Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1966, p. 5

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urfl min uémk Hum 19 Humility Maw Sum MHI Iml Iwn Arhlwl In Ito Mm In Ilall Lu lwn mcmuI mu Inlllwunl mumth Illranalm IM Inkru Mm lwviaHml IIMdHnl INllrm mm il vlmizml lm lhv ml hnnlrm mm Im II nmihu and lltlmu ll Inmtl umlhu In 0m horn nMJ nu wul ulny tar vannam mlnz mme ha Iv llvUm nnvl Ilw Inldmul lulla Pl Wllal Hm My mm In In um an In Tnnnh Ml Hum Amlhnlnn Mrrhmlw ha nllwnl mu mmmny In le ll mmmmm nlmmzr III pulmml 11w yrmul Mawnu Al Anna 5L will lmwllo lur mlurr almflhl AnnhIr ul mu hat lwrn Imuqu urpanmmL Iv mic ml 0er wmxmuy hm hun bunNI 10 NM Iu curry fllml Ilwru Inmr NM lrrlmlvlnl runamivn In um am but Ith ll punuh Irmav Mr th In an Hr mm ht um In nnlw insuit ml loun der 142 company n1le mu mm In kmvlnz Mlh Hm lirmn pollry wrvlnn Ihr MM in 111 mman nmlu nm minim Ad mm Iqumv or Mm nu uvmo In kar larlhln lmllw rwamIIn ml Ink Nun 1n HM mull HIH lnirmrr Mm wh HIM Wm Imnnl HM IIN mm lullll In Um erIlINl NI Mml mm upnnnlon mu unnum look plmr Jnnuwy 11m mumme took artr mu Invor in nnmg In 1962 new dwnrlmem Mu Harlld ilh Injecliun mnuldinz bccnmln nn Integral part the pLuIiM indmlry Um MN mew lypc Injccflon madd iru mnchInes wow inslaIINL Thi dopavlmrnI ugn hnndm by IIdwnnl Fox ho Johmi lha rummny In I937 n5 ml room ll limr 1m llcmnnd or Hm mnulrIan incrmsm and more madlims Mm Addrd An 1964 The size tho madlIms rnnxcd mm 91 I0 31 ounces mall 10 gram nukmatic In 5min mnuIdinz mnrhim mu Added In in onkr mp Iy lhn cwnnmnsing drmnnd ar nylrvn baring nnd mull pan Though the leadcrahlp of Julius Schuck presldenl and general manager and Arnold chuck vlccprcsldcm and plnnl superintendent the plant luu undergane many changes ln ludlng three nddlllms within be last seven year Equipman has been lncrenscrl with the steady growth me mpany From beginning ol only am compression moulding machine the cquipmcnl now lntluvlcs our Ieen comprzsslon and cnmpresa lion lransfcr presses vuxying in capadty 1mm 50 Ions lo 330 tons The Compmslun Mnuldinz Department has hem comple menlbd yrilh lho Iddiiim hm fully minimc com pression moulding prom 25 lo 75 nl mpncjly From modal beginning in 1356 Plastomnr Limited has emerged as one of Canadan leading custom mouldera plgliu Cooke Cartage To Expand Freight Fleet Service economy was rende here in Barrie when became appar ent um many local mpanje lwnd themselves unable to lnd skilled workers for opening or employmnl The populaflon bl Harrie has cominucd in increase As mat ter nl inwmsl since 1951 lhe papulaliun in he Barrie trading ama which includes Danie Al iislm Camp Borden Dookslown the Pravindal Government level 1965 proud to be an ex upfibnal year It wu the 1th Mn ward the economic boom and saw Ontarios gm provincial pmdud be pm ducflm Mods and servim pmduoed by We province In mase by around pa cent over he previom year Employ ment throughout lhe pmvince in creased by more than 89000 and the unemployment rate dmpped to an average ol per cent lnwst in Canada and ar undu flle United Stawa pencontext than of some benefit we were to review lmelly some the accomplishments during 1h past year before we 1001 In 1966 Sinceuue progress whelher it he inlhe realm social achievement emmmic ad Vanccment can only am about by establisldna nolld and an gearing inundation tumight be Again his year LI my pleas ure have the privilege of con tribnting an article Lu the Pm grey Edillan of The Barrie Ex aminer myym 2m MONDAY mnvmvzi nu Plastomer Reports Steady Growth Barrie Market Above AVerClge The buoyancy 91 me yumin MTP SlmcueCenlre ll 1an IZXITJIIFNH hl lmlvlll 11th Irv ur pm puma vnlmzicl mm alum nmlim 51 nm old ML mu uh Ilw mnan 1m mum In milty In pull ymt film IIM hmw mnemm an up In lho nmlnlhm IN ml 19 mm Wm 0mm maumuy Mn mh WI In INH mu ml In nnkn in Ilw hrlvl lrnnxlmnnlim llw ml Hm Vq lul our ulnrn Allrnuh drwmlu an IM mu mnyn mm In rlu Nu llanqmnallm ml Nu um my MM mm 1mm ml lnInla um Inf Allml VIII LIMI in Hm lnHNl 5mm ml mwla mum lul Imul MEN unit In Iml mm Ilhlll the Hvtmlwallm nmla In lho fimrxlml ny um Mll flu nowle run pm 10le in me mmnm our rnm my hM mud it many to Adm ml mm it hum md mm urvicfn or Mulch it In wu rd Mr mku Mitl Thll ulna Mme mum In rnny our pulley In In ha hm my mMr HHIN Al ll lumnl rust Mkrmujwlxlnm ul rm Jum ur nmmny In lrnrulhm hl ncxllli4 lur unry ran mum mlnln mm mr flrrl Iur me H11an rmth IMI In In Mhrr war anIIvn mum nqu Illl mlrnwr Io mwltll ll Mr hvkn MM no mnpanv um llmlrl NJle owqu uman ml My mm mm in llmln Hum mnnulnrhurd nl Plas lnnxr leilbd Include Dmpon cnl purl ol lrlophon equip mm wild mu ldevisim nulin nitrm Ham unshm drmx rdrigornlnrl hrnunz muinmrnt vnpmxrrn mmll np pliant Imam nukxndhn and AlrmlL Wilh llle inclusion of this new equipment the Hall Plnxiomcr HmilNl will have increased Imploym cl mm 35 will be unala stall In the finishing depmmem nit manatzcmmt mu besides Dune named pnv lmuly includes Mmle llama secretary treasurer and oilire mamgu loinml the amp any in Jamis Moore and Mr More In charge of he newlylnrmrd dulkn engine in dmamnml Ind Mr Nowell In rilnrge quality cuntml and mommy opomllnns Mum Nowell 3mm mpany in my wm ihe continual need Im addiiional equipment Julius Schuck focused his aileniion an Italy as mum of supply fur larger injection moulding mac Ines In October 1965 be new in Milan Italy in lee these machines in opernunn lie was so lmprmed with their versa tility that he placcd an order or ounce and 6001mm machine The first now in operation and me inlier will be insulied within the next few week The machine flu in manulzciumd in liaiy hni in min and eltctrical appara im are manufactured in Canada the cumn pmapenw Gov ernment has wished he pm gross of the past five yea by the orderly development good legislation and the sound hand ling of he pmvincea financial expendituru Mnrent econ omic boom has mean higher incomes lull employment and greater opportunities or the people In our area And while HI 0mm Govamment cannot oI mu claim all the credit for These iigum are of particular significance because May that while gamma ream sales are exquime blah the equally high azure lor per our iba 0mm Ilium Hut those who 1le in due Bum hiding am buy mom of Lhelr purchases hum owl merduanls HMS lhmflglebe pom Eli person dmn also ll per cent Alum he na llonal average in 196 50113 disposable lmne for Bar ne calling are was $1350 but in 1964 the last Year flu if um are available it was $191 an lncrease of 90 Elmvele and Sfiayngr has risen by 118 per cent Theimpnflance of Battle in he mmrmrcial Vand indusldnl Lila cl Canada can be measured by the act that amoniing to tha Finanng MSmey of Mamls or 196566 the Barrla finding mm was 981m cent pemen Ir mflaLinl the total mall saks whldz in 1961 were 461 mlfllon And £10 per up Impmditm on mail sale wh 010 259 INNISHL 5T SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERATIVE SERVICES Tho dfroclon of the Coopamlive oHor dobonlum for Invad mom ouch year The dobnnlum Iro avnllablo at Iho Coop office during buxlnau hows follow Holp younolf and your nnlghboun by pdnlng your money to work To obtain quality goods and services at competitive market pric es to democratically control economic conditions and help pre vent monopolies Each member regardless of his investment has one vote to help govern and run his coop Each member may use his voice and his vote in his own way he can sUggest advise criticize and condemn Members elect board of directors to set policy in their interest and to hire and guide management Earnings are divided among the members in proportion to the Use they make of coloperative services HOW IS THE Ell0P BUSINESS BUN COOD Griffithfeu BGSEdon OurfiPustljFVega WHY DO PEflPLE MIN EllOPS constructive evolutionary and are not organizedto op pose anything You are invited To share in this great movement which is helping biuiid better way of life for Cooperafors haveachieVed qutstanding suécegsfhrofigh more than fift years of following the rile principles of democracy Peoplé worklng together for fhé benefit of all have provided themselves With goods and services at cogf Cooperators point the way to the future they are 10 Year DEBENTURE at 52 20 Year DEBENTURES at DEBENTUHES ACRES OF FREE PARKING Addrou DEBENTURE APPLICATION Slgnflwn 5f Pmchnun Nnmu To The Finlnu Olllur 5mm DISTRICT coommnvs SERVICES 259 lnnhlll Burl hortby apply hr SHOULD Yllll MIN 11 Ell0P if you want 10 make your opinion and voice count if you want the satisfaction of sharing and Working with others 10 realize common achieve men than you belong In CCSOP If you want better control of the uses of your money You can join coop if you can make use of the goods and services it offers HOW Ill Ell0P5 HELP US By encouraging the adoption of cooperaiive philoso phy lo the economic needs of the people by the or ganization of cooperative societies for distribution production markeling housing health insurance credit cold slorage whoelsale and other services to which lmoperaiile principles can be applied cooperative is an organization which belongs to all the members The coittrol rests equally with all mem bers and the profits are distributed to the members WHO IAN Jill Ell0P WHAT IS Ill01 DIM 10 Mr Om W27 yurlorm DEBENTURE 726653

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