We eel that with ma prepar allnns made ll could not hdp but be aucccss and that lhn parcnl wwld take advantage the chance to visit their new nhool ayslcm Ind we educalion changes slnrn the little red unool mlcm Ind cduca Inn chnnlu Ilnm IhcppUe red xchoal house medamlnnlzd Anhough we have not had any deï¬nite lory mm Innkï¬l on the success 01 their Education Weak and Open House at the 59110015 mo rnlsa or lead or right across lhe area might by considered good now Mr Wu mad tn the kacnd pa per alrvmnllod mm Thronln about the parent strike against the Mtnnt Iolnt school allow ing an outbmk ot hnpatitts thm The xlory tell of 1M Farle kbrping their childmt from uhml us they tad that the condltlotu they bdlcvo onuscd the outbreak hm not been armlrd They dtxnmo with the Hentlh Unlt that Ihora nu danger at wrcadlnx tho contuglon At least It made nah mud lound It most tcmttn to mad it here having rim mnlnd with those in vnlvcd hope by he 11m 1111 15 ï¬nd lhot Mintll Palnl uhnnl I111 be hark In normal and lhnl no ndmu mulls 111 came Illm 1hr Inlecllon Spcnkmu of rducalkm prolr 1mm me hm only in oak the BI couple of Tnmnlo mm mg mp In how anxlnus M1100 hoanh norms Ontario Ira About neuan uan rrplflctmlnln 0n ol the bum mlvrrllu mm by lhc Onlnrlw Dunn nnrnl Educnllnn uhn havo hr Hm my want Jngs vork agalnst diabeles mntinucs Here department Wu hunhd Iml lnund ml lnr Um Harrie nntl Dimkl COI lozinxn 110ml which wm mod 01 Ipan MIan In III would hm In In loam or to Ind will ben cmnpdlfllm In uh ihll in Jun drcldnn Ilva mun IN mde flu Ulhlml mum hi lwnzlvim wrnl mm mhnnl flwn IL 1mm ma duldun rmlul In mnlhih III 1le ll lalmkl 10 divanment ï¬ï¬ysialésy the late Sir Medck Bant my mmlly Ivy mwmdnry 01 but can be Jniml 11m luy 1hr pvimtry lmnnh lnnlunl hm ununlly had ml MINT mm an ulmlhrmem Hand In 11 umer and mun only lnwllm mu umndu In hlfl dilplny 1pm wllh plï¬vmcln mwruu HEUM INVITE 0015 II fluIlnr lvlm Irnl out lmm llw ounly llunrunl mp lnvllNl l0 nllml Hill on lnln lnwlodu ml many ll lb Um nllr Ihtrr llllll II hnlhluh Illll lmlllln Wm hull lha lrr ml an lmllan moo lnuwl Ilm lxxlmn 11 Lake 0an rhlnl wall mm 9th llnn nmmmlldnl in Hull ll man lmlllulbm In yrnr mm mm Vllllnl Ilw mu um and Ilw ullrMnr mum lhul ll uhml allpmllnl In mmp Ihcy lell luv mm mill lhrir rnnvrnltnu or 1le run Jun Imp In at my llnw Hwy nmlyy Ar IVHllllHHW 14mm mmu mm 311ml Ant Herman RAM 1an In MAle Inlfi Ir um Universi Tom Amanmmt nhvslalonv INNISFIL NOTES Suggest Parents Visit Schools More Often llnmhl mm BANTINGS WORK BEING CONTINUED llw report the Fire Mnr Ihnle anarlmenl had Luggesl ed lhal two new slnllans be nddodlo the present nne at Slroud one All Mmy Bell Ewart and one at Palmch In the cslimnllan the le parlment lhls Mild enable luwnshlp to have lire coverage within ï¬ve miles all pans of the dislrlct and would on lille rcsldcnl of other than arm proputlcx lo wbslanllal cwnt on Insurance prnmlums and muld glve ample prom uon to life And property IClVSS thelnunshln ASK TAX REBATE illr Bauer chairmen the but he them by the La aw Estale be comldtrcd lnxlm Council told ML llosscr that the assessment nl all properties was now county mponsiblllly and lhe manor wnuld hum lo be dull mm on tha level head Dr Hnlsl uses Geller counter to esilmnlc the amount imuï¬n present in sample 01 body fluid HI assishml L1 Mm Margaux Up In Um prom this proper ly has not ban mmldcmd open In tho public and unlil his Imamm Incl ll could hardly ha camldcml Ill 1thch for lulrce bnsLs BUM 0F MANAGEMENE name to buqcll In ask 111a Shcppard homo whlda 1m yrnr Nu damnd In the lawn 1th In park will be opcrnlod II Cummunily Cnlrc 1M will make lMI old harm and III lurmundlnu whcrlnx place or hilm Ind Iumï¬ly pic nIrI or Inulnm rrsidcnlx um also be taxheel N0 IIANGE LI Icllllnn wan ï¬lm hy mm ruldmu Idmy In your nxklnz lhnl manna be made II lho lrnln mflrh lhm wth erkrd lho uuulnu nnd kt lhn hell rlnxmu Inr lnnl periods an mm Duo wunly moon awn lnr ml rmulnl Enllnm Clank time tountll nml l3k lnr Ill npinlon nl lht cmu changing he lmlnx rlrmll ll Hm rmulnu 1M emu wnuhl moo Council mm lhm mould ml my chanc made lnanl Oourcll ulvlml mm In county NI lulu Iloull 0r mull rm ml Mum lur mull unit OPEN tutmm IM npfll mm for deer In Iho In mulud In mm mm Inkhu lkmu On In cry ulna Int um um lnnllix hunlm Mk loll Ch dun by I10 huntnl HTHM CPLFull Mlull null IMN Inh lln lnvh nur Hug nmulh Ha Illm um ml Mllonnl hlllnxlc park lrr lluwtru Mlnlmr Lllnl ma Annmmmnml Tluuany ulnl 1m Nluul loll Huh rhhh lm upunlwl Im an nlnw hnlq mum IM Ian will hu In In lamb mlwl Ilflvln lnur yum Tm Mamhnzml ml plural flinmrnl role In the WM nl mm ml 15sz mulmmlml uane mlllluy mammal To Dovolop Fort Into Nalional Park By 1165 DISTRICT WEATHER It will continue Inc today but it will become cloudy his ewe mg with chant of rnln Tn marrow it is expected to be cloudy and cool Law at the Examiner last night was at domes The lem pcraluro at 830 am was 48 degrees Evans Born in Allister Sir Fruicnck discovered Insulin or the treatment or diabetes the ï¬rst 91 the 19qu mp Synopxln Finn weather will continue today but change 15 predicted for tonight cnld front advanrlng rum the anal and forecast to cross southern Ontario this cvealm and toalght band at shower and lhunderslorms tatcompany the treat The temperature Imp across ttn ront wlll brlan IDflllA lax down to mom seasonal 05 Saturday in The slurm mponsiblc or lhls calmr picture ls renter urcr norlhwcslcm Onmrin ll ill movn slowly animuer lmlay mud Snlurdny This will con llnue lo give mln In Nnrlhcrn Ontario and lempcrnhnrs vlll tnnllnuo 15 in an lvnrcss Ibpva normal Inr nnplhrr day Luke Lake Erie lan llurnn chrnlnn Hay Wlndnnr London Nnrlh liny Sudbury Ilcrnmln rlmuy Ulla uncrnmn wllh lhundvrslnrnn lhl evrnlnx Sahmlay vnrlnhle clmxdlnm nnd cmlcr Wlnds Inmh 13 lulny and um SM uxgay Nlrgnrn Lnkn Onlann MI burlbn Killuloc MllmUlL Tap mo Sunny And my unnn dny Show nr mumkrslnmu lonlnhl Sutu rd variable Clourllnrs nml tnnIrr Wind mouth 25 May And IS hub urdgm mama Sun 51 Mnrir Tl mnnmm Cochrann Thmdy and mm with hhmwu nml chnnrc Cloudy Cooler Chance Of Rain mm brown him NcbnlPï¬zc and knimmnd He was killed on Feb m1 inn plane crash on the cast com New foundlnnd CF Plum or lhundcrslnrm loday SalurA day cloudy wlm showers and lime change In lempcrnlure Vlnds south 10 today and south Saturday White Rlver Cloudy with showers and mild Inday Sutur nnd colder Wind light today and northwest 20 Saturday Ollnwn Region Sunny wllh somu cloudy periods loduy Var blc clumlincs wilh few Khnvwrs Ionlght nml Salurdny Very mild Wind 11th except southerly Is gusly lo 25 this allcrnonn and evening Windsor 51 Thomas Landon Kilrhcnor Mount Fares Vinglmm llalmllnn St Calharlncs lmonlo loxrrbnruuih ngslnll Trcmnn Kfllnloe Mmkuka Nmm my Sudhury non null sm kapuskming While Illvrr Moosnntc SPREAD MORE man TORONTO ICIJTlm Cdmh an Ihhln Snclrly finned II It annual mun Thuradny wnrM Ilslrflmlian mm and nlhrr scrlphxrnl book raw by IOJXDODOO In 19 WI000000 llrnry lllckl Xilelenl nl Ilgfllmuxlc Unhcnlly In Humx mu molested mulcly pm xlrnl Forum rtmprrglum usweek was Lakcn mm the lew lrealhansc sun In use on Lha Island nlJamaIca The main bulldlnz where he planters chd in he early days hm was kndwn as the Gmt Hansel Leaving Mflay by car In due early anemoon we drove past many of the iuxury hotelsBay RoeRoyal Caribbean inny Simms Breezy Pom and the beautiful Half Moon Golf course We nollced Luger lgn palm lnz up the hills to the ruin of Rosehall another great house madalnmous by the bloor curd llng novel Witchol Rasehnli and nqw being reconstructedby an American millionaire Shortly after we went through Falmouth we left th smooth black top road to travel the rest at the way on narrow rocky road lined on both side by cane fields name of which had already been cut this is the sugar cane harvest time Evury ones In whlle the road wwch curve around or between small forest bamboo the tree grown so high that the topmost hmbs mm both slde had become Interlaced ormlng tool green tunnel At one polnt we emerged from one these tunnels lntn tha brlght lunath and were lorced In sudden stop As the way at Iarmer the world over twn olthem had stopped or chat on tho road Oh man was rtrida very warn and aged donkey with huge plle of cans rtnlks lied together and slung between the man and the dun key droopan head The other man was altUns ln the heat of brandmw Massey Harris tractor pulling wagonload sugar cane Apparanly the man on the tractor had nvcr taken the man on the donkey und they won exchangan hits to neighborly news JAMAICA 101mm Everywhere here one names across sudl Instance of the old Ind the new way or life Before long the aid will be quite ever taken by the new and only in the history books and he mu seum will we be able la see the nary of the past such is progress Alter all loo shunl cllmb reached the Plnnlnllon nl Good Hope are the best the old lm been Incorporated wllh the bell of me new llm those who came to ho island sacking relaxation and rest from tho lonslnn of modern lile must surely ind haven peace and beauty Th Grcal House of Good llope Wu built In 1755 in lhe mldsl ol slx thousand acres lroplrnl wonderland whore En llsh ploncm were curving cm pim ln the colony of Jumulra The house llscll was built wllh Ilzue labor und ls lyplcal of ur cthcluro that age Two graceful mm ol Ilonu steps with wrouxhl lron bannlslen Md up In ho front door In lually hm wlde double dwrsl surmuunlcd by crestcm nn llzhh 11w lnndlnc nl llle lop he Ilnln avarloolu nn lure of verdant lnwn Iurroumlul wllh drums of hlxhly rolurcd and How rrlnx shrubs and Iron An old luhluncd sundlnl ml on lop pile of qunrrlod alone The romu Alone ll uml In All lho bulldlnxl Ind wnl probably quarried hy hnnd on lhc xv lure ll hm rho mulll phlinn on and nxnlml ll hu cllmh In baunlmlllon in thirch ol me And mnuve make on unrnr xdlzble plclure Many ol the nrixlnnl lumlsh hm are IlHl In use In th In lcflnr Iho house Illnh mum ware unduumwly 1031 nnd wml on 010 mnhnxnny nml walnut ny LEN GILLIES Exciting T0111 Of Great House card tables What banquet must have been ugrvcd on Ihe Queen Anne dinan ablel by the light candles encased in hunlcane xlusesl Corner cupboards of msewaod nnd walnut stand mUCh Isflhey dld centuryor more ago 111ch with Iinalglass precious lustre pllrherl and planer and plalcs nllnld low lng blue naugh Lo mall any lover antiques drool The wlde plank floors are worn wllh lb weight of countless leehhlgh ly polished and cpverud with orlcntal rugs rlluoughout up nlluré floors and wuoclwmkY are an example 01 the llnlsh lhnl only comes allercnunlless year of laying cam Today Great Hope is well run hotel entering to guest who enjoy magnificent socnery gracious surroundings and ex cellent accomrmdutionr Thu plun tatlon has been reduced to two thousand acres through which riding trail have been cut or the use of the guests who act ect their iavoritn mount from slubio of 60 line saddle horses Here one can ride right buck Into history liido number tour is described as iollows Begins at Watch Hut and allows hgh way to Wales entrance turn right into drive then hear leit lo Scarlet Bush le Bush Lansquinet Bush in Lnnsquinet Works then turn icit and Doctor Coconut to Good Hope Edgecliiie iid An nc cornpanying nota rend the first cutting on thohlghway legend tells us was made in one day by 1500 slum to iacllitnto sug nr haulage to Fnlmouth gang siarted at each end and where they met bar was driven into line sea wall Note the chimney nl Wales Sugar Works Notu the water whcel butldin at Lan sunnet Works This ml was led by on aqueduct carrying wa tLr irom Good Hope mill and one hull away Ride number seven Bcglns nt Watch lint and follows the highway to Chambers Pasture and Diuciicidr coconuts of Good Hope to highway Fol low highwny to and over Lans qulnet Bridge thcn lcit through Lansqulnct Works then lclt pnsturo of Wales and Tame Trco pasture to highway Note rend Nate the itone ilan an top the Good Hope mill bridge pinned by Iran Us and coch wllh lead or weather prnlecllnn The putm an right curried wooden trough ln whlch the cum Julcc lowed mm the rnllm at the water wheel to the boiling house The Iron brackets carrlcd walkuuy or men who kept the Julcu flowlng The baillng house bears the date mm lmnltinc thu thrill ul Ilding through these hllls and valleys with surh spau cl his torlcnl lnlcrcst and tmplcnl growth nll mund lor Ihow hp cnnnbllride carrlaga is pro vided Good llupc also allch bath lnx on It own nrivnlc bench and or lhusc who prelu It the planlnllon has large swlmmlnz pool entlosml In lmrious an den surrounded by alone walla II not nmssary spend holldny at Good Hope to enjoy part of this weallh beauh MErnnon In is served every day on ma pailo Mme one may has he cyrs on lhe nnclcnl MOM cwnlinz house now cav Nahum Show AT mo mm mim illmflWovw wmumwfl unï¬wriimim mmu mammal mv THE HflllElUJIIII Ballam wercd yllh bloomlng vinas in whlch theold slave jall was housed qr in one of the several llvlng moms wlmc the tea tak er is surrounded by cmlurlcs old plclures and lurnilure which would be at lucme ln any museumanl thc past There ls where they serve the bcslmm also an Intimate llllle bar punches Io be found in the West Indies llcrc Um deem Is ham boolike wood even lo the rail lug Where nae may restn weary WW ll yqug cmlu In hoUnIved hi Mn pleuophune MW 91 WM DISTRI lNEWS BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCHVII 1966 sulreneveryonek going to be ihere BLUE PAV NOMINATIONS FOR ACADEMY AWARDS ADULT mmunmm THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THISISERVICE VALLEY TAXI SATURDAY MAROH 19th CENTRAL CQLLEGIAIE AUDITORlUM MARCH 19 1266 AT pm lickels available downtown from Bank ovaonlreal and Royal Bank Midway Variety and Luckys Flowers or phone 726655 you 1mm DRIVEYOURSELF cARs AND fRUCKs WEEKFSKTUHDXYVKIEDIES MAiiNEE AT mo PM IHREE STOOUIS MIIIKHERCULES munoAvgmruu flMESx suuton magma Aunt NA And Copy wm Bis Dcllvered To Yan Home by pm DRILLIA CAT ilflftiUM 110 15755353 PLUS RIO BALL ROMPI SWINGERI SHEBANGI CARRIER MISSYOU and in Allandale from 7282433 SIANLLY KRAMER PRODUCIK COLUMBIA PICIURE 00H Comlorlable wrought iron chairs with cushlonx white leather makera pleasintcon Irasl to he dark greenrwalls and draperies on which red Ind green parrots fly endlessly over whileAbackgmun would urge all touristswjlh sense of hlstvry and love of beauty lo reserve an alter noofl In which In make lhl lovely lour It will be an ad venture theywlll remember al warm 0m Show Huh Future muou 5mm ol rm Mimi ADDED HEATH NOW PLAYING 3261385 lz ma