Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1966, p. 6

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mum llvrhty Amhm WI IM mlllll Am luwmu AI Huynmrnll In mun harm 14 mmrm mm of In le uhlu 11w Mm Ilpr rMIII lnr qu anla lull m1 ulnnnl htrhy Ilqunl rlclwl lm murll lmnlm ll dune err jvvh mlml 101mm Irw Sq Amu lr Hbfli Um aninnnl llmhuy Juno Hominy Ivmm um lrnvu mm Mim ur MulL men nr mlxlmlnn mm num HUI MW Inr Il llevrluymrnl nmnlrur hovhny 1n Tnnmlm MW onwvnllvn mllnllr lhe Irmllnlurv lnr Khmlmh nltl no um um mrirr lhnn lw hm Nlll lmnul Mr nn njnml nnrwmn up llrnllrm Irnnrhlm In npmlnl lump Vnncmmr hm prmm mm pnvlmlnml mlball leery rnulrl Imp mppmlnl nsmfmm In Wm nun Ir he Islt llmNN Uan mm mm nun Ilw Nalhmal llnrhy uln Iu Muller huh nu mnlly luv my lullI mm Arnunrnl yml um palmmun ad Imnlwr hath up ml 11wa Ihu avmllan Another meeting ls stated or lhls Thursday oven ln MD at the WC xtatt room on Hayfield St All lntcrcsml parties are lnvltcd to nttcml as much llcs nlmmll llxc lnitlnl plan Is to start of with nurlcnm league ruproscntlng mull ward of the Llty lhls goo gmphlcal setup prnvldcs natural rlvnlry The group darling from rock bottom as nn prev lous boys sofllmll has cxislctl locally The baslc aim jls lo pmvlde recreation for local voulll lilllng the age group Volrl between Legion b150an and the present mons league can agu dozen ocn sot n1 enthusiasts gave birlh to the Barrie InterWnrd Soflball League NHL Vet Apps Talks Expansion High scoring was trademark during the Junior schedule and Sports possess strong goal threat in the erson of captain Clayt Perry big Jim Burke and an mproved Rick Dunn Rookie goalkeeper Ernie Miller has delivered some big saves and Jim Thompson is ranked among the best ol the leagues blueliners The 106566 edition of Barrie Sports falls in the unpredict able categoryl Coach Shewehuk is continually mak ing line adjustments in an effort to find the right com bination and with bit of luck and hard work could make serious run at the league title SOFTBALL FEVER has slruck Barrie n1rcadynlong with the mild weather and Um lalcs mow Is the crea tion of minor soflball or Invnn IN Mean Before the round started Parry Sound filled out their laying roster by elevating pair of affiliated juvéni 05 Smith and Norrie They were united with AI Deshevy and promptly combined to pick off halt dozen key goals against Sports BRUNSWICKS INVADE Barrie again this Friday night at 830 and they will bring with them tilMist cd scoring punch Their blg line oi Ron Orr and the Bloomfield brothers was their main attack all season Orr brother of the muchvpublicizcd Bobby Orr tied Orillias Allan lllicks or the points championship in unofficial listings while Roger and Rodney were close bn his heels Records in regular season play are completely ioss ed out in playofl pressure as Al Shewchuks Junior Sports have found out the hard way After brcezing through six scheduled games against Parry Sound Brunswick without defeat the latter club has arisen to give the runnerup Sports good run in the semi finals They are now deadlocked at lwo wins each alndllhe round has dwindled to bestofthrce con usion The biggest battle in this round will be between the pipes NHLvetetan Harry Lumley is matching skills with SevenUp rookie sensation Jim Couch Lumley has his of nights but his pro experience allows him to come back and kill you in the manner he dis posed of SevenUps in last years dramatic comeback final 0n the other hand Couch has been consistent coming through with brilliant blocks at times when he was left alone at the mercy of opposition snipers The onus is on SevenUps as they must contain the likes of tormer Cleveland Baron Dave McComb veteran Arn old Smith and the muchimproved Bill Abbott If the Banii9 defence holds out it could be fascinating senesi SEVENUP SERVED notice to their fans that the rest of the series could roduce many exciting mo ments While the locals Biggest assets are their tend encies to come from behind and determined skating the series isIar from Vover However all that is now past as Seveanps demon stlated before the home fans that they still possess that playoff magic they exhibited all the way into the finals last year Sundays conquest was achieved the hard way After slow and cautious start they fell behind by one goal Midway in the second period Jon Weeks picked an opening through Vllarry Lumley anditheyswere aiftoiheraceslhat one goalWoiked wonders as SevenUps suddenly turned their skates inta high gear They proceeded to run the defending champions around the rink and peppered Lumley with 33 shots over the final 40 minutes of regulation play CHRIsAYLor After an eightgame famine the taste of victo was very sweet for SevenUps and their excitable fa lowing of fans Sunday afternoon at Barrio Arena The loss streak stretched back into January It wrecked the locals hopes of finisihng first and taking their pick of semifinal opponents Spirits were depressed all over as theywere unable to crack the losing rut de spite an improvement in the finalseveral schedule outings my mum mum rvzsnAY Mm Na mm name SPORTS COMMENT Hum SévenUp Recovery Stirs Playofi IHopes TM mlllp mulrmm pmrwl hm 11m mum uulm llumlny Mllnl wva mlnuln Mum 1leng Hum Ilnllar mm llvr rmvlrmnl hnHrvy hard NH MM NI Mm lynu IIFMHHwmnu Mal ukivufilllm lnwlml In malhiul mm nwn nMilmd mm rum mum mu duv mum iwk mm mp mm mun why an auunnnhnn day of rrllm lflaly Ipanln In lh lurlua lwulm burll 1m wmhl mlnlnly HEM Huh nl our Illnllruhnl pvnllzn in lullnullan hwkny Tlm ladnnl mrrmnml mud nuuhrr meuw up In an good ymml Ilmlrur lurluvy mum In Iluynl yummy lul lrgr nl KINEan mil mnnyllnz lu rlrulnu Mlll min nun lalgh Mhlnn mm Mr Nll wlM lwl unIy phyinu anIly lIul In Ipmtnmnnshlp4n pmurlxmh In nmnnuuml rumprxmnn Wiéconsin Suit Back In Court MIIAVMKIH IAIN MI mimm un lmll mu Him hlmmdnm ulmin Hi PM 170 mm Ahmu rhflll yd Sill Mrrl didnt hm my mini mm mm him IN mg Mlh uml Irllmul the MI NM rm nntl lmllluwklnz Ihml SHINIL an Mlnw mnhm nah Ihllrmml rIl rnrmny Ink uwlnl min lnm hmmw Iu Im mu mman mm to krnlllw lIii limv Ila had In dolmih rmklntsx mm lbm mnwnlwr hm wn wma pinyin In uhlmUru shins 11w Iv wnl mm of lnmvll lwd xknln out an for flu wumun mu my um nuinu In but you In Ionlnm 11w Imprnvomunl 11 rdmwn is cnmNnnllm nl many Ihlnu In Mr rmlnlmce An Ilhnull In mmrmul he hml cm since Mx amnlmr dun tho lmnlllm Ontario llnl This ymmxslrr me the nstml Akmm rm rmr duh anI He has pen determin nlitm and think In to lulum ho uill he mil the tndtvidunll ho wfll carry lhl flu Pam ondorwn in only his mum lull season with DMrniL Hel hardy 71 1th mn mr Lx lending flu lurm In tho manor ol prodming winnan oak no bad rich to his rml it urea mare than Mex Dul mtilin me um Win captnln vJcar vrlcmm his wril IML Dnmio Minor Junlur Trenton stt Rouge West Rmng wlxu bestow eastern Hm 429 MAKE 5T lenl Junior Buckingham Ouawa Mann DlllrlrI Junior Hamillnn Sam Ineslawm semifinal ucd Sauhlchlwln Jnnlor Melville Eslcvau 14 Saskatoon Moose Jaw EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR CROWNDMMOND PAINTS The biggest quesflnn mark of them all is Mickey Manlle the 31ycamfld slugger the Yankees must count on lead them nu lug second division Manager Johnny Keane will see qucslion mark when he looks uver his New York Yan ges today atFon Laudcrdale Fln ONE5TOP By BOB GREEN Assoclnlcrl Im Spam Wfller By THE CANADIAN PRESS 1n the paually depamhmf Barries Inward M2 led me Other SevcnlUps sled amang the top 20 pan collednrs with or more were Corby Mains Bob Gamer and Al Smi close Fem depanmkli wiUI 2L mw goals and 21 exists Gibson pmd Week for playng homrabyone Mmawhalof pals 3131 enngdy was wm aroan me final damnamd Dyer andDon Spider Gibson qir of fvrgn Bamei Jon Weeks all at 15 paints Regular season hm tuba Hons have been mpIeled and Orfllia Pepsi captajn Buddy Home is officially declmd scor ing champim of Ihe antral Ontario Senior Hockey league or 1965 The0rillla centreZ man who led virtually or Xho enfim year campilui 50 points mm 21 goal and 23 Keane Concerned OverwBig Stars Yankee regulars wcre due to ROWNrDMMOND PAINTS BERTRAM INAL FIGURES If aquaaur Declared Pants champ HOCKEY GORDIE HOWES 313133 VUROI HERE LIMIYED WM 1H lmfl huh Trny Snurlmk maul limy Smith null lm Hw AME IIIurv will Imu ln Irwin rm Smllh 01 Town MMllxmw IQ Ullhznn Hmer Mwlnllm llmlur ml Ilmur lnluml Sunday In Nullnnll llmkry lMKua mm wxlh Nrw Yank llnnnm lln mu Inrnlml in znnl mmth mmth Mlh ll or Inmnl lmn mm TORONTO rum annnlo anln lmnll um dnwn In no anallrnvlrr nznin II will nnA mmme Mnmluy any Hrmrr um lw mu llmul 10 day Milli Injuml r1 He cozlnifil I9 nab In an first 50 mm elm nl than wl um nl IIch 19 ha dld 1m awork on own mm The amtr mind you Hm 11s nut ue of him just standing ammd ml wmdnly um himupi Injured Ribs Stop Bower Paul has good moves LI line skater and he handling the puck lmurr now And Ulink hcn shooting bum MW Hun he nor hm in Allconflict helm And It mum1 hm In my wflh irpmy 9nd Nmmle bdlcvn Mantle wont be able to lake balling pracllcc or some llme Ha wont paruclpale In Imm markoul or at least five day ham chip was removed from his mm shoulder during the min in log am always wrappod with yards and yard of ape Heplaycd 122 game Ins season Keane will save hi xrcalesl cnnccm Im Mnnlle coming out of hospital and fresh from an operation to beginhi 150 ma jor Iguana season ngued by hand jury appeared In only 46 game last season and over three ycnr period has averaged only 92 games season It Hm Yank nre Ia rebound tho zbyearold bomber must return to lullvllme action HAD OPERATION check In or spring training to day but all the altenllan cen Ircd on Mantle and his outfield nmte Rnger Maris Thére aye plenty of other questions Can Elston Howard make come back at age 777 Can Whitey Ford at the same age continue to bethe stopper kagug in Limé served vim109 Th Evalkéeping race was jus JON WEEKS TIMI For second 7760254 MANY Mmmxdhmmmm mm 1mm 5mm mqumwum hum In In run Immune mm lmuLhumu luvu mp yinmum puymm plln not unjululngunlvnhnllnj um uu Runxo mum on Can way Dont Fuss call us Sunoco Heating lil TRY EXAMle WANT ADS IIIUNh MM Mi ml minim Mum Jan 1n north Yuzmlnvln quk Union ddcndlua mimialmi RUSSMNH WIN EASILY BEIKAHDE WtTm 50 vlu hockey mm beat se lulu 1mm ol Mum Monday in wannup mdmi bn ma grid qhnmplog momma samrlmn Midiand loll 0115 old March 11 Avlllnnmd at BAR nu 150 Future an Friday BARRIE biling Wood IMO 51mm Collinzwood at BAR NH IMO Hard mum Collin md mo Maria 15 BAmuE at Collin umd 830 341111715 quward Denotes no longer Zn mslcr Eofbt ll Tonighh Orillin Midland Pndny M1th Onllm Sunday Onuia ll MidLmd Mmlbfitflaml XZ Nichofishell Midland l7 McCoxnb Coll 13 Puma Call 11 Brainaxd 00 15 Lawson Midland 12 mi Onum Adams BAERE Gamer BAmuE nurmo on Bay Weeks BARME Gibsonr Lfidland II Ami COWEWOM ll Kennedy 011an all 011111 21 Shrunshue had onmbnned gaals againstaverage of 451 while Midland Chuck Jeyrelland Benailwed 456 lug all netmiming average The Collinsz nomination mm included NHL veteran Hany anley lormer SevenUK Terry Moore and rookie Bo Labellegwon out with ape game mark of Jim Conch nnd Doug Foole of Fame palt ed or 450 Orilllas Lyle Carter 1nd Bab Shrwshirahad mmHnal final Fin Gama Golfingnood BARBIE Second Gme BARRLE Collian uldseas the 1W Lh sixtemfuolfla 1th di mama somin SARJEANT ND PLAYOFFS Series mamg Semifinal SENIOR STAX OTHER SEVENUPS lnum Glmu Fim Gama Earle Nil SARGS Gaidge Lotelm had litfle dflficufly de eating the regular schedule nmnerwp they Munrng Lnlhcropenl shun and pmduced om more without reply In the middle per lod Tom Wilson and Bill Ritchie both bagged Ma or Imam will Everett Hennigu and Hugh Denney minglingloulflu lhYI Schaly and Don Shaman managed the Thornton goah ySLmud spotted Oogkfiown onegoaa advantage then breeud co eight soured In 5100mm Bill Weathenll and Jim lem bagged pair or the winnmu singles wen produced by Mike 11mm Ray Mullah Dab Nee ly Don Smmfinwme and Bev SEEM Carol MacDonald and en Grew replied or Cook Wcamrilln first goal build Ing he score 51 or Slmd advantage In now iv set mean and Sum will nvw collide in has of seven chum pionshlp final wilh we first game bookedlmrmadmrdmrmarlhls Way aim at BRADFORD two un derdngs in South Sirnboe Hacqu League play boLh milled playoff upsets and advanced to the final over the wsekmd at Bradlmd Axum Lor etbn who occupied the basement in the foumlub circuit most of the season bounced Thornton to win the best of live sunii final mud Delending champion am who Placed third lhis saggy swamped pennartmmmg Wnréwwing 31 Some lessons weVe learnécl abdut making small cars forCanadians Anew VLfgretto Stroud Mme Into Simcoe Finals losson Mako it goodlooking small curdnosnl hnvolo hp ugly 30 bowoll cnqinomod leion eivoliégwittndepondum suspension Canadians have knack or Iaavinmho banlon path lesion Make tho mls codmime mbodLAloto Canadiansan compel lesson 8qu lhom ln Canada Thats whom lhu waned wuather is lesson Wnlch your palm U50 supnmlo coals ol Canadian prime and paint after wslprooling Um bodies limos human Ollor somolhinn unusual leo small camutonpli or around 82000 Open mm lo quln many Black nllnl Peflod Smmd Skii lilerfiWeaflwrflD II Cocks hwnGreen MacDonald 11 Strand Nixon Smunhwalw Aym Penalties Campbell Ellery Nixm Robinson Kell Lonami Tnomiron First Period Lorena WM Wright TimJIM Secondhand Slroud Nix on Smuthwalte Squud Neely McManch Simud Wenanill penale shall Strand Weather 45mm mean Stand Smurv thwalte D4 Neely Penally mm STROUD COOKSTOVN Fin Perm Macaw MacDonald Baton MacDon ald Lmud McMnnee Smurthwwh Npcly Siroud Mums WcaLth Skil liter Penalties BlfitkhNixon Balm was recorded in Pond mufih the VaWard shot DAlE CARNEGIE COURSE FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE TO START EARLY IN MARCH BENAUWW THE NEW MAJOR pmmoamcmdu intrust Imonfl Knob you prices down and your onginwing quahw um Inomulowimpoliflm mmmnmwmmfiim Canadaflrb bmnmtom lostons Pm mmon Salmon to be driven hand Canadimwmh 7IonaandCanadianlikmcnmmy lnsnoMO mmnamemhm PWWWWMMEM lesson Put In 1wheoidec brakes and altar 4spood synchmmosh gearbox Canadians am sporty mam anon Kocomnmumflfian dollars wanh ofspam parts Andkvm hen available ovuywhcm in Cnnndd T0 EARN PROMOTION hku TELEPHONE 7268381 the Pcterborough in lha Onlariu Senior Lacross 3mm it will be his second year In coach Last year the Pew Eamfiuh mun thirty four finish am final Jack Gibson ha been ammonium nugget BOB ALLAN REM Pmmsonouen Allanth been rehim Proylainjlm Emilwa mummy moensam mum Dcmwy Hernigar Breedon Fatally WM Third Period Malta Rit uhie Robertson 10 11iner Shannan lElIInt Pename Hams Hurst Dumcy Blac elLo Wm Robertson 1mm Ritchie Penalties im cMe DElack Rllchie second PEflnd 1mm Wihcn Robertson Ritchie Motto Ritchie RabcrLson Wilson Lorena Hennigfi LDcnney Eoberlsan Loren 4495335 ED

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