ny um nmc yrarly Onlnrh mm ym um mm It Ilm Mill to numb Nnr hmme mm ymr MM pl mm 1109 0mm um um mum mm mm mm mm nr 1110 and lab non Nlrel 17 llnlwuily Tmnnln Mn allunrl SlmL valual MI IW Wul Imkr ml mcoum ll Member ul anathan Duly Nuumr Undrr ho gut social Monte Iow man In Mhooh oHvr lhu nkchhml olrroncm in events which uhnn they ook place whom lhornlly mlmhaklnu high admin and In unlvmduu Um mum an Nthor hallmlm or option nuujom Tenter colleges offer Hula mum New humilans know mum About hdr own countdvs own If they have mly allomlnl grade KIOOL than ml Mann high mhrmln know hnul lnnmm mum laipaycm ahlclhlymcans all Canadians ALSO THROUGH THE NOSE Windsor sun The Federal Government lhls your will mnku paymrnls cl $1200000000 to tho rovlncos In 1060 Ms wlll lncreaso lo 1452300000 Th provinces always am golng lo 01 mm for more and mom money If it rlglnalcd ln lhln nlr But It all comes keu md pulfscs federal nlu mul vols vnmmiH most nppnlilng hnwlm reply to an thtoHcal quorum Chailnm My Newan ï¬le while ago we were lelcning la quiz pm mm and we hcanl some well durum pmple who had given quite ounnswcrs m1 vnrlous ml AMI onoe pirtncrshlp mm the Indian in nï¬acking the serious economic pmb lcmx that so many of them have Umess such an appmach can prevail them is not the slightest appnmnt pm poet of the Indians wanting arlnenfldp with either of them them to be any Instead of ï¬lm this waters further with heated rogomder after one of his statements had been attacked by Ar thur Ining the federal minister oï¬ In dlan and northern affairs Mr Cccilo said dont think we should argue back and forth about this It would be better fo 1h govcmrygnts t9 get 19 york at No matter where the blame should be laced for whatever differences remain tween Ottawa and Ontario over plans to improve the mnditlons of Indians in thls pMince the only sensible hope of settling these differencm lie in the po sition taken by Ontario Welfare lllinism Louis Cecile Governments Get Together Solve Problems Of Indians CENTENNIAL IS 6000 TIME WallqPublishér Eh Imam mum dkcksr INSPIRED Bf cue enj NANLeaNs UNIFORMS mumI lllflll vll know hrmt lhflrx Am aexiléroao 1m CANAUIANS yam DResseas ï¬YAVtSWIMG Mgnsnsmau aggnml uh Canathan Duly Naulrnper cum seuo bur Messmss an ma Govf aovspnmn uNS OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Aullwlml ner elm mnbl Im Mir 0mman ml or pnmml ol pulltn In rnh Dally Sunday and Mummy ledm uva IIva fliarriv Emuinrr Published hyCanudian Néwaï¬apors Limited 16 Bayliald Street Enrria Ontario isher Wllson OUR BESTDRESSED LIST McPhurponQ Mnflnglngidlmr iWEDNEBDAY MARCH PAGE TEIMHONFS lixamlm Wm Axh lrlpphnnl 7M 20 7h IMlump numlvr In II lnr lh lllllmuq nr ltlwmu lkpallnwnl 71 Wk Iknmilm angnlnwnl lmvhonl 73 $5 luhIINu Altflrlnllrm IM Cumham luu IM My Amlxl numu Clmflnllum 11w lnMinn Im In rulmhrly rnllllfll In lhv nu lvr unuhwmlm varu mmuhu in ma pl 11AM to 1M Auoclnlnl Irm or lflulen m4 Ibo Hm local Ml pub 1mm mmln GIVE POOR EXAMPLE Windsor Star lho mm northcrn Albert lmlol wmpln lull lndlnm gmnled full llquor pere on hut monlh dont Mom know how in helium ln hccr mrlnr lle Ella tn loclurn hem in an of or 10 um unhlolmslplnfz hlcll ho my load to nolsv lwlnv or Imlml nrgumruu and low lights lo be that lho hullnm loam lnzncr llmn in whllo brethren who ul er mnliulm of liquor pdvlllycs havent quhu lwn nhlo to 0111an lnh wlmpplnz noisy hollnrlnr hmlml nrzunlchlx and low lluhlx ll been suggested that or con lonnul project local historical nodeUca should use their lnlluunw WWI the ulu mllon nuthorlllm lu llmir district to right he urlomua wrong lhe educators are doing to the Canadian public There are many distinguished histor inns in our seats at learning and auth critic1 on the Canadian atiiindo towards their conn are oi the opinion that the lack no Mil In Canada between in various ethnic mmls is merely due to their ignorance oi the background and the history oi its near neighbors in re cent timcs As The Welland ihibune notes it will compieiciy defeat any warthy purposes at no matter which level of government unless there is uick end to the bicker ing which strong ens the feeling of tho indiam that they am beln treated as fawn in power play And the scraer ng between ihu two governments arises out over which is going to get the politica credit for programs to be initiated let them turn instead to earning some audit In this ï¬eld not enough or it is likely to accnio rapidly to make its division an immediate cause or concern 12m 400 rooï¬ 441m WW5de flirmm arm ncdcflm hope of changinï¬ this situation by winn ing the trust an cooperation oi the In dians no eas task at best considering how often and adly their trust has been betrayed the need now 13 for both gov ernmmts to shut up completely about their plans in this area and to stay that way unti they are able to speak wisely and L1 omccrt about them Drumncnl Man nun Mu You as lung wwrmnc W6 uvms General Munager 719 um bouka and mrmpcr lmflt amp to orndlqnte cumin secret 098m salt the mum rnch wnuld be capable handling II types ummnmlcnUom darling dam dcvision or nhout moo hm qualny Noflwno cam hind or the mailing wwld he nmvldcd by An Inlunnumal rnnsmlmn nl 4n mmtrirs In cludinz Canada WATCH Fl CRIME TAIPEI UHY Nnunnnilxl Glin lumth rmnlalry nu anhlp 1m nmc mm Hr crime um flow the flue otCaradaaflst£r Uniï¬ed Nation list of Iho MPawho amded the can General Assembly of me Unikd Nations eilhrr as delegate or observers was tabled in Pu Ilamenl and 111110 course was the name Wallacu NeabilL That is the 10111 Semen A9 mth which he has aumded EMMY as observer oras he was in the ï¬ve years mm EH 19613 vicednalxmul ol the Danagllm delegation WM luv Mannas vuh launching cxpectni In WASHINGTON Incuurs 0000000 plan or six giobal satellites In provide world cmnmunlcnlionx was onlle Monday by he Com munlcallnns Salome TM Wratlon has Mm or uglllluily lafmfld he Mlcllilcs Larry Penncui newly an puinitd solicitor general gave same information in the House 01 Common which could shut out thhcrs Ln Needing hemL1 oIl on another sympnlhy kick in their lets be kind to our unkind crook campaign Con vicls in our maximum Sammy pcnilcnuarics are productively employed or In average 6h hour day at wage union ranging from our nu right up in eight cenu an hour Cm vicls in minimum security pris ons and work camp labor on the awran ono hon iwngcr day or the same lakohnmn pay US Outlines Global Satellites In some countries the arm mtnl now 15 being Man that really got myself into probf Imus then Wally wld me didnt really know was Canadlan or an Mama Linnnl delegate That maxd probably puLs Wally Neshilt up of he lésl vn Parliament Hill in respect the number of days 5pm at he United Nation representing hi country SWEATED LAHORT 0n Lhat last occasian the Gen eral Assembly started asusual in September but Instead ol lasting In two monlhs it mu protracth by lChmshcheva la mun shoebanglng perfonnam and other star urns so that it ran into the Mowing May Mult Enlnhllmrnt MISIERUN Wally Nubia the energetic Cmservaï¬va MP foromld up mwnranrfmo mixandmnrdt mus was fm nothlng will uhth me my mom Paul Hellyer cenflo conï¬ded in me no since mud 3ng cl Hm mack Watdl serving on the ash ctallfzder HMCS anvem ma NICHOLSON OTTAWA Slnoe Dolmen Minister Paul Hellwr launched his comovum plan to lute grate Canadas meg limï¬ng services em ha has had Am do reason to be mfludlby what coma out Mat giant scramblin machine Pul soI dkrs ors and airmen all mo thyme bag shake then NINO mums AT 100 And In mm MM ISMNBUL IIOIISIlnpcilbii mm cow ftcnmlcown OTTAWA REPORT Services Scramb1e SurpriseéHellyer nutamaze rcjeded biil lczzï¬zin rxctpsakcs INCLhunk lax puton paymam bank ISMWestcm tumor 01 $05 million paymma m1 UK heat agreement mlEighlylive ngrimfltural cxpcm ran provinces and Yukon at Ottawa mesmam Hvard escaped tram Bordeaux jail mun uqu mum temporary rm us run Freud ncmlutfan mind Qu IBMSod mu Ac pmtd in Upper Ourgda mer mulinem and three cscrtcrs hanged in badly managed public execution at Quebec IBOBUi spy unplng byflritmn um first man to ca Craig ak Quebec KHzUpper Canada pa innmt passed ant legalizing mar by Mth Miler xoxarommo 71de Tunfcranm Act EmSenate rcjected biil cwzin rxccpsakcs maInume lgx puton paymam basis 1721100 oil cardhnchyilmucd rm $1Mch Wu military admnl 1111 that lab to younger Mother in you and law became sold it 00 the USA in 1800 OTHER KITS 03 MARCH wmu mu cane Lo Im the SR Lammm Who mv 111m walcr DI the Gal Mexico turning may he knew there 25 muddy river not far away New ham late he sailed Ina Lhe en ce be worn two high rods and knew he had laund tho Minisslmi Some of mud 117mg Into the gull had come all the way mm the pruries Dlbcrviuc was military ark nturcr ml la Lhat huh mm me mam March 1609 um of the Mmmippi which be Sane nizing He usrd his knoglcdge of done to ï¬nd the SR Lammm Wm Gal Mexico turning may he far away New ham late Wynn wlux never failed mying nut rcmarka all the way mm Hudsons Bay to New have captured Nrw York but King Lon ignï¬cgam mm 43mm Gamer sallui up the gm of Belle Isle between Nmimmdland and Labrador in he am all by studying he water that than Wm 21 great river ahead he disoovmd the St Lemma Franh eprorers notava La SaHe had tried to ind Lhe momh the Mimin mm but lailcd PM King bub XIV en muted Pierre mime dlbflrville wiLh lho bask DIbcnlllc had never failed him carrying nut remarkabm military movements all the way mm Hudsons Bay to New York He prohaIiy could have captured Nrw York but King Louis changed plans just be fore the campaign began It was on March 1609 um dlberville dismcmd the math of the Misisippi which be 5ch had sailed past Whom mox nizing He used his knoglcdge c4 115 as Came had done to ï¬nd Lhe Fl aflmflnrn um AL non ngmuN mm be asked why lha minding New Orleans 1m should be lnduded as flashback on Canadian hiswry The is um it was theLeMoyno hnnhem Montreal Mm did mm Mi 5311M up the ma at Belle Isle NMLWNIMMA mJ 7x my um mumy tawnym have Mephoned or Ella the 1th mg no aper wen Ottawa warm was mt pub flied on may dam m1 if M1117 am grng limo Ipader for their kind In uvu mm was explained In several mm mï¬ï¬‚ï¬mmy mama the sad fact in Canada today was mwspam DI the Thomson great value He spoke liming wagon was an Moderation and Ontarios 851 gm mzmweï¬nzmah ENmpWl€nnltmnmAmcvljgg mmlnm EDEN Oman Fflm mum Mnï¬ï¬plaflx Hm speech of course wu an my neck causad tram ac attack on Um premier for Mr CANADA DMDED Pmlessor Romain believu convku should be mime ï¬vebz emplayedt in making marketable articles and should rective mnro malisflc mm product of the Then Ihalpayshmudbeapplied to museum anykmoocnl sufferer ramuhhclr criminal acu THANK YOU READERS Many readers 01 Ottawa Ile port have written on me at the Paflhmenbaiy Pm Gantry mp CANADAS STORY ummwu runes am mum rective mnro malisflc mm product of the Then Ihalpayshouldbeapplied to compensating anykmoocnl sufferer ramuhhclr criminal acu THANK YOU READERS Many readers 01 Ottawa Ile port have written on me at the Yanliamenbary Pm Gallery lngevcral Montreal Warrior Founded Louisiana mmurcr ml coioniznr and he wr momma 14 Mayne who had cw Orleans was built the nu Frmdl him until Napalm TORONmNDP LoadCr Dan MacDde gave one nl his line npeeche during Hip raced de In of Promler Robam get oathmm notonlym mlsiandlng addms but one Mnflally great value He spoke nmtla an Moderation and Ontario mun nanhxqzlnthx cklm in which my cu yras MI 35 WNW care my rsI lieve aided by the berrmn im partially conlemd upon his mmanstnnted Fromm by the Pope in pnvate meeting Inowammweaxalnhas good physical condition as could hnpe tor Blur many years spenl In 1119 pursuit variously happiness new Ind Nazis ant legalizing marriages DON ONEARN temporary Innnun 10pm to Garcmor wumaul swry Tl roasm yuiiianl QUEENS PARK Lacks Leadership Roberts Accused xcbcc And whwwr you agree at disagree wilh the premises Professor Hamwilz and the NDP leader in maklng his speed Mr MacDonald or the ï¬rst Um presented In the house 50m concrete undamng cumming tho queslian of Con edaralion These have bun nmdcd Past allcmpts to duban con sliluinnal question have been sad allalrs many words but Inge sghstqnce nmsslon has been lhat the members really dnnt knmv what la Ialkaboul Mr Machmlds address ha given ham load lnr muhL mm The mmLu contribution his speech however was not In any criumml but In the basic Magnum offered lacDonaId accused Mr nobam of Mine to give leadership Lo he Engilshvspeak Ing Provinces to build up in cooperallm with Ottawa this English nation OFFERED SOUND REASONS 77 Along is there should but strong Engllsh nation How chr he helium Illa leellng or Enslidl nationhnod weak Ill 2552115 wggknesa Professor Emit believes lha Canadd shouid be two na ï¬onsoneFrendl on Bullish Ha see flinch Oanlda with the special remznmon It has al ways enjoyed and hid MW waxy slxjengihcmd wide proper leadership gutnhe also Impressed his own belle in the clnldm of Ooflpdern nu These beliels borrowed mm MC Uglyerflty Wesson though We ï¬nd ovxlqoked Mantn as hmlmnhem mos God given pd lard teach us to may Cqu Ier flulll on Io Inolhcr thll ye may bohuled Thu mound tenant pnnr of he rubqu man unflefl 11 ml 51 BIBLE THOUGHT 10 0110 Carnegie Course starting in Barrie only In March For lnformahon Telephone 2268381 DAlE CARNEGIE COURSE TO BE MORE EMPLOYAEE 0N FOREMAN LEVEL Mk St Vincent Burk 0n Sundly errh II Nu Donor slain In Stunloyvillo Momma MIN tom noun nule EMEMNUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 923m ZRBEW BACK ACHE How to relieve sronv pumnyal Ike Mlxxionury JACKPOT $29009 lEGION HALL comm sr MARTING AT Door aprn pm ooh FELLows TEMPLE 35 Colllgr Smut Evon Thursday 800 pm $35060 SPECIALS JACKPOI WEDNESDAY FEB 23 BINGO lEGION RAFC nowmm lo 0va ml mu quula um um um eh mm am you Mur mc mm m1 and an mm Eï¬i