Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1965, p. 13

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Wm anlnn defunceman Ted Green 53¢ out the game with alum ch dlsmdar and Al Lanxlall nlncd him an usually 11 when he pulled min muscle the Hm perloi F0 WAN ALSO SCORES Rim winger Yvon Cwmayu cored Monituia other goal his fourth thin season and ten Dave Reon uored Lith for Toronto Both all some on power phy the Iecond period Montreal conch To Bilke laid liter the game the IIfl Ityie of play puuied him but lie wun complaining cant undmlnnd be laid They seemed to his want In shoot the puck In our wne And let up do mofiimnu Well thats okay with me The Leafs bogged down In the lniLtwo periods Hindu 0mm ginwlmd ll nnXumm nilVa Al Pravldrnu Quinta at Ruched Mn pumlo Ai Wednuhyl llullll Ennllnd 1W1 WWII mlnumld Cllvolnnd Illxbuuh llmhmy mired lcuo ew York aronlo mi gloom 53 Wrdnndul Rum Menuu Taxman you New York By ln he third period lo defeat the listplace Bnnns SHORT 0F DEFENCEth llenlie Parent rookle Roslon goalkeeper playing wllh nnly three regular dcrcncumm in run ol him held New York to 11 Ila lhmugh tum periods Earl Inuadizld Don Marsh Joan Ralelle and Bob Nevin med lot New York Tommy Willlaml noted Bostonl lone marker We nopp skating or reason and then tho can dlens took the play away from Ul Id Kin Clancy Taxmm gnaqu general nanaxert fiarhuttr Ilhurlh luvrllnd Jumlo nix enth hlllmon rnvldrnco $prlnulleld Inlr FAIII llhnwl knder Terry Sakghuk 1151531 val unattended am the goal crease 115 It Vivi 711197 nhzs Iourlh goal of ma mama and bl am Against Toronto Richard was ac ngaln WedI nesday night and Inbred goal earlyln the thlrd period to break He and give Montreal 11 victory The win put the Canadians hack Inln sale possessionr first placetwo polan ahead of Chlcagp Black Hawk Thu Leak remalned 1n third pIacz but they nnw ausharlng it with New York alter lhofllan gers 41 victory over Insbplaca posing Bruin Wednesday nighl It was one my easy win blng goals Richard uld with grin Giles Tmhblny min 012 puck from Leafs George Armslrong and bladed 25 Tullhll mum lew York at mme mm It Chltllo Tha next two Klmu Richard out ol nedqn with In it jury nndToranto gained IM giglqry Umes ml msan maths um game Rlchurd scored two goals and asslsled an an In Momma vfclory Mendyer Monlml Camdtehs udrer 3707mm Ma in CANADIANTYRE Ihalr buncil Vol gao BLAKE sf EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR CROWNDIAMOND PAINTS am Toronto Maple heals seem Henrl Rich In rm CANADIAN PRESS ééfifféxm Amomgn print zuum DMIu mum mum mu Jnnlor HOCKEY RECORD Ill 1FROHIERS LIMITED IIVHI HI All ll 50 lo 42 IS tn III AH Writ Cum 5min Moon fluhloon fluhlrhcnl lulu Wnyhum Flu nun erhlm recr llnlvmlly um Inn Cllnlon Long llllfld an um Chlrlom Jnhmlowu Mom Gmnlmm Knaxvfllo Jlrhonvlllc lnlmnuml um Main nlyton Olin41L Lamu flmln OllnuCulmn Pudhfimllhl Fl 0mm huh bowl Kimwon ll Elhlhlllm mlmomn Iny Mlnnewll lluuslon 5L mm Tull thphll Pelerhgh Toronto Monlnal SL CMhl Ammon Landau Kltchener Wedmaul Raul It Cllhlrtnel 01 10 London Peluborouxh Weller Lun Vmcouver Sun rlm Lon Anldu Sn rfllltll lmmlmul 1111 Id Bollon cDaEh Mm Schmldl with three regular do enccmenBob Woyxowlch bro noivln nnd Don Awrey Schmidt mung Eddie Veslfnll com tied lieérenan W1 BOSTON mums Tammy Wuumu my sink goal dun Snz Ha Im period the BOB PULFORD Bl lomnla Mama no uotu with left to John Fermi chin hurenllun 7260154 had hrm ll péln on ulna pal lllllll Tummm Dan mu pick up 011 Ind Jun Bellmu Mantra1 II In thni pluo wllh I1 ml And mlm He II nlhzvmi by sun Mlklln ol Chluxo who 1m all Ind ll mhll Bah Novln of New York mud Wednudy ulna rrurlnrn ulvln Hy HIE CANADIAN PRESS Bobby Rousseau oi Montreal Camdiem wicked up In min Wednuday niKM animl Tar onlo iinpll Leah humming his ind by three point avtr Hubby llull in he Nlllmui Hockey lulu Individual scor in nu flaumnu hu palnll on 10 HID Ind klzueludlnz nulm Hull Chlugnl Ilnr lclt winur who lullcrinl Ill ln Jurnd hm haldl dawn rum plum lho mm with InnaInd 15 null and Ill umu been playing up Iran IhII year lhln len Huston Detroit Red back la in blue llna ml In Wing and Chlclzo mm Thu clubs meet Izaln tonight IkaI also no action anith nruins Ranger game at at Madison Square Garden in New York City last night Ran gm gonna Ed Glnmmnln I11 during hassle In front of Ihe Tdmnto nee It Maple L9 Gnrden in Toronto Wednesday mm lukernallmml PM llulhlmor MVUL 190 modrl No 09115 Mnuov Frrgumn Wurk Hull mm Nld had made 1001 Horlal Nn 11M TUES 301k DAY OF NOVEMBER L00 pm Tho following Irlklu hlvo boon wind and will be aflode for ulo 185 Wlllllm 59 Mldlund 1050 GMC Dump Truck serial No WMMIJZIIJ 1905 LINN No YUMJT rial No 71151MMM AYLANHC FINANCE CORPORMION lTD Rousseau Picks Up RSsist To Increase Lead Over Hull VERSUS ROBERT AND MARY MERKlEY SHERIFF SALE For Furllm Pullwlm Comm Shulll OHIu mm Noun Bmlo 718450 WHJ JOIN PROJECT OTTAWA CF Wu many wfll Join Cunnd Ind Bril Ala 11 dcvelopmtnl Cunn dlnn dulxnrd nlclurl Inklnl Jet mlufle thl lndnl deput men Innmmced Wednudny Germnn Vim Ihaulder onulhlm nl In can or davelnplnl lhl He mind In fly ovrr en and return wllh pho flvuuoau Munml Hull Chluxa neIlvuu Monlreal Mikill Chlcuo Navin New York Mmhall New York Mohnl Chlcngu an usill Wednesday alvan him Ihcl lame number point cv Daux Mohns Chlcno next wllh Ith goal Ind zlghl mm or lolnl or 15 poinu The Indenx ed in Ms prone allemp al save Bruxm Doug Robuuon on the play AP Wirephma night mm to Ferguson fink lélggean kayak Ll an ey as on ol Henri mm N1 ll II 15 sis Henri mama who noted lho wlnnInl Ann Mantral Cllllllflrlll Mud Tornnm Mlpln Int 14 non Mmhnll who noted tuna final Ind plchd up an mm luadlnx New York mum lo v1rury over lulpllre Bol lon Hmlni Elnndlnw Montreal played 15 won elyhl lost our UM lhrfehpalnll 19 Shuloulu all Chluxo mum hrmwn Man rwl 37 mlnum LAs VEGAS Nev MP Flnyd Patterson had hypnosis sessions to prepare him or Ill light wllh heavyweight cham plnn Cassius Clay hyynnusl John Allndin lg Wedncsqay Alladln In mid he worked with Paumon for seven or eight days bdore the Monday nlght Ulla bnut but Pullman was not hypnotizzd when he nepped lnlo the ring Clay Iloppbd the farmer chumplon In 12 rnundl admit hit he can ho hum mum ma muenan wm Admnrin lha Iculum bul he will Hypnatist Worked With Patterson THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER 25 156515 mnde on order club phyllchn Dr WF Davies Indicated Jackson 111 Had kidney brulm In last Sal uzdny Emern Football Con OTTAWA CF Quarter hnck Run Jackson ol Ottawa Rough Eldm Apparently Jul ered no permlnen injury In hlsjidneyl may nuda Wid my showed DennaEnds Mixh MI anl Eel Taylor tackles Norm meon Roger Hamelin linebackers miller Phil Minnlck Paul Robson halves Dick Thornton Henry Janun Ed Uhner Ernie Pitts Dario By THE CANADIAN PRESS Grant saldgmdnuday Bomberl tumed out or their first Toronto practice at Var7 mymdmm that ha had no muman MI starting new that will meet amm am oh on Hamilton Tigerfi Cnuln cup mm at 1110 Canadlan Natlonal Wino starlian hm Sammy alleges4111 Dave Jul Perth fln ButyCooper quarterba Kcnny Ploln nude chljnggL guar av arwyn normmaddu CwnelPlper Frank Higneyr ends Farrell mm Ken Nielsen flack Art conch usulfly hoIIiplgefia naunanx their lineupsumu file Jerald hwrSMt Bud $13M dd us Bombul ll paltare from me mm mm ibmoydwp iegr Jackson Suffexs ft Kidney Bruises BudGrarit Namgs Stagting Linenp for Greyvcupililt lalillix fibulsenu Monlrul Goal Hill Chlcaxa AI 11 Rounuu Manuel NHL STARS THE CANADIAN PRESS NHL STARS CNII tnzlntm hnpcd la have In line rtpnlrcd Am Irnlnx rum nlng over 1m Inerled match Illln Why No on wn Injured In Ihl Incident CNN lpnmmln In Mnnb ACTON VALE Que CF The Cunndim Nnnnnal Rall wnyl lrnch beumn Montreal and Sherbrmke Qua wrm rlnped up And Alrann wllh helm urn Wodnndny In mightlulu dlrlllmtnl nrnr lhll rnmmnnlly 50 mllu ml nl Mnnlrcnl MED MANAGE KANSAS CITY Mu AP Minkoy Vernon veleran maJnr league baseball player man ager and coach Wednesday was named manger oi Kama City Alhlrflu arm club at Vancou vcr ClECflS DEFEAT SOVIETS PRAGUE AP Czechoslo vnkla defeated the Soviet Unlon 51 Vrdncsday In an lnlorna Uonal hockey mulch SELECT SITE LA BAULE Frnncu AP The Internalional Yachtinl Fad mliun lluulerled La Baule my on he Frcnch Buy 11 my as He the 1996 world rhemplunxhfip or Finn class bull CN Freight Details East Of Montreal 11011115 REIIIRED TULSA Okla AP Glenn Dohbs anslime quarterback wilh Saskatchewan Raughridara was given new iveAylar com lract Vcdncsday as football mach and alhltllc direclar thc Unlvmlly Tulsa SCISSORED SPORT letencotinn1 between Rider an Hlmlllnu TigerCan Toronto mayor Phillip GW ldekmfl leafiviflel or the GREY CUP rnsnvmms mm 01 renI HM damn In the II 1mm mu on the ruin wu rnuIMrmhIP Slnlu Son Jack Mcfirexar laid he applirallon was filed In mpunn plan Announced by the lupua to Idd alx mm to mlcr Pittsburgh mulmou nub I10 lhllndtlrhll Ind Mlnnr npollnsn Im an vyln or he nmnlniuu lwu lnnt Mcfiuxnr lflld PITTSBURGH Pa ANA mm man Ihan so mu hurxh civic and lnduxlrlfl lud cu Ipplied Vcdnudly or NI llunnl lnrkey League lunch or Pillsburzly Prlnéhlsel have alrudy hren med lo 01 Anzelu Sm anclsco 5L Laull and Wu couvcr Omar halrback spat on thin unll went he Cancun pllr of Gard Prlnschh Ind DIV Dalton Ca University and the University oi Ottawa wnn to tnl at 15 berth on the aiivstmi picked by washes of the eight canierenca teams Ottawa 620 Gnu the league champions got nine pqsitinnl Carleton new eiPv ix er no mm In vermy Golden Hawk Ion places University or Waterlno War rior linen McMaslu Univer sity Marauder two and Ayah College Warrior and Ruyaf ml nary Call Regimen on each Ollawas VinceThompson an Luherann Ed Turek led or an he omnslvo halfback molt Ends Al Scanlan ol 0h lawn and Bub award of Mc Mmler also wmuld up In lie on lhe omncc OHAWA CPIOttawa play ers dominate the olfemlva Ind nnlcnsive nllIlar teams the Ontario Interculleglau Faolball Conlcgence Pittsburgh Seeks Franchise In NHL INTERCOLLEGIATE Grey 01 in 1mm Wednu Ions will norm Tomato day An uumuted 50000 per flu game Saturday OttawayPlayers Top Star Voting unlll fill out lbs backfield Tm Ollnwa 10 of Mike L9 brun Mltch Carmll Ind Thump nm he 0an plaver vnlzd bath lhe ollenslvo 1nd defenslv Carlflnnl Bah Amer won flu nod tar quarterback and Loy nlns Can Qulm was 9ch back Pete Smith of Ottawa unhu the offensive line other pust ttnns are tilted by guard Dun Butvtn Gum and Jim Fluff RMC tackles Bab Schmidt Lu theran and Wayne Houstun Waterloo and end Watt Finden Waterloo 0n the delcnslva line Mur ray Thrm Carlelnn Ralph Spalml Luheml Bob Mc Culla Ottawa Tomvmthard Inn Lutheranv and chk Pol ruIl McMnstor LInvbackerl In Jim Slllye Ohwa hurry Mailman Ind Earl Hammond Carlrmn and Jack Tindfle mm mnjvnzn ECONOMICAL Mn Nu MAINTENANCE URANCE muuur DfllVlACAR DUNLOI TRUCK lEASlNG CAR 7266474 lEASING

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