Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1966, p. 1

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MR Time For Decision Platiorm 0i Wilsons UK Campaign secdndejor same Mbtelngcoiect Is Planned 102ml Your No 56 pm All we are Dubllnerl and werequcnlluncd IL clly pollce Ilallun lrlsh pollen mmmlud nation wlda manhunt or cxlrcmlsls ol the outlawed lrlsh Mpubllcan Army Inspected ol planllng ma bomb In lha col LONDON Cl 11K Labor party has mlurlM lhn Manon unndml It hum carry to mhslanllnl widely in the Bril MI scnerpl dew March 1m HEAD ol Wm Hor atio Ndsonwnntalnn great was hem ls liRud 1mm tha mirage Nelson Co umn In Dublin Ireland by firm alter 60 la Ch DUBLIN RewardPolice 1n vcsugnlmg bomb blast whlch rarly Inday dcmnllshed the loot Nulson Pillar In the cenlye or Dullfln ham arrested five yang inch Nelson Pillar Bombed Arrested In Ireland The Hometown Daily Newspaper Farr Barrie and District paer manilch labelled firms or Duzlslon wan pm duccd by him Mlnlsm Vll Inn and cablnd tolluguu an cmlcrcm Monday 36 mm Mm Conscrvntlvn lpndcr Edward Hulk hnd prmnml mum document or he Torin enllllul dion Word mum Iu dld he Lanmvullw dom mtnl Llhor mnnllcxto lnm heavy 11m an mm omoly nurncuom lho alrclliflh pound mrgnn hnllon unvemmenl unllonnl pmlucllvlly and hmmug lml ll Mfm mlvslnmlnuy ln clher mum Slecl annnullw GHINDSTONH Que 11m drclu nl Ihlm Anchurnl In In 10 mllrl am In line Gull 51 Lawmm nllpprry wllh hlrxil lodny Minister Cuddles Seal Watches Slaughter film Euwlny mMnIxhl Imn dial mm mm nlno nhlp HI mm vlnnu Imn Inn rlulanl am Iklnnm lmn ml mm hml ullmnlwl In number mm 11w lul la me 50000on uéla lulu 0mm Norm Slmtoc 5nd Fnlr Toronto Null Appnml Far TIIII Flrm Mnlorlly Favor Dulh PonIIIy In llm Pull Ann Lambs6 Edllovlll4 Clly Nun1 CIIIIllltdH Comlulo Dull Haiku41 Wummsb DlllvldS In THE EXAMINER Today ammmWMe explcaiqn karat Immcr rulé over Ireland which nurvivmi biucr not lighllng In the 1915 Enslcy uprl umn most identical tn the one In Ws Tvaf No one Ms lnlun In todayl exgluslgrl has been runnhlg campaign of bomb vlolenca to mlncld wllh lho Irlsh govern ment celebrnilons of 1M 50m annlvnmry the rebellion Mulch led to Irlxhlndependcnte Shops can an strch llghu wen mashed by flying debris the bomb blow on lhe top ha Mouton Doric column crec lion uhlrh has been dolemd am 114an Ldmrprocsll aim Wilsons party mm In mmr month nga ls ngnln unmixed pan gomnmcnl palicy The Labor munimlo tenc7 am he pnrlyl lrmlvllnndlnl nmlpnlhy to um Home 01 Lunll wlIh 119li ludllloml Tory anarlly promise hill lo Inlcfunnl nnnsum nppmvrd by stu at Commons ram lruslrallonl In May or dtIMl In lhc House Huh PROGRAM VAGUE 1115 rurnm Items de lllwrnlc v1ng Mm Um um trmmnll mmrovmlnl prim nmllncmnr policyn mm mu lhlnlnl prltn and wages lo prtllucllvfl hrhtrhl Minhlrr Huhhlmlu plural wllh one llm lrirmHy ml yup Mnmlny nml walrhrvl hlrnlxwllrml HIMHm mum IIVln ml humm nlrlmml all lhn villa prll Inru number nth nfllml Alnn wm mmhflnl the nwlllm from Hm mm palm hm IN on lnnru Mun IIIAnl whm nlyrrnll um llmllnl prlu xhvml hunINl wm nullml Mnmhy 1min nhrr lllllnu mlull Wommsb Ihtflarriflfixamw symbol of Ermsh ml In Ire land was expudy waged Pollca blame the blast on the mum Irish Republican um WirepMn by led by BrlUsh palrIan and Dub lln cltlzens In 1309 In mark the Trafalgar naval vlcory nl Adv miral Hmallo Nelson Thu presencl of the Brlllsh monument has him some mm nulhmafisl group or ycan and mm have been occulrmnl pm postal In Its peaceful removal BOMB TLIED Police believe lhe dynamllm mlnglcd wflh burial climhing the tplral airway inside the column Inla Monday and placed powerlul umu bomb on the xlnlrwny More lhc monumenll interior was helm for the night mm It was the third bombing in Dublin in hm weeks week ago today gnsoline bomb was hurled inio the British mllllnry nunchcl homc nuo undmcovcr 1M demand muin hy lam Ll nmury hr flrlllah ndul pmlomlnanuy Imlcslnnl norlhcrn 31x wunllu and he llomnn Calhollc mulh Iln Indrpendcnt rtpflyllc chrc dlfly duslcr nnarlul one the Inwym In the other md micro Huh can In through Ill xhnw ym up Mr cmnkml 0pc wu nrc Sn you mnmml lho nlhcr You me mm and Mar Cums comb lrmko In the 1mm IA um mu pmcml nrm Hm 1th lmrlnu 01me have nknuim each dihe mil prohlhilnl In um mm llmu cl yup Um mm llmo humane rlfly rrwrsrnlnuvrn mm hwy vrrlnz Mmllul Hm New 0qu mun hrmlul Ivy Tom Huxlm Krneml munnm no Inlnvln lluumnn HrxMy WM dnlng Irmw HIIIM mule llr NJ Nu an mm nl Tnmnlnl Illmdala 7m unmlnrvl hunlmll lvl IhuHI nuslwl Ivy IwIlon cluln Mr Hugh shut purl wllh rlnl plndlr flrnlflm MIMI nm plshul um In nlnuzhlrr lmnun Vru ml drmmulmz Hm Hwy Ihvp lnmlhll H111 Mr lluuhu link in wnnl In Ill ml llml flw nnmml dwul mm In lhl Mlllnz hunln gnlzhl du rm nv unrnl with dun hm MI mm In llan In lhu marum Iml In my make mm II rhm he llml HPMILV mm wIYh lvnn hum Iinlnlmnln whrn Hwy leave 1h In hul ul dndly ll elm mu HERES ONE PMANNOUNCES Blrrln Onlarlo CanadaTuosdIy March I966 TOKYO AWBritish airline nlficlah lnvesllgnung he crash sald today they did not know how Transport Minister Fred Hailey Britain gotllis information that structural aiiure may have caused the disaster Neither Sir Giic Guthrie chairman of British Overseas Airway Com nor any other BOAC diiciais in Japan knew of any cnuse oi structural fail ure or the Bocinx WI crash hudny IN mpg AH person aboard 1n dudmg 93 Amflcans and one Canadian were killed Mullcy nah In London Man day that prdlmlnury Invest Report Strong Earthquake Hits China MOSCOW AWThe ccnlnfl Moscow Inlsmogranh unlan rc wrdcd major earthquake early today In the populoux cast em region China has re ported The qunko also was rcconlcd In Japan Ind the University 01 Calflornin In Berkeley Tm sold the tremor at 1218 am Moscow Imb was ccnlml In lhn mu Kallcng large cily In enslorn Chinas llonnn province nbout £50 mm 50th of Icklnxl rcglslcrod 10 an lhe 11 mm mule ust lhu Sovlc Union Tau said This um About on the 10min scale used In um Unllcd states The quake whlch Alaska Good Izrldy registered to on Twisters May Be CauSe Of Crash TORONTO CW Twrnly uvtn union picer Involved ronkmmxknml Mllml tn vulvlnu Tllm lmllu Lle In Icmlnruunh Mm nwnre Ihn mm an lnluncllnn prohlml nn Inau plrkuilng Ilw plnnl the Duluth Eupan Cam My mm Mnnlny Funk nllnglmm prvmullnn or lhn Illnrneygcnunln du Mrlmcul Inlrl Thlrl Jmllro Hula Hm ho wlll lulunll evi dent In nhnw llml lhe 17 mm mm Iny hml Mm pml In drmtmumllnn phml tunirnry tn Hm Inluw 27 leco Pickets Ignore Injunction SECURITY PROBE YMlll lMllrnhlml Juhn NI lull INIIWI lo millml 1min dc Umrllru Iflkr Ilvn xmrrlimz quh WM all 1mm ml haw Plum Ivy Hm lawn ufllm rpmv mm Iohnsons Reply To deGaulle Reported Only Provisipnal him Hm Muer can My man an man Imal mm and IM lnln he luluMn dlwmo 01h mums the Armrch am unxnimllm mm In Mum lullmvul Iv vle mm WM and 1m ml Wmhlnzumn Ind mm on frenjh uuwu mu 11m luluncuon Yfihltlnllvllk mm In um De mlles mm mm Wafldnllvn Monday nutrm Afltf II had landed gnfion showed structural failure was the cause Sumo cyzwituess account in to air Qurbulence mound aunt FUJI as tha cause of the crash Yashihanl Tauhibara 401 canted ofliccr Lhu Fuji mo wrcyclo speedway said he was walchlng We mwnmln Lhmugh blnomlm Saturday and law iv alumna ol twlslen WINGS inuerq or He said he plane seemed lo between two the twister and iL1 wing sheared In sald ho anon had mu whirlwind ammd Mum Fuyi but new sich flown macs Sorm 40 persons ha laid thqy saw mé crash mvie crew which happcncd In he on Mount luli shot sequence at Lho crash nmligalorl sifting throng the wreckage Iound the plane night recorder loday spokes man announced Th may med wmo 11pm on hedlsaslnr The innudian killcd was Tor onlo cnglnecr Theodore Vaske vich 53 SAIGON CI While the us nlr war ugnlnsl North vm Nam gnlncdln lnlcnslly today the Imalmllnn government an nounced lrlplln of XI mill tnry cvmmllment to lhu con tnry IHcl Australia Triples Viet Nam Forces The 50th Vietnamese lorclzn mmmry today nnnounctd Umt Australln wlll Increasu in one 1500 men In May nllowlng request by Prime Mlnlmr Ngu yen Cna Ky In Aunlrnllun Prlmu Mlnlslcr Harold HnlL There now no 1500 Amunllnn lroop In than In In venom 0n Ftb many III too drmnnlmlmn xlmnn 1mm hall dunn union In lrlcvlmgnugh pmndml nrnuml lhn Mum Mwn in InBXNIUI It lho Twila Vmiul Unlnn II Amrch CLO on Ilflh We Jmllco me emphlv Ilml mo Immrinnro lha con lrmpl min nmlnly la um 17 Yew named IM nld rm IlmI lhemnrhu lnAinll Mondays man duleM lnmly In promImnl Argu mrnl mcr whethn muqu at he 11 hml er1 ulequm mllculnn Um cm mm Mr Callaghan Amnrknn Anlvmww hula HvNIn In Imiu luy Fuudm Mlnldnr ank Vlin lg Mur vnle ll WI minkml In the open uanlvil In dc mun IMer dlphmlllc mn Iranmllun with the MINI Nam mm mm leh lame my ounflmm um 1N Fmfll pmklmls deal lfim may Mill tho dah when mimnmnyqullm It MUM NATO my MIMIEII Americun mm In lrmn Ihe mun mm Wndflnd Mllwlll nxvmnll Hwy hme Wat may Mas cAIIIBIISII IS IDENTIFIED VASIHNGNN Eater Far years wnmdian Jlrmgiy Durant has been smlng hluelevlsi on shows with Good night Mrs Cali WEE x0 are Miuinu five As Mrs Calabash ed Who Jinunyrevenlcd Iver Identity May Mm Calabash was in reality Mrs Jean Dmanlc MS tale wife He old the my in War to questlrm at Nailanal Pass Clublunghpon Years ago he szndthe mien and Hedda in across country and we mm beaublul mm mm called Calabuh sloppcd them wofngmll and she loved it So genUomen the Mn Calabash reform to he lme nn our radio nnd cleri sion show was Mu Jean WINNIPEG cmmin mugHam in the oily were main blacked by drfidng snow and rural abnimha ndml ehll drcn Mod Ihe prosper of an extended hollduy as new storm swch across the provhm early Ioday Threat Of Flood Faces Winnipeg Meanwhile can serious flooding the Hod nim Sn the wake IlInch snow fall ham and he Manitoba zovvmment prwnlsal Immedi Mo mocnudonary ncllun Tue weather 0mm mld lo Ilnvl mm with wind 09 lo 40 mllcs an hour and snowflurrm would not L151 as lung Irh dnyn blizzard but mm aub uman mm wuid be mow bound again Agriculture Minlsltr Gown Hulwn mid he logislmum Mow day nlfiglmlhc xmmmwnl la lnklnx cdinto mm with the flood Smspttlx In the flu Illwr Va cy mnul mi dimly lhmugh Winnlm In norlhwud course mm Mimi Mr said mvmary czlmatu mum lml mm arm will mmrumm ghoul 5L mum Wm Maul Ilme manua Emmium who BARBIE SCHOOL MARKS EDUCATION WEEK OTTAWA CP Annmce mm of two security lnvesflxa Lion broke the back at opposi uon In the justice depamnem esllmale in tha Common Mom day and submerged modulation about 11w lulure JusUce Mm Met Cardin Appoinlment of Mr Justice Dalton Well at an Ontario Supreme Court to lnvexfigala the George VidqrSgcqccr use was expected ul Prune Mlnlsber Parson look the Com mnns by wrprlse when he III announmd uflmle inquiry Into mnleusphnale proced In ay night Yum Progressive Canservaflve Aundaflon can venllon that his party was golng to hub on an lnvesngallon Into LR aspecls ol Cauadal sccurlty In ensue everymlng was bdng dono hyacinth ilmi menm Wmmnlst filmin water in the peak flaw 111916 level of the primary dike mm in Guam Wlmdpe 11 215 eel Lost year when mm flooding occurmd In lawlying frens the rim Hesiod at 11 eel Conscrvallvy Leader Expect Appointment 0i Judge To Investigate Spencer Case STE ANNE Man CmTwo mun masked 1n nylon Ilocklnus tmpui with about 3000 mm will unlon In 1M1 commu nily Monday nlghl ancr uncul enan the manager and hlx wHa wllh knllo $10000 Stolen From Manitoba Credit OHice RCMP randbioch have Mm let up In he one 50 mile Ioulheasl ogwlnglpcl nrliu med Phlllm Gllcneau mannacr ol um Calm lopnlnlm do Sle Imno lo oym male llltr bnrzlnz lnlo Ihu lvlng qunrlm IccUon of the bquInL Nai More Than 10 PI Copy 14 Page Blatan 30 fibfhmvw Tl déijreuf For aomplde weather mum nlepse mm to page fivm hAQIemtsulhzfida provincial leaky Immes becéusc of dlvlded juflv dlcunn and go back to 1944 or Mr Pearson did nu give de tails of III Inquiry He said would be up with delay after term at reference were agreed upon by representafiv at all paruzs woixld go back it wantudJnd obtaln lMonnaHan tom other munlrics if Macy sary LIMIT SCOPE The finvesllguflnn however wwd be llme lo In vullgallm ol complaints listed by Spencer and his ntlomey ln telegram to David Lad NDPYork SMIUI Mr Pearson reversed NI stand Against an hvosllgaunn Friday Her Mr Low pm dmd the algalgm Mr Pearsons mien follow lnu healld dalem ha gav cmment miller by Mr Cardln led to consldmbla mcuhflcm that Mr Cardin would mlgn Monday Ind the lgalleria were packzd whén erComons opened lhu dayl lhllng But Mr Carqu sat qulauy Ml MT Cardin 38 Qulfll Ivcn lhwghvaox an apt men suggested he had been put In In lnlnlernble poxmon by min In In lnlnlcrnble panda um prlme mlnlslcr rcvcrul Credilmc Leader Real law Mu Iald he wmfld hava mg ll In mm wlm but laid the Ham for It lion on Mr Pearson whu Idused In Me hell Ind max dAcMgn taxHen IMr Cloueue Elm Inked mm dam on ma Munslng cm menuoncd by Mr Cardlr Frdly duran an Attack on Mr nlolcnbakm SEE PAGE THREE SHOULD IEAmED mmuw Dual the lumpy mud uld In Involve Olga Aluminum lormefly with Cormmnl tummy and former mm mlnltlcr durinl the Comm 1lve mime timid be mad pug ll Indulul us In huwtuu The Wdl Inq111r7wl mile lo me my Mr Spencer us mlucd mm allch dripped ul pen on And The an the governan mmunerd murky Em of um mm me use me lm May who the pawnan announced Mala of two Snvlrl emhau pcmnnd or Influx and 13 two Cumdlanl ucxa Snvoiva 35

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