Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1966, p. 3

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lu Cali cm at Onulsvn school 1m 0m 411 mg and Dairy alum will organize on Mnnday March at Guthrie School with the Minnsing HI Bed and Dairy clubs to allow suit on Timu day March 10 at he Mincsinz School lhe Orian Hi Call lulLu get underway lha neg week with organizauvn mating at the Drillla Community Centre on 13 151731121 Tbuuday March 26 will mark the manl national meeting on due Elmvnle heel iairy am swine clubs at the High School in Elmvah wilh the Vasz Hi Club organizing me fallawing Tuesday March 29 ihe Vasey Orange Hall All meetings are called or pm 4411 Senior Dairy Call limb 1H Baniey or Fltld Crop in and Electrical Clui will be organieing on county basis in his March afler the local mgnniznuen meetings Senior dub members 16 years at 50 and wer as of Jan 1966 am asked in be ready indi cale iheir choice of senior clubs at the local onganiulivn meet mm The regular 4H Agricultural Clubs in North Simone will be vafiable to girl and boy 12 at age by Jan 1966 and to ihosc Who have not reach vr their 21st birthday by Dec 1966 mil calf clubs are pnde lnnnt the unmly practiceny any type of club can be torm ed in any area were are 10 mensled young people This in dudes most types or livestock and field amp clubs as well as fagm qua inc clubs local 4H club loaders carry the inrgc share duh mark In counly lnlereslcd ms pective mm should nomad the club Ieadm Ihcir area learn more about the program afHQCIUbQWVnizdtiOn Meets During March North sinm March will be the month of organizational meetings or our 1966 441 aggricmmal clubs and Lima Lam pleased to muncc the meeting dale or he vaniom centres in thccrmn Thursday Man marks the tnilial meeting or the Humnia MAKE PENSION RULiNG OTTAWA CmPrime Minls lnr Pearson said Monday vine government has decided ngninsl pulling an mnlaior clause in civi scivice pensions to make them go up lhe cost of living mm He said In mpiy qucsliun Dial lhe lull amouni the pension nmuni is nculud to meet payments on he exisiv tug basis and Ihe xovernmenl does not col it would be right to give Intrust penslon at him nxpcm oi Iha urnmi pub Ilnn puaccktcplnu mandala In Cyprus hm bun rxlmdul Dc cnrb Mlnhirr lltliyrr lnld he Cummnm Monday The UN mmuhlu Nnrurd Inr urn lesnlhs lnsl UN 26 Tim mmnx ll unuld hm exnlml ngnm Mnrrh 15 rep or Ihe extrusion disclosed by Mr mu yrr Assodgge Qmuuml 1w ESTIMATE WAS LOW ollAWA CWThe govcm men pnnllng bureau ln llull Que originally ullmalcd lo ml 131000 hu roll lulal pl Harman ma Common WI 11 Monday Conslrucllon rail an In $115MJ58 by lh llmo the building was romplmd ln mu Since llun nnolhrr HM 1115 bun ml nlnwlulfil channr nml annlhcr $915571 or such Wm Mr tundilinn Commons Briefs Inn lightinm Mirmm nrlszNa OTTAWA CWTM xovem mm mm llml 0100004100 undrr wannnl Ilgnrd by In Gmrrnorrficnrrnl lnlurn Nnv and Jan ll Mum lho new IHIHMNM nprnwl nm mun mu nhl Mnmlny flrv mun Mlnlmr Drum mid lha Mrwndihml armmu by llnmrnl me 11 February or Inmnlly urns hnrlml In In Snmnnr GrMnll urnnu Aulrll II he rrqucll ol Um ah net IUZIIIH UTIAWA WUWW If rlnlul II mltlu mnvlml hh 7M Mvmlny Monday by amulnl In mnmml hul hnlmlrlll wmhm Ihnulrl mm Al Inllrml Thu New Ucmocrfll Ml Kmlmny wm lnlrl In An nrljmunmvnl lmlv that MIN uliwnwnll warm AHuvlaIn vrnlvleml tauWI lxy nultvmnlion JFHJJ 11 IIlyWA lllV 111 rhrfll MANIMTE EXTENDED OTTAWA CI The Can hrcnrllnrxi Vbrfluipmcnt and phd the local organilafion meek FARMER CONFERENCE The Provincial Junlar Funn Association wild be holding annual Guelph conference and annual meelhlgdurlng the dates Marulll at the Uni velsitnyGgerh Hle threedaymeckend comer enge will lealure an amtMy wfllas an enjoyable and wardka pmgmm for each day at the conference Item of interest include Hm provincial debating cmnpctilinn fiuah gel acquaintcd pafly dances on both awnings or he mnlcrmce ting guests from other cuunxics speakers or in wrcsllior both girls and boys in annual banquet andan nunncument oi Iha overseas travelling scu sm mnners and the anuqal Junior Farmer dwuruh mice to conclude Ihe anglergn on Sunday Itshnuld wongleflglrqp porlunuy meeuums mm olher gains the pmvince and 00 take pari in worthwhile program Interested Junior are asked to get in touch WMI their heal club president as there is sun accamnmdafion or North Simeon delegates TRAVELLING SCHOLARSIHE Donald 3015 mver is the 1m Naflh Simone numince or the pmvindal junidr arm The value afLonrlon Life pumaw iummncc Is no in the lap aflhc gods It is guardMpg You dont cat large down payment You can borrow MAY un Wm HTIIIOW whm eommulnndon UchubllcewllcywiIh place of pmpaly llul commie mm min lnmlmcnl ln pm olpmpcny usually lnvolm mm rink ll London Lllc Julvllro policy nvnldl lllc llamdl nflnvulmml INK 111 mm values of your policy mo gualanlccd in wvlling Sim modeslly 109 monlh ltnl my llifl Itaguo la llxe lnmlmcnl wmld llnl lu mlcd In London Lilu Jnluilce whole llffl policy It pmvidu pmlullon and lmildq ml Ilnnllnl mingl If you xlnvl II we 15 by Ilno llmo yuu chll 63 yml will have had 0000 Illa lmumm pvnmliun lnl ynur family or 40 yamAnd you will In mill money on il And all flu while it prolcclq your family more completely than any other investment ers ovérscas yawning schular ships Each year the Ontario Depan of Agriculture span sors girls and Iwo boys ram junlyr lame inks Irelarid The visit of anion change lype anyaunz people mm the Bnfish Isle auteur Ilng 0nlariaa¢ the same lme Don BellLhas been anuvein Junior tannerka the chum levcll lutho past year Don was llhe Noth Simooe County President and guided the local association rhcsl success lul year He is mainly most worthy nomlnee forvlfllls award know that each and every county resident will he wighing him suncs when the announce ment is made aimhe Guelph JuniorAFamler mrlcrence on March 12 SELLS IN TWO COUNTIES wmDSORExgI 10 When Gordon Spencers Berk shire inn dosed at 1030 pm customer amid walk 15 yards across Una skceinlo Surrey and drink until the 11 gm clwmg fima Spcnccr nnw ls Lrying tofrecaup his lusl busi nesxby hiring shablc mos ha road and buNdIng 315mm 5a 7mm Why buying London Life policy is as good as buying piece of property perhaps better LONDON 1CPJN0wlhe La bnr guvemmcnt hasccrme nut wilhlls plan or keeping young Scolsxmn allwme lo devdinp the landvzof Lnc thistle and hummerand industry many What it really ammmlslo is that we give ourselvcs our years to put Scotland on her lent said William Ross secre tary of stale for Scotland in Hera oid Wilsmls Socialist Ewenn menL rThe former Oonsenflfive gav cmment in 1963 brought down while paper on Scotland aimed weeflioafly at the cen tral regiun where he grealmt numbcrpr people live and con centrating on gmyu points for stimulating memconainy The Labor government plan in conlrnsh ombracw all Scnfland and envisages mch expenditure $6€n0000000 be tween 1966and 1970 Aprime aim is reduce by nnMralf the population drain which has been running at 40000 annunfly fur lhans couple ol years offset flan 11x Labor Giivérnmént Plans TorRétainVThefScdts At rllome As mm newspaper cmnens the lone young man witha suit east is common and sadly symbolic sight at Ghsngs Central Simian and this is situation that unliker chap in never be able to slop peple waving Scotland said mm TThc Seq is ventureme arm has 1m to tonixibixle lo Hm less faxiunnie parts of the up min of nhnul $13790 mm than lula mud ynu Imre pnhl In prrnllum Tim hlédl 5155331 gummzm UNI VllUE nml SRJIO In nuumnlnlrd dwixlcmli 11 dividuuh how am Imcd nn anlnn Lifes rillMI dimlrml mt Whilc lhcy Me nnl puamnlml lln Company In had an nul slandinx mold ofdividcnd paymth lug mtr 50 yum Whm ynun muly In min what other mm of my nflm you all hue clmiccs gym tan hep llghl on wifln your Lnndun LII lmumncc pmlmionl yuu may xlup paying pumiumx and Ink linkle why or In ndjmled Imounl you may uh erdvwhcrs 1th are deficient In manyaspec4s of life and king umng um wecnnnni shut nur eyes In line Iadrthal this is landslirebiood draining awn 1m new whim paper amines ambitious schomes to attract more industrifind encourage young people slay in Snob land It looks toward the pres 9n population at 5213000 in creasing by 2000000 by the 2pm otha cop SEEK mausmx that lhe $6000000 000 unwsfment figure hzle sounding extranelylargc dues nut really mprmm vast ad valuv Publlc uman in Seoflandin the current financial year had already bcmrsdled uled almqrethan $1030 000 an an newspaper in an editorial says that unlex lime is moral dynmnicla sense of win pairi otism that Qransccnd individual and sedional interests the road to prosperity will be rough and its enjoymch will be soured bx Ross termed the plan dmxv tar dlailcngu and change and he whasmd that the keynote is hange Changcs many kinds will have 10 come about Change of altitude changes or job dnangcs or place work and changes in Iutiouk by many 01 he lead in force in Sculiandinduslry and indusan management or In 20pm IIIII plm npmfirly will be will mm Mauryor Im For antlam IM fra lnmlmmr London Life luv my llxc null value plus dividcnds Ihal have built upI1ke ilrinurt lump mm In mama Igbnmulud lmlirc oniln Incumcfmwmany ycm No other properly vclulik Will your flnl mcmium you cml In Im mnliale malt If you die lha vnluu your Londnnljfe policylsnmllylnmawlwmh much mnm than you have paid In premium Many nlhcr Y0 can Imnuw from London Life on the cmh vnluc ulynnr mlky Ouitkly Md qululy Jml rnll lllc Inn London Ufa 01M or your untrunmwa No credit duck And all he Mule your policy conlimm In plulocl your family Whm you lmmw fvnm Lomlnn Uh lhl inlucsl rat is 67mmpmhle wilh lmnlu gum landing mln Ind nmdl Imm Hun pcwmal loan mmpaniqu anlun Life Inhillc pnhn good In mlmenl In mher myth ll Jusl ule neowntr di ganiwd labm wemél author ks and other agencies and in gihfiduali 1n pverx w1k life Actually here had Ben many changes in lhelast cw years Nearly as many workers mm are amplyyed in he nunulac hue cars electrical mnehim cry aqd radioand electronic np paraluajas in lheMpofle ol 1h Seoulsh shipbuilfiing andma tine énglneérlng Industrlea so long mainslays of the economy 01mm moms Produchvuy in he Starfish Vcoalfield as measumd by out put per manshin has inumd by as much as 16 cent in lheJasi live ars says the whiteyager wrur In uheJasj our wars ma old Sunfish basic industries min mz qudrrying shipbuilding and cxfllns have Jml 5300 wvrkm ers more mammuld be ab 5031101 by he rugw imiustrigs crmmnt now envis ages the target moteating asp 000 new jobs year to stem migrapm and la Isa laws 01 about 15000 annually inthg degugginginduslfiu km Eh new enmioymcng IS expgded to arise in he sden fificind seryiee tradfi with manufactuling industry contrib uting about 50000 jobs and con stgucfion 20000 white unxrhymentffiw men has decided in increase its planting pmgramlo 36000 £213 year mm 9w current cent cl high school guIs gmd 316 pct cent of boy are near sighlqd imm aye fishth study mun mum per Syria Is Moxiing LTo CommunistBldc THEKBAmejXAlmNERj masmv mm DMMSCUSMPHyfin will move closcrtn the Conununlst bloc Mame leltwlng sociala Lst regime that seized mat in amp delal last week the olti cial marker the new lead crslfip was In the first declaration on or ein policy madmince Wedney days military revquUm Ihe govmmmt newspaper Al lhawm dedam Syrias new regime will look more posh Liver the soddistlmunu n15 anries obrim about pfacllcal formula for joint gbmggie egainsl mm impaial maxi with he soc isl amp flle blfldaleditmdal apbeafl In confirm reports that the mill4 tary leaders who agedlbs coupdld 50 to camel mw re laxation of sodalishpoliw un der Ihg old regrm well as to restore the military power wifl hlsgwtryh cwisohdalé cgpnomlfipnqwdmi cooper Kid so or answered wflh an Malia Yes when asked ii they had any complainhs chm army Md It is no lemming they said state Comrollcr Dr ErnpsLNcbenzahirnow has 0r derod scamMme die or maletonscdpla highgrade bond nnd much an Ihan mm ccmmnn och It pnIIiWmly nmaclive Mam while il mm you moncy it pmmu wr family Impcxly vnhm may the or fnlL Inn London Lila Jubilee policy gum wnh divl dcnd and gumnnlml vulucm Dividmd declaml each ym Dividends nllolud II XVI solan mm sum armqu avg599m l0 One rtamn Immkm Life pnmiums in low ll lwcmnc Cnnmfianr on live 1ch Ion lhcd Dividtndx lo policyuwnmm high became mung 0th IMngt III London Llle lmumncc Company inmu wixrly Ind pmnl nblMln 1915 In Company tuned 5757 on HA inmlmenlsantl Inmlmzm upcmcs II No lwn mm have Ihe umc insmm nudu Thull why your Landon Life muo unlnlive 1m been InnaIla Illlor lmumm lo mm mm mined In give you clrmenl mm at many yrm Io some 1mm 30 ifilii liom ny ma CANADIAN miss an Longs MmEHJM MSee Jr as Charlcs Ahde 11 the mmnry admfwflua Gambit space nigh wedded Ms summer In Avplme crab Managua Gcn C21 mount nmier dimlun yxcaragu alter him PutsGum Seveiinl 83 Ital unborn minim wlw wimMm digllaniwas one theva awfuludsfic style TaronloGérge 87 cablmlgmlldslelflmtder Ulrec Ontanio pmniers ha aredanm Mammal 48 lrmrixoned 1960 far the murder malthy Washington DC WMWI bl Ban Qunnun prison ol an appar em heart attack so Progrqssive Colisérvétlgé mamm othe Onlaleoleysla tureggm The Beach mm 1m foxEtnin fiélovafumfiuf nler Inn3m gar MIN TommiJ com 51 one of Canadas best knawn Masks alm longjillneu ManualRev Wallm Hanr nah 53 mamng grieslyna kaamvn 1w Toronto111911 DEATHS

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