Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1966, p. 4

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Ulfku IZ Hnlmll lnlhrm 51ml Mrmlvnl bum melm Hunlu Mlunmtnn talr daily Ivy Mum 02m nary MRI with 1mm IMHO yrmly hum 10m man um mm mm Mylar hvw mm MW 1150 uhlu Onlnllu 111M Yli MN mum unmm mm yrm xmk Sum llrmfli mmLiam IMO tm USA Mil IM tizn mm um umlm nppmun or more An con urqumm curricula and cachlnu mrlh In mw daily more complex anrl dc mnm Imi Conn 15 ho clnssdc gum In Hm slcc rimmul 311mm loadan dan mm or mlvo nudcnm through Iho three 1L1 nm the garden of knnwlmlro Ilix mmmr l5 Marking the new max matim lml Hm nnuuux me new math matm um um new trading lo Mudontn MN luu wuwmpomry leach is caught up In an educnllonal rcvolullonl lho pmlllomtlon of llunmn knowlcdgo ls ax comm only by lhn publlca accmlngly lnsallnblo nppcllln for more All con urqumlm curricula and cachlnu mrlh In mw daily more complex anrl dc mnm Imi Gono ls ho clnmlc gum ln llm slccllmmul nlawm 1mm IlnhIIVU Toronto Globe and Mall The current round of salary negotla llons between the Toronto Board or Edu cation and tho dtya clmnentary and sec ondary school teachers ratst some tundamental question about the role of the teacher ln oontemlporary education As negotlatlons cont nuo elementary school teachers were still holding out for In suoo acrossdheboanl lncroase last week secondary school teachers accept ed tho hoanls $1100 otter What happens when tho board and tho elmnenlary school teacher mach set lcment Will tho quostlon of teachers n1 arlcs ho put astde until next year lsnt ll mm the board look long hard look at he luturo lt ndght bo usctul now tn ask what demands tho teachers are going to mako next year and lho year alter that And what of tho boards demands Sumly teachan ulnriea must be exandncd In lho Hunt of the publlcs lncreaslng expectations the teacher nun mu uirLfl 0115 peacekeeping operation Why worry it the country military per 321mg total falls to 100000 or even 256667 SHORTAGE PERSONNEL ARMED SERVICES Vancoucr Province Canadians will not worry unduly about 110 current shortage of poisonncl for the armed services There are better uses or the $1000000000 From purely practical standpoint does it make sense for Canada to strain her treasury raising tiny defence umbrella when she is already inside the tent of im mense US defence power In the past 10 yam Canada has not committed one more two mj three thous nnrl mm in llm conlcrfipo aryk1rhjr is an um wumu one of the est industries in Ontario and as suchajfeserves some priority of Medlon Revenue from tourism total ed appdemaiely billion dollars last year and prospects are for continued in creasw so care ful consideration ofiLs requirements becomes necessary mm 0100 Record quotes resort operators in Concern has been expressed at tho convention of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters over what is claim ed to bo the we 31 mention of commer cial firms in gonquin Park Criticism generalized to the commercial exploita tion of parkland in the province The abundance and variety of On tarios natural resources should represent boundless benefit instead in one area at least they are posing problems Majdr Hesslon public relalions dlreclm of the association reports that smpnsingly the top three in the proless ional list of driving errors were Failing to signal turns failing to dim headlights tailgating or following too close In that order Other seemingly more common errors such as excessive speed crossing solid lines runni reel llghlswere of less rm Ann usnw were 01 he opinion of the experts VALUE LAEUE RECEIVED Im Dominion Automobile Association in the course of recent survey on motor accident causative factors on Canadian Highways consulted number of pro Iessional drivers operators of coast to tooast transports and buses and asked their opinion on themost common driv ing shortcomings as attributable to amat eur drivers whose accident records are incidentally three to four times as high as that of the DAA consultees Hands Off Parklands Walls Publisher Three Driving Errdrs Cited By ProfeSsionqls Izalmmmy Isl um amen lmiy hmyam $111 Earrit Examiner man mm mm so ninuul rm Amqu Aves some pnorrly oi ue min clarifim mllalé mars 35 left iled In areas pare for conflnuedin designated as pulmnigotoudst return ul consideration 0f and the unmatched benefits accruing was necessary from outdoor life resort owners have Valerloo Record quotes strong case or hands off parkland resort operators in policy OTHER EDITORS VIEWS 3hr fliemip Exzmliurr Published by Cnnadlan NBWsphpm leltqd 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontnrlo ml mnnrl 1m mail lml mm ml lnr rum pmlm In Hmly Mmdayl and Mammy lrflm INN Am luhlhlm AIWIa um Amm 14mm McPharon Mnnuglng Emir mnAYMm11 ma mau TELEPHUNLS Far IPIEIIMn 71H TVIEI 1m Hy IXIuinru my cm inulaunnwm lhe me Hr vrnrhhrnlm In lln parr xmhlrd In 11 Im nr Inulm nml uLm llthcd lhuriu Iulllidws Murinle he Alhll Mun ol Hw nnndlnn Inu Iue lnr llltrhfirnlh Its hurry Him that which mvr truth m1ny stranger than won STORY HARD TO BEAT iiinmiiion minim iimo were lot humming stories oul 1005 concerning imibio ihinfin that impponml in some of the work ordinary dawns ihn mosi humming oi nil or our money was ho one about the oung man who stole J1505U00 imm cm ploygr qvcr poriml of hm mm ml OLD ENOUGH AT Toronto SL1r All our political partch have taken ad vanla of lholr zest and lntmst ln pub llc nl olrs by founding fouth branches cvcn no Conservatives mve donu lL Why wllhhold lhe federal and provincial vote from lflycamhls any longer they me good enough to tanvassylor candldnlcs and oxplnln platform they nro rel slblo enough lo lmvo lhdr own halols to gamblers who are themselves expectetd to play an active role in the educational pmcess in classroom equi ped with television sets teaching mac lnes and computers We are placing heavier demands on the teacher We expect him to tutor not only students but parents in the new mathematics We expect him to keep abreast of the developments in educa tional research We are beginning to ask him or higher academic qualifica tions We expect him to be arttime psychologist social worker an recrea tion director And in return we are of enng him salary range of $4100 to $9000 ayear Is it enough Will it be enough next year How much more til we ask of the teacher um mun1 The resort people found that salmon processed commercially tproduced about $1 per pound Marketed or game fisher men is yield was $5 per pound This latter figure included share of tourist dollars going to the 011 business hotels and restaurants sports goods firms and retailers resorts the business commun ilynind ghe tax collectors ycnuucuce in the Ontanu Sltuatwn In the West Coast province the protest was against destructive tactics of commcmal fisher men him PkrUfaencé lhe 71pinions of the professional dxjv ers should well be heeded by amat eurs In the last 10 years the pros have cut their accident rate by halt The average professional now averages 160 000 miles logged per mishap Andvthere are many mummillion mlle profession al drivers who have never been involved in an accident Another mild su rise was the un animous luck if tritium of men driv ers as such who have earned the respect of the pros by the usual careful com monsense approach to their driving pxfxilegeg Another rather unusual oonc usion ark rived at tn the survey was th strongly adverse atheism not of the slow through way driver but rather the slow follower of the slow throughway vehicle who starts the eventual lonEIIine oi impatient wouldbe passers of front running sloyvpotre Wh UM Canadian Him Inpamnrm Ulla an In mm Han WM II mnu nu om paged hm yum nml flnm FM lilnlnlnn Wlnl MI Th lrlwhm mnnhu In IAclhl HG iihnul it 72n qulmcm It Mom 7mm ol lKUIlHnM mm III In 11 hr nm 1an IM Ion In urlxulvrly Wilson Gsneial Manager mm that MUIIHI lfl Illupaklm Awclnlnl Mn yuly When ur dommncy mm In Inm canluI by no you know he hrufldnl in 131mm Ill mm mud erl nu TM Ikenvrr he my mum upmcnlnllm lumen an markcunn bonnh Income Inunxihln no he lnrmcrl uhn olefin lhum but In ngrnl lmk Mr uld Imam lhe lemacrnllc lune hum muttMn Ml Ill no In urnsde ithe 10mm monln Inkrmr of Rho bun Im 95 maven The ycm have Ihnfi lhrcc antlam that Mr MacDonald orblUM dnlln ImIv lorm labor Md arm marmflnu an Md arm mirkainx It the lull um II hlm all ho hunch pld m1 me Ha NDP lender sou lnr quite lnnx sluicth when ha mallvw and rcuonnble TORONTO Don MacDonald Is on he wnmnlh again Or the gnaw Tnlklng la me In an nxclusIva InIchInw In In Mice Mr Mac Eachm explained Ina Ms Is no dIstnnI dream He hopes and confidently cxpchs Ihal IchsIn Unn will be passed soon In up has part plan or Mghtr oId age payment In cm of need and he cIIchIva date may well be Apr even he IchsIaIJnn Ius Io be mnda telroncllvu Io achIeve lhIsI The cabinet undmlnnd gIvIng InIensn and urgent Iludy Io pox bI methog oVIrnunmcnI mum on uukmcm ing lim sunmonlh aidlagc pow 51011 without imposing an iniulcrablc burden upon iho inx payer ivmlxtr plan appears in be in the makingi First ihe Ii PATRICK NICIIOISON 01TAWA receniiy de scribed hc hint dropped by Allan MncEnchen minister oi health and welfare suggesting coming new deal in our needy senior citizens OTTAWA REPORT Hr DON onmnN 13qu For Elderly No Distant Dream Hey Thar it Bear Mlll MATINIZI ammm AT 00 mamrelapbgngmuuswtpgpmginmworg imummy mémiunnm QUEENS PARK amen jusfsag 1117sz mafia 3m nofexadlg an av f3 fiflwsflflfiufimdfifi mflfisgout 031th dlcggan MacDonald Hits Warpath Again lhm ltnd mul THE ANONYMous mm Amman flu IMF mulnnlu 0leer manuy Ammo orlcwmom the 1m pram And In lbs cm ho Imam um wnnl lwlnx dam mil mm In flu cm lhrro is mln nrlly nl mum who Ilanl Mnl Iha promm bu Wm lomd byulnw my gr II dulon In duhiun majovlly lhn mm In mm mlnarltlu unnum mry cm Any way hey wlm without government cnnlrol lunmr demmncy ulmd beyund lhc mnhrfly more In lhn cumnl lune nu darnncmcy ML Machnnld bellevu that because the bran rowers voted or mnrkclinu Ingram Ihelr dlrcclon Lhmllll lb to the compul Hi bellc my undo Insulin All km Mr Macnnnald 15 up wave dcmmrncy wilh Hm vmo Um nilan husband wave marriage Urnnon Mi helium Um democ racy unl hLu lnlcmrctnllnn Tha mond slap would be sup plcmcnlary allowances paid un der 1119 Canada Asslslance Plnn to those Wham nécd nra judged to be hlghm Waugh spcclal clr cumslanm DEFENDS NEEDS TEST In reversal the klnd cl talk have heard from poll llclam or so long Mrl Mac Eachcn properly Islciltd ll wnuld he major blunder place stigma on he bullies concept It has wellncccplcd nml usclul rnlo In lhc humane ndmlnlslrnllnn public misl NICO programs unlmll would be supplemented by th ever sum might be required In any lndivldunl case to bring Ihe total Income from all suurcu up In Um agreed minimum desira ble income This likely to be in he nclghburhood of $1260 Im singln person and $2229 or married cuuplc um Du minim moré mm tnmcmnna than do declnfun tho ruuluuu um um 11 pnvl wum 94 Dunlop qud work his wny Evcry senior citizen would make out an income rclum it his total income exceed the permitted cxemplinm he Vnuld 15 mm pay um income tax due nut if his hicmno is belaw liie minimum desirable anme say 312w he would rcccivn lhe diiimnco mm the Marni gov The simplest and most cquiln hIe arm means lest he sug gests would be to use lncume tax procedure This would also be mare accoplablc lo he bane lltlariu than any aLhur mcUmd llmmlnn mu II 5m 5mm Avlmlnlnn In hm mpJumhqu mm mmuz mu ulmm JSF ml Mrm AuvulvlulJvmul datum nmumu mm mumJammym rmldnn nAnammm mummmuumcmmuu Wulhylllunnon wunuumuulnmnl mmnlnunnna IulmnunmomnnnuuuaImmumlluamuvowIn ml MINA The Moleau Ind lhalr Flylnu 5mm Alm nelvlovm Shupholdl unyhaundl TONY ha WONDER MORSE And Mon Gun MI 1m IKNIIIIT Imu nom Mnlnllhvdnn Cullall mu um mum mu mm Can Mn CommMan min mm wus Clmplnl qulpm Slml rm to lhn door anling or 8000 ma Good Food uhlall Shun I7 SM mm by Mn marl lllonlld girl In thew bullnm SPORTSMENS SHOW MARGH 1119 max QUEENS HOTEL GoGo Dancing on our stage Starling Mon March 14th THE Al MATHEWS TRIO ill0 DANCING Nightly From 900 oclock HELD OVER FOR THE 5TH WEEK VI Sm hombumea have hands Jalgwmamgowmgrj Elwilwgaafimhfih shcsamai doll schmll UNTIL monow Mnnéu Saturday II 100 112 THE DAWN TRIO Tho cunndlun anlonnl mommaruz WIFE PM thhy NIGHTLY Al This novel idea L1 somelees culled ncgallve income tux is being wldnly dcbaicd and generally acclaimed has been especlllly lucldly ex plained by Councillor Smith of Drillla who is char iertd uccounianl Ono cbvlous nrcrcqulslle this suggesllan is that the basic exemptions for lax purposes would have In ha raised la in inure ultimately accuplid 34 lbs minimum desir ernmcnl pr over 12 monlhs Tho man who live far the world can look for Ike worsl But wilh mm of £11th God mu nu we planned tar they were overthrown In the wlldm um Corlnlhllnl BIBLE THOUGHT BEST IN THE SHOW 72M PIuI HIGHWAY The Continental Inn SUNDAY Smorgusbord IN MAIN DINING ROOMS FUN LICENRED UNDER Tlll 100 336$ FEATURING THE Chlldun 95 12 Noon lo 200 pm 430 to 910 fun races casmmo racu prize for 12 but us me Myer Churzh In The Main Dlnlng Roam CONTINENTAL QUARTETTE Adulln ms Shh Mar 19 Friday Muichl8 9pm to am SATURDAY 830 to 1200 95 Flu Tax Par Futon Horseshoo anhy For Your Entertainmem NIGHT DANCING full for all Prizes galore obfhdo racu Mr Sf Louis Snow VIIIy SUNDAY BRUNCH SI Pairicks th Murdi Grfis 1mm

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