Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1966, p. 7

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Alberta Ontario Tied For Lead In Bonspiel T1 mm mum rllld Nov hrumwkk Inlmt mum Co lumbu QMM lulqu Onmln thnlrhrnn New totmllnnd Alhm Illlnll Nwllmn 0mm m1 Mmflom New Ilmmn Am Nu lmmlllmnl Mh MI out will lulml mm tinlull whlll Nmumn nmln wu wlnlm In Illlll Clo lrhlml lumrrn war II rink wllh lnn wlm Aplrrt mum ivy llvlllnh Yuhunhln MnIIMu II nd Nulmlrhrnn um wilh um Mlhnri Juan Infill ullh m1le le Rnflm lnlnro rulwunl hm ml lew Mum ommoAle mm 0narln tun linw nu hum cmmpInn ml Albmu filnmr IKN ml and MI yur III luy Hon lehrnll CA any hml Jl wmulml onk gnlng lnln Hm Illlh mm HITD mm lpprd Iv Jon Inwh mmur IM lhc only lenm In Autrp both Ill malthu Tumy and moved huh Huiplum deodlntk with Mbtm Any om 04 HEN rink cvuld make in man In lha mxl haw mde the llleny mun mbln lonrnumm ml curry all he hrmnn 1th nl meml cnlrlu turllnu wflh mutual ruptcl and firmly lhun tpcrulnllnn 4qu play MIMIHUH HALIFAX CF The Can dlln mrllnz chumplonshlpa wm bezlnnlnz lo mcmhla um bending lnlo he lllh drlw lo dnypick rink and wall md Tammy OConnml goal It ul ha Wminule overlima rind gave Midland he vidory nlgM In hard My hu bdore over 1500 ans van Lho lourlh oncgonl dcclslon In Iha mlei and Midland post ed three plulhe 01M wlns OnlllI mud to Irk up wln an harm Ice ey I01 an vlnyoll am here and Ihelr Aln In duly mu mu wiée Ihelr Idnawln idea Ion In IIdlnnd In the and Midland bank the hesbolscvm uric our game to an and will now mm the wLnncr flu CollkwwoodDmle Icrlu whldl Coulngwood lend hm flame to one By RICK FRASER ORILLIA lldimd We lucked by an outstanding per lormunco by goaltender amok JamII advanmi lo the final the Central Ontulo Senior Hockey League hen Ins night when £th delealcd Drilllz Pep dsfikz it mmfime Barrie Grillid fTop First Dream Team on did not van or mentor 01 their own tum Because lies an am All star team wound up with our ddeneemen And the second team two right wingers Onflias right um Gena Ford was the only pldycr In re ed the maximum 15 points 1119 two Darrin player mi coach Jack Dyle who were nam ed to he first Allstar tenm cash Barrie SevenUps sud enm Pepsi dominaied the Ira ML Star cm In Ihe Central Ontario Sean Hackey Magus in poll conduded bylcague stafisllcian Bill Bennett Vows wyre tabulated on 5M basis for first second and 11rd choice respectively Selec tions were made by Bill McGfll Orfllln Jack Dyle Barrie Jack fier oqd 3nd Guy Flyers Reach Finals With OVertime Win THREE SEVENUPS JACK om om Audi KEN ROBERTSON lop 19mm In In lhlnl Inlmd Prlnm FAI Mni llllml Mind MIMInbA Non Roll nlrml lumlnnd anthoe nan AL MIA Kuhnhenna mlme Northern Onlula Ind 0n lehrm Onlallo ullmwl ivy NII GumIla Alloylnny lml lhu lmnlelmd hyyi In ulhrr mnlcm Hmh lnw orn Manitoba amulet lrnm Vln AMI twonlnl lmllla Sulllynn nl Balm John ivMy qulmlrl KL JuMI filmva MI Nrwlnlmtllnnrl Imn In In nlllal Vlrlnry 1M Am Ml Trlry Ilnflnllllll Qur Aml Illilllh lnlmnlull PUMHI vy LyM mum at mm 11 downed All with lllnrv Mun II Iml lum 1mm Imvlnltrlmn 1M Mhrrln curled 1n mamr hrllnn In lumnlnz Huh Ilckm In thlrbownn Mumer um mm Amlu no in UN lnurlh rnumL NFWFPUNIHANH INN Gumwlm conUmm Amp mmnl nl Mm nller at 11er IN Indng the band nl llrlulh Columbia In open lnx round Monday II rnm plum hll lwnunmn mp Tue any with In vlrlnry nm VI finml Nnvu Scnlln mw mm llulllu Thu mlh round Illtd umlxhk lar Inn mm Nuwlnumnnnd Aunlml Norlbcm Drudo Manl lnhn lunlml 0mm mum Co Inmbll aunlmt Nnu Smln Ntw runwch uulml lrlxu Edwan Mum and Saskatchc wan nulml Onlatlv Mbenl In Umlbyi Inlmt Nan Scalln Prlnco Ed ward mind hm lh¢bye The opened 0qume In an Hm pniad bu he pace pirkcd up in the ucond ha The lone goal the period mm It 1012 Bah ward armed the play when he work ed tho puck out from the cor ner Ind Issued the Hudlna la Mmrum Mozer lired omn mored the lona goal of be first period and Lhe seam pcnod was mam Midland moved ahead 1n me am but 0mm came back do the mm and sand the nmo Inla overflxm Dave Nltholxshcn and George Wmlall we the cum scnrm for Mind thn Gallon Ind Gemxe Ford registered flu lllLl loall wavy games mica atom GpAL GEIIEM shall mean influfhgfii He was espedally erllnut in Mum WM Delencemon Bill Ban21¢ and Gary Kwanfianelfiwinxch dy Home right winger Ford ail of Orilfla and delenceman Micky Kaye of Coilingwaod and winger Dave Nlchollshen of Midland were he flier members the In mam tum Here are the two 1mm Flrn Tum Goal loud Defence Robertson Kaye Bancu Kwamilza Cadre Home £0 It was Dyleg lecand straight year be selected coach ol the my AilSlur team received 13 palan Goaltender Jim Count selectedlhe most valuable Mayer on lhe Barrie lam couple n17 week ago made ha int team In hl rook ie scum and defenceman Ken vaemun perennial aflqlar topped flu voting defence mnn 811 jig aénlauonal In On III Hum mlvlo Ibo moo fllmrull 0M 0n round In In the hlmku Ihe uh ulxlnf MA ml In IhM Wu IM lllnhllflll KM lhlrd mwl Illnm Mun Nam 01 um am Mnmlnhn In Irm laallle lmnnr all behind In lwr null lml ulmumlrvl um on Ihn rlmh and mum Um malzh 17 Illr ll min nlnrln lmk Advantage rnur hmlmml Ihmllng Iny Nov 3mm In Hun ownan ml lo Ill lmr polnlu Iml put um mm ml mrh ulth Ihm mm In lhe anL luran yllnl up nnnlhcr nut In lhn nlnlh ml uhrn finml ll hlm alrmn Again Sluknkhcwln lwn Incl In he 10 ml 1m Mb lnl lrdnl INN UL lkirrlu mum ukmul Illh ll Inn Mom lmvlnl Nnrlh rnll nn Muy draw Im Mm akhl uni Alberta Ind ml Ina Cnlury Alp Ixmod 01 mm lnlo mm with our rnunl In lhc nlnDI lehcnll mu dud on tho lrnom hll llnll rock IMI mm beautiful rnlu rm hll mm unnn pmhlnl ll lnln lulkf mm nlhu mum In lhn rrnlw Ibo house Allmln jumped lnlo Ill euly so ltnd over Snlhlchwnn in he tomorrme duel bclwml the ma woalrrn powlrhnmu scaring Ilngln pnlnll ch lho In three fndl lnrlu dnwml Nzw Brunlwlrk 105 whllo Drillsh Cohxmhla drlw Maj omn gazfltendor Ler Cute ha aka had busy mm kcpl hmlng In Ihls period turning aside 13 Midland shots Paps opened Ilrongly In the third rind and in the int 50 late or play rmcd flva shah fllVJLWc Wesllnll uva Midland the lead or be In at 1051 With mlmbln around Um Orllua nrt Wullnll naked Ihe Nlchnllshen lied he 5cm at 226 hen he oak pas ram Ixnla Mill and but Curler wllh baddundcr In I110 abort side Jewell mm up with Eva bl lave In an mend perlod He made fantastic culd on Bud d1 Horn1 closeIn drlvu culy In he perlnd and while Kelly wn urvlnl holdan penalty he turned uldc our Orilfil drives hard 1w dd hm ea flu net but Gum picked up Ibo ra bound bounced of boards and beat Jowdl with quick that to he Ihart Ilde Cami rdrnfla wood 11 Bill Barrett Otfllla 11 Gary Kwamllza Orflfla 11 Marc Brunet Cdungwood Sun Ritchie Barrie Eldon Watson Orlllln Ken Keuy Midland Ron Taylor Coiling woad Gard Thumpson Bar Failowing list of all play er and the vote they received Goal Jim Couch harrle Harry Lumley Cofllngwood 11 musk lifldlmd kyle Second Tum Goal Lumley Ddcflce Emmi m0 dmie Cam Smith Ian Wm Abbott RJsht Wing Btmnard Westlall Coach Grier CD Wing Nichollshen Right Winn Ford Ooaoh Dm m1 uipl Indwi in is WWW 31an ludiflmv Ieoondkun hm lnr Mud My my HI And do lhnk that Van Iwm wfll min llw Wm uni mm In In my in Admin in on lnlmipw anvll In nu npinlm at gang ln ha mm tail nimm tlw Nin mu Im In in warm In Wu Im 1mm lulu flrLKAm 01 WM Imrr Mm limin Jmin nn gully lly MWBMI 11 fly Orlllll IO 11 mm WM mum Mdan mm Mldhnd wmml MM Offllll FonHN Ktnmdy MM HM Irnllly lnnl Ovllflmn Lonnnr Hum mun mun uun OConnm NHL Will Expand To 18 Teams Says Owner Of Bmins Onllii mu null 33an nr tho cqmiim when In bumr bounded No semif Pennlllu Wmhll Kelly Kwnnlln wmmw Hm Pnlod 011119 6345 Mogimy mum OConmr owning llnunrd lUl Wuflnll Bayer all Walnon Mlll OConnor made line plw on the winning zoal It the mark the ovuflmo period Mull passed lo Boyer ma Midland bluellno and Myer uw OConnm In Ibo delr It mm Bu Boyer lost 51th Ike putk belvmn his skates 1nd wu lcvernl Iocandl balm he re tained posseslion Ila ltd ha pun lo OConnor to Ind only Kwnmihn hy Inmad al trying to work NI wny mound Kwnnitzn OConnar um um Mldllnd drenceman new And let an high drive whlch Curler didnt lea unlll Il wan In the ML Jimcu wu called on axnln 1n the dylng mom n1 Orlflla Ar piled Ihe prwum and he mm Apoclnculnr mm on nholl by kilnnlorhan Dd mud Orlllla Rum hauling blck and It 1254 Nick Kennedy gained wmxslm of the puck behind the Orlllll ml Mud Fond in he dear Oh corner Ind waxed out rent Ford Mapped hum drive behind chdl be the goalundu Ind dunno to ma move Midland almost wrnpped In wimut overtime when Ford re mm or mu 501th he mi KER mgr two mat mvu lommdhhxtedl mummka TIES SCORE Conch Jack Dyke Bmie 13 Jack Grier Callingwnod ll Funk Swales Midland Roy Fauberl Oriflja Centrezrmdxly Home Grill 13 Arnold Smllh Colllngwood Jon Weeks Ban Bola lunar Barrie Lloyd Buy en Mldland Dave Mchmb Colllngwond Bill Kannedy Orlllla All Wang Dave Nidnlidxm Midland 10 Hill Abbott Coll lngwood Don Gibson Mid land John Hall OrLlJlI Corby Adams Barrie mm Wing George Ford lllla 15 Ice Brulnnrd Coiling wood George Wesliall Mid landll llowle Faxboa Barrie Bob Huwd Orillln fle Henry Gwfln Coiling pave Chamhm 0r uuafL Nomad lnlod By THE CANADIAN PRESS St Catharines Elnck Hawks and Pelcrbogough Pete lumped into flrsbgame leads fin their 0mm Hockey Asséclauon Junior quarterinn series Tuesday night while Kitchener Rangers and Niagara Falls Fly battled to 555 draw vllne Pelee liraplace llnlxh lghe mgmrbogeasgg ornnko Marl and seventhplace st Cathar ine sol Oshawa General 31 hr th bestHaven series Andre Lamnix scored one and assisted on goal by nUckey Redmond Paul Cums and Hawks Petes Win Flyers Gain Tie fllll MIAMI HF IXCILLINY FOR IRAIIINO BLADE STEAng IUPEflRIONI IKINLIII ALL PORK SAUSAGE 569 QUARTER mum FRESH Cutup Wholl KILLED CHICKEN GRADE OVEN RE 10 10 VAC Pl MAPLE EA GRADI ROAS VAC PAAC AP CORN up as cum myth RASPBERRlES Bilnllxlniiféé 1mm JUICE 34 OMAN SOUP 10 up nuwoufiq Ann Fm MNWW or Mrnimy 11h mun IDEAL JAM CAKE MIXES VEL LOTION TOILET TISSUE WM Cohan 04le Lima numm nngfrnu NI ALL PMGII HI AD OUANANHID IHOUOH IAUHDAV MAN Shop whom the Vabu mA4P flPluce llnlxh gum spawn Mgrlbomr +1 rnucu Is 01 NM plm num4mm49 Ilflalbdl Auzleum resume their best obsevcn serlcs Thursday mg with Oshawa in St Catharines Peleflmrwgh al hnma to Tor nnln and Niagara Falls In 20mm 99 Fri 37 IAVI Tam Wehsicr paced the Flyer allack wkh two goal whilaled Snell Derek Sanderson and Steve Afldnsmxi added he nih ers BobCook Jack Mcheary KenGrauon Walt Think and Buy me scored for Klwhgner Danny Sharpe to leadbe wrbpmugh attack Jlni Kenn nefled the only Toronto anal Bab Siclnsld Paul Tarbenche and Rich Hayes sham ha Black Hawk palsynnbby or scgred Ir Oshawa Ami rmcu llm 4M lim IIATUHK PRICEl IONoz liru FEATURE FRICEI FEATURE PRICE 39c r069 99 MAPLE BRAND GRADE ROASTING VAC PAC 310 55 MRTERS mms up Whole IICKEN IONNIIDIRI V10 PAC COOKED HAMalaxnn69t IUIIVIJIIONT DUALIVV ILICID PORK LIVER r49 Kilduznexy Hamfllun Rid Wire and Montreal Junior Canadians GRADE OVEN READY 70 10 35 VAC PAC THE BAFIHE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY Am Pimp CHERRY PIE JIM Prklr SPANISH PEANUIS BREAD AAP hm ammy AaP lunnyhlld Own Rudy ONIONS 21ml9¢ CARROTS 2W29t Gum Inn cu mm mka emu VIM MI Ith Ovlflul lunch ORANGES mm RIIr AND VIGETAHIII CALIFORNIA NAVElS No GRADE ORANGIS ill mens noz sm ONE FREE 136 49c CRACKED WHEAT mm 24m leave Big mu 3sz We FULLIINCH 24015112 mun man my Im In SAVE open their baldseven wilt in Hamilton the same nlghL 12Jlmzlinx FEATURE PHIEEI fEATURE vniczl v1

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