Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1966, p. 2

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Synomllz Allhouxh lcmvcrn um ncnr he lwcr Grant 1mm will rlxc enough In thanzo rrcxlnx mln lo rnln nwr hm portion or lhr pm lnco In mlcrn mural nnd nnrlhrrn regiuns no lo up In lhe mlqu Inning raln Il Inn expected brlnre Inn am or early Sunday eran rnln anln has been mecd lly Sunday he Ilwwvmnvinx rather duludmw will move rmwml Hm pmvlnm INIle miidrr thlhrr wlhh Munlwu urzrvl Illnl rnlh Inrmy maul lhn IM uvml Ihrlr luwnvl In Hm nun ul Nlnlullnn Iu Hue lnwlnrlnl Ll luuy Sumo lhu wnvlnrlnl Illmy T11 Itallxnllnn Mutual Mnnry co went now rare IM My lnr really 111vava an Inrmml fun11 ulvlu la runny in he um unnllm n1 enginphlrnl In rallnn nrtlvnllnl lu mum AREA WEATHER nmly lxmnl munhm nml II lvrmlnnu hum Flmme we nml Auv wl lwflcrln thlka Xui Mrk nmvnwrd lha anllnn nl rormn lluy Ilrgltmll IA lurury erallve Vlllam Mama Illmlnr Im mmintlnl hwy urvlw nmmml ma nwllnl umrh um lwlvl In nIHMKML IL Iarhlrm keflmlmlln of Ilw Nmrm nnnly Hlnary tout mum Mun mod rhqu uvnn OMMNIIEH My MM uplliurrl ml Ihl llu Toronlo weather Ice Issued mating mln warnlnxu lasllng until early Sunday or narrle aml dimltl rcsidcnl There II rnmlnillly lhc lmx Ing mln may rhnnxc to we nnw or rain at llmcs onlzlxl Sunday nll be cloudy with occasional mm url nmv Tcmpvralurm will be In llllle milder Immrmv wllh llclul hlgll of II durum law lonlllt ulll be Dangerous driving condilions were luccasl Ivday nflcr rm inn raln mam 51ml and side walks with 10 Nday night 11 Toronlo weather omcc puny Imaging Imln 11 To Form Library CoOperative In our Counties IT WAS THE llh hour last night fur the Barrie Figure Skating Club they had their last rehearsal lII preparniion Im inulghla rkniing carnival which wlll begin BodoCk The theme of this ye gala program in that linden Freezing Rain Makes Driving Dangerous 131mm SKAIINGCLUBHOLDSFINALREHEARSHL rlvllu pyuvmu Marin will ucqnllvn Mnlwlmlllan Tmmtn and no Growlnn llny urn ll nnw vmanlml Inlu ll ruhmnl lllvrnly mowvnuvrx llo unhl Um Rhmnl Ilhmy rnupvmllvr nundnllnn lllunry human up lnr 1m xvmpmu muMill umlmum mumy mun will high llrlrnry mrr all II nix41L llmler the realm hrnly ro nmullm nvrmmcnl grant me wk Ivallnhh yumMI nmlml lmkl rllwrlally Irlrr InN lunykl nrmlvllnz Mr with Th hum Inhl may nlm mnl luv rqulpmrnl Mr Mu phulmwrm anvl ulupllrnilnz mathan mel mu ml pnwlnrlnl nmnnrc ran 51le null II lulu IM rrrmnml In nhnvt Mum and wmkmuu lo lmwnw 1h olllrlrnry llm Iota brulnm NU FINANIINU lionrm Templ Low mum hlxh Humlly inlxur 51 Thoma 51 lmmlnn rt iiasicrn Luke Onlnriv mulli crn Georgian Bay Algoma Sault Ste Marla Frcczing min warning issurii Overcast with 11min rain or wci snow likriy changan In raln Kim lhls evening and ionighi Sunday cloudy with occasional min or we snwl liilie milder Vindx casitrly 15 becamlnu lluhl i0 nighli Norlhtm Gcnrniim nay Tl mngaml Cochrnne While nlvu Ilaliburlon KiZIAIoe erlh nay Sudlmry szlnx rnln warnlng Issutd Goudy wilh autumnal llahl mow or turning rnln today and lnnlghl Sunday cloudy with maximal Anew Hula mlldrr Wind mmhwsl 15 becaman light In nluhl shower in H1 scum and cloudy sklu with name snow In the narlh Ilmnl 1mm Imnnll Juluing mmvvnllu have loan Imwnl Ilnamlnl mm who returns In hlsrold school reminisce about lhe past and reflect an the Inlure Mnklng guest appearance at the show will be Dr Charles Snemng one of the skaters who represented Canada at be men wrld ligure skat milmrnlt nml lmnl Mlunl In 01 MM My lhrdtlv 11mm ulll ll no nlrunvnl ml llxc lural nl ur rrzlannl II hrnry rMIprerVrl He Inld lllnl gummwa nlxl lu wu yum mum hm hm lnmaml In lhn pm year mul II in hle llll lurnntv will nmllmw In mm Um quuunn hnw nunpunllvr MIMIHIYI Mr lltrmhla llplnlunl llml IIN lawn In llw MM rnrh Mlh wpllhlml mm nr nwr vrllllnn lluI pmrlnrlal Knv unmrnt la 1mm rwmml ll hmy romwmllvl HEinnnl Inanl In ml my mum Inn lmnh In 09 NM Arunmwnh or II mutlul In Culllngwml um made by In Urnul lmlkl hlrmlnn ll lluI mum Iulxlc Hm In mmmmm ullh human 014m hmnvl nnrl nllinuwml The llaula lanr Ulrmy an Wrwnlnl Irv hnl librarian Mlu nmlnmo Mind and 5mm um 2mm lmlulllfo unm Nqu Maud 5le mmy uhymy ummho Irv rrmunllnI In lnmnn MMKrnxh um mm lntmINrL Wllllnm MIYIlEan nml ll VASAGA EACH 0n CF The Onkvlcw nth lroprrly Owncn Auucinllun plnnl court ncllun In mrru prnvlnclnl unv ummnl unlm lnrnnmmlmz Oakvlvw Ixrnrh with Vnwzn flrnrh ll Hum luzutu nsmlmlrm pmldrnl InId Frlvlny mllun by he Onlnrlo Munlclpnl can has Hm rrfrrl II Mug nkrlew Ilcnrh mhlrnll mlnmily mm mlnllun on Hm Wnlngn cmmrll lur lwn yrm Kilchencr Mount Forest Winnhnm Ilnmillon St Calhnrinu Tornnla Iclnrbnr hlnnslon Trcnlnn Killnlnc Muskukn Nnrlh Bay Sudbury Eamon Snull Ste Mum Knpuxknxlnx YIN Mr Plan Court Action To Reverse Ontario Government Orders fllelr paces as they prepare the mu slc for tonights pmgram BOTTOM Hny Inls muggle through lheh rouflncsv in an effan tn reach pcrlccllon lng championships TOP VFllsME pa file Bugle anuia may will unwill II hey an proper oloclinu We mm lama lay In decimal Hm rme wed have nn nhlccllnm Annullnn Mr lnaua 1d Th0 riled of um mu nnlcr wnl lu zivo lhu Onkvlew Hmh ruldcnu no my In rholrn mm or Um mnlurlly mun rll Mulrh wIII mrnl them 01 Km yum Mr lngu Id Mr luxua mm Ibo luofll hm hm nrlml lnuyrr lo llm lmlh llw nrlglnnl nnnur on order and he mdar or hu man cltcllnn uhln Marlo llmlndnl 10er ln vmlnalnl mmkin nam rnl 30 wvlllnfi Al lhl mem Um DUI mundun 0m 1mm and Ilvduwy ll car ll ml rum hy Vimam IMrkk Jam mm Impm ram wau Ilnutk Ivy mural whlrlu uhlm lullth In mum he II tlllml nw Mm was lnvullnlk In hmlnIIu llSLk somnl mm llolmlmwnl Am wmw mm llflndxmeuk The 0th Idcml PHI Um an Julian ha lldd Mann lho akvirw th mhlonll Ivy Avril 10 Ivn lham our ml lltlnnnl rmmbtn lo llm flvc man Wm Hench cnuncll Inn About M00 about 20 ers narlhwut nitric nn MIN lhe nrirmmring mart Am Uakvhw Hum im pomlnllnn about L000 Jun The Hqu 12 um Barrie city police reported number oi accidents as re sult of bad driving conditions resulting mm min rain which started yesterday after Eslimnled damage $700 was sustainndycstcldny when vcho dc drlvcn by Dennis Hul Im 22 of Anna and Joya Mchnnid 21 of 15 Vancouver SL mllidcd mnmblo Jou os Investigated me accident which occurred at 41 pm on Hayfield ncnx Wonky OPP Report One Accident Mrs Johri Bradbury anahman he committee uh she thought some flaunts mlghtlseud their children back but at Is her committee £3 concerned It is hanng tar lull support unlll demand that the school be clused met Parenls contmped Io picket the school Friday and all ha 11 my staged hgme pargnl gallon 1ed by Mrs nradbury was unable In convlnce the heahh units board directors yesterday that ur lhg aqflon gs ngchd The board voted ou to make sure that teachers at the school are rotating classes so that washroom tncllllles wont be oyegloqded table on was alerted nun accident Mulch ac cumd on Dunlap near home number 240 Al 320 lbla morning Vchlclcs involvui wen driven by Alvin Wa Baker 52 177 Ann St and William 15houl dlcc 22 Kcmpcnlclt Dr Damage was csgxmmd al 3150 Total csllmaled damage ql $140 was sustained allowIn col llslnn between car dflvcn by Normnn Pammien In John and Donald Wcsson ol Cookslmn Wesson wns duru ed with cuulng mrncr Accld en occurml at um comer ol Darldwn and lose at 701 nm today argam Hook of 115 FM Road was 111ch wlUI lolluw Ing loo rlmly mm on midrnt nm ycslcnlay an Dun lop St In mm McDrldcl Mrnl Vrar 00m driver lnvoI ml wnx ohm Wnlson Cxxmhrrhnd SI Damago was esumnlcd SIM Dr Scott Dheclor of he 51mm Counlvaealm Unlt said yesterday he would could or the lnfecfloua hwmllls nul hreak at Mlneta Paint had reached epidemic pmporllons it live more case arose wllhlnl dugor Meanwhile yarenu will con linue okcep their children out of the school despite lhrcat of legal action by the school board VLhe spokesman far home and school cmmlttee orgulzlng he boycott Iald yesterday FULL SUPPORT fixe baud hnd been asked Impose quaranlme oninfecled lnmllics and close the scmol or me While is dlslnlecled Dr Scott said ilwauwl cor mct that then muld have In be 50 user the 174 pupil school helm wmgld be gym owcvcr pie schnol re maln open unlessthgre sharp ovunlghtllncreage 1n flu lSMTZlFa59P9d Slippery Roads Cause Accidents nu It Mudw ATHURONIKSCHOOL Mn Bradbunyriald In Valeiler Légal Threat WontifSitbp Boycott at deaths shoiiid mu from the outbreak asked Incurrqu me delegation Tater Ihat the nine cases reported so In ware spread over we and onehalf month and that he couldnt to haboard that parents plan to keep thgir children on of schoulunlll authorities lake pos Hive nckiun Shq called the has alien Hon lnadequaleAtn 1e ladl lues Mr drainage surround lrig grofisnds and mssible con amlnM 17 well walcr Dr SCOILIDM however that acHllIes meetreqmraments of the heaithunll He said the children are better at at schnol than at home and old Mrs Bradbury she was uy ing vcrYllllIe camman sense and wasting her lme In coming bglgre Die board That has fio bearing on he mgfiedfijmyllcd Saga Mmmmmms hand Imlu nu mmu mmIvy mm Impmm tuIImL Ind ntmlmlulorlvm Iw Wm ham clam lum 24 Vlclodn 5v aniliuk lhmuxlxoulOnlnrio almro Um Nnrllrrupt feelings However thorn In more lo electric hurling Ilmn clonnlhm IImnrlonn electric hunting in quinl nml nnfn It oflom lho convenience of nmmbyroom or xyng temperature conlmlr When youre as active as Mrs Northrup you really appreciate electric heating Mr and Mrs Northrup llvo in nu elec trically hunted home In Dundnu llcgcntly the Northrupd were intervlewcd to dincovor their foellngo about electric hcutlngllcro are their comments Our lhrco hoyn keep me busy hul have mom limo from housework wilh clrclric healinm Thin in bigger homo than our previous mm yet mm lo be nbln to not through my work in lean limo Everylmdy Inunl hnvo cerlnin nmonnt of dual but do Ind cluclrlc hunting ulcnnnr lhn dmpcn nro cleaner and no in the furnilum W0 nm very lumpy with electric llonllnx You col romfurlnlllo all the limo With all In Mlvnnlngos electric hmth mnln nr mu than you may lhlnk Nu wmulur Innny maple DYKSTRAEEBEITELECTRIc FIVE EXCELLENT WAYS TO HEAT YOUR HOME ELECTRICLLY Idllnl Illnl IIIIII MunM nhln hrh val xammnuu In lmllvklullly up mum If he presenf slluahon con tinues legal action wiH be lnken al the beginning the week 10 force the childrens return to nchool Mr Stewart sald the school would be disinfected durlng the weekcnd beans at he hepa fltisA ougbnak Ontarlo Mlnlsler of Health DrlIauhLw Dymnnd said yes crazy he would not oveyrule FESmus decision In the mat er LENIE nusseu Slewnn school board chairman said Friday the board has been lenient with parents or children home hoping Nm gnse wotll travel Ennildcr If All epidemxc llcsald the first three cases repartEd are now better llowuver ll Ive inor Hufonia sludem gel lhe disease this wekend Dr Scott said he would begln lo consider the oulbreak and radiod epidemic propor xonx iiflclllnus hepamls is dis Hunk Hullng SpoclaIIm llul pun hul In IM 14le lummI mun mInmm my ulmlyul ntllmuvv mm Thu lvlplu Seal Quality Ilmmlnld gunmnrn lrnrkul lnyIlmmnnuhcmrrronhahummqulpmnmerrmlmrlnr Mm Mllnllrd ll Am llm Ierclric llrnllnz Anwrlnllun Oman wlm mum lhnl Illa Iyllrm In mnrclly xlriznrd mu dummy mm lnr run Inmzmuiun iLun circiytéynnllnumnulx Wu firtl rlrclvic lurnlluu mummy or ymlr yum are turning to electric heating for the comfort con venience nnd economy they want in honking nyslcm col nvmvcr maln mins that lncililies are not ovar loaded as longvns leachqrs to un classes He said this Is he ng done One seclion the schoo was bum as tempurary building qurlng World War II Meanwhile Cnmwnil has altered In donate to lhn schonl an declronic device that aufinmnucally flushos tpllel on cllonl was built during de Way II as temporary structure and later added In It 13 still in use along with second section built about seven years ago iadfidlce It is caused by vim sometimes sprcad in human woslc Thc barcnls commiucevha complained sanitary facilities ammo sufficient or the num bey of pupils in the school mm cussns Mtg Bradbury sald than 15 only one Ioflct nr 54 boys inane section loe school him that in cause It is Lfie leclipg among 56m in humid mm plml wkuqu mmmlmn mum INDIM lull lul humI LOOK FOR TIH TIHPLH HEAL Dl QUALITY TIIK HTflONGEHT GUARANTEE HEATING BYHIEM CAN IMVI your hydro 14 residents of the area that nlslil lnwnship school baqrd is rcluclanl to spend money Hurnnln Schoolrhcnause that pow lion gof lhn 19wnshipgrqay be annexed by Ihecity oE Barrie before long 1m IMRRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARC 12 19553 Over 59 yéars of distinguished insurance scyrvlcc add uplo vnst cxperlenée in all fields of protection INSURANCE AGENCY up ncomm 5r BARRIE muI mun mun mny ha tvvmhlmvl mnmmunl ym nqu zvmvm ITS EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS EXPERIENCE 726 439

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