Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1966, p. 4

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It wnlml llml In band mould mm In nu nuhHillu ml mm Ila IMIIUMHL nude In Inlw MUM hale II nzuhr nmllnl Mph Hul Fth vol Ml Mm IM annly Mm 01th murnlrvl IN ruuural vmmm IAll Mulch Wm Tn nuH hfl In slmuml he Vormnl ml lnlnrmal Mal In pmmlum Mn Quinn and IHIHIDM Owl lhl Il mull um he runulhm wlllll Mu Midi an Mu lbdnmk Jr Ian on In mam EMF nmem mm Nhruli In Mn In dulan lo Ihkll HM IIM he zlmncrsl rm Debating Procedures Discussed At Alpha Phi Chapter Meeting foday appmxhnnlelv we hal an worldl population LI yum of age or younxer 1n the United Stale here are mm than 11000000 girls from 11 year ago And pres ent expectaflmu show that when in year 1M0 arrives 1000000 man will added to this age new Ir as job are ooncermd mu means lwa things or womwIor those wmHng now Ind or we who pin to do to Data In lile FM mean wa will en comur more and marryoulh In the Job world Second it mum um regardless the bend maturity hrlngs we will all do ourselver HVOI ta keep our vlwpolnu youngd One way to do lhil is to make most of our added years instead standing by wlsIIully worshipping the cult youth ADHERE 10 TIPS are Ira ow up or doan lhls whelher you are pushing 40 or It pushlng you Since he youlhlul look and thy approach an Important in mumps ha bcrn nn Mmd of um nmu finmeu In Mm Hm voy Snydnr 11m wMinx tank pm Hmr mm Hniml mm Tuano Nov mm nmcwnl The brill IA llw $1in 11mm Mr and Mn Irm Kayne lhnlnl buner maul Mn llnnlln dimlnt mirer the girl ml madal bnmmlul Mr will 01m III Ma Nana lhl fimntyu 301 MM In huh 1mm 1mm um hm gunmen dlrevhr lur Du IN Make The MostOf Maturity MaintainYoungViewpoints In Ellrnlhm mm 13 nwmhnu um Mu Jun th 3411mm um hm up mwcommfi woman Mknwishel she ad elm hand ta complete flu odd jobs but Mu Harry By ROBERTA RDESCH MARRIED AT TORONTO snwordohzddwm geflhgand holding jobs make it your business to keep your figure lithe and youngor get back those Mons it you have already lost Then you can wear HI kind at clothes and provide yumsell with the flair md style la xlve you the look you like today Ind tamer row gamma yesgerdny gray haxr does nothing for wu do something about It with one at the many praducL on the market that are Just dyexggj to hip our think or talk med Dont admit out loud mo aficn um wn mlly dont have the en ergy you had when you were younger ll nmmal talus this way meflmel but admlt It only mic And you feel that way too often vim your doctor and mockup RETAIN YOUTH awh your conversation or file lellule slgm middle ue As one example avoid the habit of holdinz up nary with pauses Was it Just last madlyor was wok ago Slmllarlx El one Irm In cuhAbove Mn Maxwell third ram kn gel Mu lulplrr newa ollnlrlklml In Dlrrio Mn lillmnrnl rrmvlnd he lromlu ul Sprinl uMnn BMW In ha hem mm leuhln llnllv March 30 11 an mm llnllm mu Ml In In Tmva 55d IW BuiMmK Funvl Mn Mom vmldnnl rm mindw nu tuminn nl nu alm Um MW dhcm In held In Munh or ll IMI Nmu IIII 1M lvr In Inruvm Ilw Ill Mn fiilml IM will Avrél fl ll mll ha mul lmmlrm Illn uucx In lwnl 10 I1 may lm flxrmmn we wndd 11M 01 Imnm Min Mn Rankin pm rm he 1le Hm WWW mum llenlly DNA film IMA lenl INA yur Own Dwry mt An INMIHM dlowubn lowII 1Im umMrM le Ml 1mm In my you of ho mud Ihmwwnmed or the owning 91th Much Barrie Thu uhlermn Im am In Mr ml nrd Snydu Woods Tho brldn Im dun In MLme Sxlrm mm tho Univtrmy Tumult ML Suydor In mint cl Um maumm mu rt 00 In rl mrlvd onnmrlnl ll 0n Unlurnlly firmly Planetary mlrlcflonl when financial mama are concerned continue will not null act unlll Thursday afternoon So conllnua to watch ha budget and dont risk nasal In any way One mora admonition Avoid ovaraggreuiveneaa lest you cauaa needles resentment ll lomorrnw is ym hlrtlrday you may look Ihend lo grail lylng though not particularly dnmallc year in ball huxlnesx and penanll concern Opporlu nIUu or ball occupational and financial gain Ira lndluled be tween now And midApril nlm ln midJuly lulu September curly Oclolm Ind early me ary whun you will rnler day when was younger pgqou ynhq amen1ng when This the way Ive alway dune it and cant undersland young pepple Whlle you cllxiglo posses sion and thinking dear lo your hurt from the past be lure lo F01 THE BIRTHDAY hm month plunelIry cycle which will be exullenl on all counts Tu lnsuu Nth advance menl you will have lo tower Ilo with IlellIr lnfluencu al come Dont mt on your lluuh Ind donl ln mm of am opllmlsm ludulu ln exlruvnzuncu or Ipcculullon ln Intervenan monuu ll parllcu larly commallvu from my unlll the end June Ilsa be lwcen midOctober Ind mld December ThlI new war In your lilo yromlsu much In tho WIy do mullc IoclIl Ind romInllc hlpplnul Ind lhm II like lllmod lhal lrip lnkcn eilhcr bclwzm June hnd mldScp Itmbcn or during lhn lIllrr hull of Ocloher could pmvl hlghly Inluyuhlt Ilnqlc lhIrI chum or new romance or the Ilrcnklhrning pru tnt one in rarly Aprll In lulu Auqul lnla October Imlor lulc ary whun you wlll Inter hm month plnnelary cycle which will be exullenl on all counts To lnsm Nth advance menl you will have lo cooper Ilo wllll xlellnr lnfluencu al come Dont ml on your lnureh Ind donl ln Iplrll at am opllmlsm lndulu ln exlrnvnznncu or lpcculnllon ln lnlervenlnl monuu ll parllcu larly commallvn lrom my unlll the end June ll be lwcen mlrlOclober Ind mld mt one in rm Auxuu lnla December chllrl born in mand And lowth p4 mlku In Mr num nr pocan NEW YORK WI About now wilh Iprlnl DU Im lnllzlnzly mm new Iluw ul can hfl rmr mornlo MV rrnl mlde PhNNulur lulu wally MM unnrrnlvrly hut wulber Mm maven mm la utmxmkrl wary yrnr nl Iluia minim loymm To In mmnn Ihmn nMMnl odd um In hut In win Na dun II ndd In If léa axsmint and 1149114 Mn Frank CollinsY who reg islered nurse Listening in 54 imrn plannin In In wla qulery qkplrinxnl Imp Ihjnlyuln In mIM nvll mm wqu to In vim um Turn not innu qwnlly yml mm lulu IMM lury 11 your nchnl mowed min IInIer and My your ll la rmmhdm Ihl mm you xvih In rwalr 11n un ml hind4 Inylnl aw lull llrmy lrlml in zuld 0H lulu Ind luth Mm AM thmlnanl Fur nu thlnl Hwy wuulul mm 1mm hm Nam him Inn on the rayon mm 1m Int yrnr lhun I1 mum ynuanl lnIlu own In the altgum mum in mm nm un Muuhr IV tah crulu flunvmw 1mm nil 1mm um THE STARS SAY Nothing Like New Bonnet To Lift Womans Morale By ESTRELLITA Md wllh hlu persunnllly rmllrnl lwlnlniinl hm In like tnkcn eilhcr nnd midScp ing lhn llurr could pm Ilnqlc um IRW romance in Iper indulu In lpcculnmn In particu rom NI MI thy firmly mink and mix well with yum Hams dont try to be blurred carbon cnpy cl it Mako the most at yourself Member you can bring mom ability chann undelsanding and experience at the job at age 40 than it La pomble to produce She twided the rose flue nlr ntl small gin lo special passenger she met official welcoming her home alter weeks exporwromotlnz visit to Hang Kong with her husband LardSnmvdan add some new We to them Be familiar with the laies and knowihoy to talk bouz IDNDON Routers Prln cess Margaret clutching vivid yellow rose arrived at London Airport rum Hong Kong at dawn lodny and walked happily Santa party welcoming her ma TORONTO CPI Group homes ra replacing loslcr harm in the Metmwlilan Tor onto nrca means of provid lng undying lnlluem arr wards ha Childrenl Aid So dew The Kurt Huobnm In mhur Thu only oddny about the lluehnors LI 01a lheir brood consul enuron or tenage boys many mm sliil recall N1 Ier expcmnm nl odor homu when they wen treated wuh We liku the outdoori 1me ln Minx worn and we loll mm the rclnllonmip with boy was or holler Mull Mn The Iludmru Ixrlh In Mr mldwu hnve lwn childnn nl their ownAchlm 11 And Aurin Other munlrn nl heir mun lnmlly lnrlmlc Mark Tum nvld all 15 MI and I7 yenrml Jnlm uho Jninnd the Gamma Army nix months arm The Kurt Huobnm In mhur aan Ira mom mummy group mfg where nlx or nven ldopfld mildrcn accepted mo lha home we Limwhl we ho lnlmu and mum luldinl In huh MM IX and In Mary um qu mm 0pm Mrnw hmllhfll lnr huh rm run Mr 11th pm ovgn buck mil Mylnmmlnl Mrs Anmtrunl mam Irnm 1e and Mrs Norman Gnllowny extreml right Ex aminer Photo Special Passenger Receives Rose honan lvrfim Aw win It nnmni Imllon umm um chin or ammo lur mm Steadying Influence Provided By Group Familyle 0f CAS Mu lnlkrul anl lhnl boil Nd In lMMm nualn Irn Ian Mfruni union Iwully rlp plnl klw but of lb head mm prmvlml Wild mink lnx IMII MW And ml luau uh munu NI IMIVlrIunHIy in your wmlwh nlnmvl cm um luau IVII IM mumrl mm In mlllh ymlr autumn mum Hmul mm 541le mm In Ha nl twin pm unirun Ivy lh Mlllnnr Imu luln Amnlrn huh mm Vanr lurlu nulvhml Hun pnnwl Irml mumva plump HrmIAr lmhm will lho rmtnnl lnlhnl mer Ahullv 41 qu uuyl Mn Mini vnhd von InI My LN nr halvy ram In lhfiy MI Mml uIlNl nanml an mu by him rum Nunm Mk Wormml Hull IA Wm lullmmlm war II Lmvml ha hark ml lrmm um on IQNNETH Mm POPULAR Sell where Iha ACTION Classified7234414 ir Ilyrl gdmwman so of our Mer muld xnn cnmumgcmtm Convener of the event was Mrs Harry Maxwell who was assisted by Mrs Armstrong as mean vener Mrs Ray Bishop Mrs Frank Collins Mrs Cheesman Mrs Beg Garrett Mrs Green Mrs Kelly Mrs Bruce Thompspn Mrs Wes Stoneham kgep with the me aomsn wrnmm 3y em Swat cm Ike tea table mummy st Em attended thaw md white umadmu with sing we candle hrlho bou Guemwatl 12va by lhé mess Nesbi and Mtg Nm diflWay WW Ma and wénhy Mm Graydvn Roi Mrs Spmle Miss Margaret fnldwell and Mrs Frank Imer ng THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH 1966 qudon Larkin resident the Earth and D15 icl Unit of Canadmn Canocr Scam and Mrs Grecnhalgh Education chairman shmwd two films dealing wflh cancer mscardA at lho Mann meeting Lady Sar ah rungJones Chapter Bmh mind In chugcare lurk in their native Germany Mm Hucbner worked with 510W lumen or several years and among her qualilimlioru ovum In psychnlqu whlch But the ability to make home or adolescent boy Ls more than aradcmlc Tamper men vlml quality and Mm Iluchncr has that ccrmln malar nal rim being 31on munsel her children allcclionalcly yet clcmly dcbnn the limlLt place he with the CA5 IXul Mlh nll he rllllive prob Icrm Um lluNmen hnva ul jmml mm lmnfly Inur In one unnotth will lha nhl nl MMranlnn Tormm Oaildxml Md Sodom And whllo Kurt Huebmr is mud quicm lhan his energetic wife he in Um head the Am ily and his wanl law Arhim mum learhkccsslm cl hroumx mnllm mum And Auriafiuho menu htl taming ream mew than bwums My rNrnUy lhnt dose whml chum cxpmml nurprlsu lhnl Aurial bmlhen were not nclually mlnml In Mr am up Immm wilh UM mml whimNu 1h ImnnrU lww mr Arent only or um um Sally Vlcinr II quite plnlnl On bmnfll IMI prinplho how MINI Wn MI IN rhlldml In llmuu pnmlmu Nllurnlly Mu hlnrn vrrslwn ll mm unvhmlcnlrd you would ionvo hawHad hnhy mu hr the ulmmly 7mm and Amum lilnrm tewclnlly llkn flaw 951 Lu an lmllvldull In Him mu Ml dmmnnm um L1th mm my hm In sum aprm mm Mona ml Mm rm hulnxu And Mark in In mmplml InnM noon hnimn shuh Ir hlrr mun nu ma Mr JnM IIH ally In flumm Inn MI un NI MI min who Is or Mm mul IIIIIUNI mlluflm ol rim Allhwolm In lmllluevy Hs Mall mrln In hlnhllm your mm Irv livhhumy Rm 110 tunml degnu you with thumb Rookie Mylm Ikllniuh an or leonuvu newt1k enulnmul Ii NORADI hymn Hawk hmlqvmim Is tunthth munl mu by mlnu Wu 3000 mm Il Cancer Films Seen At IODE Meeting PEOPLE AND PLACES Mrs Bruce Nesbitt onenedner Brock Street rash dance yesterday afternoon for the St Eatncks Day tea held in support of the Estarl Committee More than 120 women attended this fundraising project of the Estart Committee theBayyiew Chapter ofvthe Order of the Eastern Star Tea time was from to oclock Funds Prom AfternoonfTed To Aid Theology Students MMNOI MIMI Jim landing my GOLDEN WEDDING Mr nhd Mm Ben Rae of Wellington St Em attended the Rupiah held 00 mark Hie gold an anniversary cl Mn ILMI parenb Mr and Mn John MW FM 1113 Itfinjmmbn denud MI and VWyligir mm zlksls ahendlnz nduded James Douglas who was zmomsman the wedding Ind Mu Doug Jeny Gringan rammed lo the city alter 10 days vacation in the Dim Mate Mlami RETURNS FROM MIAMI 1h meetinl was held the home nm Hangman Camngan St mg were Mn Sid Kadigh and Mn Jack Hamer hiring the business session members decided make two layellcs far he services at hwme and abmad project The lnyeuu will he sent la Lhe pnmncml 911399 no be distributed to he lar Mm Gibb Hogan and Mrs Mmmlnin we apminlcd dclczam and W111 nprmm he Barrie Chapter at therProvindal IODE mnlcrtnce innamdum in mi Suggcslims were made or ha chapters ccnlennial project The first Canadian libm was mm In 1606 Men law yer Man Louarhnl Part lop NS lent out hi on soak GREAT NEWS MOTHERS March 10th11+i1 19+h LENT OWN BOOKS Beach Hodirla with his par ean Mr and Mrs Jack Grin Mm The Widely also in duded cruise to Nassau Mm sumham of Brad ford St has returned to hot home afkr visiting her son and Gammalaw Mr And Mn WAStoneh3n 019m En mmllwme iled the Mm home at her daumcr Mm Bohulun IN THE CITY In the city to visit her sonin law and danmwr Mr and Mn Robert Wellsprede SL4 L1 Mn Hudluergard Klldlener Mm lluehnergani will also al tend the Swim Garden Fashion slww at St Andrews Preshyler Ian 0mm lumw in which Wear Mn Wells will mm mm gmmpA an Boyie will be guest of honor at lamfly dinner party this evening 1119 occasion marks Mr Boyles 89th birth day The party will take place It the Siannon SL residence Mr and Mn Ralph Baker fin law and daughter of Mr GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mn Georg Elli ol Utopia will ntenaln It an men home tion In Utopia Oom munuy Ha to mark their sum weddgng apniyersgry Gupsls racexv ay montmmflunfilonm WINTER WEEKEND Barrie square dancm Mr and Mn Mac Marcellus and Ray William were among Ihe zuesls participating in the rm Canadmn winter weekcnd held fram Friday until Sunday the YConfmncn Gencva Court on llake Omlchichingi Warkslwp or mare and mum dance were matures of the weekend event directed by Mr and Mn Mme my ad Barrie and Mr and Mrs Ray ITMLIM TD Ml CANADIANI LLE RS FILTER ME AND WIRELESS OPERATORS Camp Mm THE CANADIAN WOMENS ARMY CORPS March 10th11ti1 12th as Thury Fri Sat get beaufiful Married at sinuc Minimum Grade 1o Axes 18 45 Uniform Supplled Physically ft awnings per week Offer oppauunny for mm train Bulldlnl Camp Borden In p111 Tun ml Than Much 10 Incluxln EARN AS YOU EARN WI GUMANIH INDIVIDUAL SATISFACTION INC IIIIHD THURS AND 5AI Mn AIL500 IM FRIDAY 930 AIIII2IO IM NM IN Mun WM 12 57 MW um lakln Imgy 51 vap my SI Voull Ihc um mutant and pmhuionol pom uymud by om Mde lady pMIonvaphIr Salad from mm phlmu NOT 00 me HIM lxlfl SUI aml Hal Ilu vll be mm at wanvow ma he 1m pmI lycpnn WanI Ilu lm than on mh In group nflwm you picture of your child APPLY 79¢ IU AMI WWII 0N ulal caller cl the Salmdayleve fling dance was Ben Baldwm cl micago fllr Dancer attending reprmmd clubs from Collin wood Owen Sound Tomato Oshawa Wallacebmg St Calh gimg Niagara Falls and Wfi 9P0 537 An luofinn sale will highlight the Marmdinner meeting the Hanla vapfimis Club on Thursday Mrs Alma Leg will enleflain club member he Owen Street resldence Colm Iassea will be Mm Vance Mrs Hugh Walla M11 Douglas Earish Miss Emu SmyUI and Miss Flora lchyeg or Proceeds mm the auction will be used Io upport mm lama mama Winnegs the Saturday aim and art at theprangs Hg Aflandalt IncJud charm Kfll winner the prim or the most lune handy Mrs Ma bel Gamma won lixsl prize 01 ladies and Mrs Gladys Scott second Mens prlzcs went to Joe JouIak first Ind NeI Mar fin second ence expenses EUCImE mm RECUFERATING AT HOME Wesley Maodonald son of Mn CM Madonaldnnd thar Mr Macdonald ismecuperaflng at his motherl home on Glam anon St Mowing his mink magi lhg Alexgnger Martin and General Hospital Godu ich when he underwent surgery ML Macdonald third engin eer on the Maunaloia mmm ll IlllEIS Hum Tum Thurl Frl Wed Aflemoon For PRESCRIPTIONS Dunlap 1282901 OPEN FOUR NIGHTS and all Drug need MucKAYS Pharmacy

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