Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1966, p. 7

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WORLD BRIEFS WNwd lmmrr Army mnlnu HM and mum Gum In mm 1mm in auaumall 1de Cam MAILVIJ Hm not IHVMA IAII nhan Hmmlay 0le mm mm mnlnu Wh HM and Hamnn nwl Mm lhnwly Wm In infummliuu Mlun lnr llw nmn Ilrrmmmu an nnlnrtrl Ihumlny hy Fulanru lllnlllr Hlvllll lulmvr TAM vl Im mm ho mu mm mrlzlmn ln tumwr ume Hmlnn m4 1m Vl quxml Aumanl In Mr mu WHEN lHKINl TOWN I11 Darlvl Turnvr hle uwrlnhut 1mm fur wk Mm nu mm nhzhlnll nrlrn lllr nr mural Nhlrmo llml rhulnmuL nuillml or lnlry rmm luvnu Illurnm lla lvdtl flu Tumult Han Iknwmfltl AWL Milan Ihal mum unrrnlnn AMI Hm nflrmnl lwly rnmlil Iva MINI IJIHNPM dun du suh hhlnywml dnmazn Ill 0ILTA1IN Hllll N10 lmm1 mllnn luuimr Inulmml Mud 1mer 1mle 0111 proh lrnu nl mlupllng lmluslry to ltrhnMophnl rhnngu can IM It mm wan ll xvrinr mnlulll Uan ullh llm mka lmnhfil Your rmpluww mll In It In unym Hwy mum Ulll ymlr 1Innlmzurlllrlrl rm MM 1n nn mMrrm In Ilm lmnnnrl 1Ixrn0n Hnnltnn NAMED Nlll TORONTO WI Ynhn mum 1V hm llNn m1le Nlw Drlnwrnlir lurly rnmll dato Irvr Yorkflmllmnnmh In 1m ml luumwlnl 01mm lnlhvr Antlwu MH mun Im Inrllnnwut tux Tmonlo Grrrnunml The major NATO pours ap parnnlly man he Irmam or mlhdmwnl AmtIran and Canadian ham mm France as urikinu at lhe Mmlo structure If calmlch dclvnrc For that rtasnn In Ganllea hlrl lo Mm Mulc such withdrawal on bl Inlflml basis is bound mm heavy rcsmnnm TM Fxrnrh llwnry that the axvronwnu glam with flu Aimdrum and Canadian on IEIZTH VIM NWT II Ava President Jnhnsnn has re ceivcd support lnr lhc Amtrim Ilflnd against lmnrc mm his dim NATO pilrhms 11m diplnmnnr bucking and wheeling has only begun al though 14 Hanna has made clnnr far many months he ln lend to shake up lhc cumn NATO arrangements Eon result can only he re garded as side New by do Gaulle allhxmgh no less web mm or um reason French observer seem convincod that me 75ycnwld presidents chic alms are the slalcd oneso lessen American Influence on European lnrcinn poIIcy and gia enee and to maswrt French In dapendcnce In those fields Jqsr smnnxn Abroad de Ganlle will un doublcdly enhance his Image Imam the nunWestern nations as an lndcpcndcnt force with twawcck our Russia planned or June he can be more cer laln sympathetic mlcome ln Moscaw Eon result can only be re garded as side new by do Gaullel allhxmgh no less wcl At home he ls Mlccfively stcafing maxoh on his len wing opponents at time when lhe Radicals Socialists and cvcn Communists have been shmring signs of unflinz In an anufluuulst campaign for tha Nallonnl Assembly clndions due within year saull an the North Atlantic Treaty Organization whatever he longrange cflccls may be or France fly PETER BUCKLEY Canarflln Prrss sum Writer President de Gaulle can ex pect at least two shnrt lcrm bcnfflk Irnrn hjg current Dealer Council Anmiran Mum Canada Ltd met in Toronto mommy Member irom across the Daminim re scaled Lhe Rambler dealers the annual meeting wilh De Gaullé Can Expect ShortTerm Benefits annual meeting wilh Aypnin The palincal lcfl however generally Irusralcd The com munisu have been demanding In years that France get on of NA and he less exlreme 1M Moderate opinion in Pram seem at loss While the av erage Frenchman often sham de Gaulles vlow that the Amer icnnsnre tooinflucmial In Eu rope the moderam wany lest France he loll without friends allies amnng her lradillonal LEFT IS FflUSTflATED Slnce da Gaulle says he does not £11ch to wiLhdraw ram Um Allaan Alliance but nnly to re assert Francennvcrelgnty and lndepcndnnqe he argues that hare no rcasun In discuss his moves boIore NATO on gem era basis me bases in France were ne gotiated bilalerafly SIANDING He to rlxhln Andre Belgum Thedord Milk as Frank Buhler Mm company cxemtives Viau ul Barrie repde IO dealers of this district BARBIE nmzngnmnnsmmn COUNCILMEETING mm Sign Cnnvullbll Whlblu lll nobody heats fismzaaég De Gaulles naw NATO de mands should endear him sllll luriher in Russia which has waged propaganda against lhe Alliance since it was funndcd weiias lo hose third world nalian who Mn American inihxcncci The French president ulrcady has Mascws arlcdion Russia plugged lor hls reelection dur lng last Dcccmbers presiden UHI oindiun in he disgust the French Communist party hich supported Socialist can mdalc Threatened with tho possible loss or his Gaunist majority in Frances parliament at the next elcclions de Gaulle has aw aged to broaden hl tradiunn ally riflIlwing appul tn en compass omc basis lcfl wing polipy winger agree that the NAN eds rerylcgotgming FRENCH MOTORS Mule LTD 75 Indian den Manitoba Jim Ilamrmll Calgary Wm 911mm vinepresident Maxims Viau Dame Don Stab BY Regina Sash Guy salary ncau Montreal Que Bob Bannemlan Toronlo SEATED Jan sales vicemsdm Ridex Vamx man President in Dodai Vellum Cllrylln ll IMI Llnlm Put some cxcllcmmt In your life anlnnl mnmlllrln like the III off more fun llmn month of plcnlm Theyre ponrml lo kkk up ntormnn opllonnl Illperformance 215 hp V8 looks nllcr llmll lllcyrc styled In like cycllrnmanlnnln low wldc nml lhcn name And vnluclopul 11ml arm for lmrdlopt Ind sedans loo See your local Plymouth or Dodge Ilcnlcr Rnlw the roof lllls lmullfully my way put yourself In Vallanl mnmllblel raise the roof convertible The MMiPackers Council of Canada said that rise in the price of feeds daesnlmoan an aulomallc increase in meat prim bul here may be higher mail prices this all or next sprinz Incrczlscs in grain prices are mid reflect scarcity grain in Humpci Al Newmmknl Dislrirk Co umralivn 25 miics north at Tar In Ontario prices grain or feeding livestock and poultry are reported up an average of nhnul 12 per cent from year ngn am in Western Canada pro tein supplcmcnls fnr animals reported up abquhln pcr cml TORONTO CPI Canadian armors are being charged mare this year than last for same livcscock lends farm ma chinery and crlilich several snurccs rcpvrted Thursday fin Increase Costs Operation Hitting Canadian Fanners Jan sales manager Gaskiu vicemsdem sales Hugh Rider Vancouver EC malt man Brownridgc President American Mours Valiant VEAR Blulo Ont Farm machinery prim aver age mm to four per cent higher lhan war ago largely because cl hlgh labor and raw material casts say Massey Ferguson le mnipcg Thurs day were 89 com buth compared with 75 cents year earlier Feed harley was mm bushel up from 12 year earlier MACHINERY COST5 MORE Murray Loughced manager the feed departmem added hat the main grade feed bar Icy nnw is $66 Ian compared with $60 yenr ago Mill feuds lull aver from wheat ground or nut are up am from Han and protein supplements are up about 37 he snirL onto lhs grade 01 oaks man Mider used nr livestock sells at $63 on this ynar compared win 357 year ago Canada Fem nw prmident American Mm Canada Lu 1+ Fennfvlce Mona NB chairman Dealer Owncilh 50000 MILE POWER TRAIN WARRANTY JACKSON MOIORS LID 00 I40 Bmflavd SI Sn Plymovlh Vfllanl Chrylllr ll Ohln dulm The ch killed him as chance armor was that the blggcr firm where he grew his world championshlp la bach ha madman allotmenL So the board Slcppcd In and ruled Mr Atkins couldnt scn crap Th5 chacm bbard has com plate and arbixrary power to prnhihil the growing or lobulca on laml wilhnut an allnlmenl He bnughg two arms with 10 harm rights near Osbourn GEL miles casl of here but lhc crop wasnt top grade so he snld the small arms and bought rim bigger one Acreage aHotmans beat him here as they did in the us By law tobacco can only be grown In Ontario on and with special acreage fights These rights by the board 1956 alter he 0qu dillicull lo grow tobacco In Mount Airy ms Imam arm there he sald wasalluled only 310 acres or nbacco LOST TWICE You aint going in break that hoardIts loo mum he said in inurview Resigned 9h fact he cant grow baccm ho has become welder Irade he learned years ago Ho blames plight onthe powers granted by the legisla tur In the Ontario FlueCured Tobacco Groweu Market ing Board Composed of men who gmw tobaoco the board decides under Ontario law who will be allnwed grow it Piper llled at Osgoode Hall mil the Ontario law courts lislbd the liabilities oi the for mer mslrlcnt at Mount Airy NCl $108402 and assets as no won the world champion shlp at the Royal Agrlcnlhural Winter Falr here In 1962 and his tobacco later was displayed In glass case ol the Ontario deparlment ol agriculture at the legislative buildings WRONTO CF lormer would champian tobacco king Glenn Herman Alkins says ha has gone bankrupt because other Onlarlo farmer wont let him grnw tubaccn Wdrld Iobqdco Kim Fills Bankrupt Papers Wfia world 61mm As son as we get the export markets high enough so not to jeopardize the people now in we will gnaw mare an Mr Demeyem defends the boardx extraordinary powers as necessary to mnlrnl ol the tobacca market Ho lays the board Lrying to establish more market so that more people can he allowed Tobacco acreage may be in crcascd Uni yearbut by Him hug quota of existing annou aay Georg Dameym board chairman was NEW Inflows the pattern of the past 11 crop years these will be the 4000 lit Isling Iohacco farmersand no body else In two ck lhé mman lnv ham board wlll met In Till sonburg near Landon 0nL to decide wlm will be able lo grow how much tobacco in0nlario in for value wulua the not selling it up it can pro vide or Die seizing removing destroying or otherwise dispos ing of any growing lobacco plants iobacco produced or arketed in violation mgula tions and the retentionol dis position by th local board of any of tha pmccgds oi the sale MEETS SOON AnswcrEné suggeshnns that necess YIn the wordsol lluml Bulldlnl Ind Remod ellnl Smile Hnmtlnl Arrand Fum nulldlnxl Ind flepllu CONTRACTING DEPT DENIS SHEARD lTD Burl PAINSWICK ONTiflARRIE DIAL 7285961 Eu our Mlllwnrk DGPI About uur Anhumunl mllwoxkRucmn cmnel lenm Window Ind Don Fnmu Cullcm slum the tobacco baard has vested Interest in keeping nut néw Iarmcrs Mn Demeyere pointed out lhal he boards dcclslunu can be appealed to the Onlario4 Farm Marketing Board ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK 0FFIGE USINESS MACHINES £9 Dunlap 51 71484524 In 5in Adding Muchmu and Calculllan omc Equipment will SEE US FOR Cangerflnl suumq SIMCOE 533

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