Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1966, p. 4

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Winter seem Mind have its last fling and Ihe Distnct orccast hears lhisout as colder empcralures and smwaurrics are forecast The tamponmun rounded at The Examiner llim this morning at oclock Iwas minimum niejcmrdcd law last night was 32 degree District Beef Cattle Never Had It So Good Tanmdm allml luhnlc Jam undergoing draining at RCA Station Damp Borden now have ncwr1anunian Ot Ilallmz luvl ml In AWL ah ha xmul wlrnmnlu In 11 lim plm II hu Iwn utilmnrvl Ihnl mm pulm 0mm ILvuI mellilII 04 MW um erh Mllnl lulu ml ml mud um nuirm mull WWI lnmtlrivh ufnflwr than all mmnnl gm an mm mm available ml III mlmnl mm mm mm In lummrr pm Im in alum MMIAHQIM Lake St Clair Lake Erie Niagara Western Lake Ontarln Southern Lake HumnVindsor Ln nd Turonlo Hamil Cloudy windy and murh older with law scattered snowflur tics Cloudy with tow sunny intervals and cnnllnucd cold iriday Winds northwest 15 Fri aY 11w nxd divided In lwn mlioml lunr Arrllnn lnr Ihe lxrgrr Animals ml Imnllrr munmlq mmu rr nnimnlm lp Hm cum In much yard 7qu Nd lmnk alunu uhkh wcdnl mmrlnz mum nulnmnnrllly INNNII tnnlnnr lxnm no Imus lihll ML mel lmlllluw IIHI mun lw hull mu rnlllazo lhmr Ink nhnul minum II Alynv In er IA 10 um CM IMMIqu ulwn hr Mun hnylnu vnlh rnrn rmllnnu lmmuo mm Ya Inflow at only our IIIn un4 rwlm marmnu pnur nmlmv In lhr lull Hem All nm In wva In mlm pan purl mum mum IM Immw Ml clam llh VI up ll lulu Inlrrr In nller lluru lwd rullla Hum ll Ilm Im rim ml alum mva pin hm in llvl lulu mum ML nut numm MM rm In All unylhlul my Colder Snow To Cover Area Mr Mum kmp belurcn 170 and 200 in Inixnals mm Alrrdun luv 1nd cw 0rd Ihrnughuhl In An mpllalbpnml yard This mum lncm yard in wilqu mm hr nnrlh tn and um winds 5y hm Mummy Immx and law nlwn rim pale hnrn nml IIIKI bnartl rncrs Thu will barn pruritlu healthy Milven lylnlnl ulwlltr Iur tho Inmmll ADVANTMH fly llllMN BAKER BM rnllll that calllc her In raisrd nr meal never had It so may ur plenlilul sur ply red as do Inlmnls Imlnyl modern ccHal Iyllnms Typical lhrsc mum one nwnrd by Lynn qutL who mm mllu nonh ar Mar Mkllmrsl and Is helpml lhrnuih lhu lummer by his Ion nym IN TWO HICTIIWN Synnplllz Cold windy wcaflm and few snowflurrics were forecast for soufllérn and m1 Ontario with only slight im provcmcnl expected nr Friday Nnrlhem Lake Huron Geor gian flay AIgumn Tirnaxam North Bay Sudbury Cloudy and colder wlh occasional lnmflurrin Cloudy WM law sunny Interval and connnund old Friday Wind nbrlhwcsl 20 riday DISTRICT WEATHER fir aimélt airm pér mits than to train on actual equipment they Will servicn VTANZANIBNS TRAINING AT BORDEN Eastern Lake Marin Hali burinn Cloudy windy and turn ins colder few snowiiurrics developing by evening cumin uing nvcrnighi Winds nonh wesl 20 Fri Dilawa ¢W1F Windknorihwestzo day Mainly sunny bnl Fortcul Temperlure inwjnnlghl high hidy Windsor Mount Fares Winghnm Hamilton SL Cniharin Toronln Pelerbomugh Kingston Trenton Killaioe Musknkn Norlh iiay Sudlniry Earlmn Kapuskaslnu almanac Timmins Wilile River isanil SM ane 45 20 15 10 11 nl mm lml hullv 1va lhll wnx Inther drhydrnlul nml ha pnInLI um lhnl Ihll wndillon dulrnya al In sum of lhn ml vnlm llo Hln our lilo wlh haying lhnl my In rlmlinz grim and louuum rul Mid lrlrd rlnwn In prdrrnbly nlmt 15 In on nwiymrc Aml lhm rhoppul Ind Mawn In lo 1M In wllll mun har wanna mum WinII nnr hm hnylnnc and Mn lhhxlx rnrn en Illnnr NI urulcin Irquirr nwnlx nrl rm hy hall lhll nu qvnml uhrn rnrn nnsllnia only ll NI la nnI pound Two of hln gllus one 20 lot by lho Mur not by lnrm he hnLldmno Ma wt lnx mum and In n1 he mm In cMonly rinhl hzlu My me hls llrslhllcd or luinnrmu ll ltd by 11 hr look rmilaxc mm won 1nd prlu nl IIhnvnIe SNII and CH Fnir um mumh Hy um 11m hml ulnml hp last hlx 70 new wr rm mm they dont have In walk miles rlny In xel rnouuh nullst lhcm Mm you can keep clasp watrh on lhemz The Irrnd In holhihrcH and tin ry arman dolimmy Inward Kh ludlol xyrm aimmm In Tanzania Gas pct Paul Mrema proudly points out the African Free 31 menaids ol Hue he left and Pam Alphayo Mosh of the Tanzanian Air Wing The THE MAN WHO MAKESJun MISTAKES NM TO TINNIL Tm lNlllJfill IIMNNEI Hay mud ho 0R0 Stall Om Township Cmde has passed bylaw per taining to the licensing and um lro of dogs Dog will he linen sed instead 01 Iaxed as was the pxocedure in the past NATIONALISM Enns TUENNGEN AWA poll taken in Wm Germany by um chkm Inslflule lound that 16 per soul at people said No when asked Are you proud being German and 11 per cm had no npininn Al lwn nclnck In the morning nn Hu Ilny the urncrn mil younK lxrl ml of about 500 pound Ivnd nrrlnd nl MM hum nullnn mm Allwrla Mr HumI 11m won wt nl doubltderkrd rnIIroml WM ml llw rrlminder which Wen lo mnlhnr ma lnrmun SWCLH rhulrx Il Ihe Italian nlaw callln In In unload rd Mlh rqunl em lrom bullnm or 1in Inkt An Moran cnrlond Ink um me slnllnn or AIM flrol Fnrm Mr Iluml nulu lm nhlppinl em mm nrnmrly Ilrm mndlum will In LJUJI uhlrh have lrmollwl Inn rilx lnlitrL mm rllrcllvcly prr rulrd 1mm Ihminl up by calm lnw rurru tmln Inch nu plain hay or Inn nrlxM IIHIIMM ll lmmr llnl In It prmrnhun Leonard OBrIen Hawke slone has been appointed canine comm officer losce that the conditions the bylaw an fol lowed All lendch are to be recclvnd by April 15 Council is calling for lcndcts lorlour and halt miles of road which rchuire surlace treatmentmu areaelendl 1mm flldgc Road on line lo Lakcshure Road and from Lake shore Road hrough lo conces ons and EL Fin era are being called lnr trushlng and dclivcnng 23900 cgbip yaqu of gravel Council ls asking for lendgrs fur garbage contract or once weak collection Tm contract is to extend from May 24 to the wee Thanksglving led In animals on mm cnsilaga only Mlnrrals he points am an 31w important Calcium he pm bidos In the arm pnwdrrcd imulnuu added In the onsilaza at hllmz lime mm are pm vidcd In Mock mlnuals ready pronaml and mu CMILH MUN 0m Township Licénses Dogs torch ls diapiayed on the mundd Insignia palnlcd on me side of all Tanzanian air cralt being built in Canada The ouler circle is blue the Inner green and the torch and laurel ycnow huu 1m Ind It mm AdiII Enlullinmml NOW PLAYING ifleport Epidemic iOf Tuberculosis flhe area shown mlhemap according repvrl from mun cils finance millee15 much Larger than that required and has caused embarrassmafl In campers whavlound themsehcs pitching their tent on private pwpeny without knowingit Councilaim lo allaphan mam slip to each map sold in lulure In inkoul pm she park Ls mark error break of Iuberculnsxs the v1 lage Eeachvillc live miles south at here was described Tuesday by an 0nario health department olficiaL as an epi demic filth case of ubcrculnsis In the last months has turned up in the village within the last IWQVWELIB Wlllam Kennedy of Tort ontoI provincialsurvcy orgnm lm for the hcallh department said the situation in the village of 99 is epidemic In nature and plan for tuberculosis survey of Lhe area are underway TORONTO CP An Asian mg viru slmIlar lo the one that caused worldwide opidemlc 1951 is active in lomnlo but om ciall are undecided on the ex or of the illness Dr mm McMan moL axis at the Hospllal or sick Children said there is evidence lhat Asian flu virus type is in Toronto and perhaps also type County Council learned lyes tcrday that provincial park in Tiny township is marked 01 the new county map avenjhoughv it has not yelbeen established Sonic docms are sure there Type is similar to the 1957 virus that swept he counlry MOSCOW MP The Soviet Uninn has increased up 100 per cent hoicl mics or oreign diplomats and joumallsls rav elling in Russia official com Iirflcfl chnaday Diplomat recs snid lhe new mus already in CHM zp pear In be part the recent campaign 10 raise more hard currency for purchases nf needed goods in he ww such as wheat Some dipflomab said the prime lnunaws 1150 appeared do signcd to discourage travelling In the Soviet Uniun by foreign oliicials Pérk On Map Marked Error SovietRaises Hotel Rates LYNN lllKilZL Mulhulxt rhrckl nurmllnn nl rlulrlrlll lypmmM Mllnmulk lmllnx wponsrocx femAn nu BARRIE TEEN iTOWN The Muieslics Featuring AT THE EMBASSY our correspondenl says Dur ing the weekend alumugh the =caretakng was most satisfac ¢o we engaged an assistant an had thamugh cleaning jab done On Monday about 60 pu Qpils turned up and some the leaders seemed more reasonable 1but we still had diflicullicsi Many the sumins and edilér Ials regarding condiucns at Hur onla School have seemed to in dlcatc slriking parents were justified In their actions in keep ing children home from schonl and demanding that the Bean close the schooL We have received communica tions rum mm at those who have the responsibility oi hand ling the problem of our twwn ship schnols To begin with the Simcoe County Health Unit was ruponsible for theschool being kept open The Board Had no alternative but to make this pos sible One trustee who has serv ed the public on school mania or many years said that he had never been so inutraiednr tak the meelin with the board there were pickets around the school and It was the eel 1ng of he board that one man resident in the area was be hind Ihe people doing he pick cling and although he was not in the picket line he was en couraging olhers Auendance xixupped mm 154 tq mm 25 by Friday The Board agreed that addi tional loiiets and basins would be insLxlled although there are almady more Militias at ur onia han all Sunnybrae Schgo en so much abuse The list of demands put below the board were such that Ihey could not all be given consideration The Heaflh Unit felt that condilinns at me schoo were exemplary PICKETING per lime here era some pass of jnfecligusvhggnlilig did mp1 mean 1M1 the school shbuld have been 0193011 indefinitely The Board was doing its my In cndenvoring keep the al tcndance regular and at flu same time making sure there was no reason or lurlher EOII anion The County Heallh Unil assumnd responsibimy for the sclmul remaining open and lhe Hoard carried nut insmmiuns That lhe punts received from Hm Department Education wiI suflcr or HI absence of an mnnv pupAL will show up in Hue ncx mnnlhs reports this mnmhs meeting 01 teachers and ydficlpal the matter pupils almanac was dealt with report mm the inspeclor Teadwrs were asde make GRANT9 WILL SUPPER mulpmonl In his bed iiinl mum Mme nnr man can hmk err 1m hrml 41 rank Ulnllr Win anunblo Door Pleu Evcry Wukl Gets Another Slant On SchOOl Shiké INNISFIL NOTES special Ieportlt had been hoped that the averagedally atten dance could be increased so that the grant allowed would increase to $35 times that aver age The atayaway at Humnla Thu stayaway nt Horonla wlll wlll upset this entirely Project Planning Assodalea have been instructed to profidz map far he use of the Plan lllhg Board so that they may give lunher mnsideralion to zoning and other requirements suggested by CouncilA meet ing at the Board is arranged Ior Marchm and Gunmeil had been nskedlo athénd and hav iLs salicilor presenL The map ls to 95 not mm thnnsaoo The territory nnrh at us may expem somnmmnmumns mu Ohe warm atmosphere sucked up lrom the change of lampcmlure in the Gulf of Maxim When it hill the cold air above il may hrlng some me urhulence lhaldcvelom inlo hurricanes 1n the mrannme murmur 13 good In Ihe Gull And Iho warm sun at so damn makes one into the shade Beadle in some parts of lhe stale filled with mum stu dents ho flock in with cars on foot or their annual Easlcr vnmflnn They 10 not worry mud about accommodation Ivr huwthcyslmpnndcm Du Inna ncndl and H211 Lnudmlne ml 1m Sm 1an Cm Improve marl Associnhon North and Snulh Shun hu organized Simwf fmlnly WMdimyZ uwclnl mum mll Ml klmlllirahnn muttM ullh prim dnnnlrd by Hm Onllll lamvm Twp 5mm Farm FI imp ml mnmno Mm N11 11m WWI Ilmlulon on Ipnmz mm mm Include Juhn GBHIIL Jack Ikrlnl lnd Truer InvL Hulk IM Parmnn and MM hisholm hnrmm lIvk Hmuher wlll mll Nu mulun In cultr Teachers in the slain ni Flor ida have issued an lllllmalum in various school hoards ihat unlm salaries are adjusted lnr many olihtm and the workload regulaiad so that classes will be limlizd lo stated number 01 pupfls aancllons mu be placed on hose school boards iha in not meet the standard The aupmism and slim ralnr associations have taken lhc Lhreal seriously And will mm mdiscusshhc requirqnmts 1pr MN day In Md In moperalinll MI Hm enunly wen impecmn ml Include smnkmpa hlm and pm dismuim The firm at Baker Fenland and Polson Is to he requested on supplyan estimate of cost of he Proposed Centenrpai Pang Council is in agroemeyzrthgt fund obnkihiiéd Gaimfriint annuity by numbers of Ihc Pol Ice force may be relumedto Ihcm as equesle by Alfred Chalmers of the PalicLAswcia lion providing Ihe lowxiship ol icilor can appme legal meth Ddgzldaing so STUDENTS FLOCK IN illc Ensignu xprcl lhnuwmls of lhe ludrnu but so Var lhls urea um alluded thn be Mnduclul anm cdjrs or momm on ni befi1rerlhe mum meeting of Council Avonxsnorg Teaaners and prlnupab held display and dandnslnalion on physical cducalion at Sunny bra schqol ycsyterdayv ion hxelday last lhe principal of Bradford High School held dlscusslon on Secondary Sdml caursex wllh the teacher at 19 my The next eacherscon ventinn will be held in Oliawn andvlnnisiil teacher nre expect ing in tome new ldeas on conlinuous promollons math in stmcllon phone apprqacn Io reading physical educallon kin dergartens and teaching Frenrh well as seeing the usual lawa attractions The mnven lion will start Gd Organize Simcoe County Weed Day By RGs Home Heating Service wwrmm SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPEMTIVI Innfillll SQ HM SURVIVES OPERATION NEW ORLEANS MP All ntnanho llved thmugh rare aperatlon to remove the uppmr torso mother baby that grew uuLof Ms aide was released Wednesday spokesman fnr THE BARiIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MAM Whether Heé Buttering Up Blonds 0r Spreading Mcm CIxaulesVinf has the same fine taste as the higher pnfiéed secret agent inthewholef wide world WTOM ADAMS CHARLES VINE QWWELSIEPANEKPHERBULLJOHNAMAH M1613DsuWLFFEEUXHUGHVERONICAliURfifEEORGEFASTER Your COOP Free Home Heating Service Plan covers Annual clean out and free inspection of your furnace furnace smoke pipe chimney base burner and tank plus 24liour emergency calls hr dopmhblo from hitting Why coov DISTRICT N£WS JOSEPH uvm mm Second Fealure znanesr 9QR€IAGeNT Shown at 700 And 325 he Louisiana Stat University Schonl of Mediclnelaid monthdd baby Identified only as David had paralysed rllhl leg 11 boy was bomFeb with two heads two upng Hunks andlour mm NOW PLAYING Shown At no 71H It mm

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