Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1965, p. 5

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Jun The fourth line which was Ihe im waved road in the County system scheduicd Io he ra huilL or cnurse travel count was he deciding am In lha dads luu Um Survey Commune whose report was tabled ll lha Cuunly mecing on Tucsdny but the fact lhal our Reeve Joe Cochrane is Chairman the Roads CQmmchc lnokcd good to gman rampaym FORGOT Innlslil came out of the County ISludy survey wilh 13 miles less of roads which well taken over by the County Together with an other two miles taken year or so ago on me west slde nlthe eighth lino from 400 highway makes total of iillccn miles that are now County rcsyonsihll lly The mull from the and ol he armor ecuin road on the nth concession tr Big Bay Point at ill sidewall is now county rcsponslhilily This had not hem entirely rebuilt by lnnislil lnus In the Counly assuming Added la ihis is the portion at 25 sideroad ram the north end to the Kill 110 from Highway 11 also the St Johns Road then south in whrre it will hr lhe lourlh ll or at Bell Ewart whlch ls already in the Cmnll it nsked Chairman Cathrnne what the Needs survey can but he could no rcmemMr It re quhcd cm survives nddl ional engineer and finished up in KpIundid hinder wnh man ha county an each douqu page It showed the nut flva yearl nuns and even mm on years ahead on um road ha County Wn did learn Mal ndl minlurnllon cosl avcrnrze nvcr our per cenl and the Highway Dcnarlmcnl will he ukcd re lmbum county lo he ex lznl smmm for this year THE WARNI CHRISTMAS DECORATIONB were the theme or the Vesprn Horticultural Socielys annual banquet last night Discmlnz Murdan lo Wnrdcn llcrh fluxhu the year hlx wanlm Ihln was tho but he had evcr eanycd ln hlq pollllcnl llle ll wan prunnlcd wilh mm wnlch whrh had been pumil ed lo rhnnsc and he mlrl ll he could have Kn buller am he would have When ncknowlcd King the am Mr lluuhu nld lhat lhouuh InI wu nn nnnunl pmcnlallnn ln lhu Vnrdtn ha Mould nlwny remember thll war nn mllhlnndlnl one or Im hut wnuld lrnvn unhrr rr mark unlll hln hnnqml lnlcr ln lho wrrk In hl nurllrnta um Ihanl lilly nupll tom lha hm crnlrnl nhonl of lhll lnwmhlp One ml Ihm wnl wlnnrr In tho Wrcd Iixnny tanlul cumin Ihlrrl ImMK Iha Cnunly wlhnm film was lllnM Ilrll Grads nunlnnl lmm Srhml numer we who llvu nl Ncwhm lloblnwn We mum hm lwa lellm uhml nunlinl lho llcrmln plan which am now nulllnx lhlvd nmllng bdnn lwln pul hm am In lnnllm lla hm Iellm mu mm rlIy llnmn bnl unrm lumpln Inn IMHrr and mm by thy wrllm whnu nnmu unilnhla Tho IInl nu Ill Thll II II nonI Ivy myell lmrmm Am lnlflfllN In Ihc ammun In Much VI Ind ml am prulullnl luluI ArhII my nrlInn nl InnlnIII CounIII m1 III nmlrr nt Iler monl IIt mm II law IIIIn IIyIIw II an Imam II InltIlmzncc In wnpln nI InnIIIIl and rm nl Md IInu In lhu lm Irmlnm nml Inn rnlup lwIIIInn thrII Inlay NIIIHNII mm In ma lIuI lnnny peuplu who will rely on III InInw In uyinl IIIDIMI In Inman mII have In nly an IIw wmvm ImmII ml up mwm mumll wnriL TM Ium LIHTIVIIVIK vulvlnl In my nyv wul munle Imuld mm IMI Mr erqu In rlflrJMlly It Iludru uhlrh to Innume cumml Ivy mm by law nhn tum like ml lnvlannn In Immuivlnm ml mum minus 11 wuwl mum to INNISIIL NOTES 13 Miles Of Bdads Lost To The County believe It was William Lyon MacKenzie and Papincnn that revoked ains councils which were simi arly Inclined Today we have much helm weapon than farce heAVOTEJ sngne auspicious The second laller exprexses these views1l seems Ilia ln nlslil Counéil has done it again The article inInnlsfil Notes re gardinz ilie licensing Bylnw is either misquoted read it the wrong way or the residenls at Innisfil are to cope with Dic tatorship type governing body call that real bane head mum on Councils pan to cancel business license without reas on and at any limei lliln would mean lhal to retain license in lnnislil among nllver things one must obey all he laws pay the taxes on lime and above all do no provoke council member Come enllcmen ls inn what lhay call the Demo cmllc Way HISTORICAL Nsws Egon some me dwr decalanon are mm the Ian newlyelect ed presidant Wilbert Maguire past prtsldenl Mrs Jean Mon We hava been mmmed by lormer lnnislxl residem that his family the Moon first settled the comer ol the fifth line and nghway 11 and obtained the men deed of Ihe landl on lhe soulhem corner lherc thin zccimn was mastly sellled by Insh immigrant it was named Tyrant ancr their home town In Ireland We askcd Mr Moor send us huzrlcal skclch he family so 1th it may be In cluded in Iho inpplnmenlary his tory ho mwnshlp which la be published iar Centennlnl year We knva that at he lama cor ncr Innisfil tho 1amin Kirkpalrirk xclllcd aminean sumcunu can III in an nulline these well rgmembcrfdymom Tho cummnlce need mm larial as early pauihlo that during ha winlar when timn may be available cdllinl may not under way Picture Ind olhcr Informnunn will be cnrdully looked allcr Plcme hely your cummmu and lend any lnInrmallon lo lllmrlcfl Cnmmlllrc Box 11 Slroud runuc Kl AKIN INT TM Tmlcu and Hmcpaym Asmlnuvzn of In Caunly wm hold rlimlnnllonl 1n the Pub Spanking Cnnlul nl lllllcml November 16th rommcnclng 730 Each ho Impeclnrmu wlll have candldnlo In can In Inrl lho winner will rtcelvc Iho Gtom Johnmn Trovhy plu 11000 lmm he Iuwclmlnn mad mm or the Provlnrlnf con luL Th pubIlc ll lnvllrd noun mnnmong 0w wnl Mlik Ilonnl nx lnrmrr wll nlw bu lucrolnry lronmrer lnr lhe County linard Conurnlu Illnnl to ram Sulh trllnd mul Vlclm Small wlw wm drew renrmnmlm By CAMP BORDEN StainFifi Ieen Tanzanian airmen Irrlve here today lp star alrgchnin lans courses early next mnnlh They will join 15 their coun Irymen who have yeah taking hopingmonth Mrse Cam Borden since 0mm The trainan program spread over tiveyear perlod was as tablished um tempest of ma Tanzanian government or mil itary and advisory asslstance and txpecled to Include about 200 Tanzanian 15 Tanzanians loin Countrymen At Camp Borden ey and nest weaker Adamson district forester on the Department of Lands and Forum district Parry Sound mmROGERSm mmluhnmm mun1m mm CARRY ONO60 Mull Entemlnmtm BARRIE TEEN TOWN AT THE EMBASSY SAL NOV 27 Featuring RECORD HOP Come Whore Iho Action Isl 11 annual banquet wu held the community centre and al landedhy guest vho Included membend Bmie 01151011 and Skyw Horucugum so cleflet In her mum Mn Money laid it had been succequ yenJar the society Pm an under way included the and KW 01 fihe 81mm County Museum at Midhunt The titty had spent warm on $11me and plankd100 mum and aver 2m bum Mn Money midflw hoped the society wound undertake gbe Imdscaoing of themnwnl commuan centre pmntly uh der nmvnfion or centennial MINESFNG xterm Wilb¢r2 Magulre Minesgng was elect ed madden 11 Ibo Vemn Har munax Soclelyxlww lag mm Hg takes over the post Lrom Mn Jean Money presldentol we Mary east 99m Ml DTuinz Hui lfihim ha been 101 per cent bureau lnthe sodeyxl WWIMESH Mééisixenlééteaémgsiaéni= V9511 Hfirficulturalasociéty yzar eeve Waller Forbel In thanking Mm Money uld ma society wax helping tomke um CountyMusamn one or the beauty emu oi the county convzmon NEX1 YEAR ner also list Viewth of the Onlarin Horticultural Assn ciallon He told be meeting of the annual convention June um year OILIWI ALso he to the meeting of the Middlusex county lural lm movement anagram to prepare that county or centennial year The program included moves to tidy up the county and valuable prim to horticultural assum Linus who successfully carried out these projeeu GUEST SPEAKER Guest speaker last night was an old friend of the society Adamsnn olthe Department at Land and Forests He Is THURS FRI mum Show SII ll ILA 100 00 DJIL Sun 130 And pm Snlurdly Sundly Parry am mrbut cm we filial auldan in 1956 allow ing mnny yearn ax mperiniend enio Midhum Fnreat Slaiion tMr Adamson spoke aboutihe Fury Sound district He said he did not want in speak on im llvulture with so manytxperls in the Indicate RECREATION AREAS He told of thymus parks in be disklct and it departmanza policy planning or the ex tended mention time avnilablz initiating by nuiginggeaa or use by the general JIL hurting hedee ling lntbe district he dM the 5009 deer valuation about 75 per cent of them an shot off eadnyearflz deplored the number of accidents due to Officers elected Vlast mm were vast nmfidenlMrs Jean Money pmldem mire irstvlcepmident Chafl he Day second vloevrgsldenl Mrs MaKuire secretary creamer Mrs known 51ml or canvemn Mm Noble and Pilot assistant Mm Fra lE Mrs smvm Mrs MMll let Mrs Thumpson Mrs Disgrlnd Mm Nuh Dlmctors or we years are Mrs Harris Mrs Jack son M11 Show Mrs Dem 911311th Mr Foyslon Hi wauwin Milton Misa Mary McLean and MmElsi€ Mmmlh flinging for oqg yeg Theres No POWER JUST POWERFUL Low LOW FAILURE at Shappers WHITE OVERALLS Him 14 40 Full zippa RM 788 KING or VALUES HALF PRICE BOYS PANTS SPECIAl Dim to lImd Md unhned lhu 1W 1W PRICE humI no all its comm Ink In party mm 12 PRICE All PARTY DRESSES KIND OF VALUES SALE PRICE FRI MORNING ONLY Im SPECIAL 9Il0nly Menl long and mm llml 1mm AND SPORTS PAINTERS SPECIAL SHIRTS Rel Ind 299 $300 99° THE HAREIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15 Fifteen prize wlmsers the Slmcoe County Weed Essay com pelltlon were presented with cheques st the menu of Coun ty 99mins Tuesday Faye henlens was ab pu pu at St Marys school Mid land wu lirsShe gushed cheque or $10 and also read her sssayh councll Wr5wflm wlnxym in ordei were Brian field Em Diana 91ch NEWS 15 1Weedfi Essay PrizeWinnérs éANn40NY QUINN AIANBATESIRENEPAPAS MIMHGACOVANNISPRODUCHON iZORBATHE GREEK Rexudmldmmlydlmlmmnll Itylea sim HIXL RM um KNn or VALUIJ HALF PRICE 12 PRICE Gm only If ml In Mgmlm mmth film MI 563 $499 lllle All lADIES DRESSES Future Iimu 510 pm 3an 910 pan lADIES MENS DICKIES rm lng MENS FLEECE lINED WINDBREAKERS MENS llNED WORK Bell Wen Gwilumhuryt Jnne Black Sunnldlle Chujlolfg Rob rer NocuwasagnCalhy Johns ton Vespra Caml Ann Slaphens Tommnun Nancy Tmnllnsun Punching Ted Halon Bradlnrd Shirley Cooper Drflflajwa law Ihlp Gayle Maciarlmd Ska nan Michael Johann Tolkien ham Eddie SwalleCnIdwatzr Mary Elizabeth Houston 0mm mm and Don Poole Colllnxwood VESTS NOW PLAYING $499 HM Continental Inn BARRIE THUR 5A1 DIANNE DAVIES STARTING MQN NOV29Ih keppcmmalfluConu WImurtflDeoern APPEARING WTijmmied lyy mm mm noon 12 Noon to 200 pan Afinr Church In Tho Maln Dlnlng Room 91 YOUR DINING PLEASURE FRIDAY NIGHT IS lOBSTER NIGHT HIGHWAY TIMI TERRY LANE umuzn nm lcno SUNDAY Smorgnsbord IN MAIN DINING ROOM 130 On I110 FEATURlNG THE CONTINENTAL QUARIETTE 16 Continental Inn SUNDAY BRUNCH It The onlha

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