Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1966, p. 6

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hiatus nouuoup WASmNGlON CPIPrince lrhutp arrives in Miami Wed nesdly lo start rapturous itrade junkat to spot where the Yankee dollar clusters most thlckly Prisca Philips cover tor athe 1day tourallowed by VlsltJIo Canadals helping to also lunds tor charities spea ored by Varidy Clubs later uatianel But trade spocilleally more sports ior Britain is major isth at the visit whose details have been handed over to New York MadisonlAvenue ad EVertlslng ttrrn Houston Tex stop No From there the prince goes to El Paso Texas then to All Aageles Chicago and New York His activities sun ahe whole nose of Brlllsh industrial oub utautomobiler clothes bet erages other lood andother items in New York he will address 1500 luncheon guest at uno tioti ponsorcd by the Erltialt Am Queen Reiums LONDON Renter Imlila suntanned Queen re to London Monday hol lowing liverweck tour oi the Cviibheao The Queen flew into London Airport and drum to Bucking ham Palace where she was greeted by an otiiaai welcom ing party headed by Prime Mlll tater Wilson lirince Phin who had no eompanied the Queen through out the Caribbean tnp TO malned behind in Jamaica where he will leave today Ior in tour oi the United States and Canada to tour which started In ernldad look the most couple the Jamaica St Kim hilontser nt Nevis and other islands Send No Troops LONDON AhBritain to send km to tour can toms in Vlct Nam Weigh Secretary hlldiael Stewart told the liaise at 001m asserts Monday Stewart had been asked by Lady irreedsmuir Conserva tive member at Parliament whetha the 18 goverrvmont Md asked Britain to send troops to Viet Nam lie did not answer directly but said it not our intention to do so in view of our position as oochaimran oi the Geneva Watch Strikers CHEMISFORD Ont CPI Pollce stood by Monday as non teaching stall at Chelrnalord lbirtrict Compoaiil School con tinued their strike and picket llnea backed by threats oi mass union demonstraqu to their flupvort Some members oi the schools oitlre nod carrtalrirur stall have been on strike since last Tuesday alter the school board invoked section II the hot Relations Act which barred the employees irom ioia log union Mei littlewood local MWD aentatlve tor the Canadian Un ion oi Public Employees said demonstration oi some Loon members oi various unions arotmd Chrimslorrl near Sud bury has hem advocated ii the nchool board does not comply with the request The plrkct line Monday was watched by it provincial police and two loan pollmmn Thcre Ill no Inlcricronrl wllh trach hrs atutlrnls or tradesmen who crossed the picket llae Policy Scught OTTAWA Cilvlemcnt Vina tar cont Iit NIMctYrtmahkat was told Monday night Ird IrM statrrnrnt on dairy policy or the year beginning May will In forthcoming in duo MIT llnm Tlror tlrnll railin rntnlar nadary to Asrlmh tula nilrr ttmnr raid ll also will he the duhtits to mllir prim tor tnrmera art at amwlhlng about we bum drniwrtsll To Chock Signs TORONTO IIll TiMI itltltrr llrlltltrni rnmpimnnl in the lralrinture Monday the highways department allows tourist operniura In hirutnin In yrlnaltr lligltwau will slim but rrarta limit on motor dmng the calm thin in tlrora County to promise itmn nun Iata tinlrlrr tharirl Mar Nnuahlon to innit lutn pnllorm It Lian willy nllrr eating tInl llIlrc rmtr lo moron vs Mr tnnolllan Natlnnat tuition rlwns In Toronto In hr quot rlrnr rrop on anul mm three miles on no vlrwlal roads hit Marvrmshlm nab than was no Manon ally the INi ahntlrlnl hatr ln ulwy the ruin llkn nitnom olrr ilul he laid low on up thousand il Ilgna Munich and rum lmlhi to dililrully in monument Prince here March 15 its editor Rev the Ruperts Land News the ot 1PubiihPpér wrmrrrac CPlAknatlonal newspaper aimed atAnglican readership will make its debut llieuricefillsrdngaap said Mon day Called The Cammusdcator the newspaper will be published monthly and will have corre spondenls in each major city across Canada Mr Hardman was editor oi tidal diocesan newspaper oi the Anglican Church He resigned last December in dispute with church oltlciais involving union with the United Church of Can ada Mr Hardmaa said in an inter view The Communicator will oppose the principles ot union documents as lhsuiticlenl rea son Tor union between Anglicans and any other church Quebec Broadcasts TORONTO iCPl The CBC has or the that time asked Ftencltsspealting Quebec actors to help vdramalite selections taken irorn the Ontario Grade 13 course in French literature lorpresentatloa an morning school broadcast series The one aaysthat although the seriesthis year containing live short stories talren tram the works oi Guy de Maupasssnt Emile Erckmaou Alexandra Chatrlan lionore da Balzac and Emile Zola has been broadcast tor decade this is the tlrst time Quebec works have been used in its search or actors how ever the network simply went to line its Frenchlanguage station in Toronto and asked Chantal Beauregard Jacques itirar Jacques Gauthier and Claude Muguetall ClttC an notrncerkte appear on the se ries Seek Backing T0ll0N1t tCPlThe Univer sity of Torontos institute tor Aerospace Stridlcs is seeking il nanclal backing tor prolert that It believes could help pre vent air crashes such as the one that claimed in ilch in Japan Saturday Dr Patterson institute director said In an interview illondlv theta is little bruit In iorrrallon availnbla about air turbulence eilcrls on alrrralt Air turbulence apparently caused the breakup oi iiocins 707 belonging to British Ovcrc uaa Airways Corp and Its sub amuent crash at the loot oi Mount Full lia sold new $0000 wind tunnri planned by the institute could provide nuth laiormatlon tor dcslgnera ot luiure alrcrait Finds ll Home WINNIITKT TlDob Mole 3i Amorlcnnhom but atairiers him his Nita when he served irer in tho Lnntulian Army got longnwnitnl word Monday night that he can live in larxm bolus For thrce months he lud waited hm tor word on whether the limo Norman grand rlouriry would Artfiti him tntmnlnug is his titles na ilre land and the only wintry that lurid out any rahtibia hone ol new start tor him Thins an mlty looking mi now lob laid llori all glad ltla wile irrne lalrif own so happy Now sleep helm ltrr Malls lmn nine mnnlltsnlll aun iiotrlvy AlilJ IOit ilOIllilIlCNT in iAlIftltlxrur Mnruislt in Montreal sold it rccclvni ill let ltnnday hour the twin rrunlalry granting Molq permit alrwl In so in IAItrranntrg Mnla will fly to to lltllttllmllK ambassador in llotlilnglnn the rruulrcti rlmumnle Moth is nalh rd hnlrnmnv lnli Tron ll Mined lw Inna titan Army in IDSI an an IR rnr no to atlirumlllrnliy trodnot his ill rltllrmltlp on taking ihn Mil allegiance in ill Rios Noll rotna lo tanmtn early Iatt twmm in oo no that his ten rmulh swim in the tunnrilon Atmv would he Seek llniiomiily OTTAWA lOT Govern ment and opposition hufshion day night called for tnuiormlty moss the country in proce dures and questions asked oi immigrants in citimtshtp omrrts Joe Iliacaluoo lbHamiiton Wealt said in the Commons that even the presidents oi the courLs are unable to answers some questions askedoi rryumgranta applying tor cltmendup papers And he said the aiilicatioos oi some court presl eats leave muchto be dished Mr Maoaluso said him have lio handle problems at many urn migrants because oi the 8110 gance oi citiaenslup brands of ticlais in regional offices Ken More PCRegina oily and Howard 1ND Sheeaa ochoed Mr Maui smlanr Aradd Pe re Irnlnitl congratulated ceding immigradoa minister it Nicholson now labor rnin latertar issuing instructions for local oilices to use more du oreuon in interpreting the rnigrallonactrr innrdgration Minister Mar diand said the department la studying the mailer Deiends Play LONDON ReuterslSir LsuA rcnce Olivier went to court Mon day to defend the producers ot play in which bahy is stoned to death on stage Sir Laurence director Erit ains National Theatre was star witness lor the English stage company being prosecuted tor presenting the play without licence irom Britains theatre censor the Lord Chamberlain The action is regarded as test caseon theltuyearold law which empowers the Lord Chamberlain an otticlal oi the royal household to ban any play which tells to meet with hisap proval The prosecution contends the playSaved by prizewlnnlng writer Edward Bondwas pro aentcd or public viewing in the guise of performance In tire atre club which cxistcd merely in name to avoid censorship The defence claims the play was presented by bona lids club and was thcrclare lawful The result of the case which has been adjourned until April may help change iiritsins en tire theatre ccosorshlp system Gains Victory GUATEMALA APldulio Ce sar Mendez Montenegro mod erate leftist law prolcssor swept this capital today in the race or the presidency and was lead ing in several provinces of the interior lie was outdistancing two military opponans Final oiliclal rcturns in Sun doya election irvm Guatemala City gave Mcndcs Montenegro oi the Revolutionary party 57616 votes Col Minuet Ansrl Pon clnno oi the itlshlist Notional liberation Movement 22375 and Col Juan de Dios Aguilar de Leon oi tho crnmenthsrked institutional ocrslic party 17742 Mendel Montenegro in who propose meretin and nonmic tclorml Nod been expected to do nil in the car Ital The reaults are encourage lng he said but we must await iuii returns lie said he had rocrlml ro porte that he was lending in sowral rural rovlnccr The elect on also was to dim as mcmbcn oi Congress are mayors and many city coon dink Ere pre rnzaanam mutation mason hunchs me huiprurSUS Regional Govt LONDON Oat tcPlJ Snooper Ontario municipal ai lairs minister said Monday flexibility is the keynote in el icohva reginoaLgovarnmentw His idea or regional EWHII meat is iederati which pro vides speciiic services for all member municipalities he said it is probable that the pres eat omrnt geographical unit will provi anefitectlva start ing point for regional govern mcnt he said Flexibility is its keynote and combination at too or more such vainly urea might prove cllectlve Lowers Boom WAIVA lcPlThe Univer sity of Ottawa lowered the boom Monday on students who have not paid secondterm lees group at to delinquent alu dents were disqualified from ll aal examinations and decisions were promised by today on an olher ll cases The rest of the 175 students who lot the Jan 15 lee deadline pass have settled with the uni verslly treasurer alter lwo deadline extensions and some sharp oliicial warnings By pay ing the ices which averaged 5150 their automatic dlsqualilh cations were litlcd Death Sentence SALOON Routers 35 yearold businessman oi Chinese origin was sentenced to death by special court today tor war protiiccring Company Managing Director Te Vinls was tound guilty at hoarding speculation and brit log gotcrnmcnt oiliclals The case was the tirst to be tried by the special court let up by the government to ram home its campaign against cor ruptron and war proiltoering Students Fined OTTAWA cplNo niudcnl demonstrators against the war in VIIt Nam were lined 315 Monday and lcclund by hingiy rule Glenn i7 Strike or their conduct in lilo nhortive ile dovm mtcst on Parliament liril lri 1y The too hot ilcrkowilz 17 and Julius licnry Grey in both limivycar arts sludch at Mc Giil Ultiverail in Montreal were the only two persons nrmng the charged to plead Easily to the charge at disturb the peace The remaining were re mandul tor trial to May it when ing exams will be over No arrested niday vnli be dealt with by juvenile mot TTLY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mZtlt wilbflthe combination purchase of the HAGERTY TARNIIN rnavaurmo SILVER POLISH mm wuss no mm mutation at mensssyswmn run Ieevstleflrt no WIsMhNWd Wumtwrrmum 63 JEWELLERY DEPARTMENT WEWWO Imi Ior tanmllan hate in two llriml the pahna hi my grt Io IAlsrmtnmg DOWNTOWN slams numumagsnwmnwwsumwui than anorluaawboh GuessHow Mony Goals Bobby Hull Will Storey During the Regular Seasonlootincludingplayolh flurrtaeaoatnoe than the cor rect answer winner trill be chosen by draw The winner will receive 931995transistor radio Listed below are remaining Chicago games Wed March 9Cl1leago vs New York Sat March l2 New York vs Chicago Sun MarchiJTeronlo vs Chicago Wed March i6Delroll vs Chicago Sat March 9Chlcago vs Toronto Sun March ZDMonlreal vs Chicago Thurs March 24Chluyo vs Berton Sun March ZTChleago vs Detroit Tues March 29Beslon vs Chicago Sat April 2Chicego vs Montreal Sun April 3Chicago vs Boston HEREIS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO ENTER With each purchase you can fill in Bobby Hull Contest slip and deposit the the provided box located in theistore Woolworths Candy Feature slip into CADBURYS FAMOUS BROKEN SNACK BAR Tasty delicious fresh Gifts For The Summer Bridal ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Including irons Toasters Kettles all priced at s999 ITS NEWl lTS FUNl 129 149 HAIRY GO GO MADEMOISELLE GO GO Silicone ironing Board Cover and Pad Set Fits all standard is 24 ironing boards $144 ladios illBulk SWEATERS SML In beige and white $577 Something New At Woolworlhsi Our Brand New LUGGAGE DEPT See Such Famous Names in luggage As Marble and Holiday Priced To Suit Your Needal on LIGHT BULBS all 60 OR iOO WATTS DIFFERENT CUDDLY PETI lIVE GUINEA PIGS Sew and Savei Procut Lengths Solid colors prints polka dots and stripes $299 each SPECIALl LINED PLiiSiiC liilliPES Overall width l08 length 84 99° COME iN AND TREAT YOURSELVES TO HOT MEAL AT OUR LUNCH COUNTER WOOLWORTHS HAS DIFFERENT SPECIAL EVERY DAY TN DOWNTOWN BARRIE Open Days Wult Come in And Open Charge Account No Intersls Ior 30 Days

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