Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1966, p. 3

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Mini UM cumin mm lbs Nun or UK mar mn Mb amt Mela Comm cl Tomnln Ia limld THHI ml of Hank hrMur pmnl Mr and Mn Mull Bug Lucky cuchre player at 1hn weekly games held In MInndnlo Orange all an Mandy mc hing incudcd Presser lane hawk MM 04 11mm Indms high Mn mm mom Mn Audrey Clouonmenl h1g1 Ind Silt mend FLORIDA HOLIDAY EUCHRE began the beau Mal lounge of the lodge Guests were briech on the hislmy ol the lodge and its many pa tient services The Lodge ac comnwdates so patients an of ham are Im out of lawn and win my tram one day In six who mimic fin da many longs at man or New In Intench lo cover In eneml Incll Ill 01 the zlly Dlslflct waddlnn alvenmu bridal Ihowln hflfln pmlu camlu nl ll plum tnvellm And vb on are item at lulum Hindu IN pm Your htlp In numbing an Inn ll be null apprec hlrd Plus phone The male Enmlner mm hurl nk hr Elltm Dlxan or Andrey Coulmn It be Womenl Dc padment Residents al Barrie and dis trid travelled by dialEnd bus to Toronto on Sunday or the we unending um annual openhwse at Princess Margaret Hospml and 1406159 mum sEnvms like dis shun skin to the middleaged nupan or 1119 mg bmmess Wimp think suit in mm smarter looking when the skirt length covers flu knee more arent even too many younger women that can wear them Even if they are in We il hey dont suit the in dividua lhgn they shouldnt MRS 61133 Mr And Mn Rabat King Barrie And District Citizens Attend Toronto Open House mama man mun NEWLYWEDS CUT THE CAKE PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eueen Dixon or Audray poubon 7256531 dont to the at It lha nflmwn rmnmy Mmh Il TM Ming r04 nwm mu huh al lM Umv III Community Cool The mulynrdq will mlrln Tul lama Mu Iv Eric Daylvl Jay Mildl4 guest Jnyccflcs lnIerclub meeting held flu Conljncnml Inn Bar rie Speaker at the oven was Mrs James Kcuy who laplc was Crisis Sn Adaptlam Guests were mm from New In Markham Dublooke Barrie Sompllmlst Club will be hold at lhu Danie Community Home on Mmh 41 commut lng at 730 pm 11 businm mMKM mu mmmcncu at oclock The 717966 Walker Camival Queen Irg Eileen Paccllo was Sophia Si have reiurnai from winter hoiiday in Florida Mr and Mrs King trnvciini by car and trailer and spent month 5L Pcicrsburg and six weeks nayinna UTIVE MEEHNG INTERCLUB VISIT Vconciilsmn everyone mdoyed Adrealnnenu in the malaria mania cums Among he people attend an mm Barrie spacill Guests Attending the hour di vided My groups and conduclcd Lhmugh the various depanmcnu They wen shown patient ac mmodaflon beauty salon prosthetic dcparlmenl therapy fluwcr room and dining mom They then moved on the hos pita whom Interest was van ed an treatment and research The tour was canduclcd tkdy by volume of which more are 250 giving their serv the hogpigal may he peflecfly right for teenagers pmviding they ara wom wiLh the total look hat ls mawhlng stockings and knllled tops hmmver wouldnt like lo see the short style on mature woman Hedda mm would be dfllioult in sit ind ladylike pagan with short 511011 ind poor 915115 lmuHauki 1w um MudD1 Mn Idll muenm mum ELECT lnlnlllllNT TORONTO lClYll Dylan Tum N8 dorm pm Henl rl me Lmdlln llulnu nnl Auoclnlkm Mondny In Inc mvl IL Rumnrvlllu ll Rubin Ont Mr Dylan Md Anwinllvnt ll meellnl um IWW my Md Mm nn um duy will In mm whn muml mini VIRUIY ml humu In an mm um have In um micmy hrwlnl Irwulalvmou mkl Dumnlwr would dung nl Myanva In Hm her HAM dNudI you lull ll mm It vull mi nll In Dammit mom MIX ha avowed by Ina Influenm or flu er dme And all mam Umlnlly nwy mmuuc eve menu Mwem mm and Ann II In An ml nul Jammy 11 mm Mum mm and AM will aim he Illnmlnlln Hum ml noumlm my rammed will lho mun rth Jul ma Nowmlwr and 1m Mormon In rmml anUonst Imum cur In mid han In late June 11min he uwrvl wk Sq Myer In Ileme luv 0n ma occupational tronI you can look mun lo flno pro xml Mama July Ind July 11 11 you ruck Lo program ledy In the worn and new mun mm Alter tho would on commu uw book would culmlnnlc hm fly by flu 1m work In San ambu or tho flrll WM In Dabber Furlhu advnnnu mm In IMNNthMl nlm in Me Dmmber hm Inc In normal rnduvm rather man now anal flwu mixnod In and oMm lnlAlImunl pur wlll Ahmld find the IIth II mom muHy good but uw mm nouM perm or nul mndlnu ncromvummrnl wifl mu In Junu lulzml And nut anmry mm 001 to Nnvl 15 Ind dun really fine moment porlod beginning on Feb 1m Just coupe ndmonL dam hwover Da IVDM ex travnxmcc dun1n lha lint Ind Last week August and aka risk Mm mm in Nonm anelary dayll Constantin slaps tnken In the purlull nl worlhwhile mdcavon should pmc unusually prldiw ble In the long run and there also strong posiblllty thal yqu mill receive In uslst from aomeono genulnely cancuned will your Wallace FOR THE 111 AV ll tomorrow is our birthday bright yczr nu IA mu ll you will do all in you power to lake advanlnge every available emuunity for advancement Ind pol pafil hath ouc of your mlnd In ad you have covpenled wllh he beneficch slcllm lnfluemes the last two monfiu you should eel In mod optlmlxm mm and than Mill more good In 1119 ofrlnxl For Instance You are slated lar llnanclnl gala during an cudlem cycle which will run from April 20 lhrough lluy Inoflaer duran lhc last lwa wcgh El July Ilw Mum By ESTRELUIA FOR TOMORROW Bmh at those arranlzahon um tribuwd greatly to II sonch at Christmas by pmvxdmg Kim the patients and their lam guesla hhe Cancer Soddy were the leader Mm Dermal and 14 numbers of St Maryt Girl Guides also several mem bers of the Nu PM Mu dnapwt at he Heta Sigma hmrlly nhavefilehea tashfon may be fine for the young sumage Kirk but think each wmnan Wald wear the lumh that most becoming to her Mbelnwlhalcmehnm hum Fm women who M1 in 31 Megan Im no In Ivor thelgugn lngtl1s at am uh Mahmu man who ml THE STARS SAY Tim iufimnu Mann More who Dr ilufirltulhhnn In Milan umsun ukl mm at tho mm timid Hum xfuu mum mum mm In Mr durum Mu 094 WWII 0mm um um mm nil he mad Milo at WEI lu Winn We 7m dflkfllflxyflmm NIKON 101 Thu Ilnmul lmmbond bodily ol Tumult 3mm Mm xlu Iwr Irrnlmd luflm all Mule nmnMy sflual dow Ihl flmuml hm Inl Ml Wlugrwll Durlnl he bunlnm mum membm dtcided in Mar nur my larvch IMrh will bu hald durum church nrvko 1m young er vhHIImL Mu Hnlnnd Carnrr wu hoa Im lho Much muting at ldmy Unnul Church Wo mm Imldem Mn Slcwul Dvnnolly pmddcd Runwqu mdlnl val lulun Ivy Mu Gordon MacDonald wilh mlphln lInan mn dule IIY Mn when mu pn pcr rnlllled Our Father World Mn llnnnld an ll on Long 5t Illegal Aborlionisls Described By Morality Squad Detective lnltiri UCW To Provide Nursery Service New Cook Book Is Project 0f Evening Circle Memben use Evenm Circle of St Andrwla Presbyterian Chum are Liking orders or Oasomle Cook Book which con tains recipm Mrs Ken Mac bennan L1 mnvezwr of the pro gbd 1M boot an obLIlnabIe of President Mrs Robert Watson presided hr the Mde meeting held 13 evening In the third parlor and attended by 40 Ind lhree Knew Follwing devotion reports rum including report mm mm Same won Show Flam wmo xmplctod for rummage sale which will be beldalednmmAvrfll The program was Wed by Mn Andaman And can flsted color slides taken by her during seven weeks hour Tampa during the met T0 APPEAR HERE the Verdi Aria and Jewish folk lonKl Jan lmrc hnl an oulzolnu warmlh and mo JacUon hm have cndcnnxl hlm lo mus lover an every run llnmt Mr Pearce will be pmcnlul how an Thundny cvmlnzlhy he nnrrln Cam munlly Concert Aunclnunn mnxltr cl Ilyll lmm Blah lo be popular ballad ram Morgndlhl Gtrmlll llcd hnvo gona won as far as they cantoAfnraslamm comer lhe short sldrts are no or me These new style may Icon rlzht an the teamed acnermhm hm mm my point of View bho dadgym urbame havent conside the mature woman It mom does her own min can we where the new nudes mad he saving shoe she mum and IE5 mat mmkd Gnu Mun not In twmllna mcnbm at Ila pur enthnl Mum um um gnu plush guy lot th Mm MHiIhRfiGhi Ipywwn bang and mu munmm mum mule on rrfihy MIMI In Irh with Firm Mm Thor lnul laid mum mm In mum in Toronto om ulnhl IM 1an rumMt In Marlrt lllmflltm NI lulu lhI hnlnvu lor hm mlll uvunl lhe Snrlnl mm held In In Com muuNy Hull Sunday Alumna March whm Mr Ind Mn 1mm EHII um hnnuml 11ml nn lilo nrmlnn In hair so waddlu mnlvumty Trllmll and In lrnm Illmlllm Mn Jul McFadden ml MIL nob Mrnddtn Ill Mawj Mm mln run ARIArr Mll mined1 mo Mlu an WM chairman brltly oulllnad the urvlm Du club hu cnrrM out menfly Since by Mb ur ma club In Mr IEI Mn Donald Campbell wn In charge Illa pronlm which Included Ihe club officer Ind rammlllu chnlrmln nka her an tommlllee Mm Walton pruldmx briefly owl llned ma hlllory cl lhc Vulture Club In Nnrtll Amerlm Ind wncd lhgt 019 1111 club In The Emie club cha on Nov 1L mL Now than In nlnn club In Enlem Cnnndl film which comprim 1h mince Ontario and Quo Ixc SM pointed out am the club colon blue and Allver deplcllnu member tun blu Ind Ilcrllnl dimmer Residents 0f Utopia Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Pmidenl Mn John Wilton reminded the member ol the forthcoming codename In be held In Toronto April 29 The following ware lumed dela gamMn anlon Mlu Mu znruGoodlelhw Ind Mn Mm Goodleflaw with Miss Gladyl Han and an Army be ll lemmas The highlight ha muUnl the nnnunl duw for new spring bu Tho lucky ticket Ihh year bdonned he Arlem Dolran Oadringron Si Mn Dalmn ha won In Euler Bonnet or her chum tom the Evelyn Tuck HI Shop Door pdu of the Evening Wu won by Sylvia Corbenu of Own Street TQRONTO CONFERENCE Thu Venture Club of Hard Mid study mum at Ibo Weillama Street home Mn Jack Emumm nimd any at In Mm box cmnzu the ody admit could am at mm the designer ML view mid be that an chem 5km slylea save on maxim Hue cost at augment 15 am the same to the consumer lhe designer has to keep changing the Kyles an that the mm win keep buylnxA flunk My hava condile peopie to the shorter length II the younger girl wear um inewusgylgsA shouldrhavernioé humid Club Ideas Shqred At Study Meeting 0W2 TIE BARRIE EXAMINER TflUMbAY MARCH 11 1956 FLAN NETWORK MONTREAL CID lde cmmklllm lemt flk WK nu mm domi mm wllhlu to mun ll ml tul Ill be openlhm or IM mum Manqu muldl lull Ill Lynne leur Munitka Allllu mm Her Mid Madly ery McMulcr mm In dml Ind lhe pmmlnllnn man made nl nwhd dulr My Ind MN And lump um Um hm whim tho rmnxmmlly Mu rmm MIL Dmp ur Mu Mlcn Illllh m4 Mu Mar mm mum In And cofln Funk flou llnmllxnm mm flu lain Honk ml lulu llnu 1mm bra whim Na mm Id ml undo mum Ill In Him Ill and Ihnlr husbandl ulna ammun IN Mm mnlwr in kd durhl lhe anon flw WA nl llw Imam mum Aler or flu lunch and Inn Trunx wan mal lor or tenmanic Ilmn mm Dam Ind Den loom liuzrnc flmllh hmuuhl ymluu hum EIII council MIMIC Mlllrr run EMI Sdm In llmnl llmy MtCInn loom Ilnnlinm Ind Iltmlr 111nm Mend ml the unylr flopom wm alt given about mnvmllom and mlumccs lh xcnpbook Ind nllcmlanru hy Mlll EmuHow Ind Mu Jlmu Orr Thu hrarllm wns nnlutd by Mm Mldmol Nnmm roped on the wdal and Indy Idlvmu was presenlnd by Mn Dun Campbell She polnled ml lhl lite club hrrkh ona bullnm main and mm nodal mum tad month The prazrlrm ll mlll mlghl In clude upcakcrl Illde nlxhu lhulu puliu xpccinl luppfll ck her ol the procedure or gel llnz new member and he qunl lllu ol lha young bmincu and woleulmnl womcn whlrh make up he membmhlp Mn Jam GoodlcUuw chair man the way and means outmxltlce nparted hm money In been mud Thm Included mumye um lull drnwx Id ling undy checking coals and many other DICUBB MEMBERSHIP Meme 1n the club was reviewed by Mn Jack alm ngwnste ranlndpd the Mist um mentioned nlwu 20 dineran projects underlnkcn rc ccnlly Another Inch project the comedian of aid nylons can chcd limp and used Clum mu curds or he Shalom Workshnp meach hummer Recently at the Red Cross Blood Cltnlc the Venture Club won trophy tor hlvtng the htghest percentage of donor daunting blood In reta tton to the she the club lenlion focused Two mem ber work one night each wcek we mind them atallflhey are mi omnsz long as he wmnnn wearing Hie shorter skirt is wuklnz or even standinm Haw ever WI when woman ska down that Its unbarmsing from the male point of vlew male hm doesnt know where look when woman Is seat gd walnut her an and in vam nMwmgghma ALDERMAN MEI1Y Fmm Imale paint View MW Hm he mesa INFLATION TIIMMTY IIHNEVA lMl Haul Inlet mth pman and Jam flow rut uh thrutmlnl Wnlem mm mm lnflallom WM Nullm xoaum pod Ian All Emcee and ma nhn MI mu or our IvaIM In nllrud lulkknl Mrl Sal Hirmlml min In lha lllrhtn helpm who pmka nanMd and can tollquini WIN wMvhlyum MI mu Wnlumhy nlmnoon Il lbs Tm Illuo HIIL leh KL TIM mnaxmzm iuml spmler wax luzicxlul by Mr Vrbh Md udwletl by lhl mu hm liurlnu Ihnhlil11lll ll um dc rlllNl la 00mm Ikcmflim my will memurlul 5mm mm mm Ind mum um luluml duran Iho mmmm men which lnrludul ml by Man Saving ml Mr Lmu In Aululnnru Mn Mc unald Um pinnhl Mrmlm nun band Imm IOU llmw also Iderlalmi tuxin nflermm MI 5L Pnhlrkl Dny mm mm In Jnynl by Lugs mm Imm hm ol the 5mm Vlnrm Chm Harrie Th nma yr wldow um he Mt5m deflnnallon wnl probably lndlcnUvu DI the nvcnu men dnyl an appnrcnl 10 mm In the Ilnrmy drhaln over lhe Munslnscr laxand uvuruyA nlleznuum Mn Mnclnni the dnughler nl um Km Wondswmm urmcr lend at UM CF lml ll widow Anna Muclnnl long lending Ml uomnn had been member 11 lho Commons long enough lur mom Jcrcd zrxily th men no lih mum In pyddln Vjfikcr Iuclcn anoumu n1 Mm Marlxmlx compllnx would be Vcnnudcrcd Senior Citizens Enjoy Irish Social at wamen mm mluu mcmbm are lined un dcr Messrs with brackmd Mn alter mm nnmu In an official Hunsard II Wu lhwgh may wm mnelhlng cidgnlal mi n7 likcly lv rbcur2 TITAWA CDA COmOMIM Lhu wmen MP1 lmted something accidznlal 1n lhl mum at Cnmmom cammmea member and convulth work wax volccd In flue Nous Friday by Mn Grace Muclnnll NDP mewvvrIglnxswyl Dear ll have the picture Bub Your silunnan tuxIns because it rules out cvcrylmly You say you cant luck at hcrncly woman and can loll you BuddyBoy that woman with brains wouldnt look at mu LoLsa luck List Reflects Recent Events ha scholar life and want In get married My nnnndz prcblem are web hut licould not pushy con Xdu woman unless she had very good jnh or family many The woan know why have lamin money are so stupid they bore me to death or may are homely cant Icok azrlhem team must make some sort mmisc and Id like your lm not putting you om Ann am dead scrim and Id appreciate scrim answer you like will and picture Thank yo Illave travelled extensively nm sharp dresser well read and gocd mnvcrsalionalisl play the guitar was palMime skl Instruclnr and have some Lennl mphlcs Because have spent much time pursuan cultural lnteresla and spam do not have much money In lag lAnwp aboulum Dear Fenrlen Try this If you danl keep ycur hands of me will ask your wile Io walk me heme and shell know My thig docgnt doitlfirances go Dear Ann Landan am 30 year old man handsome cnauzzh to be frequently asknd or my autograph People hink 5m Dean Mag Last night he puthh Inn around me and said Baby its mid wulde bell muggld Im mt afraid of the guy because am bigger than he L1 and If he ever got Mal smart would haul 011 and crack him In Die mvulh But do need couple of Ann landemfilype sentences to let him knaw that want him in act his age Fenrlm ancn doesnt do it Bamako and crack bun in the mum extensively dresser well read wnvcrsalionalisl at sa parMime rvnMmmuwummm nu mum my room 1mm IUMMI mva 1mm um um III10 1mm Fm anv Ideal yam lav um um Dunn uI nnlo lw nu flu And will ml yuu om Illul mun lulhl In um lhn Mvoln mm mung an Iou lo nu mu bland Denr law There are loads fellow around wILh nicely lnmed shirts but how many do You knew who are sweet and find and wqud rem you like queen Maybe ans these days you will be doing his laundry nd lhenbol cums hell look mUar ad Bllck Trick In mqu my much In Imuompm nllhlunal null wuh umcalm mull mm You own buy llnvmud rum Inla muv nlu add limb ol winn rm cmm lull Ipnnlll mm Iluvw hoLolm OuIckOnTheDraw When young modlvn In invonlivo bl qulzkonlhu draw lunply lixlngi luv dellcloul Ihlku and coolm In my In do ulnu milkl parlch much In Inan al tho harm on um Ivnyday shopplnaliu Thlck Cream For undwlch Inackmg Iiml choose In Apple Ovbll Shaka av mlx manlnorl cup Iple uuu wilh cup milk and maps of vanilla Ice cmm Add sh cl nutmeg and vaIII Ind pour Mlu tall gummy mugs Calandar Chuck Yh lim lpvina any Nu mmuhlng xmcial by my ol Puch Flnuppla Nu mth Easy la do In blind wilh cup dlIIMd weed ponhu cup pm ulcm pint VIHIIII Icl mm Ind cup mllk Thlx mlkn planly In low Cool and Cnlculaud Fornuunionmindad molhm with hmklm llippnll In urme nm Cnlln Nou But com mu Add Muwoonlnuwdmdmmnl call and cupl cold milk Flavor In um wuh wan ull And umlln an thin unnu ma aurlxv DIIIIII on Ihnu my aul mo door Wniinn Hondquurlorl Wmn lhl yauna mm check In nlm uhaol wwnd lhlm 99 Punch Ind halo mle III ublunoun lwo Imun conunumd plnI Ipnll qucu inlo ull alm cold ml 5m II an um Icoop ol lemon Ihnbulonlopl FOR All YOUR DAIRY NEEDS Where Theres Action Top agent in Ibo kixchan find milkn ma mum villl ymgna nppu cool hashing lhl day when acuvn vaune lnlkn gum wilh Ihail niands mlk the khchcn ontheiv lAKEVlEW DAIRY iffiiifim

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