Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1966, p. 6

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lmnlne my nurpvlw hrn 1m lrnbhed 1m wnlkrd In the hack hit and mmdmd Mln um mm In rmlvn the hnl Anlnr mind was um oullldq when Ihay HIM my film and nrlunlly rflrlnt knnw had Wm until Iho IWMTI win In my hum Paul bun with Tub so lnr Ihlu wamnl mm mn rd on rohml vim Annl Clmlmn uho ell Um mm In Iumrmr In Aka up lull llml pmlonlnnnl mm ll MW partner Adrlrnno Markrm uhnlarly chumur whn laugh mmlrm New II Ianrmlly of TulMio balm mum Tale In 1960 Paul mm the but alclor mm In um Domlnlon Drum Fudvl wan In million and um inlahad the Play mind back oomy Since Um day year ago Plul Solu when CBCTVI popular dhyflmu publlc nflnlu nhow Take 30 has paclcd lot of Hitmm and lelmisim Inn lntnhk mm cl unvelllnxlm job In Union mm day hm hurl cumin and decided In drlvA hack to Him film the prumlalim nl owgnim since Mgh schrml Paul uu Icltd In or dirccltd About 55 vinyl and hull dozen mun Ila erndlng unlvcnlty in hmdun Ont he worktd ll ndlo an Tim disc jockey Ind till lound time In wmk with he Inndon Lllu Theaer mun Ind dlmcl the unh Mlyl gnqual revue The lim play ever wed in was at Sunday uhool who was our yuan old My one and only Hm wu Snakes Save usl Thu hilnrlty lak place on CBClelevlslonl Shmv of the Wack Monday lllmda at lm EST in the third ayne and Shusterl cumedy vnrlely hours the current leum As their special guem they will feature the brllllnnl Frmdwamdian mlme Claude 5L Dcnil performing sevml nllenl skclche in the tradition Marcel Marceau and flaky Robertson one of Canadas onl Ilandmx lmerpreurs powlarr lung Ind ballndr Its Mtudcr Italian SKYW all me Wayne and Sinister Hmu whcn the comics present wndq spool ol murder malar lel munins Johnny as lnspw Mr Martin the Home Police innk as Rodc Handsome Am erican movle Idol and Pam lulgman as the great dhcclor Federico Feilunl nl Parmlgiano Helms Paul Soles Seasoned Actor Wayne And Shuster Spoof Murder Mystery Funk shunn movlo Idol Rock Handsome sup ame Laird Paul Kllgmm the great director Federico mw um bowl sold lumd mulm nlod uthnmnd THE BETTER PIANO C0 70 Dunlap Idl PIANOS Thu 9mm way to save nnd tIavallRucllnlng coach seals nll vomvad In ndvnnco at no pxlm cost Forollwroconomy R0IWhiln and lluo men cnll huv Aulhmlud unl Amt cr Innnl hm Dupe Nth Ollm 71H Clly Tidal Om 776651 Ichhwrlmlnnlaxlsu hm hm uylanallnn lnr hathluh murdm FIrAL they My lhm ll Alwnyl In uncamclom de Ilra vn Iho purl of Um killrr wad away wxlh In nurh mom Immrh Thu bnmluh lbcnln uu also Inna been want with mom makm And many mnl mean mmm hnvo been hand on Amunx Ioma me mm mm at Lb nemklnn Pay dl llbolgqt Ind olhcr Mm wxm him 1n wind mum rtlem In Pant vmon lHIn Scthl plans the murder In Ihlx mom Unnlmrnt or the lumen Hubert Manlcllhct noveL IUI vlrlim MU wcn nut gain to upon you In tllhcr Snmnnlhl F1 nr or Ipzrki11uglln who are And bamub in which the times perlecl crlml is commuted in me ncw suspense gram Return From the Ash Mirlsch hrpanllona Lee Thompson produclinn which open thin week at lha imperial Thenlrni mum ll lull nl bud mur den And they range All the way mm the clam Job pednrmcd by Electra In unclan Gram through he celebralcd Charlollo Comny use ol the French Row oluunn Criminal Inn1 are said to prove that the baflltub mm than any other location It chas en Um local or he pupa ration Forle Crlmes by murders WWW Thenll I20 hi rvsgulu exsor gyne guflnu IN Lime as Lhe worlds greatest expert on mil lmy Ilium One the lumen nkmm Johnny and Frank uwe done recently Ix Incluied In the ihUW they play pair cullurally minded hockey ylaym In ton venetian whilegulsd in flan 31on Absent mm the in Wayne and Shulier Hour the popular dancer Dun Gillie returns wxfl Pawns Ross hl yaxgner Murder In Retum From Ashes Follows Classic Crime Pattern Fallunl and JahnnyWayno lnspeclor Giovanni Martml are the prinalpak In his thick called Murder Italian mun mum um CANADIAN NATIONAL 11W EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mzm 1m mm Ellnhughl whit lo Canmll M11 coma nur lho end any North Amerlrnn Imr lnvimkm VM loLv Gum Inlmuunnll which he honorary Ill member In expand and Wine vocational school or handlcnppcd boy 11 mm In Scarlmrouuh vmu Villnzo will be vh llld carrier In the day by Im Philip uho wlLl mm and talk with 1mm nl boy and um momberl The Duke Edinburghs ad dnss will be givrn 1101 11m dinner at dm 0an York mu Princu Philips addrou In the Tornnln rhaplcr Var lely Clubs Intern1mm ulll be carried on lhc CBC televlslon nclwnrk Monday March At 1136 pm un Bu In 90 use out too the expert ny there is Alwy 1le and Wu dont men on lha map ant such murder can always or so the criminal believe be made to appear that 1h vi Um dd use or Lhc Wayne and Shusler Hour Is under the dir ocflon of Samuel Hersenharen Producer and director ll Stan Jacobson with assistance lrom Huger Fnurnler producer al CBC Mammal Philips Address To Bid Village ap pearance an the Ed Sullivan Shaw allowing videotaping Lheir iaicst Shaw oi the Week hour ihay are also pwpnring or flu summers Charidtelnwn Festival where thuy are both progucprs qnd pgrfoimm Style from the Wayne and Shuster Hour In be seen Mon day March 21 on CBCTVI Show the Week Wayne 3m Spuskr wenu all RED FARE flNE WAY nezmvzud on he has nramrs the Home ML creme pmlmlmy numb came surprise candidate or iguana Liberal party loud Mr Green cook Beninw South in the 1m elecum bo oming mo in Liberal in century to carry to 0mm tine wonghoid Imprint Ha retained the seat on Nnv 1965 and onlemd the Cabinet minister at ngrimilure Ha the first agriculture minister 1mm Emun Cnnada sinus 1911 Bum In Tomnio MI Greene graduated from the University Tomand Osgoode Hull Law Sdnool before moving the mun Vnilcy 17 year ago In the Second World War he term with RCA iizhkr oom mnnd an thrur on night lighten and aimed lhn Disiln wished HyinKACmss In an Informal selling Mr Green discusses his depart ments plan to Mp meet the lawn labor situation and also talks about amp Insurance dairy price and marketing and the costprice squeeze in agri wlture 1116 Country Calendar pm grim Show Menu of Mr Green with his wile Quunie apd lheir five childrul his homa in Amprior the OtLawa Valley town where he par lmr In law firm pmflle of the Hon Greene the new minister oi ag riculture and member of Pad ment for Redraw South will be apedal presenlatlon on CBCWs If Calendar Sunday March 20 at L80 pm EST he yearold Onlarlo law yer wul be interviewed by Jack McPherson liaison officer CBC mm and fisheries broadcasts 1n Ottawa Hm Bob Camel P1qu ew Doctdx Series jFor CBC Next Sedson Wojeck will be producedon film with slwotinjw begin In April 111a 10m uric wlll be Inlecast on CBCTV next All Madman Sgptember EJQCUIM finducer Rngqld Weymaur producing of Starring Coroner Wojeck ll Jdm Vernon the Canadian ac oi whaldl filecls ol the Brodlwny bl play The non Hum of theSun In appur In the pHoL Hamill also An In ensuing serial The win takes title from filean of the central chm Icler Dr Steve Wojeck who mlde his debut In week In lhu mam pilot drama Tell Them the Stmu Are Dancing ME can on Bob Hoprnxum this Wednesday Mud at 950 EST nevi series Johourlona dramu lillcdWajeck will be produced by the CBGTV drama departmgnt or next ueasnn County Calendar IntervieWs Greene Th Im es ls line Mrm ornndum from an historical fact On July 1L m1 mum Gem lug ml mmrandnm to Rein hard llcydridl of the SS in nfimdinx him to begin vamp Mom or final solution lo 01 Jewish Thu was mien euphemism or Ihe systematic extermina on of all Jew In Dam Six million Jews were mrnnldy annihilahd More tho mllapm of the Thlrd Reich Memorandum oneth film special revisits the Menu of these mass Nazi mm with one 01 he survlmra Bernard Lau er glass cufler who now lives in Toronlo On summer day in X965 Lauler and hi lBymrold non Joey arrived in Hamburg Gen many on pilgrimage wth American Jews tn the death camps here Ihcy were once marvelaim LauIcr was arrest cd on ha Hm day of the Sec ond World War and he wrvxvod can The last was Bergen nelson and this is when the 196 traveller ended their Ium mg pilgrimage Naflona Film Board docu mcnlary recalllng Hillel lenUm wrsecmlon the Jews In 1me during the Second bx1d War Wlll be telecast an CBGTV Wednesday March is 1330 my PET Documentary Recalls Ordeal Of The Jews ed in war on poverty program including am economic devel opment decentralization of hr dusky and me dilfiwmu Every Monday eyenlnz ten laI mnn with file lnkrlzulng nickname Trigger nap hr 30 the CBC Idwhlon 3120111th plea of paper In hand smile on My lace And rudy or action View my nol know him Trigger but they do knnw himhasADnn ImmalneK husky Do Mussel Jubilee seen he eplsodes nnd Toranln writ er Phillip Hench will wrilemusl at Lhn scripts Hench wrote the pilot drnmn Tell Them the Street Are Dlnclng which con cerns the coroner tumult flan lnln the death 01 an Italian construcllnn worker Don Tfigger Tremaine Has COloriulCareer IO golf courses dance Halls yacht club and iust about any shop or service you can think of to strike bowling centre billiard hall You wont have to go far The Gear Polk Awards are open kc journalim In all medll and sponsnrcd and selected by Ihe depnnmen of Journalism mm the judges praised ii being record people siruggling to exist in coniexi of Mini war it was in mmpeiiiian wiiii leievislon documentaries rum ihmughaui in world and all MLWDHEJ in L115 iJniied sum Lon Island University an nounned odayjuml CEGTVn The Milk of the Gndx has won he Gems Poll Memorial ward as the outstanding me vision documentary 1965 The rogram produced and directed Bury Fox was dramallc report on the war In We Nam and was seen on the WOW network lag Dccemhcn many background Incl that may no he commonly known about his CBC stall annuuncer JnJlulHax Don enjoy hi role has his dnwneasl music show as eaéh week he Introduces wllh great enthusiasm the mw of fiddle Dan Messer and Islanders songs by Charlie Chamberlain Marg leume nnd VCaflmrina McKlnmnrxpcq 11 numbers byrth Buchta Banners and spoclal gums mDons nkhwne has been will Monday at no pm the CBGTV nelwnrk CBCs The Mills 01 The Gdds Wins Top Ddcuméntary Award Wokck Llhe second mark huntlong series announced by CBCTV or Ihelelecasl next season The other Quenlln Dur gem MP gram out the suc ccnflul ulxpart drama Mr Member or Parllamenl whlch ran on The Serial lam AllANDAlE UMBER 49 ESSA ROAD 7161466 Al SAYS BEAT THE TAX LOOK AT THIS SPECIAL 116 my Mar $1990 ARBORITE Hymn Wham EST on Miss Fox want la Vie Nam Xasl September to put tngelhzr shun report on the war or CBCWs Thls Hour Ha Seven Days She originalLyhlended lo Ila law days but inmad flayed monthtrudging Iha Jungle pin with us Mar ines gun but us they Iraded lire mlh shoreline inip and flying wllh bomber mws over zucrilln Atwngholds The result hourinn docu mcnxm was seen on CBCWk Document min and In mnnlh was telecast on lhn BBC ln Britain of Long Island University This mark the first tlma In in 10 years existence that he ward has been won by Can adian OffBroadway Show For Petrie Daniel Patric 45 native VOIAGLECQZBN5TRJJOTW makes hISTmme in London has wrkcd it the lap in theaue TV and movins in North America and England He curany is In Naw York pmparing the March oll Broadway vpening of rum oneml plays lumped under the title oi Monopoly CP Photo THE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH 15 1966 nmifi NM NORMAN SHOES Dunlap moral TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7262414 Wm wTduu 1mm MI other uyIu In Blue Reds Ind oflm 5pm CRS HAROLD FBHSTEB 90 Emma CALL Dawn f$h9e5WiIhIha Bright ldehi For lniormlflon On AIR STEP 7266453 Burk

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