Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1966, p. 6

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uHI In In Irr MhHx mu rlmuurmL lur urmnu ml hnw mm Him the Irrhfl 11 An mm mm hi llw plth mhl mll my mml mu un mer brill Mum lhr urn Llllvun MIHHH rmpll mu Im xwlIHHL In The flu enrv yr hrfl 1n picLum milky egnu muln hm hullun vl Incandescent Plastic Sheds Glowing Light On Fashions lrlrtrIs ELQaa Un Barr the pm on Anne Himal Lcmpguys DC Wu Vul Iak an The I11 rrs Th Ilk YUHK Ml WWI kw ma éhm Jam by QUOTA CLUB WHAT THE STE3 um Hum Inr urmwu wm Llumg Mnll rxmm Wr UN in Pqu mm the lhhrannul Inulr memo lll Lu In nJ mu III mm mu Mum lhu mmmmmn unzl mu un NMir hm h1uwvt Hmth Ammmn um Wan Mmmv mm phzlc ml mll mm Ime mnmm mvuim 1m Imr lyrcn Imu mu ltnlmn we SWIVHH Wm nrr In vn um In bunn n1 run Inul um Luv Iwn mm rme vhr 11 hvn imam Expose Hosnitals By Blacklist mm Im May In mm um nIcr Lm pxrp the Lu AVKMI Mal Mnnh to 95k xhy H1 mu munMm TORONTO Fm hl Cadhury prmdsnt at he IxmHICI Farm yri 1mm mm bmk 11 ml mile irary Marslu The IVafierfiafier rfiade Puper Cm Ii 11de ITS JUST PAPER Mn me lmm tlum In umwnl um nm in nlh mw mmw mm nnhml Irmm mu mmn qus um ruan hum up mw Jun lmmm um Umv lump kul llwxurnl qunh nu leluly MW in Elm Drum Ml llrr My mm Innlnrnlrn hm mun mun man vr rHuu Ilnmmrm mm mall Hm mm Jan hrarmyhh mu lAhurl lhrm Mun 11mm Hw ntu mu rum um lukrl mmln nluhl MINI rnlnr mwrll mm rup uwr lur Unllhm lmnlm nnl mm mmer vl mum Iw mm wwuy mm Mr Unllhm hunlm rial xlmsu Arr In llm hum HIHIuHnll Iml nmv mm um um pct n1 wrmm lu mw InJ Imr II mu mm uJm Ihmlmnl mm up lulmnmn mm MI nm may HI 1y Im Hm mrl Illrlr ml Ilhr nhuutnlfi Hmva run hum lmd mvh Imk unhuu lhshuumrnu alwuld ml nnhmxl mlh 11mm IIH lufilhnlm lnr HIKMrl ulucs um um lwn ml ILHM lllr Humml nu IINIL un muqu Tgrr Mum lmmmfl lhl mllwmr lxhk Hr ur lunly nnl luilml hh nulullo vlwu ImrlmT lnrm nu mu mm hghl uu Imm 1ln mm IN UMIJI Um lel uhjilflnr LIImm nw Jinn on nunil MEWS mm rn 1y Ihn lizzhllnz wulmnml vulh mm lu unm rm nmmnw uh Um CENTRE OF EECTHOLYSVS lANHII HM FULLY IllfHMHI Ill IIIVIAIHAHW Fc Annlnlmnnl FIl from lhc Sham and TN lu he held Ims Noni ml he llrld I4 lilo Mer HITS and mm Vo ihrfr Cm Hmv mm in mnn His un ldhmw Hwn of Harrie hlh 1an Dumhy Grdncr uclnz ummculnlvr lezunimr thrcw away shill cash Loo COMMENTATOR lllullImUnL Ilu MINI MIIMII Th0 McLAllNEY ml liunl Sl Hm um 71OJBO Sum ll rm his no MMIWIUCHD Ill DIN mm HOW Snmcumu lend Ihc mlm loom mm In mrmnkM Io mm llnr jm wivh ruhllnp mm 101 uh nu lulml 1mm umlmuon ofllmntd ponan the limpw Mhy mnnulannle My llMum uninm Whul lnIMtvlhAwly In nlmul In Ihz huh Ir rum unmlmmlaund umulnlulunull Illletunnp lwuhlnulmnn mu nu uh Ind In Han puny ml mo jallm xlurmHIIm Iml mdu llu Ilul mum In landman unlunm Imlmuinx IIhylmhchuu donAllumanIIurynulmm up mm mvl In um um Iunll unlm my lo mh Illcumlm Imam Illimlnllu um lmn 0L Nun Gabe MalJih In lull uppnmn Imam Ihe IIiLMMhenlu nanmum nr lulvu mllnul Iml lumim Mun hImlefnuwuuln menl Ifllrccltd um Iluyniuw hi my In aunt Mm mmulnni llmyr umlul Ivy Irmnl mum Hm Mm rmrue um ml fla NIIIII um nswm In HmmllHy Immva mm mm Minpllw llieyvr 0v mml umukul mulu yvu um mu nah In hi4 mm MM mm the Slum1H hvdmA VefilM mmm Th In mmer lrl lcr Icmud by he rnmmillco Lmu lhn unwllnn Mrdlcal smmlmn Inrh murals an mnrmhnrnl In 1hr mle launlv Mn hum ho lulu AIM ntlur Humml uf Mrlh cunlml Icvlm nnl Irma 1h wmllmlel ll IIDMMPHIIK mnnlm Nhnlr mrmhrn In uhluh man nmrnvlmmu In In hr CHIHIMI nlr rnlnfl mm bhlh mum and nhm va Hul he laid lhc nunclnlnvn hr Hnru Ihr hun ml mhrr Int should lu mined sorinlinn suppmfl nmrndmcnh In lhr rlmlnnl mk hirh oulxl run In ll con rmplum Ilunllxl Mornam Olin mnlnly the nnaWnn Bur Assnrirlmn nM nmmom Lnmnnllu Tursduy Hus mum happen If pmrnt 1m pramm In in mlvrrliscmrnx mnlnr unrivm me rcptMed Mn Merriam HIM he hrnlth am Thu tnmmmcn hi sorinlinn suppnru nmrndmcnls ormm 4cm Cnnndzlx highways might mme day he Md Aignnlic hillhuan advertising bith control 10 rim and dnuzs FTIIE FARR EXAMINER WEDNFASDAV MARC IIMllnil vlufrh my cum wum snccly insists upnn is that judges be artists Subjefls range mm represen mlnnal landstape to numb jerlivns Artist reprcscnled were Man Collier Clare Bite lrnrator he Lnndnn Galléryfi Adrian Dnflle Jim Gordancer Gram Macdonald and many oth ers several at 1mm have sppk an and demonslraled here After slx years Frasers they moved In life galInry the Cenlral Library Al inter spllnlcr groups broke lrnm he society One Lhasa was the Group Seven and the Sgulplori Sager of Canada Forsges The Pill On Billboards Tao OSA is concerned about he mum of an In Ontarin They are conscious the an fame and the groups who lur ther art and bring it before the public The lirsl Show lhe USA was held In Frasers ArL Gallery on King St Thcrc were 132 naintifiqs by members and painted hy artists who had at dilfelent Nmes beon guests he 13min Oluh The lady Med and fluent speaker with no recourse to notes and seemingly endless supply 01 km page invher field appnéxxmmelg 600 entries The 91th showing by he 05 opcns March 25 al the Art Gal lcry Turnqln Mis McCarthy is he first woman pregidcnz of the sncicty In its early years men were nfil admitted as they might not hold office Now um jtude has completely changczl mian nlinhm On Tuesday eveninguln the beauliiul selling 01 Paintings of Canadian Hiznry amnng them one by the Thomas Mit chell ARC llnnorary Presi dent the Barriefirt Hub Miss Doris McCarthy president Ontario Sncinty of Artists law tall illustrated with slides of paintings by mcmhars of 013 Ontario Society of Artists First Woman Presidefit Of 03A Is Speaker At Barrie Art Club Ono lhléfpsling facet of the Impumm nmmsm AI at luhyu mm plmme mm Mummy nuld nu Im mu nkt la lhe omyue lur yau my nlr mlomh mrminn 1Inmummymunphrqu mnl um um rln mmm Hka Inky F0049 Mum lalh Cunt hubsInntu unmlly mmh duly mm mml hum lhemhnluemhl lhmullnlulnddler um lm lht Im MHIM nulmnu Iboyuupphlhvkr In Izhlul hum ul mmumnhnmm lilmflnm Ian nil lolM ulhA ally Ilnmlmmlamed 1m Inul mm pmly ml mo llul mmkl rnv IIhylrnhflmll up mum l1 lny lo uh Ilimln Incy umln lhubm IIHie NDPllurw nhylllrhmfiml ha Ir0 pva wandnmln lrgnuxlnl dlurminnllun MW cmlml inlnrmnnmx lnr mm mm nlkml Mn Mrrrimu il unuhl lm xlllllrml lo mulrnl ulmllr lnzwlllrhl mm In HInulIl ln he In 1me lnulr The Mr usncinnnn Msh lo have lhr ban on mlverlillnl Luntrnuplhr maincd dld ml apply to Ihe Mark Inmin plnnnln cuniu which pmlde lnIurmntiun on him mural hn us are kinking are hm Mlhxmrd mherllscmrnu nr lnru lullpane spread In our llnily newspaper We lhink HILI wmd hr micsimNa and in bad lnlr mxly mm In we hill luunuh phxmng nrlh rnulrnl on me1 Sim In Ollnwal or an llixlluny WI Mr Merriam said 1hr bar snrinflnn yumd runlunnn in Ifllfl nsking he xmernmcnl hm wllnn I50 12 lh code nmrndul leglite lhe Irlc nl ronirnmlllv film for mural month or year are exporlpd In alter lull airing of me hula whim birlh tontrol lczixlmion 00 AMENDED now on view at ha Publlc LI brary The sneaker was Introduced by Mrs Thetese Alain and he lhanké lhe club expressed by Doris Johnson president Mrs Mary Craig was in Lhe chair fite tlnb is also grnletul or the assistant at the An Insti tute at Ontarto who dannttd 50 tn help the club operations The club also wishes to exyms its thanks tn the ponlederntlon LU Association or the tuna of the Painltngs Canndian History In thn alder two ol palnung the artist captures moment ln tlme The people pm on doing what is expressed in the painting But as pannle they have no re Iallnnshlp with ymL 0n heing 1onde wind was rhe meaning at red line through the picture Miss McCarthy raplied Tho lfld knows wh Avmmmx ormflfln berry patch introduced much dis cussion the speaker explain ed Thu child amblemauc of all childhood You m1 Iha he conscious of you and that 23m have relationship with Miss McCarthys own work no nonohecllve The sublet matter is more or less reaflsllc lint her approach In art went from others shown Sh mes perspccllve In expuss sublecl in her own Individual Jack Rep young palnler absracs who died not long of cancer was represent Jn the slides shown It In lnresllng to mm ID Barry Conn Huzhes former edilor on he mm of The Barrie Examiner was on of first go apprec im and buy one of fieppenl wnrks Wm nu an Iur saw Furmorly arllsu werz 01ch cd by he group or member ship Now point system Is In farce The attainment of nine paints makes an artist tangible or membership only so are hufig These are the op examples 01 art hclngfiuno LIIOntario Ioday All am lur sale mm mm lnnlnviml unume urnhing rm Thh fiwn quallly lmmh Inlll my In walk wllh mll mm nnl ml Inll II or Ilsa humilul Ilulllrl 3m plm la nah llmmo mm Ilu newtl mm mm lnfnnu hlxinn Inuit Ixy drnignin your Ilmn Mnlmlm ullll Mulrur rulInn Innulrlnlh lnlu In llll mmlhmlly Nutll Iillk or ilnnhlg Chmr mm In Ilw mum lmlu or your will nul nmmurr mnlmlw 35 WIDE LESLEY 41f WIDEVCOR0NET tn1 ulna upcrn ulm AllyNi umml nlllm prinll anlnlul lnr aimu nml Jpn nun Wnluhlr Iml rolnrlul Chum hum rl of lmrly wring IIIIn 38 WIDE 3777WiIDE LUSTRETONE 11 mwfinm rrlurmnlwnumnllln lmgunn III will Imn In 01 cu 0H Colony In Fur um lnhinm Iflll hum lrmr uull have luml lime rimming mm lhil nml ligin luinl ulnlinn In wulnlxh Iml mlnllul mun Illur pinhflmn ml fl 35 WIDE PAGEANT PRINTS Hm it rolllm nilh Inliny rvnglne fmilll Snip xloln Aml llnrll pallrrnl mile it the ptllfll rlmirr fur drum hlnum runinn wlulrru unr liver inuginninn wurm Wululxla Ind rnlmlul So many Inlrly rnluu PM In mill Ihr app em nmd rollnn Axlfully primal nmI rnunlimling mlidl mlnr all Mmhnu nlrrirlihxmr from flonlYaung Allull nr uumry xlnignn From Imamor qualin Innmlimllill 38 WIDE vim WISP Mimi PLAYMATE Add dull of flat to put plrtyilog mlh Tex Made wuml poplin tnvflldinllrh Mlgiurc fin ih rnlurfnnl Ilunly Ankle Ill the hm flnrals mipu and spring 66 denignl White pink Mun pLilwptr ml lunluoiu fudliun buy my price in his wuhnwnr muon haliue Blended of 65 lrrylmea Int 33 combed collnn Wmqu and colorful mun or your new apring wndrobo Ind homo dzcnr Newsewn punch 44 Wle TEXBLEND BATISTE Your spring ml summer wardrobe dammit the elegance Hulk and canon blend in textured shnnlung wave with Iilk finilh Thin wuhlble colnrfnu Ibric in 11 of spring 66I preuien paml shades Save 404 Ild 44 WIDE COUTURIER PLUS CW 35 WVWINIS 63 6355 985 69 Yard £8 mmmwifiuaé 99 Reg 179 ylrd Reg 139 yud and 19 Yard Yard Yard ml Yard Yard WM

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