Jmlenanl All an mo ha Camp Borden uuanl recrnuy mlrwl cm lho Canadian Army In aka rlvnlan carter with lho avlnalal unturnan lulnlm many lmuml VI It In ms In Inmfrmd In CM and mmlnul hero Mn dudan In at In lrml mum Itmz hp Retires From Army To Take Position With Ontario Govt In an mm 01 In lha SqlVation Army Brigadier Guest Speaker At Citadel 55 50 Mt 51 IN his costume for tho Mall mumps guest SKATEILS no goingvnapimlc Nonenllhe dbdloolchildna Miscaanng Slnru lull LL Huulml hi Mm mulnyrvl ml lmnqmvl le NM Illh 1an In Midier Ind Holden In mu wonl In HUASC mammal Ind remained VI lhll tnmponrnt lnr mm mm on hull nm mvlnl Kur onn mm Omwnalkm tn lm mm Frilng omcer llnmhuu Hrmmny mu 1C In Munirrnl lml nan Im In 1W Ll ludunl mm tall an or nnrvlcn Mn Imam rr Al Ilmlmmlnu Lnmp Hurr dou Imlll um Huvlnz um p0 lml he WWI flNlnr 04 lb lmm llnrllm flhrn IIan All Olllrrr MIMI Camp lloulrn ml llnrm mud MIR Regimen during 1W nml Ialrr mum on Io lvlarlmquihA whm mum lrmn um or man mud Dlmloml mam In 195 And In My 1035 Divisional Ofï¬cer or Ashanti Ho NW6 mled Um Salvation Army the All Nrim Clth Morena mm roannlml dudnz their tum was 12m GI Iollcl um 71353 ln Drpl 7mm llMpllll 72M OPP 1M whkesflmo Velia Own MOM youna skaters Moore Nahcy EMERGENCY NUMBERS BRIGADIER AMU 1mm In 1930 Irvw Hva nunan vrm tumu Mm hum an Mr 5mm Mk II Man mu vim Um Idh fur Mm in In my Mam Mind to Inflmn 1th anR No AMI Mal Hf It vun Inl lnln with mun ulvila lm Mum In In lantth rhml Im 0mm 0er In an 091an 11m W3 5mm grindml Mr xmnl Ma 0th Manl mlm hmml nail tn lnlm mum Onlnrio Du1 Imnh hm lhnAr in Mrle rumpmxnl lwm thmlny 1110 odml lmnla or litu In mltllmm Mr lo m1 an mlmaml MK vamnden In um pmvinml unwary Ivhmh 54mm 3000 lï¬hdmn and pm lelmcbm Im In mum leimw 11w cnnh ml mmnn mw mt wkml wlllu noel lwuu mu Munm up nuw lnahwu Inr lhll MI by Amy whom 21 NScmrI Itll Mmixm mum nod ho Alth auction Mmmplm hat wwmynlflum about we Cattle Auction Atmosphere Rs Hiring 0f Teachers Begins Briflfldkr Amu was dawn by the Army worldwhim add Climniisinncr Eric Wick hem delegate lo the Zonal mfmnoe In Nafmlil Kmya in am NOTE ATTENDANCE DECLINE NT IMMUNIZATION CLINICS umuwlul 113qu When tho Ghana Division was denied to Oormnand Aalus nnd unrated mm tho Marian Territory in mm he was named Chasm and lrapslcmd lo Dr Sm dlndor ma Slllwu Counly Heth UIIII MIX 1th unltl board HI rdar Friday um dmp 1n mum II no mm but mloul moufll In Mme mncrm uld Irn lo so prr cull ol hlmffll mu enledu hm held in Me In madam Nigel1L dMUnO In Itkildllnce ll Immunlullon rlInlrI l4 muh In concern nmonl public hum InlhorllJrI in Shim County hmmmhmmms med NWMmemey Iomminlm nmm hm mil on wax21 mmuy In ï¬ron ur mm 17 wlll Inky future In mm mvunlu Iv mlahmfim IviMmnl mm nrl the Hull Mirth Uganda WIM Mmlm man will Italy In uni lnr Um may win Hum um tul mm 11 Twin tantra flllwinl hard mth Minion Rye Unit1 mum wlll IN rim mm nflwhmvh mxmnk flonnL him who umkl not aim hh mum MM llm mum and Innman mm lnku Fm mminmr In dimming the mlan an and mm ï¬ll um World Mission Night To Be Held In City For First Time Inï¬nitytum Mulch polnled Dr Mqu lcllu dlrrclor nf lh hull unh In In Hm Ripuud Mayfch mflcr 67s May higher 270 July hither 266 Nov hlflhcr 25M May higher July Mghcr unchanng 3410 Oct higher 3mm DEC nol open or Ihn llrll MD MI lull lmnumlnd The hullh Iml Lhnuld mllm In Immflllflll lamp la brlnl Hm 1m um lo nu per ml In uld Dr 5m 1de UN bond ynlerdy tar lndeflnlle Ilrk In fll he Ia nboul lo rnlrr hhymn lur yrvlonud por bhunce WLNNIPEG CP M051 the light early trade was In 0H ucds lqdny an Um Winnipeg Grnhl Exchange Openlng prlcuzn Dallx May July 0d and Dec not open lime May lownr 135 Jul and not open nu May unchanged 131 Jul 0c and Dec not opp PERFORWEHAT be 9131 1n mm hike meromor am be to FARM PRICES slyppgn In order rrMITM mum ma nlbwmurw In la ynnaned up Iflltl In mend mm an Cash mm prom le hem pm The mm In mlul Unf twl ml vihvr sum lelul vi mm In llw urn1m um Mll bu kw by Dr Mmm hm Murray malnum 1M0 UK now minimum wm amt mmy llwir man out far rlmlng Inluilmrl hulkL Klimt meal III Dr ft MI mu myml Funer If Mind mm 11 hnmln In mum mm of oL lugr Irnnrd mvlod Alma nuth min mm lrnm lhI Mn club yurlnrmul mmoxy we nml rnnlrlbuml many lo lhI uhwn mum and anally HIGHLIGHT llluhllm ol the avonlnl WM Illa Iinï¬nz owlblllnn lzy Dr L1mr Rnolllnn on Can llll npmmullvu In can world nluu nknllnl chnmu Chm bnydcr nml Charm Snclllnu ucflcd flu croud wllh Unit lodball rahpa In mid hon in mm no Ikntlnl my math mo he ohl tlrrul lrltk ol throwing lunch water Whllh wnl rrnlly cnnlclll Inln Um nudka Jnnlnr pnlu rhmnplnm Fun rr and Sunken put on an ax mHmi in min lhnllnl Hm Many impraxxlvc has Warhead lulu DA on nccnslon group lhrcenndahn year old mod rcnlra lcu lhraufllmul lhcir enllro number nrgulnx what In do 11qu girl wns vlnhmly wagging her nur the othm to allow hrr Mule Huey um Just nu Inshlmdy making their hand decrmlned no In no The determined 2mm he Illlla loddlm warmed the hand of everyone Their Mp1 lumb lca and xenarnl mnrusian brought nnly Iympalhtllc and loodrllumured Inughlnr lmm Ihn Hands Considerable credit must go to MrL Robert Ormlslon who de signed the mamflcenl costumes Indium roundly npplaudld eaeh new arrival and expressed lhalr rnllsfntflnn wllh me my lusianal appearance ollha var led array 0vcrhcad ha harsh while lights mud Ior hockey games were mplamd with dcrp violet whlth grave the mum colored mslumu worn by this skaters In lrrldcscenl glow COSTUMES mm Wm the help 1h 250 pap chpanu and lime Imagination on the part he andlmce the Ihow portrayed graduallon class picnic than game nimiub and various types mums The Ice incl presented very liwly amarance with mlorcd lights running along the boards In Million In the colorful an deslnl painted on ils sur are Th1 great Ihowuxfu smiled Day caning Wi cge Grad and Miami young aludznt returning to his larmcr school who reminisce about the vast nd teflgcu pnrthe uhue Examiner amu To any that tha Barrio Figure Skating Club Carnival went all without hitch Saturday night wnuid be rlight exaggeratinn but judging imm tile madlemea enthusiastic applause and hearty laughter it war iun thrillAliii ed evening Apmvxlmaicly 8000 persona attended the arena to the annual skating nvlew which in eluded guest rtara Anna Fordar and Richard Stephtna 1965 Cam adian Pairs Junior Champions Chrla Snyder and Dr Charles Snelllag irmn the Monte Gran ite Sirltlng Club By GERALD GELNGORTEN Several Highlights Skating Cdrniml mm Mom we to right Shh hhaniblbn Janice Madn mamylvama are medium dub cham we Dr Mel Smiling and Ridzaad SW plan Ricky Deanery mkr mm mm wwwmymngu an momma 119 genIre urlél on Jackson nmdmnl Slmcoe Coumy reprcunlnllre tn Ihe OnLnrlo Ftdnrnllon rlmIlurc rcporln an lhn mm mA wlnlor confrva The canicrcnm was duluned In 1m provo lhc cfloru he OFA In dcnllnn with the many problems Alsa elected lo the execullve wen Km Wilson Nouuwnsuxa Township llnl viravmsldenl Gillan Sunnldnlc Township mond Vicemmdtnl nnd Vil llnm K21 Innixfil Toummp past prmidcm In lhanking Lhe board or their conï¬dante lhe nvw presldcnl pointed out th lnrmlnu precarinu occupation wllh arm prices fluclunllng loo murh and prodlkllfln uni conslnnUy In creasing very 31mm Indem Uon ls necessary In deal with qubloma 1n agriculture he Ad Mr Russell and his run Wnym operan zoome arm Mid huts what they specialle 1n bed canlc productlon and hugs He Is farmer prcsldent the North Simme Hog Producer An sbcanDn has alwnyi been very Mortfled in arm organizations and qnio ncllvt In church and cammunlly allnirs currently representing the North Simeon Hog Product5 Am simian on the County Federation Board Lynn Russell Vesprn Tonn xhlp was elected pmldem ol the 81mm County Federatlon ol Agriculture at Board 01 Dir acuuu meeting held in Banbe lnsl wcck Mushy was supplled by the Barrie Collegiate Band under the direction or Fisher They played sclccllons from Iho Sound of Musi My mir Lady He did have the misfortune ni slipping on the ice but ha re ceived ihundcmu ovation when ha continued nothing had happened and showed the professional contra which characierisiic oi his perfum ances pionshlps held fnllisï¬ii He cansistenlly drew loud cheers mm the crowd he displayed lth grace and athletic gblmy In series of jumps and lums amed President Of Federation BALE CARNEGIE CWHSE JOIN WITH SOME OI IIAIUIIFIS LEADING ITIIZIINS ANI SHIT HOW OVIIII ONE MILLION MEN ANI WI FROM ALL OVEN Illl WORLD IIAVIZ FOIINII IIIAI CAIINF TRAINING WORKS AND IAYS OFF IN IIIIIMS 0F IMIIKOVHI AIIING SKINS INIHHAS HDHIONFIDHNCE AND NEW INSIGITIS INIT VIIAI MOITVAIILS YI EMS TUESDAY MARCH IS 700 pm AT THE CLUB ROOM YMCA BARRIE ARE INVITED TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE Simme bunly armors were reminded the two Simcoe CouMy Farm Safely Council mnsorcd meetings on work mnns compensnlion for farm employees whlth will be Mid Guthrie March 16 at 130 pm and Allislun Community Car In March 17 130 pm The Cvunly Federation ricullurc Board Direclm at pmwd resolution or public inquiry bolero lhe dlunlssal marketing boards as oppon to what happened with he Ontaria White Eran Grower Marmng Board reccnlly El Igrlcullure rapidiy chug the condusion of the shaw bouquet rose was present ed to Mrs Boyd The fact lhat ha taurycarold making Ihe presentation Iride at her eat only brought one more round to nnd Ianolher uucccsr Ikallng tarnlval 11w shnw was produced and dlractedkby Mn Donna Eoyd club profession Carnival chair man Bill Anderson arranged the oilstage work Club president Vern Mnrfln by hjs wiu Barbara um mm welcome addition to he skating carnival COMMENCING 800 PM TUESDAY MARCH l5 mitlon Free Minimum Age lfl For lurihur lnlormallon EMO OMko 7166400 Conducled by SimcouBarric Emergency Measurcs Olganlzallon EMO in the lmlure Room baseman County Administration Building Mulcaslcr and Vorsley Streets Barrie two hours In the evening one night week for weeks and Sunday May 151 ram 100 lo 500 pm RADIO COMMUNICATIONS COURSE Ludlno f0 Rulrlmd RadlmTcIIphono Oporflorl Corilfluh From Oh Dopmmonl ol Transpor Mon and Women Veimmo The ï¬rst session of the mixed pairs dwmnplanshw wlll be hid Wednesday pm the Tllersewnd Won will be held Johnmaha and spot and Mm Bill Merriam and Hamid McMahon in third Mmï¬ wimm Wm John WW and Mrs Ghmlmi Runner upflhmors went Mm 81mm Swain nnd Mm Jean Burke with Mrs Harold McMahon and Bill Mur riam thmt priday urhé Seven ables wm In way FH day the Barrie anliule Bridge club game hold Bar rle YMWVCA Charlie Parsons and Ray Du our took up harm in the MM Aed 13y Mr gh on lorOIa I7in authorize wmmhn lnmk sanitary sewer mlsimcoe High Park and Ross streets And Park 3344 Drive The bylaw Lb up my two readings Among catmnunicatlom Iicd an newest or mm mm the Bamie Aymm Sociec Rude Ctmennfé Commute and he Barrie and Difldct As sociaflog at the Menbally Re Jaded Jack Gamer chairman ol the CW P3511 Ommnllee is ver plums sport on the project BEZZANT NURSERY FLORIST Winners At Bridge Club 69 Johnson 7260 Canada Dry plans to build an 11000 squmfool warehouse on the one and nnehal acre site lubed near the Highway 400 Hllhw 21 Interchlynset BEZZANTS HEADQUARTERS F0 SEED PLANT FOOD POTS AND CONTMNERS has already been agrcczl by rosaluflon to sell the bud with the ï¬lm bylaw up for three leading Ignighl City council will be asked to Vanthrm lhe sale of Iol 1n Industrial Park umber cur Cmga Dry Ltd when it mists City Council Meets Tonjghf no charge HlWAY CHURCH 50 Ann St Fnr lnstmcllnn counsel Informlllon HI 7255109 PRAYER for Oh SICK Enrylhlnx For Thu Glrflen Ench Wzdnudly 10 Ian HEALING SERVICE manic