Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1966, p. 16

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without apparent reason Not nil luch mm or binmishca will prove to ho cancerous but then is no way or yan in icii Ihe diilercnce 1110 mm way In find out is by biopsy43km sum in oi the Ule or mlcm mop examination These melhuds are successful In more than 90 per canto cases Thu lailures for he most part result because he palient waited too lung and the cancer already had spread on much helm tho original growth was removed of all clnccrs skin cancer the mas readily curabla be cause it 15 slow growing and man be seen and hence found In Its early ages What we must do drum Into olks minds thnt hay mustnt wall hey ya lo the daclnr quickly there In very Mule danger No all skin cancer xequhu urlhzr trulment T0 GOOD HEALTH Dur Dr Molnar You re cenUy wrote that when thorn tn shpccted skin cancer the tissue removed axnmlned tn the laboratory under mlcmcope and cancer cell are found additional treatment started What does thlstr¢almcnt con sist at had lwn Mn cancers maved lurziuuy The labor 1ory report Indicated that all Iho cnncer hadheen removed Then in no further Iran mcnt Should there hava been By JOSEPH MOWER MD No usedthe term mthe kellmenlf because more thm onw malhod mnyflm used but be 1031 lhe same Ta rc move all lbs cancerous Us ing an ig cannolspmfl Surgical removal most frequent mnjhod but In cutnln clses xray may beiséd ilrsi to mink and destroy the cm ar In other Instances here any question as to whclhzr canccraus fissua might remain xray may be sad as fallnw up lrntmmt and precaufiondry measure Principal xigns are any sore Hut does not heal or mic or llmHli blemish which changes aim or coior or biccds Vnur Dr1lolnux it Irue that wnmcn who have lud hyalereclvmy should nn lake harmoncVT Qulle lhu conlrnry particu Inzly lho hysterectomy ls nmvll ylm mm 400 aMm mum Show JWorlfl In onlrul LThl mm mm Mn Lucy nnxnny Cnmplny 30 1Cxukh Cu anum mm Hum snu mu Vnunl um IChlnml mum in smnon Mary Ham snulml Skin Canter Readily Curgble isumk ufrnal Hnmuv mm mm mu imr In Nblh moon Nll1nn flullnln by rv tN mm mu a4 Nan 6H Mnmlnl Mo tPunllfl lflmlli lNln Hrfidmlllll our gympo 310an IUn HI Inmm lmml mu mud Il 1an ml Ann 74mm mm Hm lNNC Nu nllln mmnu ICI mullan 4M mmm Hm mm in Mumt tn sum mm In lmv ll rum IMMIM mm mm no rltllflllq n1 Unm novmy mm lMlm MI mil hum In mum rmm UIrwr Mlm 1L Aim MI IBUFFALD SBAIUHE LDUHALO ITOHONTO llIMMILXDN WEDNFJDAY MARCH 16 EVENING n4 In mum mm lth THURSDAY MM TELEVISION PROGRAMS iIMY MINI 17 IV Ilmaa or 1m hnl vmu Mm no IThl Vlulnlu an In hvn Imam Am Hill 11 MORNING Inlumly 1m Mecm Vllla HMdy Allen Hm lullllnll lr1nil at In 3way um 11 hqu Mm lInn iiroud 5th anah mu mm lllumly Illuhuuu NHL Ilucm 1th ll hulnll Furun mu Spam nu Nm numuy mun umlqumyu 00 xdnwvflv hum nu Jun um lTalvnlu mu Audv nl mm ma Mn mum ll nrmal luy IArlnn um tllm INnfl Nmmlly IEuKh Yer IImun IIIIH lm Ylmnl Imuhlu plumHm mu LI hmm um mmnm LAMth mm tinu uumlu mm Lamy mu IL Nmnllml UII hum llm Ivm Ma ll mull mml perfumed balm menopaun Ind the ovarian rcmnved which man lurnlcal mew pausel Hnrmnnu then are helpful 1n prevenflnz or ml duan annoylng nymploml such but Haiku However Inc ovaries an no remuved than would be no upset of he endo urine balance and hormpnu would not be necessary bur Dr Molnar 13 here successlul procedure lonrellevo Inn constricted lendon 1n ha palm of lhe hand It is madlly getting worse and hand Assumlng that II Dn vuylrans contraclure which ll sound like rum constriction tan b9 corrected surgically Thls sort of candlllon probably nrlginalns lrom an Inlury The lendnn lhlckens and can draw the fingers Into curled or hooked pasltlonl Keep In mlml Ihat such Ihlckenlnz ten dnn can occur yet navcr be come problem In case In whlch use he handls Im palmrclh surgch dlsseclion of apprnvcd way lorrreslorew hand to usefulness Dear Dr Molncr gemch man when work Inslsl that one every 1000 babies ham has sum sign of tail on the base of he splnc Immodinlely alter birth the doctor cuL lhis growth away In there any truth lnAEhM almd sur lcal dissecfion of thicken lendnn area the MTMVA CmA bill that would make It illegal or any but Cnnadlnnrcgislmd ships to mow might or passcngm he twcen pom witth Canada was lnlmduccd In the Common Monday by Frank Howard NDPSkoena Mr Howard laid it would boost the business of Canadian vessel 1mm coasth trade and also spur ha Canadian nhlnbuungng lnduslry The bill was given routine nm nadan arid placed H10 and or 124 private members billy awaiting debate in lhe limllcd limo set aside at such bills Ship Bill Introduced AFTERNOON lWHnnrlnflum qu nu nm 100 21 II92 in lIMtrv Gullln IMO mulu km vnnu Wu am Immu mm 30 11mm nu JMgmcm 11 IUD In lnl mm Immmm Flllrn llmon Lmn um Nnnu ll ulllvln mum WING 54 no mu llmll Wel nl luulh um um mu 11 pm mum 1le may Lin Lur MI mu anM an may fly FunMd Km Im1a nur nu 14m nnrlm Ward the lmmur Irvurlc In mm IL Imam nut in LAnuImr mm by Toll ln mlh 1H Ih 1th Lrnmmd rhum mm llnn My Im mm lJAp mm hm mm mm mum rum film 11va 1mm Wll Nunv my nmvmrl llJot 0m dud Ill Illul null on Lulu hum UNIII nm mum Shaw II Jam mum um um um mlm hull ILIO mm 114 mm mm IIM in wmm Frulll um hu 11 ALTON pmzsm CHICAGO AP Surgeon are leaning mead with bold and lxMam nqw plumbing inslda he hummboan 15 MM WW with predict bland low 3y pug3 ol the altering heart Hill Lanw fines lu Iced laud mdlxahkdheam or in cleaning out rulud namml Mm And it hucome Along so well California hurt swindle nanhag now it oould be pos sible la bring wells 00 when hall otlhe mflfllm people gram rm crippled hows ma Iald onerploneuIn mgeon mm Canada new ted ERm 99 WE New Impmved uurzleal technique were described to tho American College of Caldialo gist whh initial rewihpaucd mmaglaf T419 or he plunblnzk The heart kammcuhr pump whose walLs get nourishlng Mood 01mm wur coronary arteries and many branches Mwn meserw cl wilh allynls or painful or cripplmg attack angina ensue Tissum om fed thmuzh natural pipeline may die Openlng lead neven nl dim monds lopnotch dcdmr has In lee My way In tho play of some hand without knowlng uhclher or not in allowing hebcsl line attack This 15 elpecinlly true at the bcginnlnfl dim whlch is when dcdar has lhc lens knowlrdno 91 lbs campcsillvn lhe Idvem hands However despite this In agile declmr nenerally alnu In the right dlmUnn without commu llnu himsell lxrclrinvnbly or the ml ho hand Ha rim lo Surgeons Develop New Heart Pipes DAILY CROSSWOBD THE OLD HOME TOWN South dealer Nunthon vulnerabln 1131 vqws msw no us our 41965 sown 1m The bidding 39 We new uslapu ILWelrd 12 ppm qty Ne Jim cum mu 145mm uqu 150w Mud lurxeon 16 Excllml Ion 111nvrltrl Ihbrnvll llon Judlln nu 1L Chop 23nmk min Dunnng Jillnd of Guam no Emllm 31511 MJmulumX mulberry 10 Pul Jumbkd um um Mdrrfizm nunm allrrronlllon 40 ml Imm nlllng Hum duzkl ummy avmgm 111th Ind E6635 ACROSS CONTRACT BRIDGE NORTH North Em Jo Pu msw Anna Ilva IHHny nr Cato 7Doclorn fimu Ilium nuvy Mr Hull ll lumlmllwn 10 nutnut hemlnn Cox 1v may 205mm boll DOWN LCIIIII znexlonu widow Vu mumm By JAY BECKER in some new piblnfi in eniaus ways whom LOCATIONS New EJWSEW 2° PW es and mm choose what kind lumbmg wlll help he findiwdu pallean so that hail mlghl benefit said Dr Jami MnEuchcn and ammes mu Saint Johns Hospital Santa Morphy Now 15 possible to pkwninl the locqfions of blocked arlpr Sixteen years ago he do vghpgd ledmlque cutting 1m aflNYJlI the chesthe lefl Internal mammary mewand inserting freed and into hm ltd maiedixisidc Chu hear made The muscle then quickly develop smali Mood channels to dlgribgfic ghh extra blood Results have been memvcd by also mmvinz some mu hems lining and anerizlgvpmv pf Ule heart with remarmhrla Arum Vimberg Rays Viclmla Hospital in Montreal said goal new In eight 13 cal rabiLity to direct the blood flow by cmlfulncd thods that my or all Hacked arteries 21°°ch mu mm the abdomenUm warmlyqu agts tapnm keop somelhlng In reserve in cm the inllla llnu play he Iogmlgnu wrong more blood to the heart tissue said Dr Vineberz Swlh adapted Lhe right cuum ol play In this hand and came out well at the end Hav lni wan lhc Jack diamond wllh the king ho realllcd that allhe had to do to make me conlract was to win our club tricks wllhoul permitting East to come In the had or dia mond relurn cordlnyyme led lvw club In the queen at trick two Wtst producing the In and continued wlUI club toward his hand When Ens allowed with the six Sanlh played the eight Was showing out was then an easy matter lo cash In ulckx and make the comract ann that 11 would not have helped East to play the nlnu on he second cIuh lend Had he done this South would haw wan with the king and later messed against the lack lo produce the same 10 tricks Rum and finesse wax prmcn lhi 22 émiller Exllt 25 Fool the early club linens had Ins to the nine or lackwhich Soulh mlghl well ex pccl lo happtnhc would still have been cumin of nine tricks result at tho alcly inaneSouths main concern in the hand was to kpcp Em 9U Eplm imbnbbyl muuh 214th 3mm mrnll Jim undone 31 Pu By Stanley Vand lhédfip club made In max in mm happening Ylllnll All mm UMulun lndlnn Jim JellyMk DID ETTA ASK YOU TO TALK NE INTO LEYUNG H50 50 3594 DID ISUDPcnu 5Hx5n57rr bUQLflU vk coummur uoz 29 in F1z warm sin 1021 4m rnn any Viki Kiri nmvrn sin 20w hum mugsum mm wzrwamm Qummtoutrwmm ilLLYVGA 0F WW MIT5N pumava Pl tagsky MUCH um TIFF FQr WC AND cum sowvsnl 5mm wssxau morcewusxz can you EEETHE wnu mvau LADY qus comma may PERSON LIEUTENANT we asmsr MXIDUS T0 MEEI you 11m BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 16 JIM21 so THAYS WW MADE nus NEW SPECIAL ROLL PLEM vourfie THNIKVOU OPERATOR ImlLL TRY fig MUZNQZM Unuz k0 asthma no 76 nnu OE 45 5443 Vanonaza In 3459 151111113 NM JHMR mu maul 4st mm

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