Mnml lrrru In nat IVy luv 71er Lin1 mu IAIIe hm mu mu Mlm mm 1qu MM nl MW mum Inn vmmn mm mu mm In MI Humn IrnnNHwMnp mm In NIIM 1Immv mm mm Mum mm Illuun llnnv Ln nu 34 mm lUumonll Unnnv no run nmvuw lllhmn mumu Mnnllnl Ilmm luloynl Mo In Sven pm hlmhhd mumGr 1mm hum Doullu me Jsdm runm IIrmm nmln moon our mum IShlnflll oLN Zn Tuna aAdnnlum lnml hum Hun ny MW am munnmrrl ncnnnn Th Imamm mm IIIDH CIK L00 muun snuw swwm Camrul namu Mann Lou Lucy xhmny Lammnl Dear Dr Main Whfll must asligmaliim Is lhcfc cure Can glasses tame It er Asligmalism ix the result of dlslorllnn or irxrgulmily In the by long hnhll wo think about tonsil 1n youngsters and often target about them when child Is alder or permth mwr repeal Mrs that wit my well be thinking in the tight dirccuon as In be way to help your son By all means discuss this with your dndnr True some individuals have lnrger tonsils than other not mally but in most casts en jlargement is the result of lnfcv lionl Sometimes altar an intac tiun has been subdued the tan nlls subside in size and may um do ad but themselves be cumo mum of tuthcr haul infection That is when thny xhould come out cl coutsc Ax ta thu Adenoids Man an larxnd they can obstruct both breathing andlrmper drainage at nasal score ans can cause mouth hrcathing uhich is not mad for person quite aside from uni looking good can ai ter timbre voice can be source of Infection can con tribute considcrably to sinus tmublct znunALo suumm Thus while advmm thoughtful cannon hblnre decid ing that childs Ionsils andor adcnolds really should come out there Is no pain In hesitat lug once he need 15 clearly Hood We commonly wink of hav ng two lansilL In minty here an seven In ring around we 0Iroat opening those on either hide or the Ihmat being he unast obvious Those up behind the nose are adcnnidsyc still lonsil tissue The tésl 11 whether I310 jailsare dohz more harmlhnn ylon am part of the iymphalic syslem par of am defcnca against Inleclinn espe clally in the young Therefore gufnsilx shyuldnt be removed yindlscrindnalcly Just tn get rid of them Mrumm TELEVISION PROGRAMS MIIJIHMY mm It Thu FRIDAY MARCH EVENING MARCH Ii MORNING Al umqu lWumn amber JImMu mm mm 7l ul Junnq II 1m hum my Mm mum Mo ml Km Ln 1le mm Hm mm wm mm mm mummI IM r1 ulllll plum In mm rm lll my 711 lmnl Huw an lhlly 71 Munuan Auurzn lulu mun hlmr Yahuml rhmlu 11 47m na lam LHVK Lvl MIMI too mm IM wm nmu rm UMIC ILM mm ll Dull Rm 530 gSlmmv mm 5th mmy Hunm wa Ilunnl mm v1 00 an mm UntII Mununn hm NM turdu himnuy 11m 730 aumn flunlmurk mm mm an ISmnlnen lam lIWld mm zlmnmynnnxuy xramhu tPwnlt runny vTha numlnnu llHonty Wm nChmnu ll NIvu uhnuly Thetn mum my Huqu IUHE lflUFlALD DTDHONTO llllAMILTON mm mn Hm Mum Hansen said In ï¬xed ï¬ckcu or personal friends 11 diner cnl limes Pmmsl SJM ho had Ime lvm de xnr Irimds Dom witnesses admitted hou Uckclljximz while under cross examination BaLh men denied in mud ever accepting any nmncy rm ï¬xing tickets Both tesflï¬cd under pm ccuon of the Canada Endcnco Act Ingmarfr Pmmst and Hanson left the Ottawa police force 1351 mm mcr alter an alleged traffic tickgllixlng ring was mum vos Armor sen scant and James men fur mcr consublo were tasqiiying at he rial 01 Mrs Mme Har nson 23 charged mlh altomm ing obstruct the emu of jus kc by ailing deal With an all 0pm in the prmï¬bcd OTTAWA Gm3N0 0mm Ouawa pnliccm said in cpurl Wednesday they fixed traIlic ticjwts jar friends The vlncgnr we her blond but when fcald hangs an for munlh It isnt just cold Varimu respiratary 1diseases Including Lubcmulosis are aflwed to get too much slarl because people delude lhemsclvu that Its coldf Forget about he blood lhln ning as well as he honey and vinegar Just get yaur daughter to doctor to see what really is Lho manor protracted cold is longer coldll different disease HitOttawa Police Admit TicketF ix but Dr Molncr My daugh ter tall nervous pmnn wiLh two small children has had cnldlor months she was sdvlsed by nclghbor to lake hvney and vinegar which she has done or weeks She is no halter snap at us and lha chlldrenare getting her down and she always nscd have Wendel1n disposition told her few days agn that he vinegar is nrobnbb thinning her bland and la please consnil her doc tor She was lndignant and said she will cnnllnue the hnncy and vinegar remcdy is she harming herselfMn nlm smh nu Lsuunm Mm mm num lnvla mm Inn mm ma mfan Aw wmnw Hm ll fllmlm ll vAmuul mm um um 11qu ll mmmn may AdvMun IL 40 Imf um Ilmla In lJmmmnln l=lmlnuv mun 31m nanmqu Mnllllnl Mia lTnmwr 10 mm nummn mu Hum lHIvr ID AVIHHMWN 1230 vlnflnl may 144nm um Mon hulkd humrl Then mun humum mum sun 1m wqu Dl nu ma lluul nulm nun mumm Imnul zTnmm Show Mam anW Va wry 617 Mm mh Hm mm Grimm lTIr vxmnun Jul mum Inmng rum mum laud npnn lmm You 141 aMr mth lSmomu nrulnm leulnul Junction 1000 Fer UNCLI The bill TIll nlulm ml Mulll llIHv JIIlHn mu BSmlllm le THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley Once this Occurs ynh have 100 pcr cont chance of ranking the canlracl Tho unly problem It is to make our club tricks 711 this can be arranged by returning lo your hand with spade heart nr dlamand null ml 211 hrmlnn DOWN Inlrmt Maine dethnl Ptcullarly mm host memnd play 15 to lake Ihc diamnnd ï¬nesse ï¬rst Suppose Irick lwn yuu had diamond to he Jagk and the ï¬nesse wins 30 Rainbow lrm i1 3LanIml nblllllrl 31 Higher aneummm mumin 11cmrdu AKIMG 352 oA lwn on 053 41m you cauld be sure 01 mak lng live club Irkks yonwould bc smath tho mmract but since the odds lnvnr muklng only lour of them you must consider diamond finnssc as an event ual snufto or lhg Izlh lrirk pmnoun 2Grm Imnu 211mm brand Inmnnrr as Empmulm 28 Hunulum DAILY CROSSWORD ounmmnum ACROSS lsymbnflu Mountain uncle mnr LAftlrmm Olympul live am mmnlmrlly 91mm LCIIMMIB 10 Hpckm ditch ILDrm 7Ve1kcn 12 Picked on fian rnemy manna midlm 1an 1451 In 12 Kerp my 13Cnvc 150an cnvcm 10lelbcrghl nut ale book JIDUHIJHJ Rnllly xlrduul In no in nco 201qu QB um WNE mm 40152 You are dcrlarcr with the Wést hand Faur Spades North leads the Jack of dlaz mnndx which wins and contin ues with diamond SouLh cash Ing the ML South relurns low heart which you win with hr ace How would play the hand AAKION You are dzclarcr with the West hand at Six Norump and Nnnh leads Ihe 10 01 spades Howwould you play Um hand This pattem conlinua army 5me whale the locomotive is operating my llmo ï¬lo engineer does not heed ï¬le Mr 20 seconds the Mm and 5ï¬nal go on again telling him canned it Mm Lhu chum has bum closed at 20 scamds light gm an and sflgnal sounds culling um engineer bmak my dmuz by removing his hands mm mum hrwvolmgedmnt is set up by Embedding wires in um engl mrs cab scatv sending cut Mt through the mans body to Big metal dashboard He cant it CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER down 21m 251 nQuumna TLCanl 3mm hill coin 201umbla lhchclcndcr lrlxscothrca rump asfourcu yw nuke flu hand because your lourlh club can be run in dum my If the dcrcndcr with three trumps has only two clubs you wnulnl have none dnvm one evrn midrhuva gum damn one but then you wme have gnu dnvm me even you had drawn his hut rump mrllcr Which opponent has the our ciubs would make me dtficrenpo if it turns out that the diamond linesse at trick two tom you will tunic to assume that Smith was dealt the Ktx oi duh and rely on finesse to bring twine tivu ciub tricks There are two things to watch out or possible trump loser and enosslbie aub loser Play the ace of spades and than law spade to the queen it bnlh opponents toliow suit discontinue drawing trumps Now toad lhc of clubs 11 QIAEIIIDSJumGL to benivid 6d 31draw be outstanding rum and claim the rest it the clubs an divided 42 you may or may not make the con tract depending nn how the ad vmc cards aye divided Ohvinusly if the clubs are vided 22 or you will easily make our club tricks bur by playing this way you also make our club tricks Mlhe mil diyidcq men and Enginmnen Cuff which represents mo vanishing locomotive Hm Art Gibbons of Ottawa vicepresident he mm Ulï¬Mï¬EBYS lhe Alerter in ma much of distraction Its not satay calm ifs unsafe he mtmds Ile jugs askedhlhe Rpm my Transport Comm slow to prawn mumwou lot the Alerter 511 West aim cu dmico has been mounted by the BMW Ipoonwï¬ve Fire my EXAMINER WANT Am mom 7232414 Yukrhyl JELTclher Unfl of mm Ibhr Lf mun ln mm mm on nannow mmnh 353$ 33 02250 03 55 014 3ng 0m GET wun mass mama mom nur wow HEQES WHERE MY FAMILY swanwas 01010 Our DREANY RIME MINIGTER BENNEVT WM 5559 OQNADA dEcLIRE HER INDEPENDEACE annme rémar MR DITHERS nur wow HEQES WHERE MY FAMILY swanwas i0 THE MEN ON 7145 BREAD Linea 1115le or TITLES lit JUNK mlnwm mmw HIM NC SE55 HOW Imam IS DAD WILL L50 THEU THC ROOF