining elegant all day and all evenlulz BRIDEE GOWN An allwhile crochchdmnm ber of nylon and wool was ol Iowod by another handmade style using organza ribhan Monfreél Designer Shows Collection Clarkson Rites Of Local Interest Miss Wallace says sh hams the alliance can attack the prob lem lhmlgh researdl on the died 0f discrknination on women with View to changing altitudes of prejudice She doemt expect huge member ship but hopes the allianceyzill growncmss the mnlry Um their hele Mr mad Mrs Madigan oak up resid cnminrlaromo Catholic women 6mm be qutms pr servers cannot sing in cathedral chain or be dainéd MPflm In sum say Camerhneï¬eafm oMurma and Cccula Wallace of Tardnlo in direct Hand Indircu Ways church teachings hold women generally humor bladed Fig and Imvymhy ol the priest The church ulllvargue Lhal R1has Jalsed the status of woman by saying sfle equal helm God Mrs Realm says mu true butvwere lull with an Orwelllnnism Every one equal but some are mm equal than when The Women havo formed Canadian chapter of St Juans Alliance an International group which has wmked with the United Nathan Again child mmlage forced mmrlagu for equal pay and for equal worln In opportunilles or women in public aduï¬nlstralim Céflwï¬q women Va womui by chéchmh Evidence 10f VDisdrimirmtionv In Roman Cdtholic Church Mk Wallace secrvelary at Among 099 cm Twa ASK EQIJALITY FOR QUALITY SELECTION and PRICE its gm again Mrs Benton compare Ibo position of woman in to church WM 139110 the New In In Umlwd States RECALL DELEGATE GENEVA AHSoviet nego lialm 50mm Tsamplrin has been rocallcd from his Post llloscvwa delegate to the 17 nntlon disarmament talks was reported chncxday nlght Tsarapkin will be molacod by Alcer Roshchln who had lur many years been dupuly to Alan Zarln former suvlcz orclgn mlnislcr and now am bassadnr in France role flwy say the mm an aim misquoled mdevm when Hwynreuotï¬tï¬louldbere membuad that they spoke in speciï¬es mum me and other areas 1119 two women have found that St Paul and Thomas Aquinas are quoted most en tnle aqu womans Ameriuca ï¬tment yearn WimhaId banal 925mm Psy Lith in Pradim AUTHORITIES CITED The women object to wamm being regarded solely as moth nut as women mi to altitude that the woman who mother has automatically higher status than the wman who Is not the Cent of Ecumcnlca studies St Michaels qulege has done historical research on the status of women for xevml years wife with our young ï¬nialem Bow women say they vzant lq avoid being vshrllly emlnlstv They acknowledge new und encynmong some Roman Cam lc theologians On consldu mm as equal and posdblo candidates or priesthood But they an em mark from two Catholiz book on theology published in North The reasm or dmylng women the right lo each reason that Is absolute and unl vmal based as It is on the natural condition of Wenorily and sublean Dial Is the pot lion ma Fame Immanuel Damnzo in Sacra ment at Orders Glee envy and vengeance and Sealousy um prevalmuy with Fater 55 In EC Negro Realm 15 house aatd mow am Mal1M Loam it Wuolilu 51m Ilzkwlbzii Zl Mable 1m mu £1 as Zhnlilmddlï¬ mm 10 23 spi 11 Mrmddhf duzMM 575 21an Aopuhhmlad draw 51 911 Mada 0qu 40mm and ï¬udmmaidd qowm 59791151410114 510M 111 WazflM 5116 and way11m Queen 51mm mm mm SW by ZSMar 01111 31011421 flullu AluIA WuMall Picture Yourself In Stransmans Newest For 66 Why do you want to be equafl womensay thewa to be equal mmsay 3W1 It seems incongruqu la me that priests will carry placards asking equalin 10 some up pressed gram and than mum to Meirclassroonn and and Experience 1hm taught Mother just how to handle each of these two different little girls It takes experience to properly it pair of shoes too Let ushelp you choose new Spring shoe that is just right for you from our wide range of exciting Springstxlres Cthmns sham Packard and Savage Vommn shoes to size 12 whim AMA tn Mens mm 14 WWW Ladies Wear classroonn and teach WALKWEL SHOES V132 KING ST WEST lhal womali ls nalurafly sum ï¬nale to man dmt doubt thwlr sheeruy but think hey wally graspedtha principle involved they would extend it in all humanity VIhe mm of he churdl have tradiï¬mafly as signed ln God the preludica they Ohcmselvcs have How lo relieve BACK ACIIE Dnddl Kldnq Pm mm and ham mqu mm on mum th hehehh am you ml mm mo mun Do ma on Mu $35