Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1966, p. 2

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In mum flu mlco no pol and dommallflnx IL employ ee the CPR asking lwr gov amnml takcom he said uld it appear that the CPI deliberalciy schululcd ll pmengcr lrnlru xo mm they wouldnt be uscd Soda Credit Lender Robert Thomson told members of the WWW Wank Eryn appears to be gearing b5011 or gavtrnmcn takenvvr by lclllng passenger service deteriorate Mr Thompsbn sald the rail uy has dlvcslcd Itself of In dulldnl wealth mineral rights 9nd ml mm which should He rimmed mId used toWhZiE finance in Mumday service hVll ath 3m Inon thII mull Inon Id whll mull Mall hull H000 Han llu mm hmu In an Moving To SoCialism Socred Leader Warns HUGE TANK INSTALLED AT DEVILBISS PLANT L1 gone ML 11mm said Ha said Canadians will soon be living in sodalist dale If cqrrcnt trends arent reversed the problem laclng ILI today whether ban welfare sum or correct Um nbum ho private emuprise system and mnke wmk he mid Soclrxl Gull Immin Khyber fireman said in Barrie last nit that Prime Minlslcr Paar sonl caplluJAUon ho wposfliun kmanm or mm into me George Victor Spamm sxvy we mu mlhlru Hm ol distract new WW The tank In one lbs lnrml Ila kind In me WW II baled llurlrlw III to mu mum lb bow PMs Capitulation Disgrace Socred Leader Says In Barrie nouncing at 1110 511M Lime lull scale Inquiry inlo counter tspmaxo procedures ll businessmen stood up gains the things that are dcs toying hem pallLiclnns would afiidifreany Mr llnmpsm nlr Thompsun sald Inst mm the Spcnm lnvwliuuuon was not wanmed pain Mull albur phml MIL um um Inn flw dan Irlral mlem 11 ml la lalnovl Itlwp In MIMI cmfilry ls mécliélownrd clallsm only because the people are Mu lt mwwlma Wu 0mg Lha ll Illl ule Um KM mlmu DMNIIHI Ihu MIM mu In mum but pnunvll rm Mil llhnbllllnllm mm Inlly III pnmmln mrmrh In In nl mu nwnlnl Illnm Io mum Um mva ul vulvllo ml in rn uwrw with Im Izmir null nwinumu llml ranma oi lulmnnthly vlIll by Is Iman In lnrh ml and mm pl um and Mill IIM mu Mn lnwum hnlrmm volunlm cumrnluu um url the Hurhlmu um nmpalxn mmldu mitten am How Mud I11 Ibo dunm 4an One out cver lo hnblr born In lam In dullnml to mend 01M ml at Illa In menu hulHulJun no lurlhu pmuml ll mmln lnwmdn pun wnllm nwnlnl Illnm delu Imlu mrrllmi HM Md brand Hm Cann dlnn Munlal Health Anmlnllon Innl Mnmhy nlghl ll WM lmllthfll Ml III vminux lmlm mmlnl lllnr Hmhlu mow prnphu lhnn nll odn Illvmu uxllnlwl lib binding rmuvr llmflflfiil um hmI dlunm SIrvryl rmulurrvl by luul In unlvmlly Imw ml In wrry NMHI Aumlrm cummun lly mma llmn 53 per ml Hut pnyulullml hm luluml xlrl InH nwflnl Illnm will 1n lml lonumrnry xIInlnllny In IMI vnhmrw Irvvlm Al nluir lvllnln lr um low morn qwsllom Mel3m nng gmnlgerx pf In clans whamm lhey Might wran mm was mad Nos the Iludmu misui Mir MW and mm lhoru Sdlool days sdmfl days H1050 sued old laxhianed rule days the song gm Here was back in dust yesteraao one again mlcmplmg reading fingandfihmtic and that the hm Rs oday bore lbruegnblancc tn hose Even alter pmlongcd ab sence Imn the envhmmcm of olmxenlaxvy school did not hm Adlllimlly minf good amunt 01 my class when the stu dean were many year my jun ior ml was my first mistake 1119 Grade seven dm at Oodnngtrm St School to Which was asignod or ho am nmn was taking geography lessan Teacher ikflwy wm fixing his pupils cu him the dale at map hanging on the board Wishing show my mflumim rmrmadialcly put my 1an That was my Sir bollevo he Imp made around 1930I ansmrcd whim hesitation slow crew condo of giggle and twitter armed up in the dam and began to sweat You didnt pre pam your lawn last night did you Mr McEwy said In me as he mildew started drain ing fmm my nun STUDENTS GIGGLE 3w myth seemed lxlltd wiu pphbku Tno laumucr In lihn slammed and until um mid to an am did so dctcmxlmd not to mnku IIny lunhcr am to nnchr unlm was My ocrlnln was com mmbercfpjvem aga as 1x151ch school imwm teacher nsktd me II had md Paglia 20 31 in my geography One In Ten May Become Mental Patient Barrie Group Told By GERALD GRINGOMEN lnrpuhlic uhooliymerdagum observa mm mm have changed limo he was an ex ementary school smdent Ho spent the allemoon the classroom of McEvuy viaprincipal of Codrmgton St School TOP LEFT Mr Mc Reporter Returns To CIGSS For Dav EXAMINER REPORTER pulfiry uanmnl on ml um and lmumm ulna Ilrflrli 14qu nl lrlvm awry Ive mm In llmh mu he In gml mm and um lnr ullh mm mm lawn Ianr der Mllflllnn rm mm In IIVNY Mlh Ith Alrmmlup Inlvly mrmh 1m lxllrr film Mlhllnl mn skhl mm nmluu Am mam InnMan lmmwu 56 lm INNIHM My INN nu rm llwlmlinfl Iun rollmmhln Murlnl rIPell mtnwd lmr lmnrflol Int rmlrnl knot hydmxllc lnxmuru and don um canl mm mm on lmvacl nw mum momnwmh Ml nu mm Immuw MM ln huh medan paymmu mm TORONTO CWA 10min uury Ilnmnrnl lmml Tmnrhay In Ith Ulmnl raurm call Mr runmnhury rnr flwh ml nmnmnlk uuuwnullan lvr Mme vlrllms Mrmbm um lhrn lnhvrmnd lulurc lubllc mummn which will lrnlurn an make whn wlll qu Hm mad mentally HI th low quick stmkns aw brush produced WM mount Via wonderful ex amzlle ol the Hum Indians xignin pom may with the Fro ML McEwy thought nlhorwism He held up my mns laminae nnd displaycd it an example Mm rm to do WRONG COLOR Cnunty mnblul my pnllrnl In Um hnlpl In May beller sh HM Evny nnmed at Jerrys el fom paint pldure 42pm tIngllamnugCanndlathlsloru ital event LOWER LEI11 Jerry tackles the local chum piom will game of marble and goes down lo de lent mam Jerry studies geography book Examlner Photo Did not you begin wilh blue he said mo ndmiluxl he did In that cam why dld you use red he asked me pcbhlc muer go my tool was dismsz lilfln enrHcr than munl 1M other mm of on 01m their mm and WM home nurse my uwnd ed prldc lake Asweuwntbackiuw the sdvool one the young sharks said to Boy did you so flamed Art was the next clash We mm all given bushes palms Sing paper 5nd told to draw urn pot am am Canadian stoma smut ohczin nlmsh wllhnncw shock of paper This firm pulled my dngcnUy lo my work but ngaln be act me up an nmplm lcll that my second Lry was much hqllcr Jun my In but myclnmn wru mind as had ell Mr McEvny um he mu holding my palntinx up side down He Wonncd that Jookcd penny that way Ontario Liberals Issue Statement gay in numbem did fin jarring clanging n1 n73 re cess be saved me mm ur ther embarran NmA cumr In the schwl yam some my pccrs wm playing game mamies Well hunch lo myscll now am in fight element as was he pots ch Ion oxniyam pubic wmfib msqnypxhd In VBccmiso If Vania val having anqumll gym nl on AgainI was singled out this time to give reasons why ggrecfl vfilh hs 9mm given VI was Man second chimes Suspend Brokerage Finns Publication ad Tuesday hnl the to rent nusmmlon nnlnr was made Inmlan wmplellnn of mink lnmllgnunml llo Ink An Ip pen nxnlnn lhc nrdur hu bun Mod bul Mum urlher cnm TORONTO CF Southern nrokcmno nnd Holding Ca Inc Tammo publlsher 111 CI nadiun Iortculcr flock mur kcl ndvisnry service hu had Ms rogimnllon mpmded by Ike Oqlnrlo Scourillu Commission whole hurden trinifla km housing cost down seems 3° have 316 Md 03 Mil The dealer daim that an un lavorahle Internelation ol the Ontario Aucumem Am It cost lng 1000 mm mm momma too much year In municipal magnlfinet useurgenu are ram 50 per cent ordlnary municipal ay segments bwagusq Ill ls the traduonal rate onm Mr Rodger IBM Most dealer handio lull 11m building applies not kill lum ber and Humor thw bushes assessment shnuld be nelr me lcvd of other retail huslnelm which an assessed It only 35 pe cent bunien by changlm Wm names and bumlmaunz the word As part of rabies annual program the health of mlmll branch Canadn Department of Agricullure ls underlakmz program ma milrubles vnc clnnlion of pet in the County or Simone WA announced lo dny by Dr Hnlcll lub disuid Vdcrinanam Chaim will be mmd and pctowner my vied present lhclr um and can or vnccimllon the cHnlu 11 clinics with limbs and iocaumu wlll he named Ilnn only Jaye Moment issued hy chau sodatlm deplored what was call ed frightening prospect or me consumer bound Lo re with dwiwnof housing1 the very people who most ob Viously need tobe decently housa ed the Wye poxsible cost tum dale uu om Price Mt up about lo per cent inst year said retiran president Henry of Osh awa presidentol the Ontario Mall lumber Dealer Anodauon pointed mm price of MumJIM gang up confiderm ply in recent mmflur momhx ago were xiv part the Name as well as rising Item rate and labor rules PRICES UP lumber and building mamml prices wiil Lnérem least an other 10 per pent by RauRodgery pre dent Ball Planing Mm Ltd prede ed in Taxunto yestrday The herein to per cent In April at he Ontario Kala tax and Ie mm we an mi mum lawman WEDNESDAY mum 1mm Will Vaccinate Pets In County BARBIE DEALER Dealer could rem their tax Thu vncEinmlonl Ire 1m WIYWW CITY NEWS Foregseesfl Highe Building Prices stim Con should be revw in its lendimz 013cm take can housing loans In these smIH places instead of depend ing an the lending mentions Last year Lha Ontario seler committee on Iaxntian recom mended that lumbcr dealcxs bushes assessment be reduced to 15 per cm cl ordinary sessmenl Jame Lind Dorcheucr filmm widen the moda uon nld amall lam haw sul lered much more than ciflcs tom the tightening mortgage money HeuldCenlral Myrlgage and In most use me inn family one Banded two or use or even nur generation lumber Ml Rodng said but lhey are proud of their names FREE DELIVERY JJJ Bayfllld ROASTS BREAD large loaves nous pkgs PORK SAUSAGE STEAK Hamburg orWenr Auk About Our Complete Fnonr Plan Gui Your Word Is mum Sher Rib Blade or Rollad Should th Frugh Coplco Plcnlc PORK SHOULDER Slrloln BAYFIELD FROSTED FOODS We Repeat Well Save You Money On Your Meat ll RODGERS WE SELL BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF Mr Atkinsun said Ihé fellow ship was the type of high level Planning required in EMO work The Information given In he national Emergency Measurcl Organization and local branches will be extremely beneficial The DisasterResémh Centre Ohio State under contract with the Us Office CW Delencc has made scienlih studies mom than 20 major iiituraFdisnslirsinribvlhrcu year operalion new Canadian ieiiousiiipéi Ohio StaleUniversiiy for dis aster research iudie has been iermedexiremcly vniuahia in the municipality by RayAiidn gun coordinéwr SimcDeBar tie Emergency Muasurcs Organ izationf An award at $5000 peryefij up to maximum or lhm years will bé made cvfiry twn years to nupporl the successful candidate In studies In PhD level Applicants must have ob naked masters degree in socioiagy NOW WORK IN SHELTER HALIFAX CP Freight hand thedockalde harp now can work under com oh $700000 might shed Bum or use with Um side loading freighler Cabot tha shed lela fork 1m truck drivrunder cover aboard 0w ship Tne crcallon thé Felldwshlp at the universiws disaster scanuh ccnlrc Department or Snciolagy was announced yes terday by Hm Drury federal minifler of linduslgyxl By analysis of disastrous evenls and posldlsaslcr rccpv my the sludles provide lunda mental knowledge cl ccnnomic and social renclion lo severa mess They also indicate menu by whlch preparedness and re covery may be Improved 13v pu 545 nl Canadian par UCipallon use studio deal Mfionnl pan of anti nlogisl trained In disnsm search and systems planning to asslsl gnvammcnls privalu or ganjzallnxu Ind Industry Qifer Study In Disaster Research 83c lb 69c lb lb 65c lb 235c 7282574 Burl 95c

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