Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1966, p. 3

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derrié AfiaitéiiééiiGfééfé Spring Thaw warmly Library To Hold School Contest Tnmnln man hunnld FAL Mn Mm nu pkndul null 1y lo charm lnxwlml drlv In and hnvlnl llqmr in place 0er Hun mhkm In lian May by ultran Toronlo It drl vrrl llwnm wa mqu yine man 77 niiricai revue measured by the Barrie University Wo menl Club Inciudcd everyihlng from gaze giris to iniemni poi iticsz an efieminaie batman the probicm cl an unmarried killer 11 cast Ihovmd originality and versgiilily Dancing sing ing and gymnastics as weii as wit came easily to member oi the troupe now on crass Canada Inur NOT PLAYED Drum the audience rose but he national unlhem was not plnwd In past an Ihe nudlcnce was loolut Gale luughlcr broke out and evcryone ml back and pmparbd or night rare tnlertalm mic Inhllc Abun will npmmr an MIMI nr rlrm minty Ivhml nmmu rm nrdlun wllh uhllc Ulnar Wrk In MAI MIMI la Mall JIM ém mrhm mm Mu Mrl nu MI lhlnl Mala In Annmmml IllMan mvwn Allnrmy lvr Welland hiniy hrdnrr Inld Navml mu nwvdwmkd vlulwlv In Th rmlrll qu dlvhlod Inln lvrn rnlumiu mm In ml Ill Iml KIWI Iml HIM wlh rMIYMlInII Illmlulm ll br Mnk Ihry have vfad The modern concept of roc iely was hilariously portrayed in Spring Thaw Central Auditorium last nlghll crawd of aver 1100 person was enterialncd by young Can adlnn artists who displayed broad mlnded progressive nt tlludo toward life in 1966 simple but curative mute selling was perfect or xroup lint skit Go Trans Cannda Highway in which cast member mprmnlcd Canadian provincu Mnlufl lumber oi hm 7nd Inst night to plan or 11 mm menumun mnmluec 1m mommy campaign Impaired Driver Fined $225 Licence Suspended Months SPRING MW 86 hi Bar rlé with hang last night The sallficalreme received enthusiastic response from main Ame Murh IIIFMW nlr MILK IlllillY NR CW Ierl Mullrn Imam he run mu mm mllu mu mlmlm Wm Irllnmnl nnrr 41 run Ho wnliwl llul lrw mm Iaan lam 1mm hlryrl lml hu mm um bum at hln rmmvll Boy and Girl in Lov was an upmarlous tnkcall to days beatlchalred types With the cntlm cast dressed in lung hair and leather Jackets one could not lzll mm xcx mm the other Neither muld cast mem bers as at the end of tha dance routlnc bay ended up with boys and girls with girls new Canadian magmlne was lampooned by the groups rendition oi Jie Engel Beaver The new journal they said will 50m in entire qivlllzcd world es BI 55 Judy Launch will be Ihe mag azlnes first pinup on centre pgge spread Jam Band type skit en liuod Muzak Muzak Muzak didnt qufle came MI but prosonlauan ol the new El Praduclo blrlh cnnlrol pills me with onumslnwc audience ros ponse m1 Vollunx lnul 5dllul4l mu chm om ytnrl pulverle urn hnu ml plum on wmmlhm nllrr phylum will In mlmr In Ar maxI mlmar On Jan Jam winw Nul llum raped llm krul nmnly hm MIN film an nruwnpaminq Mm to In 41mm mnly JnIL no nun um Hm day In Munldlu Mme The first an concludedfilth vcxslnn ol the FIenchCan ndlnn conlmvem portalmed as lakch the West 51d Jam Manic wilw dqmrlmrnh nllrr drlvlnz car IMO dllrh on IIkn film0L mum who mnvlrlrd ml IImHM rhmo mm mm no wm old Ivy Mulurnlo Um In mid rmnlLMr Mm ml lucky In mu not mm to The first hall was highlighted by spoof enlllled Utter Ec lasy Jack Bully playing the part of paper back book salesman nucndcd to lolmlng elderly woman scelrlng sexual utcratun or her daughter lama andienca Ceniial Col lel WE Regan Jack Dufly John Rut erhand Peter Mawa Kneel ml wlwrv ALIION In l1uulflMWN There was noticeable lack In dig at Canadian polluclan and topical events Also mm cdwa Dave Bmadfoot with his salmon to Canadas pollu cal probkm MP or Kicking Horse Pass Slmy ball raged between English and French spanking Canadians as to washroom signs 11 Weslmount Quebec bulld Maralyn Stuart old of her lite G000 shaker New comer Robina Beard displayed jusi how talented she Is in her dlg 1131ch The audience was cnnvulsed when Jack Duffy told an inter viewer ol the problems he In an unmnnied lather overall hn players excel led ln originality Once ugaln Alan bund has aswmblcd wonderfully cnleflnlnlng slim Jack Dufly wha displayed re markable lnclal expresslan Lhmghout saw llllarlous im persunnllon cheerleader ovcrcome by an excess of al cnlml Canadas National Hockey team also came in or rlhblng Alter witnessing nagging woman the LUGminaIe batman turned In his partner and said its women like her Illa makes me what Am Muraiiyn Stuart Rabinn Beard and Pamela Femie Missing 15 Robert Ainslie Examiner Phoio MTANDINO Mt lo rim Ml lhll Sam and Mm MatDu nld HATED flu erham mnlnry manager IL Gmr and mu infirm pm nldcnl Examiner HIM pm 71mm leflziBreuy Hadexf l1lc programme will Inulmlc mmm mm permu nvl on the 1905 voar lmshms Ilmmlun nnd an mldrm by Dave ilourk wrll known In Holmln cat lclmmllng Vin1m Cenlm nlnnu alllr llrcrvllng Asminllon nrmrr mme funnvr mnlmllml mum Mleth nmzminunn wmlml 0r Ilw bone of Ms nmnlboru Annual moo Inga are hnld In mach rmme new glre cvrry nmnlwr he upporlunfly in runlm nml dlnrlm mmls of It businm and pond V114 Nor are RIF wplmmo THE ANNUAL MEETING OF SIMCOE COUNTY MEMBERS commumrv céNma HALL smoun LUNCH vnovnoso CENIRAL ONTARIO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION CENTRAL ONTARIOCATTLE unamms assocumon WILL ms HELD MARCH 14 me NOTICE OF MEETING City Comlcila develnpmenl committee me Monday gum to hear presgntatiom from mor éhantswfm niuwr chimed to or hadrto exprgss an opinion Tcouncflmeposcd than regarding overhead hanging Ilzns on city meets AM Frank Hersey chairman ualdcouncfl had sent out let ters describlng the proposed changes to people in the city who pay buslneu taxes They were Invited to atlervIdAlhe meeting Mr Haney smd he was sur prised clue but only had shown up at the meeting Over hall thou prom agreed in principle that there shauldbea Chang 1n pnllcyregardhg over lhanging tum Harm Steele owner at chlnawan store thacorner of Mile and Collier sald the sly altuafian needs wholesale cleanupl He recommended that an Inspector be appolnled to check on both the appearance and may of Ilgna ln file cily said are attractlve and enhance the appearance of the street 11 own almwaaleslgnatlhuhe amhttect who had built hi bulld lng My sign was built to com plcment the store rant and it also necessary to attract people to my store as do large business with transient trade he sald Bank of Montreal manager ltaIph Franklinsald he believes the sign at the bank attract ive and usctul and provldzs service to the city as also clock In addition because the bank ta the main street the 51111 required to let people Mr President Ross Steph ens said today an increase in membership will mom Imng er voice in Lha community stronger chamber mm greater Influence In creating good relnllomhlp belwcen mer chnan mnnulnclurcr and clll mu ha nld The member Mam not only lhrauzh Improved relationships but have full access to 0mm and mum It 1h chamber 0mm ill and Ike chamber acts general mum at Information about an city and plum nlong Iicvnnm to the manor author Among last years proch WM mlos ol mums lnsmall humus mnnaxcmtnl that will bu confinuld Ind Hyundai in ma nun um mu nlso be expanded um your and the winter mmlvnl andrrak their rvlevJs He slid he feels that not in 51 are eyesore Some he Ire nltracllve and enhance The Bmrle Chamber of Com merce last night launched campnlgn that officials hope will bring 100 new members lnta the organization lhln year Ila uld there are many firms and Indjvldunl retailers in Bar rie who arent chamber of com mem members but who Ihould pubUcnflndtd citizens Join the ornnluUm Th ihnmbci Mr Slam Inld Icllvcly pmmolrs tourism andr mv€nilog1 In lhg tfly The uorh érinUn unlly In lho lnlrms ol the paypiao pprrlg ha IlrL Membership In 0pm to my one Iheum they uw mnnum lurm or the omen of buslnm nrflnoka mmhlp 1m ml Minx mwmenmlun are dclcrmlntd hy Hm number of unploycol In tummy This year monllnx la ML Slrphrm lhe clulmlm have in min Mn nbnul unlflui More ham and will be wmklnl lo wnnl urbnn devclnpxmnl pm Jccu ln curb Ilclerlornlinn In Barrie Chamber Starts Drive For Members 0fi91f0pini9ns2 On EStore Signs tusedu plotting to assassinate Fidel Castro apparently have aa chyhnlfirjnsrsmd ambush an appeal lrom Castro to spare their lives know where the bank located Ray Park British AmtrlCan on Company represenlaflve said he thinks the idea of aflmhaum nverhanglng sign In swim but there should aiso be sideraflan In certain cases HI sald that gas muons an dub in wllhkhe motoring public who need pylor warning flan may an approaching service stgllom Mr Hersey stated his cum mlllee Is no going to make any snap judgment in this import ant quesuon Themfnn many things 10 conslder tegardng ovmnglnx signs and we wam to do the best thing or bolh the city and the billlnESl in ash hwnlved he saldA ccriain areas of Lhe city The membersz campaign under the direction oi commib ice chairman Eldon Greer will be climaxed with mepiion or new member during Chamber Commerce Week April to 23 Mr Sephen said ma belwml unw and midApril all firms and merchant in the any will be visited Gastro préals For Lives OiFourMen FWJmge Sergnem quickly switched his demand from death to yeara lmprt aonment for the our alter MI in the fiveman military court that Castro had asked hlm not to seek the death penalty SerguLra demanded Stuear sentence nr farmer army ma jars Enigma flubglniand Emil mm and roraése Luu Gonzalez Guhrrela and Alberta Blanca Rammz HAyAMwHm mm ac Our guarantee mrlsfian BusInésa Mens representaflve were in Commiltee of Barrie held its endance Shawn here are head monme dinner meeting last table guests STANDING left night In Burum Unlggd ghuggh Norman €ng ifmymuiliciialllnnd counfy NH Finance chairman Rob ru said Indications are now that city expenditum will be up live org wasngmche sgijl THE BARIUE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH mi CM Councils finante NmA mlucowill begin nextweek in review 1511man at the various city departments board and commissions In preparation the 1966 budgel expected tn come beore council More April 15 Ebpelul lhat council will be able to hoid the line on Inxcx lllr Robcru sald earller In em ycgn that me commlllec would be worklng la keep the mill tale lnr munlclpal puma ALDEBMHN ROBERTS CITY NEWS Hopes To Avoid Tax Increases great whiskios blended inlo every bottle CIVIC REPRESENTATIVES DINNER GUESTS CULTURE VANISIIED Tho Punblo Indians My Lulun Unhnd Stale mached MIA Late of cullun below at 12 present ievel In spite of lngeasqd xpendiwm in loday It Is aim hoped that addlllonal assessment will 1021 am higher coals The committee he already met with metal citysupported boards and commissions but there am still some Io hear ram regarding the 1966 exu males Mr Robert laid thtiruclvilizailo 38 700 yams ago Cfill INSURANCE AGENCY LTD COLLIER ST BAle W15 Genmam dunk gn averaged 32 gallons of beer each in 1965 naLional Mal of L900000000 gallons Careful planntnx disciplined tenuvn to damn long experience and solid rrpnlalim Such basic servlces are the found mm at lasting relationships SL Ham and Dalton Kirk HEATED James Machegor Mayor Le Cooke of Barrie WET THEIR wmsmzs ITS EXPERIENCE THAT COUNTS SERVICE

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