Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1966, p. 4

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tlallnn I1 dnnl r1 nur munryl um um nl 1h MM Hum lln our hull hr Inhl W0 rl nu It Ml what In ml In ll umn 1h rm IN AM PM 9mm mhnm Im 0va llw Him am pm nnthlnl AM Len JnHHla mlnlrl In Mahlrl IMINI GIIIM lusunlmn mm xlrdmnlnl In lrrlmll Id In lmhmry In whlrh Name not hnvlnz been ulvrn llrxlgnnlrd Mu IUHHI ll m1 mcnllnnrd rnnl If llnnln Aptmung In 1er momy Mp publldm 00w mean he Bald Nil Hohrllu hnwcvrr IIrrmlNlUp tlrvlvplmnl Mm Lawn nle or ccrlaln types of long dlsunte telephone culls wlll come into effect Marrh The now rvducnd ram will gppky la threemmute mum and uy lllllonlnstnllan culls SOME DISAGREE spanning more lhnn 600 mm In CImdn and In Ontario Ind Quebec on calls manning more thn 250 mllu And on all Camdu lomlnulc cvnnmy cnnn vnlid only in Ontario Ind hcc on weeknight mm on Ind mush Ill dly Nelsun mu Cnnadn manner nr EM are Hull Um new nmxxmum lergc far Ithminule call bum Cll tountil olnl IN nlm la mo Grorulnn Ilny nml opmonl luminuon nllhouuh pvmlflurv $1000 or pur mm mel inkeme urrpllun mm mm Ildrrmm Council Votes To Join GBDA Announce Lower Rates For Some Long Distance Calls Iho Dllo Carnegie Couno II liming In Bmlo only In March For lnformfllon Tolephona 7MB To In men wuonlul In mlnlmmum Illulllom uh DAlE CARNEGIE COURSE He curd xamplcs of he new lhrccminule night llld Sunday me from Barrie to Fun Wfllhm $110 In King xLon $85 to Tomnlo $45 Ind to Winnipeg $165 Exam pch at the new lumlnule own my nlu 1mm Barrio no In Fort William 5180 King shm 3105 in Montreal 3150 ollnw $130 Ind In To mnln 175 my twn CInadian palms will be 8195 nving 55 cent onlhe ugrentrhuge Mr Nols time mducilcn in Innull uvlnna $1700000 llrll Canada tuxlnmns In That nlwi hum been mum an nl Nnmnl all 1mm lenwn phnmr humman in llnnin In Im mourn no IM In lrwn NI II III or Irry mum nn Um mu lry dlhulm Siml Ill Ivy IMl Slltd the ma by Tom mil mu Inlnl distantelm lilnnldnle lhl Mr 1Iumrm Wm mmmumly mindnl Ila IMMHI AH Um land In ha Tan 41 mm what mm Qwrnl lmk mm Ilkmm IAI Hull ll wulvl wwor Ir mu luv nm wlxrr mum Im mum 1m lkam WIN WM Tlflfl Ulmnl ul 14mm drink thwlnwnt HOW BARBIE STREETS NAMED THOR RT he event will be His Barbara Smflh Dfrcclm El ementary School lernry Serv lcex Department of Education OPEN HOUSE The Occupatlnn classes at Bar rlo North Collcfllalo wlll host program including our of shops reading demonstration and luncheon lor specially lnvlted gums at 30 am 10 morrnw Barrie North will hold open house March lrom 730 to 10 pm NEW DUTIES Judgc Jille Clan of Guelph bexins dutlu um week as Judxn the Slmcno Caunty Cour ollnwlng lnducllon Fri dny nllcrnwn In Nrcmony lhu coumy minimum Judge Clara farmer mnynr and board uiucnUnn chairman In Guckh wn mat to succeed Judge Jam Hunin who Hllr rd 1M Drrcmlxr Judrzo Clnrcl nmlly has not yr moved lo Ilnrric PLANNING ImUH llarriu Ilnnnlnx Hnnn wil mm planning board of lice pm Ioduy TliXTflOOK DISPLAY llzplny lcxllmkn and Inpplemcnulry rudlng wlll be held nnklry Inrk Schnnl lm marrow rum 330 In 530 pm Th1 dlxplny womnml by lhn Innadlnn nook Inhlldwrs Cmm rH wlh 11 puhlhhm Inkinl 5m lnrrnll lnltmled In lnlnlnu Infnnnnllnn nn mm mm In mnlrrlnl lrrr lhrlr hilllrrn wrknmo lo ermL CMIC MEETIVG luhtinn Ihnlnru Mml nnr mHlM unit ulll lmlll Ihrir nul Illnnrr mulluz anrh ll nl mum Avrnue Unllrd Chunh IIAII Kprnhrr will lm MImIr llnlml lray KinMnn Mun lmn Ilnnln 7in Tnlmrll hmlnl by Mnyor In 70MB luue nrrrplnl an Invllnva 1mm 11 In In lmlw mm Iul Znm llnrrlu wllf minil in Ink Um mulmn mmrr Quwnn lnrk uan Mr muy mrnsum In and mm Anmum REO LACHANCE CLU Norll Amuluu LII Alumna Cofipmy mm nmla rm 1mm INN Annually rim lmllvldunl Tu Emmy Imkn mm Why no prolovvo what you have Mind by good Elmo Planning mumu ml FerMal Lllc lnmr ParksBbvard Asks Council Increase Grant llu Parks Board asked coun cil increue It annual mt mm on one and onequarter mills and requ an addi bionnl $12000 conduct for ulry program board said in letter to council but the number of nw 50 projects or which has umccesslulky requestedaddi uonal ds is gmwinz and un less caving Is dope to 11m situation the Bani5 cmnplele new and will have Project Midi the resur facing of tennis mum at Queens Park must now or pazks image will be damaged be built an inflation sys tam Memorial Square an muld save time mi labor and number of lesser projects havehad to bl pm ram Barrie Parks Board told city council last night he parks image the city will be dam aged Itdoavnt mm 1110 hey this yen WW loner 53H board said medal ell mt wiu have be made this year in order loxzt the parks in first class mnditian or cen tennial year and heavy plant Imz of bulb for next spring anticipated Parks ammde also to menum between 300 and 400 stumps in the city at an est miled easy $2090 They £on councll It no longer possible to mainQain the presen standard of parks in Barrie an the nnemlll yant no minimum mating mm for 1966 Is approxlmalLly ahove the estimated one Alderman Owen Not In Favor Consultants OHAWA CF The pm poaed Channel telzvlslan ala lion in Toronto wouid Interfere there with mcpuan of two nu Ialo stations the Common was told Monday James Byrne parflamenlary secmlary to Transport Minister Plckmgifl sink he had been advlsed by dcpmmul officials that Channel would Interfere somewhat with Toronto recep Ilon nl Buflnlo Channel and He told David MacDonald PCPrince thatthe Iclecoml municalions branch ha transport doparfmunt is contin he cafibilily of 45 no dc claim on tha Channel ran this will be made without public hearing by he Board Broadcast Governor hamnnel mogul Ir firm dad lhn by Ralph Snelgravo le which apexam CKVnTV In Ennie 50 mllca north 1mm Mr Pltkcw gill has Identified Mr Snclgrove and Mn two partners Geo SlirlJng Ind Alan Waters as mm Iupporlcru Amid app0 alllon charm or backroom dull AH mm me lnM in munml LN night Hm manna men manilaan waged by swim55f and mumcipnliunl lmzumfly Imt Mk he ruinous local Mammal Math Urn rmmdmo HIO opirdmu In he form whim an an durgo Mix Am ms making In Mmm to general lawm ment minith mummla on Morin land rim um rmrcsmlmhe ol lrodor Hod km nmulilM Md llama be It WA or rulinxlmry talks ro znplmz up plum of Harrie Mnmr Um um um mm an Involved the mm rtvlimmry Inlkn and am mu wurnllmm In NI mama Says Channel Would Interfere With Reception um um raflirr In NH nmnMnm in ma wlvlm In ro und mum Mun nl AMI Umml unwran planning and menl uhnmlnralinn ol the My Harlin lly Iullrn Iqmtlwl rm Itchlcnll nr crlmlnnl lnrlrlrnu of my klnrl wr lhu MI lmurl Thin In Hm mnml nrrl hm hm day 111 KM My Kim MILLIONS nw Natlnnnl flmmwlc Mnamlm Inn rlmxlallm Mama N0 MTth City council laslnight set the wheels ha Minn for anirub UM his year of slumn and saw any sewer projects on High and Slmwe Screen Oouncii approved public works mmmee Immcnda ion thatnecessary appmval be obiained and tenders called for boih growl and pased by law authorizing laying oi the storm sewer on Suncoe Sim mm the creek to High Sirtei and on High from Simon to Bradiordi Public Works chairman Fmd Smith said the storm mm will end at Brndlord sum but he sanitaryugrojec la scho duled lo mun across Dun lap url High Street Onhrio Provincial Police Shpcfilfiendm John 1am has rncommnndcd that he use fish huu bu prvhlbflcd on Kcmpcnlclt Bay bnuuse their qwnqn lreqncqlly 10m THE DARK EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH he cc llulr atcr cohlribixlu nwnrd pollullon at tho wnlnr Sum Cllrko nld In boron clly council In um some the ovmcrl dun lhclr hull nlloxclher lug them In cmle In Aldermen nmcn Own and Roberta dumbed 1M mm nfltr MA Owen durum that he oxrm mm to merchants In tho city lo ddmninn helr pro ltrtnce larvblnm mm didnl make It clear Wth the purpose ho sumy wm AM Owrn mid mcrdmnls muldnl r11 mm the am who htr MEN lo Indlmlo um pmcnl min or ho lmrl hwy would orrlrr to be 0m Mrl nolmu lmmer DIM Ms llnnnm mmmillw MI not to Mama ho lomu wrcnt Punching 5L Emit is one hundred of Welsh familic who will edema Davids Sanitqr Planned Would Prohibit Fish Huts On Bay Aldermen Owen Roberts Clash Over FormsOn Store Hours The anham lamily of 01 lfJnuve not Ihe lime wcvc gnl vcrylhlnn the ll AC night at Ihe vcry lime you mm to travel And mw low low ram Tllil Aummcr Ilmen maul numhcr of Iunmlxnlic flixhu week from Tnmnln kl diml In London hy ma nmmn IIOAC RollsRom 701 Mr nnnda giant jet From Anvil Ihe nch low mamlumk um WWW inln eflmAlnmvlcr Zldny Economy Excnnlnn Tmnnlolnvh mm will ml you only ml mum lium wailing Sc why wul my hunger Set your 11ml gcnll Illllll MIIIIAI AIIWAVI CDIBIMIUI wuu All IMAM Iuhcd Is Nmml Irrmul WERE HANDING YDU EUROPE ON SILVER PLATTER FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL Invel Sarvlco 1pr F1 Any 0K Johnson Am nu ma AEIEKEAFXFFURLWFATITDSffiKT BOAC um um rd or profillbllion the nu vl flush mum in boa llld Ietlnr manned lhll IE8 require nlxht menu bu mposcd on tho oper Ibm ntmrol high pound halll luv Councll relcrml lhc mailer boating la cammlllm or xludy Tclupc Inn Ald Roberts urged the public wurks qnmmllee to call lenders on the mica on the basis of getting acts Imerse lans under crash program Mayor Cooke said the glint of Ike project on traffic would par the overall study undefiaken hefule work begina fldfinilh in replyto I129 tions mm Ald Roberts assur ed count that every ellort would be madr la Norm U15 general pubch and persons 10 rated In the area to haw hey wm1d ha nmm He wu one of levenl loul IuLhorldcs liked by council or Iuggcstions regarding control gclivillcslop My The storm sewer mch will ens 5112000 with $19000 mine as grant under the Municipal Works Assishmce Act and run the DcpJILmPnt of nghways hum or wash up on more my lce goes yut Wu callmi 5pm muting to nulhnriw dimilmllun he larrm he nhmflcd Council nmo 0m dindim nnd the linger II In in polnlrd Al any body In to be mn1rd com m3 Um mum pomxnluec finance cnmmlllm rotm mid Md qwfllannalrm were cir mlnlcd and 2x9 or 99 Wt an wcro nuer drawn up to councils Inllslnc flou Day today Med In lheir national comm are Mrs Clarence Gmam rim with her children Rmcmry 16 and David 12 might the AM chem nld mum lbs cumy will In pnunkd In mundl In mu nxollnx ll lhry 1m tnbulnlev in me or lunlciml MM lulmehand Séwerf Prbiécté For Two Streets flow um Final cnginccripg on the san itary sewcr pmeut not yet mlclcd Forest mm here have lound natural way mineral painted signs ind duub 1d by andallstic muses rk ed luck an sprayed with crfiliur Mid camcs the mm law of mass or lichen Grahamwill travel la 1b why they will join gygtvbzlu aimé praf York Join the Banadian Forcesi Ehrlfiarrir Examturr CURE VANDAIS SIGNS WE ALSO SELL WEDDING STATIONERY MATCHES SERVIETTES BRISTOL STOCK roBUSINESS CARDS Ar NEED PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINYINO 16 Blyflold 59 INVOICES CHEQUES LETTERHEADS MENUS CANAbiAiironcss CAREER couusmong 25000 lmpmlioml Alk For 10 Famout PermSump Needs No Ink Pnd right here in THE BARRIE FEDERAL BLDG EMO OFFICE Thursday Mmh I966 Noon 600 pm Investigate the tits at travel adventure that awaits you See your um Ema Ivanlckl 89 RR Barrie was admiued Do Mal Wanda Hus aleymominz alter the hmrdrlving was inmflhion with car op exalcd by Hugh Alan Spurllng 01 149 Pemlang Street Bar Mr Ivardcki sullered lacera tion to his chinand Hm Wrist as well as possible infernal injuries The crash occurred on ngh way 27 ha mile norm lhc Holly juncuon 715 am marge are pending awardan Io Ontario Provinual Police Gon slabIe Rick Sword who inves Iigatcd Exdullvc ruling SquInca nagmmxn Am 51mm Hcmmhnldl If yen mt saflsfmary RIM mm lldling Weibuf goarl null normd research llbomlnry hug found unique healing unbalance um promptly mm the burning itch Ind amnclunlly shrinks hnmorrhoi This whmncc bu hem 111mm to use meal clien 1i hening glamkilling IE unley Road Or illia and Charm Jmncs White collided on Highway $6 our miles wcsl of he CNRcrossing at Musing There wen no in Jucs suxlaincd and no charge 5131319 Jlm Manley in Man In Hospital After Accident 0n Highway BanXe OPP reported ther sec ond accident of the morning at when 9m grim Pr Burning Rectal Itch Relieved In Minutes mpm nlcclion In am After ma my striking impmyzmant was mind even Imong mm of long shading Ami lhi impnflement wu maintained Mr pcnod of monthsl Thix was Iowmplhhed by new healing Amnee BioDyna which nickly hdp haul mum 02 In AlimIIIan growl my dame Nuw BbDynA ofldbd ointment Ind Inppfilltnr form nailed Pnpmlion nt it It Ill drug IInmufitnflmn or menu IIIIIDdGIL CLUB NOTICES PROGRAMS ETC in the help maul12 STATEMENTS ENVELOPES 72665311

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