may fly mum GumII Mam Nu In lllllofl Sunni Mo Jutklebcm Hound nnum mul ua Shaw Alldmnl um rlSu Hull ulMom Ant Lnnï¬l EMN um Na in lump wth it Am um mu spud Ten was nnt Introduced to Japan home the formal ca ceremnny until the 15111 cen nry aTndu mum jun nl MIIVI KAMIIM Unhlnlly Mr hullnl mm was nnmm Minn 231 will You Au um mo Arlurud nu In mmm run Im llumm IlHu Nun By ANNE ADAMS Fasl lashinnl See the diagram ï¬ee how Iwimy yml can stitch up Ihen step into this princess dayllmcr Choose an easy cm cotmn Printed Pattern 4700 Womén 15m 34 as as 40 42 44 46 4a Asm 16 takes yard 39inch iabric mm mm Mainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send orde to Anne Adams male The Bani Examine yallem Dept 60 Front St Toronto Out Be alert whats ncwl Send Jar excitement packed Fall winler Pallem Catalog 150 de lgn viechhool career glam or styles Flul coupun or mumchaos It 313105 50 cents 00 xo¢kv and and puonnle hudflrn rn Secul mm Mlckey Home Club uum mum uMnm Am oclozr Movll in mend Immly neur 1n Hum AM hi Sum FIFTY CENTS 50 an In dains no stamps plane or Aach gutter hrh muhm mid cent ï¬les in my mn mu Mn anh 7mm ilmhln mm Min Ilnpm Imm Mlmluul Ivunlm ll mum Innu run hm an Inn lBLFFALO lBARRIZ tBUFFM ITORONIO llnAMILION wt Shim FRIDAY T0 SIZE 48 TELEVISION PROGRAMS TEA CAME LATE vvnlrm THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15 EVENING 900 In zTnpver Hunt INt JI Dru mam Mumr 5pm IHnnd st llqlun Nu llIIlM ulurnu My 10 1mqu lArm mu mn IAM mm nmnl Mum 11 Ann mi DER MORNING 1m Mnnrcnlrnlan xNnc Nun Jammy nun tTha may lTV um AND AFTERNOON 100 xIm mum Show IMovh The Wnnlnn £41m lhu mum Iiuuu am new unmarme run orut klnllfl on lunnen llFumem DI hlhl 14mm non iThn Addlm runny Tn Mumn anyqu mm llDonnl and Mm ham Thu Fun Your Man Iml MDlemma ma aim my rm mm lNnc Nu hmnmuy III 6er mor Thu Huldhvl um In Imy llth mmon Mn Nmmnlm ll EV my dGllflnno Hum 11 MI ILW 11 and MI olnnlu 1mm II Mumle muny I$umi vav may qu nmmmu me Wm 110 Hunlmwl rummld mu Irvmthm In mm 00 Nun t1mnmy mun svm um nTrmny Tnum mm am hi lmnc mu wal lvinllr In Am mum mum flu IlII nrlml mm MI II Nm runny Ihuu Mr and Mrs Oades danghm Fern and Wanda Gren ves attended the Royal Winter Fair Saturday relumlng horn by Newcastle to spend Sunday with Mr and Mrs nixshield Ron Greaves Ottawa was home or law day reccnlly Doul madman and daugh ter of Toronto cdled at Hrs Mnyforlhl home to vlm Mr Madman Mr and Hrs Frasér Carr and Susan Taxonto spent lha week end with relatives Sunday visitor with Mn 0th were Mr and Mrs Brglley Harri Mr and Mrs Pedlinghnm Mary Anne and Cool spent the weekend In Toronlo with Mr and Mrs Sturdy and while wish him Hndgsm speedy recovery mm he rec ent analalien 1n Banierhosvllnl Keép in mind St Johnsbat ear and an in me church base ment Wtdnesday anemoon Dec my Mas 03an Linda Snider was conï¬ned la Barrie hospital or law dun We are 31mm no her homa Ain CRAIGHUBST Hulrurbltk Club Drum 01 umm Iuundm 930 INH ITelekovn ILu Slnl Oul 217m Munn snow IMm hm UNCLE BDun Muun Shaw mm mm mm Mom Mun Hummullth May Wnnlnn Ha lhI mum Illlmbi am new 311 WM ¢llnklulnr llmm hm apll In Conflld lAnnum Wurld l1n In mm mm Ihlrurlnl llullunn lud Maw 1000 591 Alt World Turn umunl Blllo ILW non KIVMVII 41 mu mm Vuur Mm Hnnny anvm Iur lawn llmolm momn hum Imru 0m ma mm ll Ill IHI to mmm IM mm Vnmzr Epnru nNm Wumer Spam 114m CIrla om ï¬r lmllM Mr AM loud yum AM Mm Illuvllb rl mm 07 um um tumM lumm nmuv Inlumllaml JO mum my mum hu lWan umqu mvu mm Chulnll Nu Mow Tom there attended the Rom Wlnler Falr Pele Pedlingham Farm was home for the weekend Man Simon Toicto wu ham or the weekend Don Charlton Viorénlv spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Art Snyjen The human of thé stomach normally add certain amount of it necessiry for dlzeslion you emugnaw mmelhlng that you hm swauowed rises Mr Ind Mrs Dunn and Mr and Mrs Art Dunn and am ily mended presentation at Mfdhurst Hall Saturday evenlnz or Mr and Mr Tom 991m Miss man Hodgsa and lrlend Toranlo spent Sunday will Mr And Mm Hodgson ileaserenlember the crew lug remarks in View of whit you might leam from me otherwise but here Is the answer lo your questinn about acid ACID NECESSARY Actually we luv been lindlng on In recent years lame considerable number 01 pele who lhnugm they had ulcer or heartburn really have this rather comnwn ailment Hinlalhernla No doesnt cum cancer but it can become ulcerated and then Iuflerer has two prob lems The hlnlal hem and an ulcer besldes cant put It ï¬ï¬‚o law wont Briefly though Ifllhtly Inger thanavenue Ipeflm Illowl Mun nl the Itomach Io nlldo upwnrd nUzhuy damning the normal valve mum flu Imnng other 11111111 mun amount at tho normal mum at lho munch cm empe up Janfl Regurgitation in the em or 31110qu mama Mn Dmnr Molnar would 1m plum uplnln 1mm hmfla there danger of men from Bill Willnonldd Md Drum thitmiulldd haw In my ItomachYMn Few ll uy ailment bun may namu this onehim hernia vwaluv heroin upside down stomach csaphageal her They Ill menu the lung 6A mm 41 Opnning leadking ol hum thn you In declarer ll Ire quenuy happen that an appo nun 13 hr more dangerous lo In the lead than he nlhu mull you try Io IhIpe MIR of web handI Io II luv Hm II lyplcnl exnmph Lel Iay ourc doth at live dla men and West end hurl which you wln with he Ice ll II obvlwl once lhIl 111m II pouiblmy loxlnl lwo IpIdeI Ind clubaoymulnflloflulnk term of how to yrevent lhII My hnpgcnlng 511th ï¬le In of mad you uy lo yourufl there no DAILY CROSSWOBD South dealer Boh nldes vulnerable South dealer Bel Ildea vulnenbh Rom 4x v14 um MK M0011 HEALTH ulu KQJI 3on 11mm 15519qu Put 1Mme ML 10 th am Im out Mmflmla 101mm mom II Innuu od mm 2F mil lirlurmul II Mink Wunln Mn mule Xnlmmmt mill Flndlum F010 ll MAHI 10mm ITynnnlul can whcwhulk mumm flaJmm mnnlrum Mm men Rock llrll mmmlm 15 1mm mmHon ll Io mmy Inth 30 mm 10 Naurllhnd um lunel 11 Mzmo bumlax John m1 aili llhrlld Mur vwon CauseiCancer mm nkluumo CONTRACT BRIDGE M3 Snude Irina xenun 19 31qu mm 20 Emhrm Mubhlwd 511mm 33 By JAY BECKER Vilamins delerlornle slawiy but yours ought to be useful um Caluum llblul keep Indeï¬nit ely But mnny medicallonl chanze wnnlderahly In the long run but to disclrd medica Ilons when you slop needing them If In dnuht whether lo keep something ask your doclor 01 throw It nut lhlng lb wnrry nbnul so you commence your lhlnklnx by Is sumill that East has lha nu Since you have to lose club In any case what you would like to do ll mange to lose lo East who can do you no harm would say lhlx It on the lhresllnld ol danger ln same counlxiu human waste in used lerLllllerand dysentery and lypllold are nrnpanL Thu my dc lank Ialmlx belng buried present less halard but depend lng on the lypeot soll general terraln and especially candl lions that exls ln tlmcs flood lng genm could be earned up ward and continuum the Iqu around lhe vegetablu but Dr Mnlnm Ive been told um soma medicines kept Ion lung on sinhumor loo walk have some vilgmln pflll bought last year Now my doc tor fly need In Ink lame agaln aIm calcium Cauld In use IhemTPx our hope to find the dub divided 31 In which cue If West can be kc out of the lend you will discnr two made from glungmy on your fourth and mu having romiderabll mhinniih mm of 12m Item ach comma rising ya will find that drinking milk at uan one the common unmid prepara iiolu your docior cm ingest one 9r you will cue ihll HInan you die to nonlaid egg wont but Dr er ouldlhere be my 111 elleculmm eating carrot been potatoes and olher vegetablu grown In garden when lepllc tank Inter £1 arejlald undergoundrMn In hne with thin you there tore cash the QJ diamond And lead clubl 11 West 011nm low you plan to play the nine lollng the trick to East who cannot lutcesstully lend upndu Nate that In the actual hand thll ptnr makes the mnhad or out lowcm lets say that Vent Insert the on when you lead lownrd the AAKvt In that can you wln thetrtrkwithlhe king rut hurt and lead an km ruIt hem and cud nn nttm rlub West In tuned to plny law otherwtm you Ion no clubsand ynu now tinme lhn nlne larclnl East In wtn wtth thl quLcn Sleepan with tlu headol yblir lyed ralledgwg ogmreo 1nd 15 suggested Ilyou notice an trouble whlla lying down inv llywill help mum trace of the conlgnt 171 the uomuh lrgm Illirpln upward Th1 doom en um It Ihofldnl bc Add Thls jun mam um mm of much ml Qerinl oi the ntnmach In mid brie ownnun to flu wml um BocdlM nunacid nod wonc prevent $an manuyhal yzlu at you lyflgm mm mm the much beenuuil 11 may qlzuflvcjylcg mm in helplcu which lullly Wu 1mm lhz lime when Wm mad the openan lead and you make th dlnmondl In elkcl your mhslan in com plhhed by cmlvo Icllon up lulu ï¬lo your you not the add um 81 mm ll iunkm and my fur lmlum ll Nov my 36 Millie min I1er NAM num when 76 EAL out to cm vmsl Hum am TIRon FOOD STAINS CLOYHING Mu Wllk an PLENTY 6000 MONDAY NIGHT SUNDAYNIGHT WINGEYANDI DIDA MOVIE SPUN RECORD5 Ar DEED5 WIWMWC mi WTRWRaWuTmU WWW WM Ol MAD EXTRA LAHOE DIII FOR mm LIPOY mm mm gammamummy Novswmsri Is nos11 VON MAY 7341 yum NI mmlm ma ma mm ms II momma urnnu Km man It TIMI rat null 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