op live on an average net in typical American poplï¬aflnn under 90000 are In our late 20 and have wo small chlldrcn 3th my husband and grow In this town and our friends re he kids we went to school 11h used to Ice Um we aw one mother so well wan hala bean happening Five couple gel togeiher at east one evening week few eeks ago one the 311 wg cslcd um we play mm kid 55an gamcx Just or the heck Wu starmd with splnlhe Me and Posldï¬cc and pro rf 3d jnn have go mm 4m humm pupv7 mmwmm Mm mum flbvllnmv unrnllllï¬i mm munI Hm mnruuu nu mum um on lmml nunnu nu Mn and Mn ï¬lnnlry 1qu Mil MW nmmumrtl lhI nxnnrmml Mr Immm lIlllrlrl UmL III IAIINII Hny mhun mm Mr and In Frank Ilmlwn nl llam lm HI mnninzv Ivill In ONYMOUS Dun Ann Lnndm mu yuer girl with hlg prob lthry couple of manlh mother gel Mcphnne ll rm Nmcr Mind he ï¬rst call tnmn right mlcr Wu My mum armcred Inkphone and wnmnnl lhlnk yo ought Dear 11mm say these ullrs am about us harmless maMMIng shark who Isnt hm anything but coungo emu far It LN xix mnnllu Fill out lhis mind and Thou Amos WI produru owns bul luscu in In cur Mm boy lhnl kntgw yohr dmmhlbr km 1m oldrr than the II Who have pol gnu he Is The boy hllndlvldcd and raw under bed girl than raw under Iho bed with him nd Kim hIm kissv He is sup sod tn lucss uhu she is Thorn qullc lo drink at these mum and Who ave got gelling awfully opular Last night my husband ns IL lhnughl he and the id flayed under the bed 101 ngcr Lhnn was necessary My husband say It Is harm Inn and mm so long as We he game In from our am hm will be lmuhlc hnl do you any Thlrd nnKhls Dear Thnughln say these ullrs am about us harmless AQKASHE and Del Ann LuauIf hus mvd and are average ome Dgu 4n LuauIf My hus T0 WED IN TORONTO ANN LANDERS Nobody Can Win In This Losing Game Nm ï¬t MMII Anmun hunh mun Tmnnln pm ml April We mated mm mm of ne tldcnul palinan during 1065 and upan Iccounled lnr About athlrd mm uld Ally llcnkun homllll Idmlnh lralnr Nuwcrrr mw nu lncrcar In number or rhildrc Mm swallqu blnh mnlml ST LOUIS Mn AmElf contra pill are second only lo aspirin ha cause 01 Keith In pclmnlnz nmvnn mlhlrcn rented at St Louh Children now Cunfldvnllal The Girl Ila Knnws Illl The Answer you know nll lho Mmn and hnva goutn Into ufls klnd trouble can only conclude lhal yml dldnl understand mm the question Talk lo your doctor He wlll zulde you Dear Nul Your M51 ddcnco is your daLly performance you are wellbchuud girl your parents know it The nuxt me Never Mind calls whoever answer Una phone should loll her Never Mind SIX of any Lhasa mugs and cant under stand why anyone would want to get me Inla troubdc My IoIks trust me but they are upset about the caIIs How can de Iend mysell nzaInst samcone dnnl ovnnknurw an M27 Pills Rate High In Poisonings Last night anolher call came TM time my dad answered the phone The woman said was 553 xmoklng bemlld Lbs school Your daughter was seen wear lng heavy makeup dark glasses and boots lnsd Friday nlght She was hanging around the bus slatlon When mother asked who was calling me said Never Mind My mother asked Who this The voice said Never Mind Thm wu the and the convgrsalian law Eighth later the same woman culled agnln and said flalqk ypu ought is know that WM Flowm rm Lulina Flrrwninl Hnnln huh um ï¬nrlnl munu Aukuc rumr Arrnnmmmn Unlrr le For Emu Mlmv bully Or Anywhm In TM Wm Thvmzh ETD Harris Flowers HUMAN 71 Say Happy Easter mum In 17m of flu month In only in mumum whim you luv pmme lunndmlb Alter the 17m 2141 be 21ch mine In nu Ind ll me are no riskl lnmlwd In new Herman In ubldl you may hm ennanv run Ihmdd nhtnln lino mulu Hm In Week In Seplemhur of lhe KIM Mrk Udnlwn Olher and period dung lbw ltncl Midï¬mmmcr And lala 1mm hm hm again your In mu 1cm mm mm mlrml mama not run MW limits th ham um day 111 be ulnmdy lmlnwndml born organwa ml ml run In undar businr mm lm you shank hm uncr mly Rood you uxlh excellml dumfu of MW Ind concerned lock or acid lADMPk cydc bomnninx on April in and lash in lhmugll May and lo lur wcr boosls in late July also rum Sex 15 Dxmuxh Och Imm Oct 29 to Nov 15 and In luonmnlh cycln begin ning Feb ol nexl year will be imperative howaven um you uvuidwxlrmagnnce durlnl he ï¬rst and 1131 wk Au ml nnd abort do not age In nmculminn my kind Novtmbcr In mu all ulna ron nmnnmmu tomorrow is your birthday your human Miench IIIM i1 aim the lirsL lhe nuw year mu tuck advantage awar uniï¬es to advance wur ma lcrlnl slams cpualcd oonscn lively nnd made no mmmlb mm which Would 51min your budget Altair should be in luiry stable candilmn now So dont make changm in plan or procedure whidw are bnsx CJU sound As lafllhc next 11 months By EBIRHLLITA FOR TOMORROW Planetary Influence will be extremely generoul toward cre ative and inwllwtual purwils on Nesday also invor trawl outdoor Inlmsu and personal to nstflpa Make the most She told local branch meet ing the Natioml Council of Women that free university edu cation must be provided it Can ada Lx to have the trained per wnnel needed to develap re sources and economy Hamill WE If on lhrcshgld the I15 KINGSNN Ont GP Unl versmes are still plodding alnnz an if my were In the ham and buggy day In and attest maka educallon avaflabie to 11 Grace Muchmks New Demo cratic Parly member Perl man or VnnmuverKingsway sa CENTRE OF ELECTROLYSIS UNWANTEI IAFEIN REMOVED THICK DNSULTATION For AmenImm Cull Min Ryllln ovhnu Money Still Talks In Students Quest 0f Higher Learning THE STARS SAY Th9 McLARNEY ma nun Wlhnl Illdl 7180100 $0 71W HM UKRAINIAN LEADER DIES NEW YORK CF Vasyl Mudry 73 siail administrator oi Una Ukrainian congress Com mime oi Amcdca and palili cni figure in the western Ukraine between the First and Second Worigi Wars dial Sal nrday in hospital an amt lung inflammation The Ukrnin in Congress which Mndry atrved since 1961 says it rcp resean nearly 2000000 Ameri can ol Ukrainian desceni mqtion university structure are still In the horse and buggy days by chargancLs and mak lng hlylel education avallahle qï¬iy to those whouc said Mm Macmmsr Shown are ant ol boouiilul stylus wauro oxcllod and proud to olloi you at this tonilic value All are 100 Dacron Cmpo Ileovolosa ovorblousoa designed ospoclally let us in tho llutlorlno now sculptured lino In whllo plun one colour chplco In each slylo pink yellow bluo bolus Fly hack closings Sizes 1020 lellod qunnllllos so do coma son and solve yours soon BLOUSES SPECIAL PURCHASE DUNIDI 57 EAST 900 Jun to 000 pm 51mm mum no21 numv In pm luaumy €698 ouch now Miss Sally Ahern ï¬rst Vycar student the Interim Ran Emmunln who study ing ennlneerlng at the University nl Toronto Ipent the weekend with his Nrcnb IACol And Mr Brenncman ML son St Miss Janet McKemle mu ondycar studmt In gtmral am at the University of Western Ontario vlaited with her father and mother Mr and Mrs IL MCK lingtpq street Miss Belly Hargmm 5hr dent at he Unlvezslly of West em Onlnrb laxAdan was ham It the Amelia Street res idenu of her pareru Mr and Mrs Frank Hargreaves Sr University student who spent the wcckend in the clty at the home of their parenls Included West proxirnétely 100 53mm allénded lhe ihforinal recap on which was hel venerof theme lion Barrie Klneue Clu the reception Mr and Mn Michael Ram welcomed mu Mr mm was dulman ol Immunenu An mnzemem pink ml White Alum baby muma made cmhd lhej £93 tabla flanked Dylan yellow lap in mm Wflé ed by Mn John Ling Ind Mm Wilson humane anluded Mrs Mn Bishop Mrs Rm lamwell Mrs Mu AmmMu John Gillespie Mrs Goons Huper MII my Kennydwam Hend erwwlamb Mn Neil Pm Ind Mrs Andy Gray mm in the School CafeteriaCon was MrsllIorneCarter of lhe whosg members were dn charge of le Intended to raver Illa 1mm mlnl Illa ul an my mum India In nlmnrlu brldnl Illnllll brldlo puller coming ol In vlrllu lnvellm and 11 ton are ull Item at Interest to rudgn thI put Your help In mpplylnl mll lllell wlll be recurwrec hled Plule phone Thu BunII Enmlner 1mm Ind uh orEllen Dixon ur Anmy pcwlnn IHhI Women Den pnflmeï¬L Lufllnrnh HIVIla um Areception was held on Saturday eveningtollow in the performancecof the Don Cossack Chorus and Dancerg presented by the Kinsmen Club of Barrie at um Centralpoleglate Auditorium PEQRLE ANDY PLACES Kixiétteï¬Ã©st For Don cossack TChorusr each cnachcscar ried coughs mm flame lo Mr and Mrs Dan Halney at Shady Bay Road enLchainbd dinner party last cvtnlng 1n hum of Mr and Mn George Jacmumaén Mn and Mrs JaL quamaln will me up residence Des Memes luwa where Mr Jacquemnln has bccn transm rcd wL1 MasseyFerguson TQUR CITY ALI Cpl Bl Fraser Camp Pel awnwn was In the clly at the weekend when he visiud his mum and sisterMaw Mr and Mrs nick Fraser at Mar cus Whimsy pagflcipagcd in curling bonsplel held at Camp Brdcn on Friday and alurday DINNER PARTY Lgflzergé ynlverilly warsrln city with i1 pargï¬u an gin George Mem Shannon CHEM JSPIEL to rudgn of 1111 put Your help In mpplyinl mll IIGII wlfl be recurppm hled Plule phone Thu BunII Enmlner 1mm Ind uh orEllen Dixon ur Andxey Cwlnnv IHhI Women Den pnflmenL No1 Intended to raver lhalentnl mlnl Ila ul an my mum wedgflnn nlmnrlu brldnl Illa brute meu coming ol In yam lnvellm and vi flaxr no pl gm Interest LINGERIE consemv Hosnan SPORTSWEAR ACCESSORIES HAMILTON CHA nurury immunizaij II 10 rent colorylidet to parenL to halo them explun the not at lllo la melt ehlidren 41h Hmdllon Ind Mamet Coundl Cooperauvc Pm School wn told ll lyrlnl commerce Friday but the slides would help lake pmnu across fldlgflcult hurdle Rev Ted Leighileld of Pam 00L laid ll parent didnt want to IhDW my particular slide they could remove It without break the continuity of slgry TR one bl in him ages In uslnl slide rather than mgylng sald 1mm Snlmgday mqu or tour ha new City Hall The vultnrrwere member Central United Church Couples Club and meta Poflmï¬w the tour mung wal enloyed on the rink ml ollha Clly Hall Enrwlehome 1101 wu nude at Mr Donut lnr coffee and the specialty Lhnp Facts Of Life Via Visual Aid Mi gammyde In gum lam lvnnlllhm II Iml pmIrv WALKERS lmvu 11 Pm Louble but will main lllfll nripnl hip mil ï¬l like he an yrlu hoursIll llmn nun nflu munllm nurlllnr Wllllv lnpl Wont wrinkle puck New need lmn inl Dinrnvrr llm womlm olllull mnmlonl new lu llnl hep lll hulMAnw allpa lung Donn Youll love wlul llnnd Nth lrmu mm Im lmnlxlu wlll do nr you Avljmulnlu Ilmrll Amp mum While II cum 3MB Hmu Illa li extill new Ibhul bm alnco Ilnlrh unpfl an ynu an ny goodbye In Inn llm lm lhdr dupe Ind dont do Ihing far you Illrrjull few wnhlny Hunt New Brand NeW Permanent Press BRAS Unpnddcd lnddcd by Lovable 250 It is no more nl shock to cflld knw that she cam 1mm her molher body than Is Im her In mInk WEI 1173 ME ozitl with he Hamilton Chil drens Aid society and mother iv children nld plum mould be how with dwelt chil dren when discussing sqx Plan wen completed or the annual Father and Son Banquet to beheldonerch 12 It 650 pm1ltha Orange Hull Ailm dmSpeclll nut 12 I11 ban qLuel will Ngvy yeleryntrm will vol Sunnbe Hos mm Guest weaker will bu Mr Christ Toronto The menu will be held It the home Mn Dalll Enter at £7 Huny SM The executivn wan instled the auxiliary regular meednl held nub home Mn Lelthlon Vlclmll On her executive Mrs Plumql vicepresident Mu Imam Mn Herbeu flo hem publicity Mn cum1s mepimne ponvwer Mn 15 Elllul lick camlama Mrs Joseph Madlgan Bar 15 head the execuuvc lbs Womens Auxlllnry the Bar VrIe Nnvy Lam and Sea Cnd cu rue aAnmz mm onnumncu ma Mrs Madigan Heads Ofï¬cérs