Mm was in or another erratic gme lfler giving the ball way nice on lintquarterumhlcs one 01 them on he Monlreal loyard line when fullback Jim Dillard drgppedg qung puny But when Monlwal quarter back Bernie Fulancy tried an aerial attack the dclcnu went to wvlk handing the bail over In the oflencc lwlm while deep Mn Montreal lenier and scor lng touwdmrm on 65yard Imemplion mum by hallbadt Gem Gaines flflbh lIuH who mm Hum onll and Wm mdllnd wllh ultra nulxls as Chicago wal laped Toronxn Sunday Illmo WWI mklmd uth ll rs concentrated on pass defence during nrkmls Inst fleck but pmbably will be ending more lime on hou pas nllack in preparation or pm Sunday npencr of the twn game mlal point ï¬nal IKainsl Hamilton to delermlne the Easts Grey Cup mptoscn lnlhc The nider dtlmce wu hn lercd by the Mum corner nemle Ian who gave ulerllnl pcrlormancc In nol Snlurdny mm min dc ealed Montreal Cnnndlcns Clle SI Muln Nu York Dnllnl Wuh rnnnf IHhhuuh rllerl nnlnrnn lllllmure 01 NJ ITS Grrrn fly Mlnnuall Dolrnll Chlrno 81m Fun 01741131 MerM OIJIZSIJIS Kumllyn llnulli lulumnu 1n Phlmzo Dolvoll ll Gm Day 1m Angvlu Mlnnenou lllllmlrlphla Irvrlund Illlllmuh 11 null San Frlnrltrn llnllu VIIMnan New Amnlun lulu Enlun Ivlflw lalllmure Gmn nay Mlnnuall Dolrnll Chlmw sun Yum 11 MIth In Him OlkllM kmm My Dun RIPEILS PREPHIE Enrl lnlnrllrld who noted two mm and plum up we as lhll as New Yurk Inhaled Tor mlo Saturday noh NevlniwIVuaVlVlhd wo call New York mind Da lrglt ndny Lorna Vnnlry uh luan hack 21 Ihnll as Muntrenl do felltd noslnn Sunday fluan mhlnn Nw York fPass Interceptions Eliminate Alouettes By THE ASSHCIATEH NU OTTAWA cm Ollan Rough Eiders dchmuu hauled In three second quarttr pas interceptions Saturday to set 367 viciory over anm Alouetles and move Rideu the Eastern Football Conler mce ï¬nal Against Hamilton vflgeerau Amihllalbn by Intelmy flon was the way Momma coach Jim Trimble described mesuddendcalh semi ï¬nal Ind most of the 19121an ujlo walldxed 013 gamg vw1d ag THE CANADIAN Stewart his 71h ball over or the lead touchdown Saturday UHAWA ALFBACK Rm NHL STARS Innl Lulu an Cnnlmnru am new 1mm cm mum ommw Inna nuvll Mrvn lellm FOOTBALL RECORD WhT 07M 11317 OQMHHWJN HMMIJM UNLIH 41 0105 1M 7110 0201130125 15 1M Ii DH 15L DIN MI 175 ll DXMIIRlfl 0111mm Mangooi PRESS The vliltm dldn have clmnce durlng lhe weekend as East York Argonauts and Shenrwalcr Navy ran up over whelmlnx mm at born and qualified meet Nw ln he Canadian lnlermedlala football lemllinnl New York Hanna Clly 10 San Diego Drum II mumm anonlo Norfolk Newark Whullnl Wmrn Uurml Tmnnm fmnnto main Illumi mun Tunnlo Mclhll I1 Quml ll Wale 71 DEMON IN mum numb my drlzmnlu new In me mum INHNH mo mm Incw IM flu It budoot ï¬dmmen The Argo not live lourh down from Ian Momellh to de en Nnrlh Bay Tiger Cal 555 Sundly In the Toronto mm lnl whllc Derek lem scored our time for Navy who defeated Momma North Bum 47 1n Halillx Toronto ran through wmk Noth my dclcnw nr all eight of lhnlr louchduwns Mnnlmlh alone rushed for 135 yard and scored on run 13 eight lhree wn Ind 41 yards Paul Callnzhnn lay Willlnms Md Duvn Spencer also mud mm touchdowns whllc quancrbnck Norm Turner canvtrlcd mm Hm North Bay scored lu uncon vcrlcd lwchdawn aller lhu Arxnn had run up 404 Ind Qunrlubnck rlln Murray compleled pan to Vlr Adamo or lha mu caverlnl 71 yards Murray was Mm In nlr when lhe Argos xrnund llclcncu proved lmprcxnnble He ran nmrd an cl plncrlor ynrdl Chnrlnlon Fm Wm Illrhmnnd Rhoda 151mm lluunnl hhmlul Ilnull Ihdlhl Nnlthmvml 11 Hum10 llnulu le Wm 11 Tumnln lmvllknre Newark Ilamnnl l1 Nmfnlk Zn Ihnlunn ll Mhwllnl Jl lawn running and maimed Jacklonl protection Moe Racine Bldusplaoe klcker went all the way It offensive tackle alter having his leg men In deadcn pain mm mndled mm Jnckm had Lmuble killing his rmiwra an king tosses And some of his receivers didnt hold on to Lhe ball when miiim and 7509931715de mused in games wflh knee Injuries mum and Billy Joe mu kept msuanmwre on Money Hnebadxgr Mike Blunj who EY Argonauts Belt North Bay By THE CANADIAN PRESS Augusdowge Par Aloueqa 3827mm Doug Daiï¬eneaul II and Jim Andreoui 45 via Vlargel afloommon Wm lllvluln Cunllnrnlnl Leuno III Dlllllml lnlrrrolkllnll Hui Kl mu LT VAII OIMIMM In 11 122 MI 111 71331 170 1100317 lflMIN SMITH nmlm IIIISHN 11d mnner nu lhe Yam Cup rymbollc we con rnm lon Tho Illnu wen defeated 17 hy MCGXH Unhmhfly lul mm In the mnme mm mm In sum Maul Gal urflny levr nmurmm mm Ibo umnd plum Mm cnn huh Imzu he luulrr fur lhr rhnm plomhl il lulun pnnll Awy run the Imdrr by rllhn win at III Wu Hth dr lvnlrd the Mnumg Vivi Nllunk All lrnm mm lb Mummy anIy rmr Qmmu will whu luflulmu II Mid goal mm mum Am mm 10 Huan and mum funny alm sound hmdulnum um Multan ulliln mm Warlnl mud 11m lenwankn and Heinn Idllu mm Qiml mmmm ml tnmnmml In mural Mum Dun Io mmnlplu Ml Hw war In Mn flu Imm Ilw wwm Ilm nicklo ml Ind Ile Md Inle huflvkwm hr Mdml Imnn lnuhn pm mt pomp ml tum unvma 1nd Univcmly of Western On larka Muslnnx did lhmmlm inmr by Mndnz Quem Unl wrsily Can Gaels Sal unlny They Amidcd mum um loam playoff or lhe Ontario Mhmic Aundnflon Foniball Gmhrenm dmmpinu Ulcm lhln season Hwy Mn mm Hrs dinmpinmhxp In Alx yo 17m lame Iuddmdenlh playMI will be mm In an Mmlnnm home park next Sal umny The vldmy mumy enabled an Munlnnul 1de flnl ylnm In UK alnmllnn nwy Iniyhnl wnh mm 14M le Nun ml lmcbdmml lnm Bryn Taylor Ind My Firmly 11th ml unvmr mud lwnminl Melly lmdl gumle out It 1mm Fullback Locke picked up of Montreals 115 ground attach cumyin 15 times Jackson uvmile regular Ioason target looked altar the major shme of Ottawas 15 ynni pmlng gan Did Tod Vntklns Wk our or 55 and flanker Whit Tucker who impcd one end me lasv nwght three or 50 yards Faloney managed to earn piela p15 or IM yards but except for lala flurry most were In his awn end he field Don Fuel who ï¬lled in or one play when Faloney hurt his anlde in the lust quarter was good an unjygass art uns llalfback Jatklc Slmpwn twoway man nrlhe Almxellcs and em Dan Dan each caught tour Inloncya passes or 55 and 44 yards int he Mlulamu mm mu manor Unlvcrany ol Tumnla gland only lqnm hen 19 an Ijn has lame millN IN In all Jackson mmp1eed nine of 18 passes or 175 yardt while backup man Bill Clim who look over In In Ibo last quarter hit on two at our for yards mnwas mnning wad look up the slack rolling up 266 Ivards Dillard was the work mewm VZyardsin 15 trips Sam nocmnlcd for 81 on elgh camu Mustangs Stop Queens Gaels suit that plagued the Riders in the last hafl oi the season MM they lost 51x at eight gamex JACKSON WIS By THE CANADIAN PRES main Hackers walch 1n background GP Wirephoto gs cam on balanm whixej flung Meanwhile Mwnlreai Don Mmotte Ind Derek Sanderson uch econed oeNmnrn Fall while Lnry Plenu Ind Nurm Faxgum were the Junior Hubs maxlumen PACE MARLBORUS In Tmnto Sundny uumoon he line 01 Tom Marlin Jim Dnvldsan and Terry Cattery paced Nu Mnliu with Martin Ind Cnflery each scoring pm Davidson Mike Bye In other 5mm Sun dw Tomb Marlbmrdowned Pmrborwgh Pelu as 1nd MontrealJunlor pmadlen land Nlixn Falls Flym battled lo lie Saturdny night 03h le Generals deflated Kl chener Ruler Rluht winger Dpuh Shelton noted three goals for has Calhnrlnel Mile Bah Sldnskl Ken Laldlnw Md Richie Bayes Iddtdllnglel Dan Buddo Stan Minn Mnc St Jacques and Walt McKechnlo Lwred for Landau St Clflllrlnu Blisz Hnwlu jumped Into fourth planram eighm by deleallng In place London Natlanall Sundny ï¬lth In In Onurio Hockey AI Ioclaqqn Jingle annie THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 1963 cmmm miss StiKifts Evov homd onyonu mmploln abool how Iona Iahn lho 00615 10 gal uolnu In Volkwnuon We ham Tlmla why wavn addnd knalor boom Ihls yuor Bulk In no slowed away In Ibo Iuagoas commllmnnl MO lhojold until ll ï¬ll Ihe wilh Kai air hum And leap l1 Wed awamnllcolly Ihummlol shun on when living warm up And much on cuuln Ihlnm conl down So no mullql wbul gun on width In always good and warm lmido 766 anhwnunn And Ike wlndnhiold II always good and Llem bocuum ouI mm imam boom pump ulmwom air though PIERCE MOTORS LTD AsBombérs Advance rcsldenu hava become used to explosion at regular Intervals day and night Whilehurbllleu sliding alongconveym Lb Dosco Steel LtdA plant hare are out by chne called the fly Ina shear Each mop of the steampowered shear reverber alel thrnuxh he who dly At omw Saturday mm George Babcock paced lhe Generals with pair of goal llh other comlnn from Bobby Waynu Cnshman Danny OShea and Dan Sumrd Klt thenerl marlumen was Jtm Kurlich erm Pkmuk und Clare Alexander After an Ame Bye Dav ldaon and Dunville boarded the Rochelter Ame Imus private plane tohelp the injury riddhd American against Baltimore CJppega in In Amoriun Maturnlght game In floghesttr BrepIlmlncp Ind hm Kean mad the Mgr Toronto soak Petérboroudl marlumen were Drake Jopung Dala mum Gard Tucker Aller Licmlx Ind Game Magi amuse To Nolsz sxmmy N35 Cm149cc Despite Ilidn into oblivion on tin mundld ylrdx in lo triesand charging Winnipeg defence ied by Miller scram bling Saskatchewan quarieb back Ron Lancaster liili gave 21600 fans few anxious mm minlg in the jam quarter Swilchmx flu pas he found halfback Bob Good for SI yard with taven mlrnulres to 59 tingle pm 9r P0 that launched Winnipez into bestdmrea mm again Cal gary SImpeden STARTS SATURDAY Th finnlyuam In Calgary Satume witches Winnipeg Wednesdaynlzht then returns to Calgary Ihird gamed needed Flanker Hugh Campbell Snslntchcwanr lwchdavm and guard Jack Abendschan klclud 19yard field goal in tha lhird quaner whlch reduced the def lclt to M9 mum The snowslick ground Mn deud hil pluyerlphe laid but It 1150 stopped 660th Reed wwwm Saskatdean fullback who rushed for more than one mile during the mum team mm rm an The snow came lhellnal minute of the stand quarter all halfback rDave Raich had xcnmpered 75 and 25 yard or Mummy4 to power he pombers lo lead hm luflmhmaa slip surface An xmb Wen youre playing from be hgnd uGranta postgum WINNIPEG CPHCgachBud Grant ï¬gure Mmlnulb snow Inll helped his Winnipeg Blue Bombers defeat Saskatchewan Rouzhrlder in the Westem Football Conlerence sud dmdéalh nemiflnal Sunday flu dahmvnrmm loo Then me one Iwo oflm Ihlnal that mold ohm nlcnwam Ioolino ubom dmmo Volkswagen In tho Mamlung lnh Iho um Hodlon you out mm having IM wine ova the mar WhlollN$d Hm Annuly waod bollom Ihol ham mm and I0 hem dumnolna vNol pom Md lad Ihot Ihmo no radiator ï¬ll with unllhnou I5 Ihu ldnu Wm Volkswagm has Hi you linlb cold up unlol now why no In and we who win don or WM Wu will wx Ihaw you om Saskatchewan kl Rex Whilehouse hobhlod to the dressing room In the ï¬rst qua ter Rider end Martin Fabx lol lowed hlm Ihe ucondlnd Whudpeg quartetbuck may le needed ï¬rst11d in flu myqdngr leg hung Brian Palmer proved cipa bl replacement or Ploen d1 rectlng 43yard match that ended wlkh Ulmers Ilngle Palmer collected 17 yards him ull on 209d run prion common 29 or 197 ide Campbell grabbed flve far 65 yards and Ggodjhreg 7hr 59 miu club wéra laugh shown by injuries to three er nhd 72 penaluel ll Blit the Bomber defence in creased the pressun and Lair sler was med to hurry Ill ï¬rst pass to vCampluXl 1a tlannd at the soal HDDVWHX knocked down by Ernie Phil His second Intended Jor Jim Worden struck the mt posh Hts third was desperation ef Inrt In Good nt tha elmyard the but mg on pluse la the sideline Ind the Saskatchewan halfback couldnt IVONNIeppml out boundi The Bombers took possession and fell back on fulllmk Art Perkins to movsihe bill oubol danger Perkins tespnnded with his nnd gwarddr1ve Grant tald Lancaster wasnt It In best Hewng hum trouble gelling set Ind ll muting lo The result wan lure Wlnnlpel lnlercepllons by Dick Thornton Ind one by Henry Jan usg PERKINS Campbell then grabbed WW he Winnipeg Wynd line 39in delcnxlv play kepl am An AT mm LEIHBRIDGE Alla CPI4 Scientist at the Agriculturll research centre here an bem nlnz twtryear study how to cnnuol lweet clover weavflx They hope special method at cultivation will be the chelpesl way of controlling the mm which kill or mum summer fallow Perklns 116 yard In 19 car ries led Winnipegl szsyard ol fence or 16 ï¬rst downs Ploen And Filmer cnmpleted five at 13 pm or ylrds Sash chewnn had 230 on yardsm passingor 13 in down But Ralmey clil away from defenders Ed Hnenler and Bill vBuller nutran Fab and bed 75 yard ar the lounhdm Saskatchewans Larry Dumelfg mnde Idesperlle run but wax inches shnrl will ldivin tank It the Roughrlders 25 yArd line lbyard pan to Clmpbell and 191m lhrnw lo Good sent the Rouzhriders all their touchdown whlchcame when ampben faked Thornlun to rub Lancasters nineyard on But up Lewll promptlyN turned the Idem47 yard to the Saskatchewan 50 Ploen ml or 15 yudx And than was lulled or long loss but Rouzhrlder penalty look the ball to the 25 mlmey look Ploenl flip lwlsted away from Dale West and Bob Kosld end gtumhlecl lqto the end zone the 15 mlnulcs uwrelsl andA nnlhing unusual appeared In brnsped when PIoen dro luck at his ownmyardplm Indln me am minute of the second quarter tossed alSyufl flare paysua Rnlmey