Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1966, p. 10

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er THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY mural 101966 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 IInIIIetI Idveriiumuu Ind nrtL an Ice tires will mun in II ulveo by pan preceding minimum with em lien or 0111511ch Dllpily Idm Iempntl which mint 1n by 1700 noon pnstdinl on zi waim MINIM cuissirizo ADVERHSINGClia Discount iIIteI Iiwiy It 010 wtlb In In to per word per mm ruau or one or two rum live inIIriinnI 32 per lineman an El li°nf rim mi Elation elm Int pIII within yea anewlion when IIliiintnigy limit uthilied uLiNo Lmn pox REIL1E Inlormlllon minim IdmtiIerI nun Blind letter Bax Numqu or npll held Itxieliy coalid entiIi pIIII In Letteritem will 0111 11 int Oflbllfltlflfl naveruuu unnr ox Number will on eamen 00 um Irchni unricza cAan nan criqu Menu be per word min Imum rIIIm tins Elrth Ina Dnth Notice 7115 lnl up to um over as word be In uln warflt In Memortlm Natcri tins 11 vem land 77 Ilue extra ANNOUNCEMENTS PRIESTMAN REFRlGERAITON wish to announce their change ol Iddresr 46 Maple Ave TO SHIRLEY AVE TELEPHONE 7200195 RTHS GOOD NEWS STORY When you Innounce IhI blrth or your child In This 0min Exlmlll ell plan or the pollen In In IbII for any Book rIinin rm Ramon Ind tn pull your lflenfllllld legit in than Iwa mm In In lmzollric Inuit liter birth Clil Tm Earri Inntrier 7202010 ENGAGEMENTS nooGEIinnnIsoN Mr It stInIey than Im II Ii III Ire happy to Innounee enxuement at uni dIughler Pa lrlein GIII to Mr merd my Harrison Ion at Mr Ind Mn rnnk when of IIIrnIlIon his wedding will tIkI place April not It st IiIIrkI Anilicui church Toronlo DEATHS warmestfiat IwyIi IIII Quecmwty imp rmna mi Wednudai Mum 15 Im beloved In in me Roy Andlmn uInmer II in im John Smith Ind new Miller or immune loving Intel or llcnhl Mr Tam rmnh Gcnrude Mrs Richard xnchl Toronto kt run llrycsl or Ian punch In Mn Weill or innra George iic iiuiInI It Skinner Ind Middle mox hinml Plrior izI ulunou Road IIII Port Crrdtlunt1 rim IervirI It pm IiIrcn II RAKE inim Luile5udd€nlh It Rlflir nn rdnrsdly IiIren Is me John IIIIII liner helmrd humnil or mini Hum 17 Thoma Ian at Barrie lwlnI Inner or loan tin Iii Ilenniel oi Toronto our brother or Gordon 01 on ville Ind ery tIrI lI Mulder oi Granl IinIdI Michigan Imlnl Erlrldlllhrr It Robbie Ind loInnI liennle Rrxllnl It the rethirlr Funeral llomr 121 RIylield it IIIrrIe Scrvlre in tin nuan an Situme II 010 In Imminent Irl lilwn Crmetrry Toronto iiLriitmas chIIIeI ilIniy Illluy ii IioyII Vlrlrirll iiaIIIIII um mini Allytil I7 Im IlIrry IIaneu at limit siren iIIIrII Maxed nniiumi Klutlflil or rbIrd deIr lIlhrr or Glry n7 Tor onto In it 7III yeIr iIrIIInI It tin enneit rumi Home iiInI rumIII WIN Sunday It 23a lriilimrnt Alinrllnl Ctmriny quIIn Milton Imch IIIIuI Iiinnr IIirIII rIII Iwa Innideniy Ii iiir lininI niomirm iinlIeivi on nrnluIIy Mum l7 Im liuIII nmnIuIn In IIPI 77m Iiovrd InlIa til Emit blilrv Iirr All Ill Mr iiInIit IIImI Iltllln It the light humi iiomr thlowii lur Ientee on linmIIv IiIreII II Ii 10 pm intrrrricrii slim Lina lennlery lunitil MEMORTAMS RUlllln out um am not nminrr hilloll tilt iium IIIII wII Liilni ll ii lirwi All on until In An on nnr mi Hill VIP Irrii In niriiiilrj Am VIII Hill Illuhril In IIIIII it lmilI lultt man mullwr Viola vli To Your Loved Ones iiIII till lipiiiiitnlltr tt trr llny In iiiiiui on IIIer In In Mriiiiilziiii Al trilnilo to your IIIM mm II II Itlllliilll EIIIIIIII nl IMF and ikiolinn to Hit niriiwly nl ii Ilmilvr Ialiwr nlie IIIItmIIII lIaIIZIIIrr Inn or luyowl lilo IlIililIlIIilIl tniiiily rmlr laillillil IIINVI or kill In IItt IIIIFYtI lunar ll imirring iirllIiii Nlliin to im iIIl IIIII III HIIII on 017m ivitalr nwnwiimn mliilt lnr twin Innr tiw itaiiilrvt lriwlm II lII Iiir Ilanifl irm midiIi rm iril llitliIiiI llirltrl AlitIlIi In riwilv Iiul mir iiwu anm III IIIII time IIIIIMI 724M It Will Ill IIIIII AIIillI LA you my Wtrl brick ERROR 03007171111211017 All phoii trunnion orderI I0 pied ronvtollnu in venlur mm the AdVIrIImIK Dnlrtmeill Mill Ill Idnrtiuu to kindly ruined their Idvurtlflmuit lmmcdilttly Ilter first lmtrflon In ordlr that In armrl nr ominlom my be PM ported beta mil or In lowing Tb Ii luminerlx rupmi only on incurreetly printed linen tloii or my Idnrtlflment no then only to lira uteri oi portion II II thlt Involves tnImliprlni Erran which do not iemn thI vIIuI or too IrmiIIemenr It eilnbl tor cormum by The Elf minim servos tile rim to many ml or IIIcl Iny wInl Ia ANNOUNCEMENTS MEMORIAMS CIIAIInimln loving memory or don Ion Ind brother Doug lls Ctllinbers who mixed away March 20 1965 Dnr son brother you In not romotlen tough on earth you no him still in memory you In with IrIlLinlmdIiy rIw 1n lovIM mtmory our mother Ind grandmother who pasted Imy MIMI II 1964 memory IIdeI Ind IirI oepnrti You live torever in our hurts élavlrltl remembered by her family THOMPSONIn Invlnl memory II my me Ion Howard Thomp son who amdentliiy Iuiea limi no me It 13x cunp aor dkn It lournry towardl um lull Krt Mourning him who mi boron In hi nyinl youll be with When you read IIie oliiee more 5Iilly missed by mother and Milly film1n loving minnow my deIr mtl sound Trolt Io cldmttlly killed Mmh 70 laud ThereI 1017 Ion wind Thnt never Marie me road otlen trovol when loved out Wish lee nu ma is cIlied meet memory 50 old ever new And M0 in RCV wand tut to dim willie will you 44mm numbered litter Jessie CARDS 0F THANKS RnflNBLLi would llh to me this opportunity to thank evennm who helped uI lo generalily when our home was destrflytd by fire cimm brllneil Ind IIrnIIy wooIi 1er yea Ind runin wish to convoy their Ilnem iIInII Ina lilpmllllnli to III in have been so kLiid during their recent waverrent in the in or dIIe huIinId Ind mine till union to IIIiI Ind unm It IloyII Iinsniiai 71mm COMING EVENTS $500 BINGO $500 Sponsored by Angus and district LIONS CLUB liloiuiay at pm ANGUS DISTRICT LIONS IIALL 1ligliwny 00 JACKPOT $500 IACKIOT Admission It cxtra cords Mac 20 Grimes share the Wealth ilAiiRl HORTICULTURAII SOCIETY TOUR Wednesday March so Leaving II nni SOUND Oi MUSIC Eulinlon Tliontrc also mon tlonscs nt 111in Park Japanese allturni Centre and Garden Guild Toronto TOTAL COST $173 For dcinlis nntl to resent phone Mrs Archer 72114211 or 11er ii Cooper 773 lIIAVOOii AND Nlil ilI GAUIJW til llAXTIJII will be holding OPEN HOUSE IN RAXTIIR ORANGE IIALL MARCH 20 FROM Id DING ANNIVHILIAIIV iiirrimo udimiiw Iilriuc no gillnt FLORAL TEA AND BAKE SALE lilcsday March 22 II pin In It IIIII SAIVAHi ARMY In Win It ilnrrir Aillllrtl tit llnino Millie motile vchoriI tho JeniKit Fulltrll CTIEILESIAIE KELLOUGH DEWSNAP llintl it imiinu I1 TIIFIN Art 770 MM Emory Miller IIIIYIU MIG HEALTH III COLLIER 51 7201001 Human lAH Mal IiAriuiIii iilri prINiinLtT lllt rimil lllllltllIN simtrn imiiinr lwrluftll mlnsiill iiiulv mum munv ulurii mom 1min Iiiiiiimiit rimulna IIIII ivim Impn yllI Mom In from mumI mm iuiiv IMueu Morin rlhm pint uni III iIIi Iii IIII Iii mi in mi Iii Illl mun hind Nvhw hid hump will lull uniy rm Irma AI IcI ilnl in mm mm lllmun with ll rvrtmtvd vim Imiila lIr IM Illlr II omel tint Wm Callus to day home it IREAL ESTATE pittapestry Tron SALE 79 BAYFIELD STREET Woidd you like matim room WE Minors nika units isrum intro 32 HIGH STREET time games lull baseman $2000 See Ruse homes nowi WE HAVE FARMSJIwn 50 the m1 arile Read run Don Campbell 7261703 Smith Campbell 728 339 9a pIylieiri Street Mortgage Funds Available HOW WOULD YOU business you how it can be done Books available you MARGARET MOORE GLORIA Kossnrz WILMA IIle III2m 72mm mull Photo MLS Realtor 119 DUNLOP ST 1y pcplilatrd arta Call Mrs Brown for details 0ch Brown iii7155 INDTIII ilIilteI JIcl Willaori no Longun oNoim sheuwel At the Five Points EASY TO RENT $9900 and 37600 Those Inn MacArthur 7260037 Rogers 7fl3502 Foster 77352 Real Estate insurance Mortgages 4i COLLIER STREET in COUTTS AND CO OWEN SI 717701 MORNAOE MONEY AVAILABLE iholo 1115 llcnllor DOWN PAYMENT rm WITlI WINTER WORKS IIONUS 01 $500 lhm IitxlscI nre located In in nislil 200 yards bumill iinrrloI rily liililLi with Iirnulitiii vlrw til the lake iiiul oily Iili price 1100 mm lulu im IM Iirldcr mintrudim ulildi iiich mi riiulro nl lnirrinr rolnri rlr ttr Gould lie ready for nlpamy In Ir than 30 um For Iiirthrr lnInriiinIlori rail itinlm lititlx lvilliIIIIOOAI RUNGAIOW Wcll located brick IMIlllIlIIlW wllii Eldiflpil living lliII dining nrcn IJTOIIIIIOtliI in living AM lining MM INI hall litlIIIAIll vliIiiIiru liiix llullywlnl liItIIIrii with IntItIlIMI anon tplrcc linlii ciraiiilc tllo nrul vnnily Iliito VII in WtIIIHiIt llIlltCIltVI gnrnrr rtwi In Itluiltlfl nnvl Jilmvinlj ini largo urii liml Jill Inuin birth VILLAGE Oi SIIANTI RAY Mum Fully iiliilrrtirtl niitm utih lint untrr tirntlmt lingo livtng mom IxnIiIlIliiiy yamIIva lam Mlinr llmlinrr 71ml imiia ltlrtirn Iltlll utility nun lrllrrr tpilli Ilmnlniun Ilmllil ml worm Innis Int mil trout rImitduny broth Itmui pawnpt mm MONEY AVAIIAIIIJ In Iriuling Iiiutiliitivnii Irlthi mul pnnini ml pillinn inonIrI n1 IIIQ VIII Iirvi IIIVIINI In Iii rnu wr iimrtitnzo lillltltllil Milli III III tVllllIIlnI Mid iIltii mil NinthI titlil II IMIIII IAIIINIIII 11 nt Irllln Illl luvs pm til er Iliuitl as 1m iltllltlirr pt glut wnqmtlro rIIrnII who pie law this Illyptllilir your pnqwly hwan IIUIIIIIW till mmmlm IAIIIY itiIrII Nii IIMJVII ii ltllm77l19li TRY EXAMINER WANT All 11an 718 Itlt FRANK EVENINGS CALL wit 11 um HIKE livingdlnlng mp lritdieu Ipiaoe bath with or witlm attached gas boating Down payment loss than Ir mumnt landing Illfitlmfltt NELLESv Photo MLS Realtor mun WATERFRONT Wi speaotuiar view you may the maria of lovely randestyie bimgaiow with attirie fireplace Contains spacious attodiodgarage paved drlvr liriformatiun or impaction phone or stop by our oil or beaiititiii Kcmpentolt Bay extra large For aro further Ems COHAN 1151079 him mm CAMPBELL PHOTO MLS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE mom RES 7237389 NHA ileum ybiillt mu tom with 50 mortgages bedrooms Thesehtmullatlo 0mm for oiliypes ot harming mm iiugir Flowman mom Doug Campbell 7mm Bud Watson HAROLD FORSTER CO THUR MLS REALTORS 7266453 Free Customer Parking LRCEIoworltsixmontlu andspendthenciit six months in Fioridat Now is thetirne to buy this lucrative ee shop dining room service station 1A us show Vondor will hold first mange at Elaine lnmon will be glad to discuss this with pvmmcs CALL CURLY KLOOSTERMAN mm MILDRED iioono main 0R0 71114 moat IIIENI mum ELAINE INESON SHELSWELL and WILLSON Complete Mortgage Service 7251422 or 7mm OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL VARIETY STORE WOAIION Ideal corner location in draw zoned commercial living accommodation Ilp sLiirs and the Whole dowilduirs area can be used for business Terms can bc armngcd For particulars call ioe Longtiii 1766 ATTENTION INVMRSI Olapperton St liriJorn tinck home Ideal tor rooming house or mics7 building Zoned 66 zvmma CALL commercial 71M 11M um 7163701 ilIrg TIrInnh ed Atkinson Irell sheIIweli ROGERS CONNELL Photo MLS Realtors DUNIDP STREET EAST Phone 7206730 SMALL numnww GOOD INVESTMENT N0 VOIUIUS prices rcprcscnt two bungalows one in the west old at loitii and the other In the east and Roth In omellcnt condition and Mould brirg you rental income 01 ml to than $30 per month The tenant pays tor his own hlut hydro and other militia it you are intermud in this type at ml estate lnvcshncnt call ll right away tor lull partiutars EVENiNGS CALL Ech Eplrtt 7280793 Conncli 7739765 Mrs Norine Rogers 72373502 Henry Eirick Michie Complete Appraisal Service 72055113 CARSON 111010 MES REALTOR 58 WORSLEY ST TEI EPIIONE 7160i BUSINESS 01 YOUR OWNI Modern amount and mvlm nation on Highway Excrllcnt yrnr round monuo Wlll IInnd most thorough Inmtigatlon 1lcaso cull Norm Syrinolt XJNVENllINTLY IDCATED Large mndcrnt mil aloof Irnrlti nrczex lien limit payment IIHM rIll iIlll llniniiton tum iNlllAI iNVlLSTMICNT nnti linlnnrv irII than rrnt tilin thin Mimi II bedroom bunga low Cnll liili lilimiliuil IZXIICUIIVHS limit 0500 lilin tiili lirliullliil titII wmIructni room iningnlow largo int gangr priml drive way litIIIIMIIIIII lnltlai lnmt tiiriil NNIML Inli IliIrIII llrpuwlh IIIILSTIIIIZ IIOIIH IIIIiiI your imml outage Illn rim lvtnr mom Irnturtn imlmvitiil spilt Ilimii Iminvln Ilmi nimnlnnm Iinrin ulmiown large double gnrlrr ion wcll InMiraxml to tun Ill Tinllu iiopvmrth ltwningi tIli mm Innrill uny mm tIIII IlImlllnn Mu Lmnu iii MIMI limit in Int iiinii Mill ws RAWN llcai itIIIII Riniier at Newton 77 lipidtiling In IlillIi iinpritlu IUNNIIIMJI Illtil mil Milli oi Sillmilnk llir mlr IIlIillii limit Iiiiili time with large lliliiz iunni lmtlrin tiltitien iide lure hath AllinInt on arm IImI ini rlarlnr piml root Full pitre M01 wltii Irmm ltrll uiwe the ACTION lI IImtilinl7Mltlt TRISTIAN FREDERIC SCHUMACIIER EEqu Ifiétiiifiémi Moron It on DANISH mu AIIIEAGEDFIB IntnhhlnufiA REAL ESTATE mm Photo 11115 Realtor OSE 15 OWEN 511 MM RESALE bedroom brick bungalow less than one year old spotlesst clean and Ael condition Owner Iriinslerrod Ollcrod or sale tor the first time GLENWOOD DRIVE With only about 51200 down this modern bedroom brick split level can be your neinome or Easter At 51W curries or 03090 interest principal month ly Cali Russ Smith SPLIT LEVEL bedroom brick ride split level home 65 mortgage carries or 09130 interlst and principal monthly Pay 3184640 down and move into pleasant living Call 11111 Mucknesa Eixnlngs IJIii blacknessRu 7200720 Russ Smithmm EARL HAMMEL REALTOR DEMON TELEPHONE 72025 mooo 100 our good clay loam room brick bousr barn to 00 implement Ilicd 32100 100 acres good barn brick house bathroom and fur iiace mill house 323000 acres market pardon acm ramberrirs acre Itrawbrrrirs balance good gar dcn land Irrigation lynllm tiede brick bungalow in summer rcsort area Call ALBERT GILROY COOKS TOWN 450M011 PETER and WILES LTD ll ACIiiZS lIlDIt building Ille with Icru mixed crest on paitvl mad close to limit mm Don WallicomMlo P12142111 SNELGROVE lilrm ibiunto lIcII Estate ilil Convict Real Failnlr Scrvlm llrp by RR Illmy ISAnil NOEL ANDRADE SR CORBT REAL ESTATE limiter Ihnlw 73121111 01 Duan lit 11 In mi 7M millm midi In low mnnltily uiii your pIIItnI lit Ind 7M mort lull MAMer mum MAIIIIWMTI no iiium iiiinmm iiiiwni mom LAIIMM Krill AIIIIion Iiullt CALL IilIUCl McLEAN Coolilwn tilItal ELAIVAL Imiimmi uniy bouie treat Ill Indoor plunilillili ism lot with Ilium Fiill WIN out mm Tmnl Trirpimw lvrlurrn mi 11 pin Mill 7700 GARVEY ltrai limit IIriikrr Qii IWIIN Sr in lint EVENING 7247011 Willow Arbnlbfidn Is Invasions or Ema yarn yrrmrr not marry av 77 NatDAV IW Wow Vslrsasy mm 0F FILERM9 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE KEITH MARSHALL 11115 Realtor Insurance Cloppcrtoii St 7200592 F011 LEASE 7550 sq It In New Convention Centre spac ious dining area 1tu equipped modelii hltdiea modern bar tacilltics parking or 2000 cars On one at Barrics main thor oughfares Available Sept 1966 KAlarshall 77101113 b11537 $14500 Sunnidaio atom3 bed rooms brick bungalow on nine ly landscaped lot garuge and paved driveway 517 mortgage carries tor $111 monthly Ros BEFORE BUYING See the artlully designed rill electric homes at RARRIEVIEW SUEDIVISION Underground wiring Just one ol the advanch features Gordon Spring7205091 Doug ilomor 7204397 ELMVALE bedroom bungalow fully mod cmpiumlling Karagc and in good location in town Full prim $0000 with rcosonuble terms TELEPHONE BARRIE mmt BETWEEN AND PM EXECUTIVE HOME modern new backsplit plan 1950 sq II sevcn room home with double car garage Youll Iiku the kitchen Willi Iamllygilw breahlasi area and handy washroom with show 711 tilmlly room with tire plncr hiuadloomcd living and dining mum nlkI nil tour bcd rotmi are large mouth or len buds Electrically liciilcd nnd tully sanded lot Drive In 10 IIIGIIVIEW ROAD betwcLn Lay nnd Duckworth Sta OPEN 10 11 RM OR PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUllfinbarg gluon bum llid mom cludtny mm bnvti 10 to Elirte Fund ma MIka umnlbil oller Te phonl mm beta In BRICK unnuiaw NINIMNW prim kitchen plenty nlelaleu aluminum Clog Innlmm at vae run my iiIIIoIII downypay inept m7 PRIVATE IA 000 imlll tour morn buiulliw with darn well to mun tvin ldlnining lots with It mlvla Nnille noon llthroam modern cm wereIII IIIIiny mm lnleplloriu mm In rimI mi LIN orIrmIIiii III bed room bu on he hurt meoinl cm wrote Renllor nen 7mm Imam IAYmLDChlrmint centiuiull brick and more home It ulna IDI clous rooml In rxreilrnt condition Centfilly located flinch Id Ir mliiy ex Good vlliil Stout Agencln Ltd uh LOTS FOR sALE hllUllllRST Two hr Idpliiing lots IIIuIled tIVI mnuten drive tron downtown Barrie mar Dublin wilooll 1d 0r mwlnl anally Villovi omit reIr nl properly Pflted or quick nil mull PROPERTY WANTED THINKING or aEmNm no where the action Ind 11 min Our various depmmcnis Ire In demand or hornet In Barrie cottlle nii ll lIIe Ind tIrmI unyen ml 1111 CI ll Whlto my lLIIII 372301712 770W relldtilel 71 MORTGAGES iMMEDlAlE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere 0N nu Hours rnnus nun COMMIRCML yriorznrlrs 90 0F VALUAIIONS You Need Money To consolidate mt all exlrtlnl mortum mamI comm din Dml llllDlnlllmlnll onny worthwhile qu Write or Phone 7200901 Mortgage Funding III SimpsonSears NLOP or Member ouIIrlo Manure Drohrl AundIIIIn WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low IlmplI Interest up to 00 or your map erly value low monthly pay ments up In tilten yean In re piiy For any innrtgnge problems In CORIIY Real Ellatr 93 Dunlop St 7281119 Miller MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS 71 Owcn St must Private and Trust Funds USINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCLUSIVE CREDIT COLLECTION AGENCY FRANCHISE F011 BARRIE AND DISTRlCT This is on excellent opportunity Ior older man or wuun or husband and wile to own pro Iitoblo and inlercitlng busines and participate with at other Franchised ottltu in Canada and tho USA lire ono of North Amcrital largest and most Iccornixed Crcdlt Collcc lion Organizations Franchise Ice 01 $1750 required to Vle all Itnlionery adver tiring continued osslslnnco etc Our Spokane olilcc pruned PHONE 7280707 FOR AN Appointment £7000 in January Reply in con Ildcnco to Mnnnger inlemI lionnl General Crcdlt Lid 1O 110x 7m Ceignry AibcrtI or telephone 2557044 hardwood iREAL ESTATE ausmsss OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION BARBERS FOR RENT Modern estab iisliod lully equipped borifir shop capacity chairs loci in residential area Shopping Plaza Woodstock Ontario Coir tacttlniscebros Limited 954 Dundas Streak WOODSTOCK Ontariox Phone 5376604 mrnunnirr Bullhead tor pile IIIllyr nipped in bury IocItinn cm mm III name in would der bell equipment till Box In Titan Plumlacy aMALI nunmIR custom titling and cuulnl melt or recur Alla an immune five main houu Ind mull to IE Situated on load highway 8417 BUTCHER aiiop Ina men mm dwelling III conveniencei mo location Ina WIIIMI 0n om III 71 mu Owner to nilrn Telephone Bowl ENTAEST OFFICES STORES ATTRACTIVE Comb Sta lion on Dunlop West at It In on are over 1000 it nullbi May on minimalup sen lelse Tu lubed mom in 68 Roger and Emmott Rnlton HOUSES 10 RENT rwo iizoiiuou mmiIneii bunn Iow loi rent Very centIII use per month Ttlephalie mm Iiouus 10 um Two Marconi decorloo to your own aboch in Intel colon Telephone lime pigQuay Iii Owen 5L umie ita SUNNLDALE RDAD rum bed mains 1m llvi than Ill ch no nvmlt dining It newlirul view overlooklnl Barri £150 monthly Avllllblt My hue required 7M7 MODERN two bedroom brick burr nlow with range tonvenitnt ren Inl location apntleuly dun AVIIIIBII Immediately SultItIIo ldliiLI PM 735560 Rum Ind conneli IieIitorI le Two Bedroom town burner alenwood on all Cundleu RM AVIiiIqu Immediately Separ biamziergugg entrance11 Tile on or wood Drive pyly nururx our room Iencu ELBCTMCALLY II led new nnrfi trim beam in uvin mm on main floor iiiciien wt me iqu cupboards llrlitly mm util lly clotu on low level tele phone New Iowan IIImi rim inm bedroom buntlow public mint noon 01 mo monthly includrI iiiiiix nuiiIiIiI nnrii zureuI mu Lnnas modern thru bedroom home with bIrn equipped will on mt mm miiu tram iiIni he lurtlirr plrtllulIrI lIIepnonI mm in iiiouzrui eIIetrlc heeled two bedroom bnnulow on ouliiIxII Suit purine or retired cou IvrttI Iiox as 11lrrttEnria1Ii Nnv DRilK bunIIlnw lwr mu IIuI lat Ican 000 Children Work tor renl reiI all in Ioil moan APARTMENTS TO RENT NEW EXECUHVE SUITE lIixury lumlshcd cable TV rooms tlinl Ipleca bath Stilt iIduIII iteart ol downtown Dir ric Plum 7W1 030 to 010 pm outdo niiiu noon rurnlmm mn irienl rent 7er rents1 QUMI Furl vicinity Sultabtc III buIInul coupla TIIWM 716 liter 0711 no Iimiiomi uMIlrI Inm hunt or ml all contained an min pl llriiltlu hurt in lmhldn nnuINI April TRY EXAMINER WANT ADIG PHONE 7207410 SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE liloso Skllicll Tradesman Ire Ready to Work On Your Job lilimciilaicly ANTIDUES run Infill nEIiNiIiiiNii It My himl all into Antigua 7H DARREN ROIIIIIlIi ism Lctfnv mini Itlrvt ilIImI on Children iiliifpiNiFTiip RENOVATING limit III lm Mir iispniiiiuo rum mm um um wail ntuil iiiiii DRIVING SCHOOL thmrlTIerllllVljhtbtridrnn Mmtmi Ililiing nrnw Il nuiii rrLoonfiriLéh tillllillN III Mm mm 10 All In iifiutnriou Mimimi MITIIOII 7m IIlimelI iiqunIIo lephunu 5r Mull 71m InIulIIIon all Mr mum IIIL II we mu Hui mum um PRINTING Simcoo Lithography Gelirrnl Printing liIJllIlt tin IliAIK AND WHITE TRY US FOR liliCiZS liiml ilaliiinorr iinpt lit irui III Trinity PAINTING AND PAPERIIANOINO IIIIIIII phiM tiniu 7m tintIn Liam Int llllllll LUMIIING nor HEATING immmi Itllll IInv rm till it lienm HUM Ruo CLEANERS Mrm Ir Vlilllll It MI III IlMt Ill Timmln in or rlltnlll Imp Mir II IiTiic list illiil iiuuii iflitliilt PRINTING Draw tickets Chequrs IMIOIIIMIIJ Envoioprs iliislnoss ciirils lcriiln slumps Wrritiliip slnI nnrr IIliili lSIIltlAliN ON ALI IlilNIlNG NEEDS EXAMINER Commercial Printing IIIIINII 11 AV RR linrrtn TIAWA lull IIIWIIII Inil Jonis illl Ioiminrl mivrrlluiog MIII ll liuiiwtlnnnl rnmiwIInI tinInn ullli lmlliiiimit Inmu rmiiitrr rllrrh limit IliIIINI Iiiiiiinwi nmt prciiuil Irniillin lam Tile lost it til ml tiaily for on year Tun small in be erttli puiii mdinl lIl luv Moth ilIIrI In Law ilriullii Ire IOOII TELEPHONE 7702414 ron ACTION

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