Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1966, p. 1

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an Item Counly Cnnupomhnh Slllpbullxlou Ovovcomt Flyul Elderly Blvle Coupll Inlund by CH Ann LImlIné florid4 man llw UnHrwI Mwlwmhru ll Avnmwa 111A Mia In mmwlml In Mnnh an cm harm ul Mnulhll hlchwny Tiny no part mm llrmnnflmflm n1 ha Mun won Mu lrmhlnfi Null mmdm an on mm IAstronauts Return To Space Centre Armslrong and Scott bhsmd all from Cape Kcnncdy Wan dny and Mu linked up with an Mum menu In nn lulsluflc mu foal Bu half an hour 1m lha Joined vehicles wm tumblinx badly and command oilot Armslnmz tough for no mlnulu In roe Gemini mm 9119 Anna and then Ia conkol MD GOMIANY lmwling with he GcmlnlJ were astronaut antcr Schlrrn 31 Frank Barman who jolnrd them In tho Pncmc Schlml nml Barmnn wm the command Iou the Gman and mm Thu ulmnnuu had spent lnl hmxrl nl llkknm FltM Hawaii mini and honian ma review of he 1le ha my way night um iomlnl nml Hm Amn leHim In uhlth ll In hnml lumMrd wildly through lhu sky Arman and $ch wlll be It Cum Kcnnuly or hm hm than will so lo um Munan CIIIlL IIYHUL 0M CPDA qmrmmem rmvrlllllllm nfllrrr allan In mnlinlc In whmnml Vallry Im rkl Cmmmuu Mum Munro Ml wryva vuw mrntrd an In My ImwmlrMnl In mm at 5mm CAPE KENNEDY Ha MP Gemini astronauts ned here Ioday to help ex perts detcrmine what caused their mamah lo tumble wildly through space last Wednesday Neil Armstrong and David Scull landcd hm aboard an air arm C435 In Lrnnsport mu an Pgihour nigh fromflawall Cape Kennedy he astro naula rm huddle with spam agency oflidals nr Ihree dayl ln nn mm in solve the mys cry the harrnwing ride that caused the first rammenu Mud in In tho US munvinipaca mngmm In December They mm mm Mlnz Koalle our he Ar Ens whm Gemini hnd It fwblu TM contortmo will be mm In flmxslnn In about 10 am 102M Year No 66 bThe Hbmetown aily NéWspaper For Harrie ahd District Covt Conciliation Officer To Act In Chelmsiord Dispute Gemini Command Pflol Hell Armstrong Ian presses his hands together In prayer lul allilude ash and his cum pilot David RfScolt rclumcd CuminU Dth No Ink3 Dlmlus glulgmwffifl In THE EXHMINER Today Spacecrafl Centre Hauslon Tax or six more days in enslvo debriefing crew of and Iishrrlns olflm were mcuul nhoul 25 miles west at he Magdalen Iv lands early Fndny morning by the com xuard vessel Slr Vil llnm Munndcr After that they will hold press cnnlcrencc to tell the story of Ihclr harrowing lrlp At Capo KumCdY they will run through Ihe critical portion of the mission tn thc name Indecent lmulntnr tn whlch they pructtud below the launching SYDNEY cm an lei panda um may hedkhl lmnw the cause of sent sealing vessl Nellsnn la the hour Gull SL Lawrcntc It Menu Kn than mm mm pub in lho mu nnanmpd lntbrvloxi iha HIM Vlarlrak Remaining Quads Die In Australia hmpihfl Immmnn unlll Mu Cook mu prnnrmlnn well The numb wrro lmrn ll werkn Lntmnluroly Mn ook md hrr mhnml Mnrvyn Mr crun pnny employ have le MM rhlltlrm lnrludlnu lwn 41 of twin rnusn uhnul lmul unuhlnl Um Mu the Hawaiian Um Ian MM kuuvlnm 10 Gourun Irwin mmmy Klullmry And DItlIhl mm lmnrfl ml mm hm nr mlnl nMxl llm dmumrlmnm In rmuHmn Manual tlxlny Araln llw mu lemdurd I1 rm mum ll Rummy MELBOURNE II NiallTho remninlnz two qundrupld mm lxrm Flidny la Mn Jenn kao of suburban Hrscnolr tlkd Imlny Twn ODI bu dial Ihmll Allu lyinh AIHMNI uim Mn Inzlmm Mu HHIMII llmwn lunlol ILHWII MIMI Gm Jllm Willi and aim Kkhlrr IIIM mu Man3 him to Cape Kennedy 113 this morning some of their blast olf earlier uu week Arm strong Inld small welcoming group that boy had mag nulccnl light for the first Crew 0f 23 Officer Rescued As Ship Sinks In St Lawrence IllB mluS Womon6 WuflmJ ah flarfivfixamintr 01 Icak um vessel Eric bollom he puppy mmle la largo 60 llnvo mural phll why ham lonmrd um In in him far In Md flu my Injl flwrlryro dun 114m 114 In wm nl Hm uu uplmml lmw Ilml Imwhwu In my IAH Hm haw mvul Um hen time It km mnan may run mm but Mlm in alum my hmincn ll mum along mm nu fMixed Marriage Changes Deeper Than Anticipated The Sir William Mexlmdcr nt Hml the men were climb lnz lnln lwu lllcboall and two duties Thu vessel caliml for aid Thursday night Shn radioed she wag leakng bad The Eric NIDIMII hml lnkrn part In ma hunl or pup mu In In Gui two wcrlu nan nnd wan heudinl lm nn am all Labrador when he Ink 11 ulimnlul 3000 poll aboard were warm nlmul 5n each TM xlnkimz jusl nnonm mlsnda In llm Illn liq with Jymrom mom mule 1mm PlumMIA My NM in mm clidfhl Hull MEN lnuln mlxnl mmqu Mum MM drqur Ilmn many mm Nilkipnlwl MHIHI ll urnmnumkmlan mm mm lalhnhrl ulm mmth mum Ihrir IIumh 11w um ww HI MIN ll rmnlli Inuva In Iho Immuva Mal nmmu Earmwnlum 0le um mm ul luwlmmyl mm Inlnl linumul dumqu la flvdkkma Imu Iiiiii hfmm iii the 1mm and uh engines QM Owner Ole Neilscn Dan moulh NS said ho had no Mm what caused Hm sinking was tho second ship he lns In lwn yuan In ml Ma vmcl Tre pnsscy went down lhc Nova Scotlu coast on an ml Aurvny HEADLNG f0 LANIADDII II be um 1w man lMMIr man n10 nm We nmAmHvk vmn 1mm wnmiA um mldun n1 VIM flu nnnLMhMlc ujll pleased mm the wary 121m out no light ended ahead manic alter moi dqcking wiul an unmanned AgenIi mace vehicla AP Wimphom POLICE REVERE TICKET SECRET OLYMPIA Wash AP 1I1e police deparmcnl in lhls ally of 19000 persons let its best kept secret out of flu bag Friday For lha Hrs four days of the weak mic Prod Der rick dlsclased police were unable la Issue any mmlme parklng lickcls They were out arms and the new one didnt Irrlve until 110 Thursday mum 1mm mmrnw HERES ONE WAWA CDWhats in name VWfien the name Is ARDA ca pp poyglca dynamite ay go emmen Inlm duced bill in the Commons than in Ms major clause muld change the name of the Am mdlural Rdmbililsllon and De velupmcnt Am tn the Rural De velopmznl Fisheries Innister nobichaud pnnllng the legislatian In Illa absence of Forestry Minister Snuve who 15 Lo hcnd new rural devclopmcnl vermin said the aim to expand the scope ol AHDA lo cover law Income rural areas that are nut csscnllglly agricultural He also Introduced compan Ion bill selllng up 50001000 fund for rur 31 developmen wnrk lures were back arou zonal norm in Ontario today an nbrid preaman balmy spell in which record high road Ings were recorded at 10 cenlm in the province Friday no rain and cool air were fropollod into smflhcrn Ontarlo at Friday by storm cenlnd over Lan Superior The storm was expected lo carry snow Into most NorlgwmOnlarjp today Sunny and cool Malhcr us lorecnd or Sunday with new warming trend to allow early next wotk Infinn Mmer calm COMM Frldnya hlrh in Ihe province wn 53 at Toronto Ccnlmlla and KJIlaJom Toronto equallzd In mud or the day so In 189 Ccnlrnlia egcccdod Biuwz In by 131556 and Kfllnloo mnmsrd he rud Kiel 51 demn mmrdu in HUG Urn lAPlInilre 5111 fluin mmmnnn dmnco MIFCUM hiding plun led In our muu lorrnr he Marvin Kmlrr lnmily nml dmlh or the Kunmnn lrrldny mm lollre Inld IIuy lntnlly Harvey Mllny linker unn Iye htld lhrou memlmn III Keel lnmly hmlnxe In Mr hnmo lwl IIlflNu on mm ham Hannah Juanhmn Kn xrnr Mul uuuulnl Numb flnkrr also kunwn In 011th Imllny Inflwnml UNI In hmpilnl Mom woumln duly mm 0r hrr IAIhIlk 593 mg on Islrv hr any nlhrr llllflflllll ml nldu in mud 03 In lMlmlk xhumh will mm wr nl MI mm but lnhwd In Inmtun in nnmljr ml hp MI mm homily Ilml lhnir NV nmulnlzl Nulwdvulll the ml Inl Ilaae can 1m plan um mm mm mm in IN lxlndnx in In nl Mhnm KNHIHI In an mm dam vim mmlm mi Olson SC Medicine Hat muchod off the fireworks 1m mnuukvl pmwmy Millnn Rcllnmnn 29 mm Ahnl Jun ulmn wllar Ill and ml mum mumMinx milAdar 1m mum him min Ado wlll Iv Mn In Hay In nlmyIm In the whim Temps Shatter Some Records In Ontario Bill oChange Name Of ActFires Commons Fleeing Gunman Holds Hostages Barrie Oqiprlo Canida SavurdajyflMIreh 19 I966 NRON 101 Tuppcra 11 wlld MM Imml In In nuNulth mmm min CA NADATOCHE BASES IN FRANCE day when he questioned lhc mo va hehlnqflge game qhanset He rccallcd that when ha Conservative government intro duced ARDA in 1962 Ihc Liberal oppoleinn had complained he bill gave the government pow ers to do anymlng short of per haps financing subway fur Toronto ar Montreal me already was ample auA Ihmfly In ARDA or rural dc vclupmcnl programs the government cauId prove need lat expanded pawns he was ready to go along with it AYLMER DnL CPIWall ress Georgia Jackson mllm ol sex slaying here last month was buried today whlle police in surrounding counties stepped up the aging or he klller lnsp Tllady ol the pro vlnclnl pollce said Frldny an au lomy Ihowcd the 10yearold girl was sexually lssnullcd and inflorcd blvw to he back of hm lucid alter disappearing Feb 18 whlla walking home mm wark at he Aylmcr Dnlry Dar He laid cause of deal not be knnvm uuLil pamologlsl at tho aumneygenerars labora lory In Toronto camplm an an army he nllunmn whnn Rnnman nllnmplul In hnld up lhn 0M Oclock MMkcL polka le cor Armin he litelm man and shut um exrlmnnnl The man duran lnln tho Kulrr hum lolim Armed wllh nhulxum and mndxlne muu rmdnnul lho hmue All in Th whim Ihon ulmmmlnl ubnwny ur nml IL Nu herded Hm KNllrl Inln he cur IMVIM Mull bohlnd uoanMml minMy In mm mlnrf nu xlmr Vim ml mm or Irfin 7mg ml llnrlmudmnn hr many mm hm nu In lucmmmgkmnn ntlullrllm Ihll um rnmlvlr th pnly maul mlmnml lenu Mun Alhuflc pliul In mm manly59 um Tamnlm Jun may one day dung Adm ma ral Mo llwa dumh ml III who lum nlmdy dam lunar but he mum mm ban mm mm mm mm mme Insp Eady asktd ndrlillnnal hplp Io week all loud pollen hnvc twelde on can licence numben and possible Iuspccu lnsp lIndy saltl he klllcr probably ls mentally deranged lle salll some articles or Geor ana clolhlnz Iccmnd ln have barn plnccd an her parcnll anguish would lncronle acnrchm lound lhcm The partlyclad body will found Wrdnesdny In farm woodlol mi mllfs run the glrll hume Harold uunderion pollce thM lhl 5L Thnmnsnru Xha rubber JLzrml ICMN lnkr lhrir Inmmlhvum rmm mluldr but held llu Hm MN mnnbcn r4 flu lnmly lndml lnx hm ytnr Manln nl uunmlnl lar lhm hqun Krelir drrwr nu gunman nml MIL Kevlar nl In lhn lmrk VnlMnEllM MM urh null run In many Ibo401ml and mu luck In an Step Up Search For Sex Slaver But II mt ls an attempt to change the name of the not simply for political pummel so that It can nuwbe sailed Ill era nct rathcr than Con servative one dont Hunk thls ts sufficient reasun or taking upmefimeoithaflo After chorus Conserva tive MP5 had joined in the pro test ML Rnbgchand assured the House that the government does nnt lntend to drop the ARDA name which Hamid Danloflh tFCKunl Ont dcscrihai as household ward in the country Chlcl Ilcndmon has been criticized by the Jachons whn said police lmlod almandcdly mcir report that Gfeorgia we missing Mnyor McKibbin also has cxprcssod dissaflslaclinn with Chief Hendersons dim In ind the girl CAIRO neulml Yomtnl Agricuuurc Minlsm My an hmmwl AMnu mu among no person klllnd In tho mnh an linmluu nirlimr In dmrl mmLsmrm Irhlny my ll was diman lmlny plane win Iumhn mm mm anlr Airline was mm Nirmin Cnirus Nu murmur list mel but nutlmrllnlivr Imurr mm pmmmcrl and llvc crow mrmhm wrrc rgn Mani lawn said he bellech the klller ls somcunevlhc girl knew and trusted sdmcone from Ms area local poison Geor gias lnlhcrlgrecs Mr pigiéu said rcligiaus prejudice cluscd Chic Hender mn lo mlshandle ha cam In Nlconn Unllcd anlom wulvr 5am lua Dam mrlnx ullll UN ms MI lhe Nnml um um UN rhillnn mo be llnvul nlnnnn he pnmnnm Russell Final London OnL an uncle of the slaln gin ald he will lead delegation below Aylmcr lawn council Monday demandlng Chief Hund mon resignation Lnrnp Hem mm mm mth ml nim luuuur Egyptian Airliner Crash Kills 30 BflBRlEMflN SPEAKS roIMummmezmcs win mnined Anmnnv was on mm OTTAWA CmCanada will abandon its lwn military insul lalions in France as quickly as possible rather than atch French command over ihnm External Muir Minister Mar llnannoi1nccd Friday Canadlan forces the dis poslllon ol he alliance in Eu rope should be under the opera unnnl command NATO supreme filled commander ML Martin lold we hmnmns We hm wan and modern damm ment in waxare permit no at leclive almmauve unilied canmand and Manning nr rangamnms or amed forces Canadas two millingy Canadas two military instal lallons In France are the RCAF Mr Division Headquanenr 51 Mel and the MAP banter and transport station al Mani mlocawd Canada had planned In my event to close dovm the fill headquarters and move he two In banher squadrons mill he two RCAF bans In Gurmany However it will need transport base TI lypriull hm Dunlah IHVIXH nl lhu UN 0an mm and UN KYHUCIII mar nml hi wire through Mnrvxlle upplies Lh lhe Mr Division 9nd many United Naunn rations In which Canada panmpnlcs The once deparlmnnl said It cant yet my whvn um lvm bases will be nbnndonmi But leans on the housing unfl ex pire June 30 next year air llldkallon hat the RCAF will be out the base by then the latest The Middle Hml New Axrrwy mid lhc Mat me An lmlnv rrporlml holuru he crnsh that Mn nimnfl had crack lhe corth nnd Iuspch null In Mllmclrr Annlhrr wer mld Um pilnl mmlr Lhrtc nllrmpia In land al Cnlm Iml wm Imrnlcd by the lnmlslflml SUPPLIES CANADIANS There are 1300 Almwn Mmille Ind 700 ll Mm There are nlm 90 Canadian perwnnd al NAmI air headquarters ncar Purl Ind 60 at Supreme Allle llcadquarlas also near Parlsl All these personnel wlll qull Frgm Emmi Irngmonu Trek and lmrlly nmtilnlrd bodies lay mmml um um gum and Ilillmks Material mm In Mro mld Inter flu pmrngm dmlul 15 Ensl Getmnnm mnmllnnulmunlr Imn and lumen at IMWIJMMM Mr uamg xalp ghey mu bg nrcause CAP Ln nlp rt WOnt Récgpt French Command Installations Martin INMMérihln 10 PuiZCofi Cloudy wk Mus night Hin Sunday 40 d9 mes For9ompete yuaum mam tum tn page my planes ark based at Truman 0n and merely rowel ax Mar villc some arranxcmenl wim France or rduclllng base for the CAP is not ruled out nique of the hfflds of govern menl Frances NATO lies which said at one point Nu system ol bilateral ar rangeman can be subsu tute or NATOA imammed cummand gruclure rawhg 1mm all me inleng commnds in Aisling that foreign troops In France must come under French command and forcing NATO la relocate its niegraied headquarters now on Fund lerjllnry NAIO without an lnlearahd command will be nvncxist en it pcssibl for that organllzallqyl to Aner Erwin ND Tor onto Grecmood said taver dgnly of Individual nation in these limes Is an anachroqu walon Leader Dim baker said mm mm more serious than the possibil ity of lhe dismalanon ol NAN that has meant to much In peace of Europ nud of the world He repealed hls suggest on that Gmada review IL military ml in Europe Outside 1h bmmons Mr Marlin said the Freud daemon very remuMe Francq was reverting the situation 1907 France will remain membu of NATO Ind Mr Martin said wil be bwnd by ma treaty ar Hclrs whith say an mack on any one member will be con sldcrrd an attack on Ill hith took name lrom qucrn and Is known lmla bit England in playinx hoe lo runny lndan QuMn Mother Ellwbolh nnmh Columbln for day dur nK mlcbrnllom markhl lhu union In ol flue Crwn minnch of Vnncnuvtr Islnnd and me malnlund Today tho cat flu owning or pm ml nrthivu and museum building and mm jnr M7 pruJLcl lo mnrk Ila nwn tcnlrnnln mad ml at Cnnndl ml yrar The Qurm Mmbrr MI be pre smlzI In mcher of the mo vinclal xovrmmrnl hcklrr lny lnl lhr mrnemom nml win al und llnll at Government mm In lho zvminfi Tho will fly In Vlmrmlwl In mum hrrr in In Am err MrMnI Friday at 515 pm Ihl the ann Mad an wllh LLGnv Ind Mrl Zmrflo ltnxku Queen Mother Visits Victoria flaky urgr Mnbprmn VlcrongA 14m This my ms

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