NUnsEs wmud mm pm llmo 1mm needL nlso numl required mm ply Ind An Eden Nunlnn amt Elmud mm 1an 31 wnmed Mw om ante saluy dlscuswd on ilrnlew mm llul mun Imus um hue vleaum dispas unu Call In nzmn cuppa gnu All perms hm clnlml nlnlnsl lilo FLxlnlo MAIN 1mm VIIMIILMINH JONES Inlc LiU of llnrrin In he ummy 82mm Widow ulm MM on Mr ZN luv Iuly 1005 mm onward lamb In nmkrnlnml on or lyrlnrp In day 11 Dermï¬wr 1065 nncr whlrh Lila llw 601A will he dislrilnml nmtmuxl 1M parties cutlllml lhlrfln Imd 1M Athmmdrnlvu wiH ml be Nan In my person vlmm rhllm Ivy bhnll n01 uwn Inns mil um new mm Nu um 5mm lmlL lnstruclons ham lax Poslll lllmlflon mum mom onnm kaWlllmm re wind lmmedlnlely Mun bu Nrknud um 23 yun or Tnlzphnm mom hot pm my immicw hold Ambient tonfldlncl vrlm died on the uni day or October ms must forward name lo UID unlcrslgncd Dr befan lhc Isl day nl Dmm ber ms nllcr which date the 1mm will be lislrllmud amount the parllcs rnllllcd Ulcrcla nnd Ille udminulrnlnrl wlll not be liable la any person ylnso claim may shall not then hnxn mllcfl Fuhnkupm II Telepham 7mm av Vinp131 nxninst mys AGMM and HOWE 11min Onlurlo IMI dny Nmomhrr Al lmx 0Y5 IZMHIAM mul HOWE llanhllu um ehlldlnrn 11 Nm xlml llmic OMMln lEGAL lnnl In Wmhvrufl 11mxamh nl dullan 01 Pl und uwl lmxï¬mmliw All um hm Mama mmhmvh mamman AMIN hm mummy IIINT FOR THE BRIDE AND URUUM Watch lmmed In With umllum and My mum bum Complefgy familiar With hlueprufrï¬h ABle id Apply LAMP DEPT CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC 221DUFFERIN smear Giaht AUCHOH Sale IO HELP WANTED Noncmroc Id HELP WANTED AUCTION SALES saTTNhvémcï¬ gun Mull IWIIINN 11$ nn mllcfl IATED nnrrlc 0mm day Nmrmber ILD Box 370 This 15 position for selforganizer Someone who Is neat 310 and accurate Apply in writing pnly to nnrrlslcrs nndr Soliéilï¬ru In me Slrfll mic Onlnria ahce in all phases of machining SWITCHBOARD CLERK RECEPTIONIST muting OPERATCDRS Banï¬ygaycoos 6r telephone MR McCRADY MUST BE ABLE TO TYPE THE BARRIE EXAMINER min 75 mine 5374491 Collect Aim TORONTO TAKE NOTICE that the SUP rcmc Cour NonJury sillings will be held In he Court House Barrie commencing Monday Nuvcnï¬xr 15 1965 al the hour 11 oclock nm he llonor able Mr Juslice IL IL UP pmidlm Hum th you plan your Arlltlll For Sale ad In Thu Harm Er Imlncr km than poInLI In mind Halo I4PUBLIC NOTICES the my smmmh at day Nnvcmbtr 965 lnrlude many nl Ihm Im mrlnnl lenlum you cnn Mnkv mlrr or prnmd In my Ilmmnher Hm Arllrlu lur Sula rlnumrnllnn II ht lwplul Mnrkrl llnrn THOUSANDS mm mm DAILY an ad Inkor wlll 1mm ynu PHONE 7m 2m Hill Whal am In nrnnd mm AEI olnr Candlllon SpccflchInnl Acrrmrh mu nlluchmnnll Uphalllcry FInth lrnvlmu huge Irko R0$ HUGHES Sheri Counw Slmcoc EXAMINER MOSY ANYIHING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN TELL MORE SELL MORE Farms HELR MALE HELP SELL WANT ADS 7282414 Barrie Ontario Jennlng lsier assisted in the service The cholr was assisted by John Adiie of Bradford who sang two wins lho close the service the choir sang Lila He brew benediction The Couplel Club mm tea coffee and cook ie at social hunt in the Sunday School room toiiowing Lhe evening service iiere Mr and Mn Lcdlie wiih guitar ac companimcnt sang several du ois Sunday visitors have were Miascs Marlon Gray and Sylvln Taylor llill Praclor and danm ler Colleen Mr and Mrs David Campbell all ol Toranlol llnw nrd Campbells Mr and Mn Allen Valcna and Miss Jane Campbell of Guelph Mn and Mrs Evnn Vllcox and Richard llcclon Mr and Mrs ll J4 film 01 Hand Head Mr and Mrs Harold Wnlkcr David and Philip al Barrle Dr and Mrs 11 Andrews and lhrca daugh lcrs cl Orlllla llns Campbell of 33wch nl Game Camp largo crowd ullcnded the morning service in ihe United Church when Rev Wilson Mor den St Pauls United Church Midland preached challenging sermon on Truih The choir under the capable leadership oi Mrs Ward Campbell sang an anlhem wiLh solo by Mrs Gary Thiess of Orillia Tom Ross and Harold Bertram Mrs Boucher of Barrio sang 50105 the conclusion of service lhe choir sann the Sevenfold Amen Al the evening service the mem ber al this church were oleascd in welcome back Rev Douglas Mill Elmvale who was asxilanl mnlsler hm mm 0110 Br 1964 lo end Julie 1965 His ixplnng sermon wa Easel nn 23rd Psalm Rev lnlwr eran In Holly Sumln Schml mun Tho man lvrm lnlhmen pally wlm mmlm mmlu In my lumu Sumnl urxu mined munmm lrlm wlnnm um Ill Flnlwr Mn Mum Krnw MM Ulwm hu rmhlml mmmrlod the bunnm Mnllo win an nnvrr hm kl In Irma wll call yum1th Ihnw IMMNI In the Hm yum rmumfllu mmle mun Inlnlullnm lhnlr Inle hnvo lwn llama by mml mum lwu Linda MM lomlrd lmilnllun In nwnlwu In Al INuI ljumr llw ll lllI vulqlxl urym mu Invflnllnn Vm urupird Trny mu will nwh lhIA nwl lul Mu IIJZMun WM Appalul ml rmwrmr lnr curlum In or hlmllm Mn Clmxr boll ll mung law hr lhe Nuvmlnr mwflnfl Mn TN or lnlmhlml Mm NIHh Ihn nhlunvl rulnr ulldu at lrlp the nrul hvr IIIIIKMN IMK In IMqu ln lb mmmrrï¬hu mania by Drum mvumum In 111111 wnm were hobo xuesls at the past pmidnls mble al the 25th annlversary banquelof Simeoe may Federation Ag Tlculhm 115 week There will be no service at the Pmbyterian GnumhNov due to anniversary smug Cen lndl 010 The following Sunday semi will be 91111130 pm CongratulnLipria Ob Vlocaijirls mud boys who received gradua tion dhxlqmas at North Colleg Me Commencement Fflday uu Wendy and Susan Caldweli and Mrs CHI Hesse were patients In thoRVH last week 01 tonsil and minor operatiom Bill Walk er and Mrs Nunman Stoddm are ed hofpgtaq also Misseï¬ June McAme 21nd Sylvia awe of leadlers 001 Jan Janet Campbell of Guelph Betty Caldwufl of Toronto and Ray Sam son at Waterloo spent the weekepnd anther name here apcnl bufï¬ Hnycc Oakvilln Ipcnl 1m crkrnd nl Gcorga Calmpbcll Mr And Mrs John Wood Hun lllr vhilcd John Mu lunn last ï¬lumlny Mr and Mn Newmn ncsse enlmnlnnd Sinclair Luck Inmlllcs Thursday cvnnfnfl Oct is In rnlchrnle lho fllh mam anniversary Mr and Mrs Robert Sinclnlr of win Mr Slnrlnlr II brother Mn Hum AMI MIL Slntlnlr wan lhu lmmcr Mm Elva Luck Mll rhcll Square The rnunlo was prcunlul with lilch xlullnu fly MILL DOWNINII Winn LlHlon um WI turhn Oct 11 um hluh Mrl Morxnn Murrow arcond Muh Mn Inky 7f llclrhdd ulnar mm Mu llrlchrld low Ken nllllm hr ruchre Orl 79 IlIzh Marian Mu ankln Iuw Mm anrll Earl Maxwell hidtlrn More MOHOW Inna handy Mn lianllnl MZF lllTlIIIHCW Mn nd Mm James Cnmpsnll and dmsghtcra of Mount Elï¬n spent the weekend with Mr And Mrs Camnbfll MIxs Diane McOualg Visiting her grandparenls Mr and Mrs Bradley Milton We wish her mama Mrs McCuaig speedy recovery lollwwlnz surgery Barrie hospital Andmw Bauholomw Gordon um ANNIVERSARY PAIITY fnm Mum EXAMINER nomixv ï¬nvshmm Isms LYSIMCOE 5VTCBï¬NTYVNZEWS By MRS CAMPBELL mullm um wx 7mm 0c 3i and Mrs Hum nohlnwn Inst weekend in Morrls GUTHRIE HOLLY lnr we board of Holly Commun ily 519mm met at Die schuol recenin lo diuus thing need nngmedllle atteniion Mam rnara bl Bentley llill Grant Ted Glllll Fred Hashimï¬nu Emlnsï¬chairman Bentley and Mrs Dpwnlng sewcu Planswue made for repniljing brlcku levelling innd or skating anipuu jug mm wlndqvg Fred Has and Ted Gilli were appointed in look alter repairing bricksde levelling land Ross Emmq and Hill Grant will look amr the hydruhhange Plans were mad or urlel oi euchres in begin Nov ll am There be prim domed Auden grand prize at Ihé end 0i our audlres for the high score Theiecmlary reported lhacen hrs wiJ be used for voting poll av vw Plimï¬to aliend the eudzrg Holly Communfly Centrepcom mentlng Nov at 330 pm Hnlly UCW held succuslul lea and bake sale In tho Sun Hallixieen theme by Vaérvinu pumpkin ple land whipped cream or lupch ï¬nAlililOWCENIRE Apgwhgmn district clh Incc il Jurksjnh as qunlily inspcclor yourjob and mine ull dcpcnd on guming mummy And cdnlinllcd ccnnumic pruulh depends on incrcnscd production Which dcpcmh on incrcnscd wnsumpliun VNCllill turn lcpcndn on sales Hlilili hue ndvcrllsing chmm in Its 11 nmnnwrlclling ponds ur scrviccv mlhcr mini mum Im one ad in lluily ncwspupcr uumlly Iczlchcv lhnumnd nf consumcls hm il helm lu sell mmlmndisc In mm muny ptoplc lhi nuumplihcd the ndvuflscr must increase his pro duuliun So he him more pcuplc well it helps keepjack OHara on the job lVml III of Munhing mama Sympathy of he dislrldis ex iwk 1° eï¬uscem Pryde Lunch minded the aimnoon The Tyro and Explor er gran had their masquerg nde ear or In the month It 01ng regglarmgelnl WW bell in moduli of herhusbund Oct 19 Royal Viclorll Has llaLMr Campbell was llle on réxldenlol the communlly Andwax held in NKhesl eglcom by all who knew hlm Servlce was PM mmJenna Fun Thomlm ccmelery ernl Home wllh lnlemlenl Primaryan men and mu seryv classes en eyed Halli ween party In the Sunday school room Saturday allernoonflflm tume prlm were zlven And game were led lry lhelrteach eruhllujonnlsgnmwn GraceV Ellloll Elleen Downingmé Mn ers It Dykstra wn gurprlséd recently whenworkprs of Va utlon BiblaLSchool xalhemd at tha home of MA Pryda ï¬nd prescmd herwilh gm prior to her leavlng the district Mr and Mrs Dykxtrn and Kongwill mnke their home In Barrie soon day schogl mom0cb Mm Srlgleywu come Decaf men were in HallaweeL them Dog prlujuquhy TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7787414 We welcome Mr and Mn Mia Pofler and Islbuy lo lhe com munity lhe Poflm have purchased Jean grocery 1mm Hialeer ï¬es wnshu gn with Mr and Mn Guides Felter Diana Carol and Paulplnlheir recent lmghwyyu Mr and Mn Erna Oakley visited their grandson John Rag who mum in sol giem Mamorhl Hospital oril If nyJgAN Mom ï¬elslerri Terry and Gienn spenl Saturdaywim relative In Huhuvifle Don mm Vespra Horticul tural Socier banquet Minellnn Communlly Centre Nov 14 ll go Speaker Adunxoyl Mr and mi JackflnmpbéH Orangevillé visited Sugday with Maurice and CecIIHCampbells rPolntn hlcï¬nz hi aw area Marina lotion and 1th Inimgrsrarangqmdr Mn Gordon himley Tommi villled her aunt andunde Mr midi Mrs Wallwh Glenna Pullman xludenl nurse at SomiersMemnxial 110 pllal vlsuedher parent durinl the weekend Dont kiwi WI potmck NE CENTRE VESPBK But if he lidhfl mlvmisc if he couldnt sell all the mar chnndisc hc produced it wouldnt hc long hclorc hc Imd to lay ull name 01 his worms If lhh happened in mnny businesses the whole mummy would slow down And lot of pcoplc would he uul of work Ilul lets look on the brlxhl side nllhlngï¬ Adwnlung dch stimulate anlcm lncxcnml sale kid to increased produc tion And lncrcmd produclllon lend to murcjubsaml more Job sculrily for luck Ollnm for you for all ofm Thinlnhnul it next lihw you 11le up your duily ncuspapcr lhc nds you read nclually help mp all or on lhc inh The showihas comeln an it nwn shareol lumps Wme grin as ï¬nding the plot wildly lm probdzle with Mhn Intrigue and drama mammal Into Man zamlnutesx But 15 rle appenruobe huldinl It own against the potent Gomer Pyle In the rulings ny non moms HOLLYWOOD APY may Wes may change all Ihnlné sense that womans place In the home Shes the swlng nest in In tglevlhon The television 1mm usnlny rashMud to upronvwelarlnzrm rolls or sunnyAMLu lellsr gelling newjmnge th sea son in the admlrable arm Anne Francii Arthelltgr ol AEC Honay Weal he gerves upjudo chpps instead Huh Iuppm Mm Francis liyear vet eran of flu ï¬lm shdlaa mink MOVIE COLUMN Changes Image There inns be lot 01 Indie In the audiencg whowouldllko la slug Lhelr husbands sh reasons andlmcy can set vlcarinus thrill watchinz m0 chopping menIve had light In every ghaw so In AIWaialsowmessA lherglamm slde and think husbands llko lhnqueenazurg and gm can identilyvwlm girl who land In adventurnus Hie And usuany get benIenup in Lhasmlel 14 well Theme are lot of men Hound who get their klch out of watching that Homy st has ML Meg km Honey West sounds like stremousshw or girl todo It IL Anne had been working 14min hour day and finally kid to cut IQdown to 12 Even though she has double to per Ionn In the long shots Anna must do he closeup Han flghu MISCU and rouzh null