Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1966, p. 1

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if MAYOR LES 0001 The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District ioami YoaI No so JUSTICE liliNLmIt Cardin said he will mend judicial Inquiry into the ro mantic inmlvmiert ol Inc members oi the tanner Dirlen dkéFfirSICSIe GonnIa eity deveiwmcnt connotes maybe ready to take the first steps that mldlead to an extensive urban renewal projed in Im Cooks said last nigtn Idlovrhig meeting with officials of the Gemini Mortgage and Housing Corporationthat it seen poemhleioo the city to participate in when renewal well beyond the Norwich Plan midi calls only for redeeornt ing store from ELIGIBLE FOR Am John Wadi oi UiltiiC told local authorities lai nlztlt that the city would be eligible Ior aid In preliminary studies the cre dfim at an renewal scheme and its overtualimpie plantation dag prearranged citys nprdlnnmsnyi an re newal study of the Willie mun icipality would be abut $7000 Later depth studies and final implementation would be elig ible Ior iederal and provincial yanla of up to 75 per tented Mr indium sold it is how realized that total cicaranre In only way to renew not the cities lie said urban renewal in volves redevelopimnt whoe neccssary rehabilitation oi areas eonservatiorioi good points would hope that onw the need for renewal in identified andplana laid down that an ap plication ior aid would Ioltow We expert to be invited to participate in INIqu el vision planned over realistic period oitimeanddesignedoehavethe effect of revitalization not mere iygemoval oi scattered ml he said lliz MW urged social and moral approadi lo redevel opment not the bulldooer no videos moi city could expropriate mas lay where Iiiecan he exteruied and inoownlownemie Renewialrcmke tent and murmur private chase services planning and other expensu nndwould share recovery 01 money upon resale of land on the samebasis Mayor 010M sai lt is obvious that somdhing needs to be done He said lheeItynmlewouldhetoia ejlltaie cooperation among pni vale Interests The mayor said cranium studvt Ii approved by cranial Would have to involve the Inter rraminr Board diallinan Mik let Salter said he was enmur axed to learn diningthe simian that Bnnien site in the opin Ion so McCIIlilooh would be no barrier urban renewal Saita raid Barries down toum anon particularly mm Duulop St the bay n1 ripe or the sortoi project outlined by Mr he said it would take coinage or the city to undertake spend ing on die scale necessary Ior tulisoale renewal The OllliC rernesentative not grflldiilld under Iogialuatgon any 95 gym development nuist be relocated Mtflilloeh However baker cabinet with onetime vmrmn my nam ed Olga liurchizer Mr Oar din is drown otv rosesdays Ottawa pres oonIcrence in which he slid Opposition Lead er Didcrbakar and Ianncr histice mirnsiicr Davie Fulton were swam the involve mmt but look no legal action and kept the also eoniidmtiaL CI Wimpbolo Referees Rob camd Belgrade Paper Says LJUBLJANA Yunga via CplYugosan noncpapm today lay the ntiiciminz in the Canada CzecluuloInkin hockey game here Thumday and any the reimes pm the key prone to the Cred Canadian pinym at the world dumploruhips wcm so my at What they midcr Incpt and biased olilciritln that they threatened to pull out ol the toumnmont meeting tolimrinx their lI detect Iho Canadians voted on withdraw aim IIon docide tomlly out the onimnmml Iotitika the mudroulatson Belxredn nouspumr headlines its report oi the game micr em rob Canada victory mein vo ti tilvcnink News oi Belgrade runs the headline Mereea against Canada The mmnmr norm oi Ilel grade smarts he chhCnnndn name under the hemiiino Rei eroen decide top at standing noun mm Andrei omin du rind Swiss mrree Iiennnm Olivlui rm Inihut Ilookslonn the ilorhn report nay In the butt urimul game or ONE BIIR MISSING To Charge Man In Gold Theft WINNIIICII CPLIt rhnran pt lllrznl possession nl sInIrn cold burs ls rxporlrd to he Inld sgilmi IInniprg mnn today In Inst works mum airport rnbtrry Tho mun ulinsn nnmo ulll not be divulged by pollrv Imtll lie appran In mull mmth Tlrmlny nllrr meet DI the Ilolsn obi IlllpInrnI wns llIth end In pollrn rnldn The mils urgiuiirrsl by lure pull InrrM IInIIIr tlulil INIIr If worn nli suilily n1 lhe lvm nwn pman III rump workers vhlxlml may the Wild mm Winnlptl lnlunnllnnal Alr porl In Litton Air Tanadl lrIIIh Altith Trn ot the II lms sma duo of Irmn ilrrp snow III III rrnr Fort Ilmize innlu In milli enlral Winnipeg and tho nlbIr nets and In rivmnuwn olilce buildinll The prrtlklnn wilh nhtrh pn lire carried out tlm rulvls lrtI Just me sold bar ImncrounlNl lot In tannin lnrrml old the Ilw rnkis wm rnmloctni by the SI Inmn poilro Ilrparlmrnl ltlilltl And city Winnipu pn ill Ihe Jumrs poille tom has lwn ln chum or the in vrsIlrnlInn brrnlfln Winnipu In lrrnnilnnul Airport lire williln III bunk hiarrh tun rivn Iirmn Irp In the gnkitniutn Tranctir nlrrull and with the bold pt lhm unmqwilnn rmplrvyrrr landed the mid loin Ibo Mrrlm Limit and Iliqu away ih rtiiprrwni Imi bown flown in rem Ml Imkv Inl rind In Intended tor the mini In It INA II WA in barn ern lle slilprssl Inirr by Mr Cumin In THE EXAMINER Today va Ups Slilpbullrien Resume ierlu Tonight IIA Inilrurlr On Home Improvemonle Palm Work School Sntrty Patrol Ann Lenders6 Ctly News71 CIIIIIIIIdII IJ l4 vCoquil Death NollurIi District Editorial4 rtel Miro5 WnllierS Women medals the uncalled lfirlfltfl tatlvnn of Justice began to shape the top ol the standings accord Inx In their IMIAS Iho kiriadiane did not lose this mllidlr The inn mints were taken away irurn tlmm Cuxh goalie Vladimir Dzurila was in tact henion thrre times but hotln mntrnat to Seth Mars tin of Canadahad bdllnri him the rdercrs who Iidcndnl the Cmbmlovnir goal better than Dninln The nnwnpnpcr Sportrke ovoui lamb de ouihov the officiatan lhnmoflll Indian Police Clash In Calcutta Suburbs NEW Illlull Itll Police and dollar mobs rlnxlird or the second committee Ilny lodny In Calcutta suburb At least nIvrn rlnlrrl were shot rind woumlod With nt knit It Mom dead Irom Thursdays Mllls 3qu mllnllt and Min lrlllsl pollilrnl pIirllrs called or nltw Ioosl dom nnrtrlilnns union the worn ment In Culuilln rind it Im lIlIerlnl Wrsl Iknrrnl stnlr 11w now vlnlrncn nlplNl nlIIr lrIlLIllIlsplrIvl hour rnrrnl IIrIkn was dull to end 11on mil III on mt Iinlil the peoples IINnnmin Arr nirI Initl lbt lintlnl Illi Prim til poiillrnl portion that led liin rtrikr The hunt IINIIINI the Philip To Visit us Space Centre Iltlllblth TM lAllulllnrn llilllp who be blunt II In lwun In In years IIltn In Manned firnrrrrnli Innlvc tnIIrIy IIIIrlnI lb nod tiny pt hll tlvrwrlny Tune vlsll rinir Ior lllI inqwum it the lrnlnlnn n4 the Us spat mm were IIPlltI in lhltII lhcy nitmulnln rurli mamcums wielva lon rpm Ihlp ruul mlrxlm mnlrol thr nerve rmth Ior nrsl owls ilnnlnl ll minIon pl Mllnnmlll erl Armzirnn and pull read mini mi nu mm will lnrllrd In valor Ii spermnil down plans or their redevelop Barrie Ontario Canada Friday March II 1966 rirusis monou AGAINST CARDIN Hunomn SCHOOL win Not eats oi existing businesses Overrule Decision By County Health Minister Dr Matthew Dirrwnd will nol overrule the Sirneoe burly Health Units dos cision to keep liuronia School open Arthur Evans Simone 0an In MP said this morning More than 25 Wtfllhla morning pickctcd the school in rxrtcrt against the Inniml ship School lionrd and the health unit who have said they will not close the hullth to slap the around inlcdims hop etitis Only of 17d pupils nre In class today on parents continue to boycott the radical Nine child ren have been stricken with the disease Mr Evans said this morning he discussed lhe matter with Dr Dymond and Education Itilnisler William Davis but neither min ister is in millon to over rqu Dr Scottu droisinn CONTINUE PlCKIlld hicanuhllc merits lllldrtll nitsruling lhe thKII my boy will mnlinue their brow un lil better toilet Iarilltlrs lire III sulicd ubatcver dinrges um lnld ngnlnst thorn parents Ilrlneiilion ls expat rd to attend Ii session nI this county building lliln oilemoon Bioling Mobs rlon ration In Iho Calcutta Aron wns not ndcquntn rind dummide judicial Inquiry lnlo police tir imi lhnt killrd some demonstra torr TIMI rioiilb loll IIiurldny which probably is luronurlrlr Included it Iirmunxlrnlnrs killrtl by police bullet and on olim mmtnlvlc Imnlrn In depth ninh Irullnn Army until movnl to tirrtrutin rnrllrr In lhe nrrk optnod Itrn Thursday nlnlil nI mobs up to mom run wild In nlinrkl nn rntlwny Ilnilvni lralnr polka rlalipns and vrlil in We Miulrlrr Son of WIII llrnanl lrlnlllrll the rum rnuimls or the lnlIIIIl lmnrr and fly simulalrii mlr lion wilh MI Mtrmlnul Thu plmlnrsl In plrsrril hlrn II ilnlnn lnIl rarllttl on the tietvllnl rillslim Ikr lrill 11 prlnrr arrlvul here nmuui nl lltt rrmllnls twin tmlnlrl Anvlnrrr plan inr nilril to protrude irrule rtan VI no Iui Iharllln luban rrllu pmmllng IlriI bI lilfltl wilh IIIIII likenIi Um princes Mlnint Intel Weilrwulny but none nrrr In ulrlnre Ill lhe linml or Iliuuinun IllIP lIurI plllirvligll llullslun liar II malle roluny oi the one iiu In another altcmpt to gain act Ion lrorn the authorities NOI SCIIODLS FAULT Dr It Scott health unit director said today at press eunleroncetheruis no evidence that liuronia Public Sdimi is in volmi in causing lhe inlcclioua hepatitis lie said his 5L1 has Iorkod wilh the families involved and has given instruction as In the core at the sick and their con tack and the prevention cl Iprcod Ihc lnnisill ikmnship ohm has been inspeded several tim es and innumerable winter sam pies have been taken to nticmpt to iind on area of pollution if any he said inslructlnn has been given to the unloading ELI rind Dr Scott said that tho enrolakinu in the sehmi has been most exemplary ch diseases are more roya lcrioos than viral hrmlitls Dr Smut said It is liver innum niion ior which there is no knovn Giro nrni it caused by at least two elusive vinucs that no surn tist has evrr seen Mm iniect hm hepatitis is transmitted by pemonmpermn mnioot Ivy small children uhn forget to wnsh their hands after they Kn to the toilet The inlrdious ilr lrly tnkrs the ln nix urrkn tn dewtrip Antitriotlu have no rilrvt Doctors ran do nothan lei put thrir mlirnix In IMII IIAblII ulio bol IMII thrir nymptnml nnd trod IN nutnlimu vitamin rich dirt Itr Smtt said lhn munu nI Iniwtim nro tom urine and blood Innn inltstni pennun In Ililmtlnn period in run In or days Ilull or this would then LI grout Illllmllly III tliItLnmtnu llin Illwnsnl le flIINIIIIIIK the nwiiuu more IIIriwl hi Slrvmlt Itinr man III Innllll Ihilrllc denl Ilnnnl II II Mmklml Imports or of Public firlusils nrul Frank Krll business llIlIltilIlJlnlnl of Innisll II1L Iirbllv Sdionl Ilmrd Illlil IZNII IIIIYIIITT Mr nnviu mid lint Ill IIIIIJII tbn tllillllilt mum in rsbml In Ilr that be two no Imllmtim um III HIMII Imtli He said the rubrer gnins In Ire Illslntrtlctl IIIbI urrk IIIIII II twirl lute lmmm the mnlul norm hrwlllll and not bu filled up believe the NIVWI In have brul IINlly lira lns lit laid Hr htth MIII that II III Ilrllrlvm Iitl lint return In tiny MIVWI by the rod oI thin pk lllfll the board bill be lmwrl to take allin lintmi the permit II tbnrr II no room In ilW tho ruined lie nui then three is HERES ONE ll yrs mid live mu In our groin murder ssan like lmymrehl Inllfinnn do you um yum make lhe mule Inuit lur Inuit marl out tsn in Mt lht Imus no reason for the duldrcn to be absent Closing the school would be no control ut all Dr Scott said and them is no valid reason to do so IIc said that while there is no mmrantce there viii not be more cases the early cows re poncd are now better there is no valid reason to panic or be come hysterical he said it necessary incr Not More Than lo Per Copy It Plgu MILLEI sum flight snowfall and writinuiltd mid Low tonight 22 high to rnurmw 35 For full summary please turn to district page two House Speaker Vliules PCsY Acted 0n Assumptions orniva on Commons SpeakerLucien Inmneux to day ruled out of order all Con sorvatiie motions seeking the resignation oi Justice Minister Cardin or iirmropcr oonduct lie said the motions assumed lhnthirr Cardin was guilty at improper conduct beicre there was any debate on the matter The angry Conservatives have demanded that lliri Cardin prove his accusations Igainrl membersoi the armor Diclen baker cabinet or resign the jar lice parliolio and his Commons real Mr Cardln has said that two or more members oi the Diet ARMY unions wnii cur FOILS PAYROLL HOLDUP LONDON lAll Its the warrs rang swooped Ior the snatch Itini hinrlon Dunn oi lhe Salvation Army hiked into bnlllc iirr war try shrillcd through lhc street God Is wnlrhlnu You still go to hell With that she lumped MI her hike and marched Into It tlon nrmrrl only with her hun nrr and Its motto illood and FIro As this three crooks waded luln two men who had just lrli bank with 500 mm pnyroli ltnl Marlon rnohiliml her Inrcer she called on noun oI women to link mm across lhe rnndr Ono oi the slant trird to break lhrnupti lhe rur dan Ii lruck drlvrr lumped irons hls till lInII elicd him Another was rrnhilrd hy the arriving police The third es tapeIL It llflpptnfd Thursday in Imndonl tough doeklnnd area said the militant ltIIII llIIr lnn Bl suppose not bit car ried away tried to kick one nI them vhen he was on the Kroilml bul too many people not in my tiny nnd rnuldnl Kel nrnr him And with that she prdlllrd nri to pisy the argon It II prayer mrrllIIK Men Convicted In Malcolm Case NluW YUIIK lAIlMtrr d0 lllllfliilil more lhnn lmurn supreme Iknui jury curly Ivt dnv snitlrllsl llirro nwn Ilimt illtIlll murder in the Iiuuulll nllun uI block unilnmltit Irmlor Mrlmlrn The Itm llatl min to the buy III IIIIN bit wunrn nrnl MM Ibm Norrm Quebec Man Held In Police Shooting hlItNTliHtl tllIIKMI Kr bus 71 Ilotilutil Que nirl slalom Inwrator Impaled oi Illllllilfllllm In thrI nInInrlini I4 their Irmlndnl Inltm oi low Itlorvlny II Minn MA in tiiiJrils bore porullnl mrntrvp nirnt in Vullryflold Mindsy rimrnp or nltnnptnl mndrr Kyllnl tn unmith imtrr glimnrp cure lit Qll headquar ter Ito was MININI lbuwlnv In the allir Ills INIM All stylle 04 brevity Armed pike lmd nurrmrvleI Ill HWIHKI Nut IIINI Mr gas erI tnlo III Illlllifl plow In amnion to live nllmudhl amulet ilinrev the neuron Iur nyimg my Irv urn min pl mu Inr the and trtklm Ilrn Ilrdumdny llttlrllXXI nIIor an elrlilurrk trial lumn HIM rlIiIiflllllIll Ibo Iiuirlnull tinilrzcum nl Iulmulie linyrr up It the monitor urn Ituyrr Imlnrll InrlrIr lotlirlwrly In Wllilll he that nuoru III mil IIIIIInlnI llIiI Ilirt4 Paterson NJ IllllltllIl mulm lbw lmltw lhu mm Hanan emuHI In nowrat the other luvl Ilrtrmtanll Nur Illrlll llullrl 71 and hymn ilrlllllultl an bull nl Ilu hum lle IJII ll bad been himl With Iwr other mm III lull llnll mini bill lNIrml In mum lIlI mnlnlrlnlru millvi Just want In wily lint Mm AM Jul on bail nnlbm do Ith Ibr lmltit lh irlrn Mulls rot Mail It luv mumtins lb More mm In It IIMIIVIAIII his Im prlrumnnnl IIIIIIII AT iIIrIu Alirludm tolled III ball III llilillllll and pistol Illr rm Fob IDs1 lie mme bolero I1 Iris Miam ln Nanbnllan lrnlrtmn The mrtmw lbI Itulrnnni Illmk hlIlfilim loader Elijah Milllmmvml ho Ital Inn aw rrrtivul rq urine it mantn kliu it mrddonl anvly Ive an Pwtrw oi chum run In Inva In turn enbakcr government were In volved romantically with Gerda lliunslnger who had been Communist spy 1mm ediately alter the speaker made his ruling Gilles Gr oirc do uty Creditisle lea er move that Mr Car ains llluasioger slulements to side and outside the Common be reierrcd to judicial Irv quiry ior examination and re port The speaker rejcrlcd Mr Glb zoircr motion on the grounds that sulilcient notice had not been Hiram ACCEIIS MOTION Erik Nielsen PC Yukonl had sold Mr Gregoiras motion would be acceptable When Mr Gregoire read his motion Marcel Lambert Ior mcr Conservative etcrans mins Isler called out Who Is the author llir Gregoire demanded that lllr Lambert lunn and mike sn necusntlon Mr Lambert didnt Prime liinlsier Icnrson lug xcstrd Thursday nlxht that the povernmrnt would lover Judi rinl inquiry lie repealed the utter In the Commons today but did not present motion or II Michael Slarr iormcr Con servative iohnr nilnlsirr moved lhnt Mr Caniin siibstnntlrie his charges Sprukrr Inninurenx sold his molinn was substantially the name us the three he had ll rrady rulrd oul oi order and cauld not be admitted Iloninn Churchill in In Consrmlive trade minister ukrd uhnt kind nI motion would to Iecrpluhlr rnllrd that in me tormer Speaker Itrno IIIIIIniuin hurl helped In Opperlllmi MP on the Ilnor oi the House In ilrnli motion when Mr IiiIuilnino tn Irzrlly had lwn rpirslloned in nourpnprr report lIIIJIZtTIt hllt lIhTIIIN The Speaksr lnlII lhnt use lninlvlni the Speaker day and nu not parallel to the rurrrril Iltunllnn All ibunlilll said the Conser vnllvrn Man In re nprrnlr but the Illlltliflll unpmrilmtnt and new Inillntl must be bnrkrn Mr lrnisnnn ulttr Imll rlnl Imulry to look loin Ihn nllrnnlum brin ritrruuctl lirmrulil IIlIllIll pt what AlllIIIP noun Irnm ilypntllllrn mom bur Irrhapa lbr Immurnlrln mun her Ill krrp nulrl Ilisl this MU said Mr IMlsnn tIlltIl In his unirwnl In one oi the brtklul Ihe rmnrnwnl mu rrntly In up rin Iovpilry II nnre lhrmirh en Ntlrillftllmtll he mid llr ioarson Iiirn IIIII Into the record Irllrr Irom lllr Caitlin mnkinl tnrmsl Allus tinm llIIIIsl Ilprmltlnn luvlrri Illelonbnkfl The lrllrr laid lheir km lrrurlly rlsk III III IIIInIlnlrr rimM lhnl Mr illrlrnhohrr had notnIrred II In the nor mmmitu lust mom II II loued live nmerrsllre luder rhsmllod lhe me lrlu nI Mrlfli Imrn 30mm lire iwnrhrt ruled the nut ill Mr Arltlttl kiln Speaker Iamoureur had In All tor order

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