Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1966, p. 6

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my Jmkl mallan Man In the nprnlnfl ymlnd ol hh Hul luummcnl mm rmw in Inlo Jammy lle Irlnmrvl WM mvlny 1mm Mum Mum hlmr he went nlu huh ulaylnl prll lnmlng and shin uh Lazy rlnyor Inky In Ilv ml 1hqu day wllh mmumlrl my umnlllnu Ilw lvummkul ml m4 lri mm Runlrrl ymr Nlrhluu MI lhan name back nilh TI MIAMI HI Mll lmh Nlukhm hm Iwn Hrl In 11mm hub in Strum Mm that ho nlmur lurrnurn lum hug Imhn In in In any Altqv um il lu lw Indy Mm Ilu Vnhunlm um mm vr uld Inlay vlml Hm wand rmlwl nl mum lhvrnl 0er in lmumulwnl mm mil Krnwl 7mm II allmn IL Mrlmnd dnmnl am Hm Cu nmlinm murh chum nncr 0m llrnln 030 mh numb Roy Cnnmlinn finyrrn um bur llrvlmz nn ethuuun nllnwlnx Um MicMIN prunily Hllmfl rhnru 0mm lhn mm Tllv Cnnldlln IInyul umth mm than mldslnl fly me IJmI hnwlrd while lrclmsannHfl an only four mum In Any cm Im mullrr Imw IMl WAY hr lflrrru HI bell you Mlllml MM Iluuln in steam place wilh four wins and lie at nine puinu The Cnnmllnnl follow until our idnrim and one In or eight with mekn has hm wim one Ins and in an Iovgn poinls med Ilussla todnv In the elghummuy chumplnnship mlndmhln umup nml linixhu unlml Sm In Sundnn The man may irn May nnd what up nu lmlmmlrnl Mmlny nznlnxl lluxsln Swulcn pulled the blunts wr prln ha tournament by hnlrl 1m Ihe nusshuu to tie In the other thamplonshlps game Thursday CLOSE lfl EXHAUSTHW Several me players lusislcd they would not take pm In an oUwr Inlemalinna autumn Jud some are thinking of mm fins Wm Team Mplmn Torry OMalky of Toronto led 1h movement to wlmdmw He was the must pm lfizcd pluytr In the game will our twwninnla unlcnm Ho And Paul Cumin of Kltdlcncr 0M were In Um penalty hnx when Jlrl llolik scored Czech dovaklal In 1031 late in he in period Cudu mm In had the firm petition with lvevlclorics and 10pnipln We were Mrald he wllh drkwal might look Ilka sour grapes Ind unite Roger nmux Riviera Qui Bane Ana and It cauld hare hurt the CAHA and Falhcr Bauer CZECHS HOLD LEAD that me mg were Father Bauer Mme Henry of Quebec CRY Resident of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Associallvn And Gordon Juckos of Melville gags smclarymanagbr oi the Nicklaus Rusty But Says He Will Be Ready For Masters The Canadnzm players by near unanimous vote decided Thurs day nighllo wiIMmW ram the tournament Same at the older player who had seen European refcmn in action previously In belled flue officiating purely ma Helm aqadn gels shafted year arm ywr in the mampiom ships and other European lames Mde said Its time we quit the me and played our own hockey mi he Canidlans called second meeting and voted to ply In the sericx an gnals were dis allvwed ln the game goalie Sclh Marlin ol Trall BC sullcrcd cut hand early in the third pcrlui mm Czech skate and drew tripping penalty and the general mar that resulwd mm ponallics slapped onllxe Canadlans lull Falhcr Bane pale and shalwn mu yvn gunfl rw Almost to the man the Cann dians flamed incm officiating or the defeat Canadas first In the Iomnament and it probably ms than any chance they had mime title With that cafitmcnt expressing the general acting at the Cana dian national team RevnDavtd Enur had one at the warmest compliments ever at bltler moment tn th world hockey dramplonshlp The Nafiqmls nurtured by Fa ther Bauer since their blrth be fore the 196 Mympim lost 21 declslun to Czwhoslovakla Thursday on goal by Stanlslav Pryl with 23 guards left tnplay Ill hflnlckl Inmw anlumll Motley In mu wlm min Haulr mu null all Humm wm um Ohi Hg hm in In 70 lulnl thmiluu rhnnwhm Swim and Tuny Imm um Iml Farmer II npnn Hnl Km Vuuml um flay nrmr mo Mrle 54v lmk uhy uIh MM mm Null nwl um our par um only nun lyulr lvml Mr llmh luv mrr Iullny mu Ml pub mm uh Jny mm m4 ll IIHM Minlrl In JMIHny lnll Imk M113 mm and Unrva Jam Marian and mu IIH lnhnry IIIiI Irkn nnzl Krn il AINII Inhmr mm vlc lnry va mum nwl II HIIIII ma mm lnm 1mm 53M In uan in Ihn mn hut lur lnnuully pmlcmng Hm Kama Fnllmr an unlvl Null amid umle ll do In Ln mlmnmml Tmmvlo Flulmul Innmln ml nu l4 mhmlmkln than Mud In SanMn IIKIl lllmln aml lmiKhrxl erlh hlnk Hon IN 11an iml Um Husslnlu and ml be my inn hnckry Karma llmlrbnnnnl Inld know lnur lhn ollwr gun um lhlnkinx Innan up lhlr lknm The finch had In good margln In the 51ml mm with Marlin nwking 17 Dwrilna l1 Mrlxml llnurbunnnls Bury Hm nl uinnim nnzl Iohmlun nnlhn inh IIIHI Sash nnul My un lhrmlgh wilh lcrnnlianul hnrkry nflrr Ihll lnnrnmwnh Jnhnslnnn ahck got anmgIod In Czech plnycrs skatc Inhn mm let go of his slickv bul the Czech all anyway ijnndd whisllrd Johnston duwn Just be low Paulknus shot but DLuriln Sald Faulkner 5m hrrpo Hm people back home donl Ihlnk lhc ths but us It wu lhu nlllclallnz SCORES IV GOAL Thu Inch forwards shade more pcnclmling and called Gum the lunadmruv mm the gum Mien lryl nkaled Ihmuszh nn Hm Ml und lxol Mmfln 12 Tho other rdme In an own ml was German Ollvlcrl Swflzcflami The Canadians were scoreless umii the ninLh minute oi Hm third period when nmrhonnal scored an beauiilul passing play with Gcarge Faulkner Harbour Grace Mid The Canadian also thought the can Um mined Phulknerl goal 1514 In Ule Mn period was cheap penfllly fiAlter the Clack so he was golng to keep both men In the penalty box It was only after much protesting that ho 1d one McLeod whn was born In my Curran Sask played for Trail Smolge anra in 19$ the last Canadkm team min the wodd title Its ha aamerold story he sald They kill us with cheap penaltiesand its not an accl dcnl mm twoman advantage Frnnlisck Tika fired from he blueline and Honk flappcd it past Marlin hadd didnl know the ruins The playing coach explained that when the referee shipped two minor sou 0Man he tried Lo pm Caulln In he penalty box servo one them When wouldni let hImdo chat he gave Marshall Johnston minarva ow second lam SM OLD SIOIW Vcr wouxdu Margie that kind referecing in mldsck hockey back home SCORES AMID JEERS Pnliks goal In the Islh mlnula the opening session came amid Jeers and hisses from he proCanndlan crowd of 10000 which objcucd to dmzble pell alty to OMalley and allqu Conlin kmgkrcdiic rtgl Idown but puék rippeared 10 be Ema inches inside the cage before that Canadian players blamed ref eree Andrei Chajnackl of Palmd or not overruling the gun iudgq The puck was about foot over the goal line said veteran delenceman Lame Davis of Re gin one nf the xmnes stand ouL How they muld rule ma lg anRtell glaimeq mag Clio Krrp ymll mm ml Th rum wow rnlun and run In lunch m1 Klllr hamlu Tm 1er II vlllnfl Mfihvr mul lulqur walrh yvur ryru and hunt In Mr nl sun mm nr llulul Rum yml lum ImuHhu 5H hum rmly Ha Illrt Ia rlrnn and wllsh your hum awry wrnk In Imp hrnl wmuprml Unc and Ink Imw MIMI Dmut mm an vil ml um MHHI In Ilnhr nx ynur Irrqmnlly EVA on many of UM polyrlhylrnn In lmmm umhmlIy lnwr In Hm rrrluu mow nml slmnhl Mm In mumm rlr lhp Thu wnrm brinhl lay nml he om nigh tramme Hm mm packed snow to llulc crystals of cumd mm mow nml In my npnlun ll he rusirsl and must Momma mm nu To the maximum MM ure lrnm smlnn hkllnu ruhrck nur rqumnu but my cum le nlllnunn In your skis and lmoIIL nm snuw ls nmnulnr In ox urn mud mun uhrmlvo than lhu nunnal mhllwlulrr nnw you have lnrqmr hum nu ynur Aklt Hwy Mll Inimny um Irwrnl new wall In lmlhl up In min mix TlIn Imumlurn vflrn nlmn lmflnfl my mu nru mm Innimm uiIl mmmta Ium me nmlmaku mn yflmx errll here Thu om Snow is here 5min Skiink ls hrrc Chicago has powerful dub both on nuance and on defence Bind Hanks filled live the 12 places on Ihe midmm a11 algr 0mm this season Tim Bobby Hull the ML Man id finger who has rec Why arent Gfiugo Bléck Hawks leading the Nallunnl Hqgklcy league it Moms masannbielhey should be an top the NHL standings Instead Um team with the dubious distinction never hamg 120 ma iNHL 11151an 5mm pace hm pmnLv behind Momma Canadians and hasnt mm point 11111195131360 games YE 7H1 muckwllzwit have dmft pth in mm mm 217 XIVSIIIINF BY HANS EDER zvm NET wmflesvrduring hectic bit cl action belwccn Canada and hechoslovakia in the World Ice Hockey Hawks Hope To Break 3Game Scoring Slump VANUIMIUI lNBIflN mnmrn HIIHTI IM Hum NIH By GARY MCCARTHY CmIdLm Pm Sta Writer OMI AAA AA II la All Mlkl Ski Tips From Snow Valley Aulhqvqxgd pulp in HAROLD JORY morons MD IEHVKI ynu ham nkd grer AI lnz below you Me In fur real um um Infillmllvly lhc spran klimr cumhllnux um rxccllrnl nl Snuw anlry Alm urnk rlul mflng Ilium ynu rume hnmu looking mm you juxl um lmrk mm lun work In Hurlvla dnnl form the um Ian lullnn You Ill probably ml Um lxcmun Um candiflona nm us any Rum you are nprndinu man llmu on hills to aka unod break lunchtime and mi up hdnm min luck out In the nflcnmrm llull Male and all made lhr leagues first midsmsm mam squad while Muhn and Mllnm scaring chamlon he km two years were selected tor the we and learn Stan lflkila has 25 Ennis Phil Emmi and Kenny Whmam 23 each Doug Mahns IB and Bill Hay Chico mm and Exit Nescerano 15 each 0n ddcnce the um have Pian Pilot and cmwmcr Pal 5apleton Who has played well in he 45 name he has appeared in with miwgn since being re callcd mm St 10m the Cm ual Prnlesuionnl Hockey League 119 Hth also have one unéfilomzuca lop nelmlndefl in qggnxniqlcnn IlaIL Bui 3ka havent scored goal in their Inst three gm uniequalling 50 goals so far thL leasvn Mmkmhipsv at Ljubljana Yugoslavia yesterday Clem goalie w1ad Dzurlla all on top of puck as not goes 0ch Canadas Roger ourbonnais munmu nunmus or IEXMO fUEl CHIEF Hum Ncnllnq Oll Sac SIMEOE PETROLEUM 7282563 I966 RAMBLER NOW VIAU MOTORS 11 GUWAN ET WE GUARANIIE ANNE If 7531 DRIVE TIIII IJIL Iowcver the Hawks have charm to gel back on the win ning track and break heir awr lngslumy when they plnyhust in Sindhyé kamcs Montreal at New York mu goes ghicago and Detroit will In in 405mg 50 Tomnw Ins Sat 0day 10 numlrcal many and HI In New York Rangers ngmsday niglll lng slump when they play has lo New York Sahuday night In other Saturday action De trait wjllrvfisil moment and Bos cogng hp Toronto ralzea arms eclebtalegnn by Ray Cadieuxu not shown Goal judge refused 10 3an shot as score and Canadians 21 AVAIMELI NOW In sum BOIYLEI AND OONVINIENY NIWllF OFEN DAN Lion Redo linkanon added my 1n fix final pqr lhc me lost some of hair speed alter leading and Po land wt had their lead with goals by Andrch Mrawskl and Kara Fonfgyaum But then Hakmcn lvm goals hr Finland and although Robert Ganllctyk Dooer laln goal for ha Poles may never came close to saving tha match Shlpbullder lead Ihe scrles three games to one and wln tonight will send mem Into lhe finals against Midland Flyers who elimlnnted Dnlfla Pepsi our games tn nus in the other Mmi rm series Win the exception he first game which Calllngwood won 54 all me games have been close And even that 62 game the first the series was close or two periods The teams head ed inln the final 20 minqu fled Lassa Oksnnen thanl inha nantalisz and Knlcv Nmnmincn sent Finland into 41 lead by 199 £1910 699W MM Although lhe odds are stack ed heavily against IhemSeven Ups are still hupeful They are confident hcrcll be shah gym alEarrle Arena Sunday LJUBLJANA Yugosla via AP skating and good shooting earned Finland 63 victory over Palnnd in he Edd hookuy championships mafia Pome n1 0st matches Finland Tops Poland 53 Barrie won the second game chwas the We can do Ed right winger Howie Forbes of he Suv cnUps yesterday We cant let up and this Collingwnod loam is good Bu still believe we can Callingwooda ArnnId Smith and Dave McComb picked up couple of shadows anighl Both have been ouLstanding In the series and have been the key player In Colllnzwoodu offence 42 in overtime at Barrie Coll lngwaod took the third 42 and as in the first game Culling woodflt was L2 tle alter the lirsl two periods The ourth game at Barrie saw Colllngwood hzmp into 30 lead by the opcnlng mhnulu of the second period Barrie came backtlo the score and after Shipbuilder took Hlead came back to lie the game again Guy Le vesquca goal wilh live minutes remaining gave Shipbullders 54 victury Bolh teams have had five day rest lines the laurul game The learn reparl no Injunc and Forbes optimism is shared by the rest of 19 club but theyll have to convince Lhe Shlpbuild er on the ice and that isnt easy or the SyemUps Ship buiidcr have won nine of the last in games belween he two learn andBarrie hasnt posted victory in Coilinawood since the opening weeks the regular schedule Colllngwood gnaltender Harry Lumley the biggest problem lacing Bunion Th SevenUp have fired Izo shol lhe vel eran nelminder In the wt games and have mnnagcd only 12 goals Whats more import ant bumley has been conning up with be big saves late In the game If SevenUpS can pull out victory tonight sixth game uh LUMLEY HOT SevjcnUps goal Jim Couch has also performed well He has surrendered 17 goal In 139 groggy 7th hlpbuildem Grunt in lawn lapromoe new Balms hall and bat game said Thursday he wanl $41500 While the Twins have offered NEW YORK IMP Jitl lMudcal Grant any Minnesota Twins will have lo coma up win some $6500 In about week 01 he my be peddhng all lhla summer There 15 pnssibility we might ml gel lemma dont like be pushed 30qu and want be pushed amund Grant said he has lowered his original demand $30000 more lhan doublehis estimated $22000 524000 salary my year RECALL WAR DEAD ollawa war memorialr list the names of 86651 Canadians killed in the First Warld War rl 44891 in the Semnd Vorlrl Wit 7i

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