355 53 mumum Hum mini 50 rpnll llo Mm In whnlu new Rand luv mllmnnul pnrlrvl ML mum launm Im dr mnl rm lum Hm Imumn my run den vim 50ml mm In Arms Mun rue at nm Ilnnlr Euunlnr IMan Iml ham an 0an Irlnml ralum Mr or lluh hm Mel mm mnm FIFTY 50 NM In mm llm alums pita9 or Ml palllm Ontl Ilflvnll um rnlll II Illnl plnlnlv AlmflEM MT NINH Fix urlllnl lnrh Inxplml hlhlonn pulrzl In Iml Ndan mmkl doll So with In ml nmllvl al My DOLL DRESSUPS Mnndny avnnlnl the Womens lnslllula member enlamined their husbands and lriends no upper and evening of cuchre and crokinnlc Mrs Herb Hodgson Mrs John Lloyd and Mrs W11 Ilam McArfllur were hnslesses Ior lhc supper served on beau Hully drcorutcd tnblc and Mrs Knccshaw and Mrs 11mm were In charge ol the gamer Whmm tor cuchrc were Shirley Brawn Jenn Jenna Herman Harvey and Amy Devallr Crok nole winners warn Alice Lloyd Mary Brooks Ros Elllon and Herb llodxron Mn Joe Name enlcrlnlned number of ludlcs Wednesday ev nlng lo Jewellery pnrly Congratulauons to Mlas Jenn Anna Wm and Mrs Phyllls Gellally nee Lsng who were successful In passlng lhelr Reg lslmd Nurscs exams in Ta onto recently These girls tub ml at Royal Vlclnrla Haspilal Barrle and am now nuhlnz ln 1mk County Hospllnl NIme e2 SUPPER PARTY Sympathy is extended to Mrs Bert Moor and daughters Pauy Caraune and Marion in thu death of loving husband and father who pased away in York Eoun ly Hospital Sunday cent vlsitors with Mr and Mrs William Brooks were Mr and Mn Alvin Brooks of Mount Albert Garry Lister Ottawa and Andy Swluer Tomnln Gordon Erelhc again can fined to Princess Margaret Hol pllal Toronto In further trut ment By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD AP Wayne Newtons first job In thaw buli nesa was Christmas show or MOVIE COLUMN Wetlands sonism FASHION MODEL DQLL Iï¬nlyuifdmithIr vnlllm fly ANNE MMMH Newtons First Show Netted Only $1000 BOND HEAD lllll stair oï¬pmm in E52 E23 3503 22an EEK COLLIJWIUN llIll THE LINK numb local huh wllh Mu Frank lrlhlm rapuln hnu urrnlly romplplnl Iho Iu ul Mmlll rammlln lur mm In ushl lhu nnmlilu Nullnnnl lmllluh Inr llllml In hrlr uhmhnmen Shmwnum ly lhe dmmllnnl lmmlnunl In mu rtAlly lwmlnlrd and mrlnl Ihnnhyvu MI lhe Indlu Ihn um lhrlr Hm In unnulnfllhm le Mlllhvllnml 1mm Kuxnm DI nnne Wehb and Mrl Jnhn Smur 1hunl Mn Leo Uibbtml Nil Hth nut Mn Innlnn 5h Inn Mn any Kml Mu luv II tnn Mr Mn er KIM Mu Mum ï¬luum and Mn mu HIM ml my Wnph Injnmi lho Iummr wnnmrrd Ily In Ams Slruud UnNti Chum Wnlmdly ovenlnfl Mn la lho wcnlhrr Ihry Wrm plrnled lo have In many am nu pur Inku 113 pound nun pnnukn manu ayrup nppII rider uh ml In mm In nr came lmldml llw Hub hen unm ln Hunk all who lnok purl rmlaw Iknw no lnter ch nhn math ark mu bl In my lmzrnlulmlnm In Mr Ind Mn Kcumn on ma arrlvnl 01 baby rl Sumhy Nuv II II Hill hnmllal l4 CAK Hllï¬ll the WM May 1110mm 4nth wlnmn warn May Thompmn Ann Gurlck and Andrty Gouon MIL Vllmn Mr unload Ind Vern Nelmn Wlnnm at Nov 15 euchro in Strand Hall wero Mu Cole Mrs llarwwd Marx thin my pnze Marlin Ind Dwight Ncl InlL Luck door nrln wan lo Mn 10 Mulhollmd On Nov Zflmcuchruwnl well mint ll lablu Euchre will be playtd upnnlrl In lhu lull from now on Winner or door Tnm Gnndnn lrnm 15 Ildemd lnkrn In llnrrlo hoapllll with In nllnck Ihlnuu By MM MULHOLLAND HALL EUCIHIE Newtons principll Auccess ha been mum In night clubs televlllon and on reamd 41 Capitol single of Danke Schoen And Red nose or Blue Lady helpcd establish hlm Invorlle leenagm Lika all young performer he wank to broadenhh humans Im ed In mr an Bonanza Decem he porn 11 darned good nary about boy who wanu to be alnger and hi lather docsn think In manly profession Dropped 50 pound lhll year he explllns Im down to I70 and my take ï¬ve or six more pounds Im eel two so the weight Wunl unusual or my helm except lhal was all In my legs Ind hips Newton in sun chemNaced but ï¬rm less 11 Mm We got our rim bl break when Jaclda Gleason law us In Phocnlx and put us an 21 vision show he say He put us on his Ihaw 12 Umea Like other mum talented um who became big enter prise Newton In two carpor aUans ls Ivrmlng third ha may Io hi performing sell Newlnn recently completed Iwoweck run at he Coconut Grove booking he had avoided or three years because wasnt ready Now 11 ha cflimaledjh canth so far this year $750000 labor union In his mun Roanoke Va He WI 10 and Iho as tmnunled In which he 1th with his brother hum39¢ STROUD mama pirfbrriflng sell if STANLEY 11125 hlmmd The advmags 1111 melhnd ls npparcnt here 11 you xmndcd one spade your Ald might nmr dlscmtr Mart ll existed Dy mpondinu ans hurl you can not only llnd lhu poulhla heart but also leave room or parlnrr Io bld made And lhul Ind the olhcrmaoruil li mciutn min likely though not rennin The best Ivu can do In hands lb Ln dcnlily your dlllribuUm and DAILY CROSSWOHD Then reason or pre lenlnx hem roponsa lo nude response ln hand whm you plan In hld only once mam partner arm you to bid mainyon me lha Map system gm you bid lhe lower Ink One heart The bid con sider are mm spade or nolrump nolmmp rcspoma nhuuld be dhmlucd became would vlollla the gencrnl min or trying In find major Iuil fit More aflcmpllnu nolrump Ignoring ml rula could easily prgyo hill in many hlqda Purine bid One Diamnnd next player passes nelumr slde vulnerable What would you now bid with each the allow lnz 1qu hmds 4113 mm as 4K9 W235 OD 4qu 45 mm 9mm 4m 46194 was 41m Tho smp es so uUan know should be delighted hear slralcgy that readers may Finally aller certain amount at pressure Iram lhe younger talks the old person lug turns stubborn Mlmm IO Append ll Wm Inlrlmn 401mm In mln mun hmmum Hum mnrbln 451mm lthunlunn Am DOWN quh There no royal road to suc cess In overcoming lhts aver ainn to bathing and dont know exactly why It happens with same old people it jut does wm others it dounl Possibly ha matn reason ts that It just too much effort In battle There may 3150 be fear of slipping in the tub Joints get ruff and creaky la clothes it appear that some old talks Intent on not betng bother wear them 09 between washtngs lntnh all 11 Enduru 20 pm Imumm In llrplllg unlmly ILMIIMH 19 mnéui llllny window me ILChIIISI numx Enx I5 Mrll MI lfl Quuum 111mm ll4 MV mu ILWIu my ma Soap and water will slut lo mlzve the odor In her room 00 Another 11111 to watch out or is the Importance at clean clothes When an older person relum to bathe It In qulle lypl cal to ind similar refusal to changa nlmhes 199 N1an EFFORT my In not removed by oc culonnl bnlhlnt he ltchlng may be seven Obviously your umber need bathsln be more comlortahla Old folks came Ihouldnl overdo hnthlanloo many lub blag can remove great deal of what Hula skin oil ls avai lable bath or two per week will help her Use of bath all or len cream will lessenlhe Itch Onlmln mum Blan theol Dur Dr Molnar luvs an Axed pmnc living wlfl me who watch her back nnfll bleedn She will no doc 101 have tried Ia alrmyclegnll ness and encourage her to bgllgo onener but she vlanl dn so oven once week Shu only washes herhalr on the average every our months Her bed him has an odor What cnn be done Mn MJJ In an elderly maoils dm crease Th1 canpmvoke itch gj dry gun 12ng By JOSEPH momma Mi hurl my To donninï¬m A0110 skinjons ngciease In Thé=Eldélrly CONTRACT BRIDGE DocM 10 Gaming mm Killer Mon qumuy LKIHOG Buyya min wudm mm mm 7quulml PMUO huh min By JAY BECKER mm Mu 5311 for annulm auncm lumx WWW mxvlzT 25 Am Imam hm nunml mmtv a1 uphm mllh Mpum Inn 21 hml Mn po rec lnxmn clearly lndlcnled Th1 hld Idenullu balanced hnnd 10 or 17 Man can polnll Ind umnxlh In all will obviously lhrto nolrump Auuull Ilnm ll pnrlncr hu axctu vlluu but rummar hu um vllucs but by no mum lurclnu On hearL ThI morn IIIumInalIng Iuponu Hun lump lo lhrcn dIAmundl thch the hand In caslly worth The heart momma wont mid Ike much at poInI slnca II cuuld be band an palnl hnnxL but you Inland lo bring out the bl tun lam nIIer partner has rebId over one heart Three nnIrump IIIgII cards are very Important In brIdxe but good dlslrIbulIrm or the lack of II cannot be red In npprnIxInz lIIe vnlua mm The war ponlbla dImIbutlnn Is MM and ynu have In be cmlul not lo ownnu Iuch hand awn when hey count In great mumanl nrcnulh possum Ind let partner do the rest In line with thin you bid we clubs plannInK to bid two Apach over lhe probable rabid two d1amondsrhls loll partner that your hind want two Nd probably 11 lo 16 highcard points and ha your clubs having been bld lint are longer than your Ipadu What happens next dew pend anyhat piflnelf docs might add that time are gnod many diseases which can not be Identified by any ningie test but require evaluation of nnmbcrvor sympiams balm you know the righi answer inr lure realize that lhls Is rather luchnlcal answer but it happeli be mum lechnlcal ques llon although know you didnt Inland be Yu about analhlrd or cases may not have what is calledd puslllve heterophll at but other symptoms along with characleflsllc blood count make Ihe diagnosis unmlslak alga cngugh Dur Dr Molnm Can per son havelnfecllous mononucleo sl and not have II show up In blood cm Our daughter had all the mar symptoms 01 dll ease and mssed sevenwcekx schoolMu Grandmother Just plalnidr Indlnx hemll Honey 15 mm clpflly inner hence In men lng It has he inmocaloflc value ol An equivalent amount or sugar or lymp 11m pndl gested notion Is In 11713100 The name pychongical ap proach may be mulblo with bathshy oldlter Bur Dnlmolned My tund molher who concerned about her weight clum um horly which aha tun lot very End in flu becausa is low cllgrluand hence nonlanen Iris She says It aka eular to digest because pm salad by the beesyh this line You dont bannzuo nunfll boy You dont hint You 111 him mallet014mm that lime or bath that he must put his dlrlydouwa in Iho hamper and WE fresh one tomorrow ncnm that many old people have orbs Ireted like children In do me They no wury Indwllk Ind muma ol mammal and they need lameona tum them with the lame kind ï¬rmness that nag ugwllh child hlnvo ï¬ngeredLg lo nun ll mnllm nullth in Yunnan in zpm 422322 ix 2qu lbm 45m5$mï¬zw NA 383 MIN MIRA we MKRIL swarmre CALM may AND mum wave NWARO Hl FAYHIK WTN Fl VIN HI LIP cur Arm was FATHER AND sou ucomn AN immga WORK 1M MAW NOT ONLY mm FEME Aur wrwuu no HER ANOTHER iH No MIKACL we MKRIL swarmre um may AND mum wave NWARO 415 Am Wanna TN mszcrs in 13mm EXAMINER milm nommzn 1m 030550 00 6ND 10 BI 0119 LAIT FEW mun ta Burt mn Wm ENE EVII HARM Ml AICDJ WHY AND TODAY W3 FIRST dorrINVaurof naus Manon