Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1966, p. 2

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ullmm FJlmr McKay Mun lefi curd IMle HM Fuh wn In nmd In mum In nm 11mmqu nnrmmc IL lnmnwr Inmlluml anishnlu mm I1an Nanlry wgnm r0 lur mum In Ihe mrl Mlowlnl In lniury ArrMInl me 11 llo Ull MMRMO IL In Alry lnmllulml Millnr wan lmnlm In min mhlenl which Mn lnmuznw Iy Mam lvnvin ml min TunllnMQ mu mm hler wu nod 01m and hi vlylvrrl Ilrcme mu Impmlad ur hm month nllrr ho vlwlwl gum In II Ila our yraimlny lo Marga Innfilm Ilvlvlnl man rmlm ml dmnk dille mo wHMrnwn ol lhl lrrlrnl mmIL mu Dmlulns IL Mnclmrhlnn Coulmn Avenue Angus yu cnluy mrlvul one you AuxA pcnrhd nmlmto and was plnml ImbaUun ur 12 month nllu Ilmlink umliy In nunulllnn hll molhrr Mu Vlnlcl Mnrlmch hm Mn Muclmhlnn Kohl hr cmxrl lull while Mr Ian MI Krer lny in many way My lim Mink urll nl hm Mlmnl hn lmvm vlnlvnl hm ho didnt MI own way frylnlz nlvu mld hrr Ion hml qmlvlml litr by am Thu pusha rd lwr nrnuml nml lhrcnltnfll In llll hrr nIlrr lnmlly mm mrnl Munl Sho mind that My mm Into her homo mm the law he said was 511 An ammo lnlImcd became Mm Mdmd Icll the nm was in corrm mlly was then alleged to grabbed trumLsxm rmli mm he home saying Ill take this lmlcml had hired the am mm Barrio to her mum in On when Illa unlined she did mt have sul ficlcnt money with her Hammer she said she rammed nil ver wlloclinn she had at hm homc Ind mm the drlm to Fine Driver Rs Impaired Samud My Barrie lax driva who wa duraod with smiling an 0m Jawnsh woman nflcr dspule mak in cab are Wm acquitted by Magistrate Otter my terday The Tomb magistruu hid there was not sufficient evidch against N1 lo warrant con vtclhm Tuly was accused oi Inflkflng nigumgmgm Angus Youth Pleads Guilty To Assaulting His Mother Horsushoe Valley reports con dition good with 111350 three to seven lnchm and three Inches of new mow Four Ham and Conditions range from good in excellent at the three local re sorts llnrscshoe Valley Snow Valley andnlwn St Louis are 51d mérh viill Enjoy busy weekend and the skiers have been assured of good ski Acquit Barrie Taxi Driver 0n Charge 0f Hssaulting Woman new may ought Mal Ivy Mnclhlmh Ourr Mrs mew mm mm she BL Mandloy tram agent or Johnson and 00 yaslcrdny spoke on air travel and presemod film entitled Skiing Good In District TRAVEL AGENT ADDRESSES ROTARIANS MENle INTI MN The mth fit It hand ll firm VT win mum II vllnrm Now me has menial Wei Amuim mo Med lo the mum mm mumMy Sc Michml mm lvmnrrhl ME min mud Imm llully mall dvath and MN Mm dunmun 4v mm llw lunlm Amm erhlpnn mm MVNIHYI Man 1mm 1m uwmml lll mummrnu ml ho had In say about lho Incidlnl Um ynulh rrplltd Ian my mum Mash rule Illrr JIM hut an Ian mnlhmr wan nuppovllng hlm lm hm mtor dunno nub ludn and In whnl Iho uh Mn Mnclmrhlnn uifimmnl hrr Im melvo rcnlmml hi1 mnhmkn r4 vhlmm Em mlxl 5hr III nnl wnnl Mm la bq 1mm Magnum mler pnlnlul nul um um wasnt hmlly noun Inn criminal man Im mrlmmnlyn 1min nhul mm is In common Imka he 51le 11m yum muld bn Irnl la Um Onllulu Hulpllnl ln Irnrlunl nnlxl lhe manlplula Mn an evidence mun hm Imbean mm with Mm nmnully Mal llnmvcr Maulllrnu mm wanml lhn youth Hm vlol and Ill minmin In my my ban would menu lull mm wllhum qnuMnL defence John Livin Mm Mashed whdher than was sulliciml money in her savings to pay tho tare She re plied more was but the lam did not correspond with past luml charged or L1 tame journey mum Macuod Mycawld son he mman who was at harm It the limo destined that although he was not Sn tho mm ho Man the anan Upon his mothers request the boy said In wen amide and made nah tho cabs num her He said his mother mm al cxmmcly ncnou alter lho taxi driver ldl hm did no mtnuon anytth regardan in mm Mr Livinng suggested that the charge be dismisstd becausu no mm during the evidence did nnyono my um ho assault look in On anmhip Mnglstmlo Otter unread nd dim that was mango the My didnt hear the alltxui ncu no IIan hat his mmher did no mnmlnin injuries or the radio and mlly Mt lad kicked her Counsel for the Gals Univomity Appointment Mount st huh report nod to excellent condition There is byona inde lmh mow 1am Tbar will be operaflnxon tho weekend operatln on the weekend Candi am excellent at Snow Valley when lbm inches at new law can base ol between le Indelght helm flmmmbanvrlcywou and lonbmwillbolnmw atlon two jpublo rope tomi will be Story of Modern Airline Transpomlion at film weddy luncheon meellng lbs Rn ary Club of mum at Com AUTOMATE MYHOOIAT HAMILTON lll Educ llon Mlnlnlrr Willlnm DMlI um wmmy Ihal uhmll nu gr lnl tn him in march Hwva chm Ixhnlmm ml llul than would unenml wllh the AM mi lurth kka ouch lelulflan and cum Im II um pm lmlmul den mml an or In nlyn nun mm ltuhm dustrial engineer personnel man um um study man milm 1lea vagfom urea mmw and structurv an survey draltsmml life in flow mi mwmtkfi mam P1 WY 6mm Wu as male elodxic motor repair man urzuxg mtmm amt mm 11mm dorkm5lcsmn BY W053 W3 Heel tumboy orian Wer red mm urgent Hm typo operator wily news papm mm Mun ll ccme boa builder wood ur gent farm hand singk mom and Imrd mvidcdl dark banking trade 11 minkmm credit Mu dmriclan ully llmxwd muudlm 21ka Ian nulmamncc urgent General Job Omortluiliu Mannie mum mlmmnnn salary and mission mm Wmifm argonmy dame uuWuve mmnlm day Marmara experim ed wale mu mportuflucél lnrmerl thrwzhnul Nam fiunmv will bu In lllmvnlu ln day or the mun North mm me am Fair at lhu low mmlly hall ummuml by UII Nnrlh Shawn Ind Crop lmwavrmm Amdnllnn Yr Imlny vu lrmnrnfluxl dim Illuunlnn he unurnm mm rll Anill Fan IMML Elmulr um and up chnlrmnn lvnn Ink nulnlml and Hluwul lng ogrlnmuml mnmnmlvo or ammewlghtoflfltheposl Molluedlwsad Foflmingaresomeofmejab Isz in the 8w and sunumdmg £33 Mr Lammce said am many ng wen Ested and the number shamed P991719 Emhve and Pmlossonal We Mil use of the National Dmlay mcnt Service Not cum skim And In some cm mddflod help the NW mm Merchanimezseddemand Wind week no Skilled Labor In Great Demand Rolaflan Peter Dean centre mix WM dub presZ qntBobWllHanu lefl and muglty Huuse Ipndley mama r011 comm SEED mm World Vision cum nr om 20500 orflmns In lwnly com um has hunched an all oul Md pmxmm In Vch Nnm bulldan romxcc comm rovld In hunan ol whwl ch and cmkhm or war mum vlc In lean km hmanccl Hue World vulva cameras wen the 1m evte permitted to record mum tumm ol the slumuon In Vgetflam The narratipn and most at the filming um done by Dr Bob Pierce presideni World Vision while the original musk was composed and dir ected lo film by Ralph Can mlchael Produgzul by Wurld Vision Canada missionary serviu or ganizathm the 11m portrays the people of the tensionborn coun try indudlng the aboriginal mountain tribes It hike the viewer in scenes of actual combat allows missionaries and Vietnamese Carmina and dcpim the min Erie of typical muilary chap la film millled Wat Nam Pm me will be lhown Mardl flat was Gnu 3mm Slaw motion In In dicated or the current weather pattern By Saturday trend to milder yum will devdap with WW and rain spreading alarwly eastward across North ernOnlnrlu and more rain or xhnwm ncran the war Great Lake Lake Erie Luka SL Clair southern Lake Huron Damion Windsor dandy with occa alonnl uhawem Sunday 2m uimmfi mmnmn em vothuhfldlnhlrum Dur John Wm rlr Bumncr mm 7mg um snowfall ovemrgll Mlllmake lnr difficult driving wwwme mono he Wad The Examhwr last Film Portrays Viet Nam Strife AREA WEATHER name christian i316 FeIIOWShip 1h Quunlway Cuhodnl mule qunml mm Toronto To old In ovullow prqvlmud In monlh CALL 72614 FOR RESEIVATIONS tel the idly developmenl Much um 800 PM Codrlngon School Light Snow Cold During Weekend SPEAKER Roban Mcluen Guelph vmmfn Hnmillon cm St tharhm Tomato so Pelcrborough 15 Klngslun Trenton 16 Kfllnloo Muskoka 15 North Bay 10 Sudbury 10 Earllnn Knpusluulnu While Mr Monsnme Tlmmlnl Ottawa aJnIy lunny today Saturday cloudy Cool oday Not quite an cool Satur day Winds llgm becomlnz ensl eriy 15 Saturday Forecast Temperalnru Low might high Sllnrdly Windsor 50 gt hvmax Kuchexiei you Forest Nurthcrn Gebrslan My magnml Cochran North Bay Sudbury Mainly sunny but cold today Saturday increasing cloudlnuu wILh snow likely by evening and film milder Wind light Southern While Rlvcr Handy UI anvw maximally mlxed with freezan drltzle near Lalm Superior today Smurday cloudy and mllder wiLh mow or min milder Wlnds cast 15 Northern White River Cloud ing over may with mulnnnl now this evnlng and onluhl Saturday cloudy with now and mildru Wind 0512 15 Easlgrn Lake Ontario Haii button Kiilnloc Sunny with cloudy periods and cooler today Hear and mid might Saluday increasing cloudiness and milder Wind norlhensierly 15 today becoming light to night mainly cloudy wilh showcrs Continuing mfld Wind light Megan western Lake Dn tnrlo Toronto Hamill Cloudy and cooler odw Sn urday cloudy and milder with shwwera Winds murky 15 hev coming light Saturday He gald 12 seniorclllzenl ImiL 30 The axurscx nr some many education and lmlnlnx MN Livillm carrlcd vn hmmoul am cummny In imprme the slum and ran the Mcmlmnl lcvnls ol cnmloym 1th ao lrily logclher with uxlcnsiva on the rainan Mr Fled hnm 59 gm El UM mu mouth kmndlnn Central Electric kmwuy An onxolml mums dorclopmml prnarnm duvclwinz ho rluhl purple or Um rlm who 11th right Vnm mmwnfnko parucipatu mlh ho Darrin 0mm C01ch lnlo Ikmrdln nyquupcrlcnme improve cxisfimz mm in lhu ledmiqubs of Kood lnslmctinn umk planning and human rul nllons and aim to each new skills vmrk measurement techniques to nsrisl In develop ing Ihe most Wm med ads of manulaotum or put it nnoflwr way 10 ind Iho one Dense wny of perfonnlng gmrk ed on series courses and lrnining assignment whim will take them back In the clan mgm or thg next 10 may Mayor Cooke laid dur ing the meeting he and old peaple with quite 10 of many might choose to liva In xuch project just becausa may like there leaving people who mal 1111 week Canadian General Elam Co Ltd in Barrie launched an ambition upgrad mash mm The minimum ml or sen Ior citizen unit whldx include Icrvices slave and IanIgemor II 40 per month with extra subsidles avallabla where need Employee mlaflmu manager Bob Hoclham sold boday that about 45 unplayecs fin he man ufgclunng ogcrathn luv aim It wal ctnphnsizéd that Im Illes are selected an the basis need houslnz authority representativa looks Into an ap giants income lament hams conditions and other factors before granting ndmlxslon lon tubsldlzed housing project Mr Enters said thh state rent in sunklent ta keep the houxing restricted ta lamJlIes who need It He said that when Income Increases to the point where Emily is paying 31 per cent for Kent they find they can live more cheaply else where although they are nut Id to leave WWIE AVMIAIUILE Addlllnnallubsldles nre avall able for families with mu or no Income through arrangement with local welfare nukhorllles he laid similar scale used far senior dllzens Musing Mr Sub and uninm or kmicnla cnmllEJ ha ocmmlinnnl training pm CGE Launches New Program To Upgrade Workers Skills fIly Pnlln Flny Dept Hnlnllnl EMERGENCY NUMBERS 71 Ill 7114 7mm In senior citizens homes the ciiy pay nolhlng toward apenv Han bul waives taxes beyond 575 per unit The ciiy development commii lee took on action last night but it is expeched recommendwi lionwill be coming to council flank Representatives prnvlpcinl and laden housing authorities were in Barrie last night Ihe realm ol lhe clly davelap men comdun The city wouId pay per cent of operating losses In the family project and mover grants equal In he full amount of lam mm Under Ihh sdlum stu dan spend me week working In the plant to IMAln norm on LI knvwledzo cl Mutry In subsidized amily housing he said It Is best In miter homes thraughoul lhe city but that depends largely on the avallahllfly of land and the size of mmglclpalily MrISulans 5am he envislans sambdeumed and raw hanging or Barrie He told the commlueg Baxfie would pay no caplkl cosll far her senior dazens or am llyhauang Mr Sulern said motellike build as close to the dowh lavln atria as possible would be suitable fur senior cilizenn N0 CAPITAL Dycks Food Market BEEF FRONT QUARTERS BEEF HIND QUARTERS BEEF SIDES 50 Callllr 59 7235339 Barrio 010 THE STONE WITH Tm CUSNMER PROFIT SHARING COUPONS TELEPHONE 7285330 AND ENQUIHE ABOUT OUR COMPLETE FOOD PLAN RnecIl filler llh erh flulrllr HM Van An Buy thy It 19f ll BEZZANT NURSERY FLORIST SLUT CARS 549 HAROLDS SLOT Revell Hobby Conlra Dunlap PL 716381 HEADQUARTERS F011 SEED PLANT FOOD POTS AND CONTAINERS Juhnson SI 7260241 For Inllmcllan lnlormullun PDI HLWKY CHURCH 50 Anni Everylhlng Ftir Tho Garden Euh Wednesday um um HEALING BEZZANTS SERVICE Minnie lb lb 346 54c 44c counsd 72an 3be Wife

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