Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1966, p. 11

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Pummnl SALfinn Imxnm of Tm IInnnln MI R50 mm lhv Harrln IInnnin Ihnrrl ill mm PUHLIC MEETING in hc Cnunml hamlwm in llnll on TUESDAY MMKH 22 Wm pm In explain the nrn pmrd amimluwnl Inn to lwnr lhne wrsnm uishln mg port or hpPN Ihe nlnondmlnL SUN XMIWFN THE BAIUHE MANN BOARD hns Hin an Implica lim umnd he 0mm Plan or Um lame Planning Arm to provide ll 1ch paraI nm mcrrial llizhmy duiamlld land he nnrlh cm firm of Lime Awle and flow and In permit ho npp mm rrrcl male mmplrx The Mm prcuntly duinnnlld rcsidvnllal HIIIM 1717 my EMIIIMLR WANT ADS llnfll OM Ihl mm Thur lhv Ilumluvr wnmn In our llm wy 1m manllully Involud wlm lwn mm nmvrvluv lner lIu mm In mm mm mml ppulnmnn nahl lllo rs Inn mmld up Aluminm lmwly 4m Mmulny lnnu Mlnllltr PHIM lrm Io Inn Jmllrlal lvr vmluy lulu nllnvr lml lh Cummall LMIvl 1h dw IMHIHM mnw Hul lfvlllln Immlrr IIVIHHI Hml IIIhI lhn mnul IMII Tumult Mm Ilnry upman mm Mimlllll II IIIN In Mnnlxh Iln 1w Eul Ha runmm my mum hum Urn ullh Imo hum munw lrfrnu mm Dlrlrnlvai rahlnrl Parliament At Glance mlhrlml tlvuumlrvl llm llllllrn Mnmlrr allul up nml mum mum in lhn Au aml nrvrmlv nllrzalmm lmnlrnl In lhr nlluir Mr llnlln Ml IIHIUEYI Mu Imnmr Mlhvml mnth nu mmk EXPERIENCED umemu dnlm ark klumm nblnm monu humom rompmn rrmolelnl Special Mullr nm For lunhcr murmnlon ulephnne 726 um An nlldny mangle nvrr tho Munllnxrr anlr nlallnl lh minim lmlnru In nmmmn mnmaxnmu nr hlsn Ichool lnlnlnl home No nlenmn IHl ran Fm Guldlnce Muml rlsr MexIda st 1an um 14 uh cm din are In my nun harm Allmm anmn dIH In many nr lur um Inlnrmlnon telephon mam By THE CANADIAN lllIZSS HIM llrh 15M 1an Journeymen Bacill Inn for mauxum and commcrnlnl lnshllnlonL Mm he nul clnn Mm mm or mob nu 3175 rm bcnenu Ind Ingram 15¢ my Ind Mk October was Apply It Klnl Co Lu Bec vxlu Camlmulnn McCulla Au Brlmnlon um vmmmuw dml ulumen tor mm brand lino an mmmhdon hull Men now mun on mum Ind and mm pnmmt Na ub Jemom othu nun Auncy In lllirlu welcome An mpllu mmd In sum mnndem Au run Chernu Compy Box 19 Aumn or phnnt Aumn 7217750 l4PUBliC NOTICES MAN REQUIRED to Me mull INNum ncnlent poslum or mind or om person Telephony 73332 vmer um 53 WKUBifiomu For lnkrvlzw unfl to Box 1mm Drumlnu or eyentual partnership in Sudbury store Prescrip ion only No Sundays $275 per week VriteBox No 25Barrie Ethinér EMPLOYMENT WANTED NAME ADDRESS CITY Canadian Company handling Life and Heath Insurance rcquims man with lieid experience to as sist in agency development Our organization knows of this ad icrtisement For naiiunally advertised Iced milling company Some back ground in agricultural iiclds or related experience desirable but nu essential Highest commis sions paid Ileplie CANADIAN MILLING PRODUCTS LTD 10 Ranson Drive Réidalc Ont LTD Dom C1284 4005 Richelieu Montreal PQ Gentlemen am intereslcd in lhe orld amous Rawlcigh Line on parlrlime basis lulllime basis Please send me FREE Cook Book and catalog with lull delailg HERES Yolm KEY 10 316 INCOME MAIL TODAY THE RAWLEIGH co TRADE SCHOOLS LIFE supmvlsofi WRITE Box No BARBIE EXAMINER AGRICULTURAL SALESMAN YOUNG BSC PHARMACIST MALE HELP Among those making repre Mutations are he Tomnln Tole mm and Tonmlu Globe and Mail The Canadian lnss lhc Canadian Amtiuliml mad mfilcrs and he Ccnlm Canada Broadcasters Assmialinn Ii mundane cmasi den and odflurin dinI The TORONTO 1GP NCspfl par and brmdcasting urnups are protesting the Ontarin pow ommenls planned April ex tension of the fivepercent pm vincinl stiles lax tn leased talc graph circuits ckgrams and Iongdislance telephone calls llmy contend lhal any ngv ammo action hampering Ilm we Haw news is ccmmry la lhc public intomL 233 BRADFORDETI British Rail he naiunalizerl railways system in Great EH ain has syslom of slalmns Papers Broadcasters Rap Ont Govts Planned Tax BS Ask almul pics big brolhcrnvoy forfifi Infom vnwr EPICIhaflough little Car from General Motors costs so Iiflle And we dont mean just the low lnltlal coshYouvo nlsogottoconsldorlow gas consumption Eplc l5 noted for It low RAILWAYS TRAPPED BY STATIONS suggrsfi here Is Im hnsic dinmncc lmlwcrn Ionard tele phone and ckgraph lines which carry the new In our Empa mr and nmvsprmt and ink hiuh carry the same now Im ml lc As an example he said nesprinl and mk the manur mls mm usd lo Conny ms to the public are rec or sales tax Telegram Prnvlncial Trousurcr James Allan that the government ha recognized this ll dlascmninliun of new is bxlslc In our way llfl and should nnl be inlerlorvd mlh by he impusilinn of any mm of direct taxation loo expensive to maimain and lnn costly ln reduce The cen tral Landon area alone has 15 lcrminals must htm built IElaVc xrlnnos lulur sup QANGEREIELD M91935 llMllED Bn sum lo sea Uariama on ma CDCJV nelwmk each bunday Check yum local Ming channel and Hum porlcd by Earle IX Richards Viccpresidenl and general mA tiller The Globe and Mail asked me government comb dcr exemption nl Ncw5 im 1mm hy Canadian Press the onnl nmsxalhming upmmo and by other news services lnr in inn lo daily or weekly lumen Tnlcgram and cable char HAS nn news Marius sent la new arms hy rcpnrlcrs cnr r1pumknls or mhrr new 2311mm Umg dislnnm lolrphnnc durum Ir ncus sen in mi 1l dcpzulnmnls newspa in the 19th century Thrce of me betterknown slaliuns are from top Charing Cross Wa terloo and Vjclnria CP Phnm Mrf Richards in addilinn maintenance parts and sorvlco from over 600 ChevroletEnvoy doulors coast to coast and durnblllty Eplc ls built to last Add on good trndcIn GM cars koop 1er valuo good looks and practlcnl comfort and you can we Aulhorhed Chovwlel Denier In Bmiu Alvin on Qulw chel said we nnnuunmnent caulained no inventive or cities to light pollulinn Arlunlly the cxemplinns should apply to all services vhlth bring new In ncwapa pars Beynnd lhe three which he ln MlWane rrmtlaned are Npcllfl lheoa arr ll NN mo wevinl Jim3 vnnous types These lndudc WINS lines mm are an nllernullvo lanzdislance lcll chargcs nxclushHM lnanislnnLe linls uml nr ulhor voice Iclclypc nr wimpholo and sa Telex onus orsewage real mam majcms come mm Cen lral Martian and Housing Corp and nre1imiled In no mam Ihan lwmflairds ol the prolcclcns wmplcuion of the pmiccl OMHC crgives per tcnl the 1mm Orgna deadline or comma Hon was March 1067 but Mr Nicholson said it is being ex teqch 00 March 31 sinn hccause it was mum merely strelmoul ccnslruc liun il wnuId slow dawn mu nicipal mum agaim pollunom er Nicholsoh day lhreeyear exiersion of the firmem torgiventi on federal loans for municipal scw age Irqatqyanprnjecu He mmans illiswas mm Way In help the shelih out canslruclian announced last Augusli7y Prime Minister Pcarsun endorsing Mr Mackarlnncs comment also wrote Mr Al lan Today Lhere are probably more people Investing illcom mon shares or conlcmplaling suchan lnveslmenl than any other tignejn oin hislory Most investors will own common shares at some perlod during their lilelime Investing in com mon shares requires ancemin knowledge nr business and an individual should pay attention lo investments and seek helpA in doing so by contacting repu table and lmowledgeable Invest mem ndvisorsu part oWners of the partlcular business in whlch llley have bought sharesEach common share usually entitles llue owner to one vnlel Therelorn the shareholders as group own and control the company They as group have the rlght and responsibility ta attend company meetlngs to elect Directors and Govtr Exténdé Sewage Loans By RALPIILOUGIIEED CA wm am an Ltd 011mm qurLaIior Mian C9ifimqhs=Shétésa Investing Part Switzerland APlChrisll Haas Erika Sth lncgger and Heidi Zimmermann scored 143 victory for Aus tria in the Kandahar womens downhill ski race Friday WATS stun or Wide Area Telephnnc 5mm arm of di Incldin lung dislanle service pmvidod on special lines at spe cial mics Al meeting in Nnmla Fab the rxecumc commluce The Innadlan has expressed Inc lwpc ha it is inlcn Inn at the government In ax he dxslrxbulinn new but ra ther lhc lransmission of mm munlculinnx mun ndhiduals or or he transaction hush Readers are lnviled to submit comments and questions la the writerBox 606 Barrie Ontario With genera ngroqnd ch ilLnow consider ihe reason or invcsiing in common shares The primary reasons are lo re ccwe income lhrnugh the pay ment oi dividends and lo obtain capital Appreciation ihynugh ih mWih oiniselsfsalzs and soqucni inngas in earnings well dividends received by the shareholder are cnllfled 10 per cent tax credit provided the corporaiiun is taxable Cana dian companypiora iSsEl ex icni common shares are purch ascd to gain control an in dividual company or to obtain voice in he handling of company aflnirs These conccpu will be discussed in me next gimp of aruclbs whldl is an nlllmaliw lo voice Io slance scrum ar ol ers have been quile negllgent in ex ercising their rwponsibllily and am afraid sometimes Directors have on Thu company pol isles opcrations and resulting profits or losses have been con trolled to ma great an extent by the officers of the company who are 01 course the cm ployoes cl allthe shareholdersli Owners are not polarious or remgnizing and removing poor managementu This is usually done only alter great amount of financial damagehan béen dam to the company From this you will see that it islquileim portant when assessing the mer its nl inmling My company in make certain that he Direc Inrs and officers are capable of he busixmx at profit appoint Auditors They are ufled to receive copy of lhe companys Annual Report and may interrogalepircnlars and Officers of the company at share hnlders meetings Once the sharchdders have elected the Directnrs lhen lhe Directors ban the responsibility of ap poinung the company 01mm the Presldcht Secretary Treas urer etc These afliceps Lhcn mould run he businpss subject to guidance rum lheDireanrs AUSTRIANS WIN THAT um cu mom GENEML mums BARIII why EpIcGG walks away with best buy honors nght now EpIc66 Is at your ChevroletEnvoy dealers See what lot you got or so llttlc PIC$ 1791 is no intended toapbly to long distancg callsand lelpgmms or mentalpi leased wires bripublliaglnn Vaana 1511 Associalinn Broadcastens In as he position 3A DUNLOP ST 3H9heathveryihlnyln sight LOOK Where the winner woundup Bmuh mums Vanmm Edmuntun Wlnnipefi Landon Hamwllon Tomla Onawa Mammal Monclan Halllax Sometimes it pays to be good lose STEVENSON C0 11 Olliu THE STOP SIGN ITHESPEED LiMIT EVERY CAR ON THE ROAD CANADIAN All THE WAY INSURANCE th historically Denwcratkf countries refrain from niacin taxes an dissenflnalion of news informalion and knawladge and that the Olitario proposal is suchntax Kildunu Ontario 1261811 Epic Daluxo 726180 115 mam WW

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