gt HARIIIAN LEIGH oi Hawko stone is the only maple syrup produczc in the am who has installed modern pipe lines at his anger But lllr Leigh admits he still litres to retain BARBIE tiara WEATHER Predict Milder Weather In Barrie Area Tuesday Spring arrived over the me ry under variable skies Rain expected today with warm it tnmd to move in Low recorded at The Exam last night was 34 degrees temperature at 830 mm as 36 degrees Synopsis Light southerly inds are expected to bring llder temperatures to most at tario today and Tuesday rah disturbance may cause rain showers over south ay and tonight ix Georgian Bay lialiburten illaloe North Bay Sudtnrry ioudy with sunny periods ght winds and little milder and Tuesday Niagara Lake 0n Toronto ilamilton oudy witir tow sunny peri and little warmer today nd Tuesday Chance oi tow xr tattered showers late today or om who we cam rcInII mor rnnis committee tonight in other attempt to resolve the blern oi rioro closing hours At Int weetra nnaidl rect Ati lintreris and his hate cnmmlltm recommend sixday wecir based on tarrrvry at home mrr rants liowcvcr the proposal et with hostile reception Irnm me other council members Aid limwy wire In unril called it dooothing cranmcndrrllnn laid tiniur his main concern was rrni rrrrity and the rccamnrrvrdniimr ado Would not achieve this crhlps did not stress that rnunclt but than are my clings Aid tiertry sold The rrport calls tor rtxday ctr tor all More now rcgirln try closing Iunir Irylawr The would stay open trrrtii each day Mth Friday on they would remain open erlra tirm lintrra Aid Ilrrwy rlrnrgnl llrat llm mrrrrrcrslatimr WM trawl Ilia rpnlrlll oi the survey The rrny shuwrvl that in per unit the Irrcrrhanis who trsimmlrrl nied rr Ill dayweeiu pot nt wantni tlredar errit per not wanted to stay ppm mi onrtrxs dry out iorrr cent men day tl llro tinarwr committee II going in whirls by the run ya results the rlrcrrims orrlrint been sent in the It plnrp Aid llemy said hundred Mill It nwrrtrnnts the tpmlinnnwlsl cirrule it try lire rliy thrr tinsan rnrnnrittu acid is Format Temps Lew tonight high Tuesday Windsor St Thomas tendon Kitchener liiorrnt Form Wingnam Hamilton St Catharine Toronto nasaasaaas sazflssntcres Catholic teachers and pmnts at Camp tlordcn will he addres sed by two catodretlcnl experts irom Tomato today Their pur pose will he to dcmonstrato the new system at catechism in school and supplemented at home To speakers are liov Father the veteran nltlermnrthinrilrrrlegl thhi merchants should trite earerl themselves hiemhm oi council are tlrn only ones who Irreirraporition to diode change which would bring uni iormily to all merchants Coun cil must show leadership he said lid said that rririis he tell to nights rnceling would be an Ila set it is up to council to moire the tlfrisllist not the merchants Aid lieraey said the logical step would he to close all stores on Harley tend tor the llrrrn being After prultdy srx months or one year authorita Lion wmrid be given Ior air drry weclt hut Inc the time be hot people would not used to Monday rioslnrr ha lie Mitt wry hrstrreaumr trad ammunier him warding lnrt wreits rrcorrrmendatlon They are pretty hot under the cellar and you rsnt blame them iv salrL tin mlrm sirday opening on the trusts ot the survey would to cnrrnrlrte rilrrrgard oi democracy he said llrrring tut Mondays healed dirrrrurlrrn ruunrll members said they amid nitrite truth went with Monday ringing tor any limit provident that 75 per cent at the mmhanls invoi wt in tiral grow amid The whoiw Idea in all mil We will never adders nnltnnn ttr that way Aid Hersey raid Aid ltubrrte declined to ram rrrvrrt on the mailer tintrrrdny Anything have In any will in said In the council chambers The tinsm mmrtttu Is wil iing to streak in anywt who trite to tie heard at the but lat lrs said the old bucket method at col lection in some cases Above he uses power drill to here Where sap will flow Kingston Trenton Krllaloo liluskoka North llay Sudhury Eariton Sauil Ste htarle Kapuslraslng White River llioesonco Tinurrlns 50 saagmsmzsasfla New Catechism System Will Be Outlined lit Camp Borden ll Arbour iormer secretary to lILr Eminence The Cardinal Archbishop at Toronto and recent graduate oi the Crrleche tlcnl Institute and lilies Illnry Weber liiiss Weber Is It gradu ato oi lemon Vitae lielgium who recently returned from the Mission Lrtodtctiml ï¬elds at South Airrea The two Tronlo guests will hold two sessions hottr including personnel and depcndants irom the Arnry rind Air Force Aiier noon instruction will commence at pm nrrt tenninrrte at 530 pm in the Joseph linrblo School The evening session tor all Catholic partair will be held in tire iiuoli Building rrt ocioclr rntnrrltrhour and litter Weber wit assist both teachers rrnd parents in undnrstandlng the now erratum and methods at reaching children oi all ayes V613 the knowledge and love nt Man Injured In Accident 0n Highway 27 IIrtwerd ttay ltnorirdrl at Itrytield litrect rurtrrlued scraper and bruises atlrr his car rnlicd over on Highway Ti Sunday at mo mm Ontario lrnvtnrlal lrrlico Carr atnhln lirlsn Iiolrlnwn estimated the damage at are Mr Ilow right was trim in ilayat Vie4 trrirr lkrrritnl tor nlnenotion ismetrt le Nislsrrnndtar all Ily inllrr invertlgntrd iuocsr collision on liMurrlny pt til1 in on Maple Avenue at Wootwnri parting lrrt tiorrr are is Irritated At $30 Nu ItrA Juries were reported tittruer try norm Al rln Dunn in nI lot Tetller tit Ins putting out oi the hulking Mr anisle rrtricie driven Ir Mihtrrd IktW Illt titruud which was parked on the curlr Iratllll up and airrtcir the aide II the them rsr murmur WANT Aid IIIOttll mm nonergm spew both redrrc mrrpe syrup Eugen bush camp in stke stone at tire past 35 years is MapleSyrup Industry May Be In For Boom It GARY SEIDLEK Examiner Stall Writer Maple syrup producers tn Slm coe County believe they are in the dawn at new era in maple syrup production in Ontario The Ontario Government with the assistance at the Ontario de partments ol Agriculture and bands and Forests hm tor the six months taken detlnito ï¬lm to stimulate the maple syrup industry of the province Tire industry has been on the decline with production dropping irom 459000 gallons in 1952 to lli70tiogalions In 1965 Ofï¬cials are convinced this stud could be reversal as there Is wildli eruble potential or commercial exparulon There Is an excellent demand tor high quality maple syrup and mapleproducts irom Ontario both at home and abroad Among the more enthusiastic local producers is itnn Straw oi llawkeslonc who last month was named chairman oi the newly tanned area producers committee The Shaw iarnily has produced maple syrup in the same sugarbush tor the past 55 ypnrs Research in 1951 showed that many iarmera made prolii able businessvirnm maple synrp but had stopped due to lucretw ing mats mmially or labor MUST III GRADED Maple syrup will have to be graded and rot prim per gal lon established beiore the indur try experiences an increase in production according to Mr Shaw This he raid can only he established when the newly termed association receives ap proval irom the government We will soon be ready to send delegation in the government asking tor annction oi the as sociation he sold lie raid good or had season shouldnt eiiect prices as they have tor the past years When poor year Is recorded the inï¬rm vi maple Iynnr siry rocir eis Imllly the pomlim product Is sold tor seven dollars per gal an an the avenue tor top grade Canada Fancy syrup The malnprobcm is with labor said Mr Straw Vrry irw young fellows new stay on lnrm because thcy see no po tential lentilmen Inrmm know rrolhlrru oi mnpo syrup produc tion he said NIIIZI AKIINTANCH lmnl producers he said nerd srslrrtance irom the Ontario gtrrcmrnrirt they mar tell us which are the but trees and give lll Inlormtrtlon or to wtrrrt the cnmrrnwr wants ilrelr help will eliminate crntly rrrltlniics we have rnnrie he said Air Show tlttrirrtifl the govern nrent In true out Why should they irpr tire tarner who wont help iircrrrwlrrrl This is why the annotation must he lnrnwri We will than no long cr have to titpend nn trsrir door rates he laid Maple syrup mnlrlrrrt tired to re more mrtirrwrtarl than ilro Iitnlrlo Now the sugar lrrrrtr pays IIIItIRIly when roller methods at proirrrlng are rrml tirc oi rrrrntern equipment rorlr lIrirrng in mth sup warrior to more it oil or an In imll It inrprnrrrl crematan in use net strut Firtlilt power ter auto nrntion no way to obtain high er yields tinnitntirm tr titled last as rrrmtr in handling up as in handling milit tiaranitsry rnilir may lead to tnrarrrn time irrs unsanitary up will threaten the from at the mun producer try rawwins yield and grade The rural rnulent In up var in cm or ring as taught his son Bob the trade in the same wary hlsfeflrq In irom as little as one per cent to as much as to per cent but usually the range is between two and tour per cent Open grown trees with large spread ing crowns such as those grow ing on tire roadside generally give richer sap than those to crowded forest conditions Present production at maple syngr in Omario provides for less than live cram per person per year With the rapid in crease in population throughout the province it would seem that the market could be greatly ex panded Small attractive containers direct sales irom producers to consumers especially tourists raretul grading and labeling advertising and community so tivilier are lust tow iaetors which could iurther sales in the opinion of lllr Straw liiodern proactices in maple syrup productionis plastic pipe lines tor collecting and transpor tiag sap The method is laborswing nod more sanitary method than the use oi buckets Although the outlay Is high savings In labor compensate the additional cost Only one oi the approximately 30 maple syrup producers in the OroOrillla dirtrict are using this method llir Shaw said he in stallcd plastic pipe lines last year lint Mittincis ate their way through the lines he said At that time we didnt lrnow oi the existing measures one rouhl taira to avoid this he Drilled ir Show bellows that overt LOCIII IIND GENERAL CANADIAN CIIUII EIIZAKEIK iuy Dnuircsne tie in lrevai crie Belgian arrimsmdor to Canola will he guest speaker at the Canadian Cit mttiinl liinrdr 21 at no pm in Lit rm HRH Ill IWiWV tin oi Tm is the son oi tirncrnl tire linron Darrircsne de La tirevnlcrte tonocr earrmand crdndrid oi the Iidglum lines LADIER NIGHT Ille Kiwanis llrit nl liarris will hold Ila lindtes Night to night at impunity llama Fd ionrhirrp hour begins at put with dinner at an inert seen or will he ltev lieu AIINN St Androws Presbyter lrn tinrrdr AGRICULTURAL MKIITIY ihr Input oi dirrmrrrt iii the Barrie Agrtmttrar tioeuty writ twrlrl muting It the Intuition rrlilrv nn bitter ii at pm tlnrrnrlny OCCUPATIONAL IIZNTIIE ilrc iirst trainers are to more into lhrtrrrioa tins occupational more tor training rrrerrinily reA PUBLIC NOTICE The float date or purchasing nil trrtrrrlclpal lie etrcrs it March iii 1000 date all MM or firm in violation of the fly law may Ito charged taught him Above Mr Shaw Sr executes ï¬nalgathering oi syrup which has passed through the evaporator tuaiiy all large producers will Install pipe lines Its the only answer he said The maple syrup some uniiy begins in the second weelt in iiianh and eemimrcs tonnes month in his best year Mr Shaw collected 400 gallons oi maple syrup The average eel lcaion totals 200 gallons Quana titles depend on weather condi lions As long as its homing at night daytime temperatures dont have any bearing he said Iiiost producers still using the old method iirst tap trees with power drill new hole be tween one and haiifland two indies is tuned orcry year Buckets are hung ion the tree The pressure irom the insertion brings the sup running One gal lon oi sup Is collected in at proximately six hours depending on the sweetness of rap From the bucket the rap is poured into tritered tnnit it it then horse or tractoratrown to gre vity tank where again it passes through litter It then runs through an evaporator and boil ed ending In polished litter ready or canning The lmvale and District Lions Club will hold Maple Syrup Festival Saturday April it at the Etmvals Community Iintl The event whleir will we the crowning oi the Miss Maple Is cosponsored by the Elmvnie Chamber at Commerce tour lo cal church groups maple syrup producers anti the departments at lands and threats and agri culture Iardcd nduitn in early April The erntrc will use tho hulldrngn nrrd tndlrtim oi the former ltCAF radar stidim Edgar about Iti miles south ot Oriliia Aiilfllliflv CLUB For the third mrmdire year the unto Armory Club Saturday went dqmmtrm tiotr at the errrtmxvrs 9m in Toronto The rdrow Itrdratoi an irrtemmtinte shoot at merlng bottom an ds hallmrrtrrroirlmt mmtitim lxewccn adult lad ies and men bTAMI CLUB Harris and District stamp Gut mli hold iln arunrai obui sit iirlrliim Arrrrl id at Central Un Itrd lruntr The mrirlic is In tllNi to new club nrmrbcrs mlmtlom Mtridr will ire div played tretwmr 1M and ptrr MIN MEETINII tlio tinrm Ya Mm til ltirltl it tiltile lllttlllFX trailile lit the InlkOViflW Dairy III dill tirwnt strainer will he titanium lrIrr liciuwtt ltoynl ilirrnrlinn AIutarl VI Irrlltt it not prrrriraml by this It hIIttlltlllllN City Cier it THEtliAthlE EXAMINER Iriorrun wan can Amstrong oi expert is in Sturnyhreoir Hospital tit Toronto with undctcmrined more lollowing ha accident in lowmbipaturdsy night Amtroag sergeantin the Canadian Army lost control oi his on curve near the in tersecflon of Highway 27 and the Iunieiil Essa Town Line No other vehicle was initolvéd but police said itreA ear wasdemallrthed when it tell the mad and took out two guard rails Inntsiii Potion drier William Brown said today he Ie concern ed at the number of accidents near that Intersection He said there have be titres accidents involvhrg seriairaniruyia re cent months in each case ac cording to Chiei Brown only one car has beeninvolved Armstrong weshnvelitng earth on the Town Line when his car leit the road Saturday soul mo pm BarrieVCity Police were called Saturday mornm alter car driven by IvanrArrgus Cameron 17 at till Shanty Bey skidded on its root across term on firmly Bay Road and strru rec ltltClI rate recent sends 1vianTojHospiro1Â¥ Police estimated damage to the car at $300 but Cameron was uninjured it has been charged with carelessdriving Cameron was eatbpund on Shanty Bay Road nearaths liar rie city limits when thEaccidcnt occurred shortly before 550 mm Saturday puprrcuéfandgef Glub Champions Mr arid Mrs Charilclarsohs are this years winners oi the Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club mixed pairs championship Mr and Mrs Parions placed second in each at the two to table sessionsvhelditiedaesdey and Friday of last week at par rie vrrawon Runnerwp were Mrs Glasï¬md and Min Moldavia with Mr and MrsFrnnir Her sey In third spot and Mr and Mrs BiliJancs tourth Tied tor filth position were Ernie Irvine and Mrs John Woodstock and Mrs Aikim erratum Gflhim Play resumes at the bridge club Wednesday night clock It tire Dycks Food Market ISO Collier St 7185339 Barrio Ont THE STORE WITH THE CUSTOMER PROFIT SHARING COUPONS TELEPHONE 72533l3 AND ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR COMPLETE FOOD PLAN BEEFFRONT QUARTERS lb 34 BEEF HIND QUARTERS Ib 54c BEEF srorsmm lb 44 Special Otter With Each rter Oi Heel You Can Buy AI SAYS BEAT HE TAX LOOK Ar rrrrs SPECIAL BIRCH DOORS so $865 AllANDAlE lUMBER rley at 29c lb 49 assa ROAD mites at our drivein 103 Bayfield St and $88 Denied IN BY l0 OUT BY ItiIIT tliilliii 88 Dunlap St tail amblltr to psyi tlmrr psymrutscratrnlsl itrsvy umnrutclesrt up with urhtmm lsii You pick it FICHlIl hat lllOO leti up and mi 103 Bayliold St Beneficial fINiNCE CO OF CANADA DAMIE II II old It OtlttllAM issue it mm Mott mm aroma OIN IVINIIIOI IV MOMIMINIMDMI not