Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1966, p. 10

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7W ZMII II um um 31m4 1mm Ir Mm AM 114mm 1m llmllv tlmmm IJIn AM In wnpm Au lmmul 1m llam ll II AM An mm mm mm mm In In Han 1mm mm 17 hum rpm 144m Nun mum hunll Ll my II Jun 10 LVMNHUIHMI lYllmdlv Mu 11mm mm lhl Allin mm mm 1m Imtnullnnll vuuimuly An In um mm mm Hm anum hwy hm Ilu MunUr In mm Vulun mum Hulvv Human llnlunllmll 1m tTln mm llnrm 11 Lava Lury nnmny Comrmy 10 znunm mo anl 1mm CTh Tnlnyshaw The In imm IIIHr mam Llhumul nmua momma llvhrru Squllul IHnyd lhnmn Jmm Mumel Imlv mm mm tauum 530 lury would llke pet but do not want lnlher la be sick Would you name some anlmals could have nm only thing my mhcr can think of is tur bul dont like them Im wry honay but pm with In or leather just dont nur Dr Mulner am girl 10 My father has asthma flu is ailcrglc to hair and mums When he gels near animals he has to have shut More he can breathe the lace is entirely different from spank on he boilom While in thisory agree lat it is better ii child can be guided wifliwi physical punishment at all Im noi sure that an ooca nionai spank isnt helpful it used with discretion Bu tuning childs head or am Never ally lmmaure and unstable themselves samellmes indeed their ovm behavior provokes the HILle or which Llle child is punished Tho pom who pun ishes child so vialenlly should do sgme dccq soulseardljngk Such low can cause can cussion and brainfiamagm It can damage hearing and eye sighL It is not impussible or such whack to damage the neck bones It is both cruel and dangerous Quite aside from that it has bnd psychological cllecl building up resentment hastil ity and shilzbornncss parents who lash at chu dgcn in sudx lashion areusu flouting Bhlld on the head 15 step removed mm the extreme battering that vm read about In the papers but is still flanggrous flaing to do Whether the practice is more common whother we are jus hearing more about such cases cannot say but the evidence pmms lo an 41ml intrpasg There appears to he an in crease in the number sncallcd battered ohildren lhme whuare brutally beaten the point of needing hospital alien Same these children Denim MnlnerrI am con cemcd about the way see parean correcting um cha dmn with sharp rap on the top or side of the headeven babies two years old am vmrried 0r tear it may hurt their brains You hawE grode wagon worry IQmVuunl mm By JOSEPH MOLNER MD TlllllSlMY My rflUFFALO SDARME OIIUFFALO QTOHONTO llHAMILTON Blow To Childs Hgad Can Be Dangerous TELEVISION PROGRAMS hum Tum WEDNESDAY MARCH EVENING um mu In Ym um um Hm Mum ILJr Ml HO mim Inn1M Am nullI Mm IIMI MW l2 llllll ll MllllNlNl Ilunfllymlnllly 10 Inn mm 110 14mm um IY Mumumu am Munll Imln Mal 1mm Tndly luv um Jruuuh Humy mi m7 Alvll ldlbll 17ur Hi My Fulfill HIP mu llvllmlu wenI mu mm mm mm yum or rlmm junmnm 14m nap nmnu Ilfrn Ann lw Unhin lawv Nntvvllml PM mm 1m Maw lmln 11May Mun Hm mo llnmn luy luvlrll xllunmynrlnmy OIIorl Inn 411 Homymnonm 4lnlmnn nnnlmnn hIM 130 zm mnnnn um Xn nm Human Ar Ith Junnll No In on bun Yur mum lnlnlnl nu uuuumn Mvma mm mm up And nu nu mum Imnu Hm branch rcspons ilily for invls Hgallnx prc hunknlplcy frauds The federal branch present has no authority to 13 in unlil alter bankmptcic are dedaitflj bill now home the Senate promscs broadening the author ly of Lhe superintendent nf 311an glvrlnu his flhe invcsfigzwr Me Jules Chycoyne 42 of Montreal postal invosligatur In that city or the last 70 years who will work out of Montreal and filed Sgt Frederick Plummcr 44 Guam special investigator wha will be staliuncd in Tor unto OTTAWA CPD11w justice department has engaged twn in vesfigalors to look Into bank ruptcy rackch in Ontarlo and Quebec department source sail quda My suggesbnn is that you ask your doclor to help He knows ywr views and knuws the pal tcrn 01 your cycle Whlle he can not guarantee perfect rwxlu he can help work out pale um will it y9u rpme reliaply than you cando alone hr witfi the help of anything might writa Govt Engages Investigators The dimcully is um while this usually occurs at approx malely midcycle ml to lath day it can varyjust as the ten Lh of lhq cyc1e can vmy Theres no use ng at am The rhthm method while it works to some extent Ed not as certain as who math The rhythm flamed depends entirely on avoiding sexual rela lions at ar clase to me me an ovum has been released by the ovary Dear DrMolner My husbanfl and lhave baby and would like have more but we cant afford one every yea We both disapprove of arfilkinl medmds birih control Wouid you ex plain haw we could pradioe rhfl1mMn but they make Humming pegs bdong ina househbld Where someone has asthma for turtles Ihey ban cany flue sal mondla germ which cancause idlcsllnal disease Ilnul IN IMHM IN ml nqu hum Avnm nmllm ma Mm Mn ern nnm mu lhmv Mum nmmvl no mum xmm II In ruin nun IIJI VI AFT NOON IvAnnh wuld 1n MI huh In 1rl 1mm hum1 rhmu ll rum Llunmm lmlul 7n le 31 MINI Iran LII mu Ill Mum Hm rwm Ule Mull Mn Hm mlu HM Hnmu mm mum Hun wnh 41m Lhmnm Mml 1A mm In Wnlllnfl Olul Inn nmn Innnnl Mu Ir um nmm mm or mumMun AI um vmm Tunu 1mm Hum mu Uur IIu xIonuhl finn 11m Wm tnu Hm mm 111 Lam mum 14mm Murmur Il ma llnum hunk mm Ilnwv llaml nym 910 ldesflvn Hm Vm mk 1000 1r svv om mmmm um nun IIlel wuum 5mm mm 1010 Spam 00 mm mm huh mm mm mm wmm Km Sha nnlnn llnl But Mum THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley Many players wnuld nut make slam try with the South hand but Snulh was in me unfortunate positinn where our heart ponse the double would nu rnally hm done justice In his hand and when live hurl bid could oonmimhly place the game In jeopa fllu hand occurred in loam our maid the first table Soulh got five heart on the bidding syown Howernr Siyulhfix1de the con lrncl without much lroublc He Opening leadking mnnds DAILY CROSSWORD By THE CANADIAN PRESS The vaa Scolia government Munday tabled the first plan in the movinm voluntaryplnxx oh sebum un she had regulercd under false name She said she went with him Io his private hnspilal where she stayed the night and liner paid him 5300 Dr mum Slalwe was mn viélcd by an alhmale jury Lhal heard the woman testify she became pregnant in he sum mu 1964 aflcr she had been going out with her married em ployer He introduced her 110 Dr Slnkwe she said saé mum that am shé be came pregnant the doctor nicked hor In at mplel when TDRONTO OWA lomnto doctor was sentenced Monday to year in prison on charze ocl attempting to pmcure the aimlion nyqarou divor JWrLL 5mm swim our km compuny 11an of Mulm Utrumnu An Imlmu era pnndples or lhe prov inces future development and may of solving 9an mhe Nava Scolia house was one eight siblng Monday The Quebec legislaturedoes not sit Raisin rim Lurch Lnlhllcnl muunn Ime mm 513va rm muluus 151mm Advancing monry II 111mnoun workman Illlhm mmmmlp YINr In In mm Enaugh Folmm old 1on mm mm 101lrxus mums sum 215mm dtnollng mm mm work llrpllll an numwuc nzmrr hlrknflm 11 Llner lbbr ILAHPP lhnughl nhbry 36 Im at la In 31 Fildmu llan uln 3001an Ind mull Jilinder ml lan Dpcto Sentenéed In Abortion Case Knrmrnl 26 Hlllll 21 Dld Iml Lluk Speak 115mguo IZTnm 13 Edge as In Nova Scofia PIEns To Boost Economy East dealcr NorthSoulh vulnerable The bidding but 30th West 53 40 ilmw ACROSS CONTRACT BRIDGE nomu xnz qqu um anus A0985 oz 03 2103742 scum Mu omusaz 14 +90 workman Illunlmlp ml Enaugh Tu ZWoundu In Mohy chk 10 Scot Llllhllcnl nlme Mm JAY BECKER ol din oflh Dbl Illm MM 23 Do Scot 31th lreu 2n Chlnm berry In 22 short mm 231mm Yulnhy Am Ihbr 2111er 35 Uulk mu Pmuth nrlllt play prom when Wes took the Ring with lhn ace cashed he quncn dinnmndj and mnlinucd wih he 10 East mllcd wiLh Ihc jack of hearts and South found himself down our Thu would have been mum way ta play he hand will the contract being live hearts but at six hearts Sow mud have had play West led lhc king of diamonds which dummyllmk with the am But now Instead or leading the numn Mark as the previan dLLIunr hadflnnc South play ed Imy hum Iolhc lgi any of Ill lower 10 Al the second table the Snulh player also got to we hearLs thouzh an durum mqucnce of bids nm he went dawn one at this table when he mad an 59 in an Actually South mull have made six hearts it pmsed He could have firmed the jack of spades at trick two cashed the ace entered dummy with club and disposed of the jack dla monds on the king or spades His only loser would then have bgcfln tngpq won the king of diamonds wiih the gm and playmi the queen of Marl EL rick lwW£S IGOR thc heart with the ace and cashed me queen of diamonds hm mm were than no more tricks for the deIcnse The charges against the for mer federal cabinet minister in volveunsuccessiui ailempis to obtain Araccirzck charter inr group in SL JeanIberviiie Napierville constituency the iederni riding Mr Dunuis held until the election last Nuv Bi SHERBROOKE Que CF The trlal Yvon Dupuis on in flucnco peddling charges was post nod Monday on March 14 aflexyolhe Cuur was lold both the Crown and defence had agreed pn that dine CPO WHE dalions governing fishing coal mining Ihe steal industry 01 eslry msourccsand grain hand ling among nlhcr Industries th who cabled tum Now Scolia report said It contains bhe principles and policies which yum be followediffliepmvince to auhleve war rate of growlh and Improve its stand ard of living The planning board was es tablwhed in 1961 Its repnn says Nnva Scotia must find 3400 naw job yearand work or an an nual growth we of 92 per can innew capital investan Put 0H Duplfis Trial In Quebec un Mondays and the New Bruns wick house promgucd Lulu lagrylhis month ET Ind finale1r DCorroded 4D Thrice comb orm anklol ucnnd Im 35 Uulk III01 pm flow THE soUP THE mus ARE cooxmo SMELL TERRIBLE Smrr Snucnxm xmm nmnmmnAQ 9635 DNA wlw THE BAREIE EXAMINERHVEDNESDAY MARCH 5x8 no 423 mm ape 92m won 4xm 00nd 523256 Ille YOUVE GOY T0 CONVINCE HER THERES DINING BEWEEN US WHIT You DONT VDULL BREAK HER HEART ICAMY IELL mu zvz YOUVE GOY T0 CONVINCE HER THERES DINING BEWEEILUS WHIT lF um um war mv

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