The mill is one ol the main operatiom at Io0p least as ar the farmers are concern ed tanner can bring his grain In wfl it or have it mixed or 259 mu St is an out Lnnding of what can be mils by vowelaims hm ampeily organiud In 25 $8 Simone bOp has expand ed mm mu brick building on its pram premlsns with an nual sales innersnot $2000000 said Ive always felt our Co Op the Pigs bOperqï¬ye Packers um instrumental in brinsipz My notoan busi Simcoe District CoOp 15 Expanding Steadily 09 main adjustments lo unlt which applies liquid nibogcn Simeon District Wmï¬va 050A sr ol simooe Co West Bend ofCan Ltd Covers Your Kitchen In Cookware Yes Its true from stainless steel cookware to 30 cup coffee percolatorl West Bond of Canada Ltd is leader in their field Their expert craftsmen take pride in each article manufactured In their Barrie plant to ensure you of complete satisfaction in their product DID WUKNOW Stainless Sleel Cookware New Product TEFLON Now Made In Barrie cdved this term Both the inguisz the capzr city of tho bins ranges from hm lo 30 Ions Feed or any branch of livestock can be prepared The mill handles 56 ton of manufactured reed darly on one sail pas yea1100 3cm Rolling grinding and hammer mfli mauhincs perform the apt oration Part of the motion is aided by an air comprmr with 50iiorscpowcr motor cLnlralc It is taken to die up lhq mill by qirlilfl inA lwg bedcuémiiui bulk by truck 11le WW wk mm me mam Inca the we M511 mm 96 wpe prepared feed The feed is mixed with con bms gunminmg farmer mlmemor 6nd ramgr than milder it mm ecowmical and em granular mm lumber cient to use 10 Liquid variety Malnlm nrvl 1mm luv my vlnmwlnz lnlm Hlvl YMll Fur Mm 1101va rhinrnlml HIVl mush ht LN Inï¬ lmuly Min rmmnl M0454 ma IIInull um mm In Immuta mu Ma Trr mu nlrl Hahn wucL man runnlm mu run4 mullv1 IflmIHA YnIIM IDW mun in mm No mom an In mdd wlm lav One aspect of he CoOps bus Ints designed to attract flu local consumer is healing ucls Last year he companys pclml cum departman distributed 2000000 gallons product made is in the area umanfllradre that he future growth or the company lies he said will also do uxsmm work of farmers The mat opened In 1959 It is the only place around where you can still buy nnur in 100 pound bags rimflwra trends the number of Ianncrs Isbeng reduced and the 000 is now Crying In ap pea tothe urban consumer eight hour sflgll anq 33mm SOVdeIcrcnl kinds of Yecd 1c 02559 sald Eat due 90 ag maï¬a cquipmml During 1965 the 000p milked IL letï¬lizer warehouse or the rim lrma 1L purpose is to house bulk fertilizer as well stock bag ierlilizerWe have very mhaniwd warmnuse will orkrhm Ljucks and other auto it awn service men awn heating appliance of all kinds and it own Iuel oil Wu have our fulHime men who install and urvica heating equip rg is aflvhmgr sgryim Mr Case said 111a 000p has our ï¬eld Lnka for delivery and mo mumm rcoeive cleaning or his unit once yaar no cost IL is complete package deal which in ellicienl and econnml ua far the Mom he said There is alsn farm and home PM for healing and 8min drying whidn has proved suc cessful during the seven years sinca it was begun up of heating us diesel us and gasoline SERVICE HEN 11 it 66m WEST BEND Juniur opportu nity classes were opened in September in Codringlon King Edward and Oak Park Schools These are mumy ram schools These are special classes or dxildrcn who Four uiHimc supply teachers were engaged in 1965 One spent most oi her time teaching chiL dren cvnlined Io haspital or homn due to illness ar injury Mi McKay said In this way the children would not tall behind in their work and would be able to return to classes without need lng special help tram regular teachers Maple Grove School opened the 196566 5eason will all classes lroin kindergarten to grade elghl Inclusive ourvroom 14 dillon and library will be ready for September 1966 McKay suprintcnaent of public schools said nu trend is to class smaller county school so that beiler education can be provided with less duplicaiiaii of service As time goes on out lying public winds will become thing We past andmore ccnlmlizcd services will be pro vided ADDITION During was the Femdaln Pub School was closed and pup Han kindergarten and grqdcs our live slx seven and olghl were Iransferred lo Princq 01 Wales School Pupils of grades one lwo and lhree now mend Edgehill Drlve School Oomlmclion started in Sea umber 1965 The grounds are expected be compldcd by spllng ï¬ne Bards Public School Board moved ï¬nlo its new prem Lscs nus year no $50000 struc ture Mvae 1nd St Vincent Street replace the old admin Islraflve uflices the board rent ed rum Barrie Public Utilities Commission PublicijchoolBaum IvIts NewPremises Our vliculs of progress did not stop at thls oinl Since 1057 we have had five cxpnmions giving 10111 of 33000 sq Our iiillmxpnnsion was starlet in the Iale all of 1064 and we are cur rcnliy lnstniling production equipment In this new Iacllily Vilh lhis latest expanslo ioy approximaitciy 159 pcopiq The new addition houses mm Miencoating insiailntlon as well as being used or manufacturing aia niess steel aluminum cooking utensils and giiiwnrc it is plain Io see by our iive expansions during the past seven yearn that we have found Barrio an ideal city to settle in WI have faith in iha future or Harrie and it is because his faith that we at Wcsi Bend taco the future viih conï¬dence This is lhc story of the growth an industry growth which mfled with an idea an Idea to find new industry to build better product lo med the hnllpngc loruorr In theiï¬pring of West Bend Canada Ltd settled In Barrie setting up operations in rented quarters on High Street Later that year we purchased 10 acrcs 01 landfrom he 51in of Earriq We begin construction of new plant all of 1057 This new bulllllng covering 12500 sq IL and all subsequent addlllom were buill entirely lly llnrrlu conlrgclors and local lrndcs School hours were changed in 1965 to provide improved edu cnlion as well as maklng it more convenient or parents For the 196546 season the hours are from mm to 1145 and mm 110 p111 to 545 pm Grade one pupils allend all day and mornlng and afternoon kin dcrgnrtcn pupils are ln school approximach the same numbc of hours daily All pupils are flismlsscd at he same time each ay SCHOOL CHORUS Codrinmon Hoys Chorus un der due direction Ross Cald well parlicipaled In Ihe lirs 0n larlo Department Education The Barrie Examiner pmvlded daily newspapm in sulticient numbers fur classroom 3de lhls pas year Mr McKay sald the papers are used as each ing aid and have been very suc cessful They sllmulale lnler est in news and permit Lhe chil ï¬rm ï¬nd out what actually lnslde newspaper Mrr McKay saldhe believe it is better have thug pupils remain in their own school so that they become part of lhcir 6wu community In other centres such children are sent away Io different schools dont it inlohngulnr classes or who qrone reason or another dunl mlke their full potent flalsA maximum of lachlldrgn are permuted in each 61858 SPECIALISTS Teachers of these dam have had special training In th Da parlmcnt of Educulinn summer school program Thu training has given mummiess bellnr understanding the problem of these pupils Mr McKay said We think the classes hava been re successlul lhat we plan ovhave other next year Thay are ing among other things In out when geom King Edward school was chos en as one live schools in the province to experiment wlflI new memos text books and meter am can he inlfoduced de mentary school menu The III mm mle Ilnc nl Wu lieml mm mullu In very new rum to 15 mm Student mm resins aHhe Canadian Nauonal Exhibition Th3 boy did well During the all and winter tenn ctémentary and scconi dary sdmltcaeheu held math emaltcs aemimr Mr McKay pointed out this was the ï¬rst lime that primary and hlgh schoo teacher gottogether to get abeltcr understanding the total program In mathema ch ma BARR EXAMINER MONDAYIEIRUARY 28 IMHM Nu IO np Aulnmfllt PARTY celebrating 45 years in the Best of Enfertainment 01 CAN LTD Mr McKay said the proluét being done to assist the parlment In updating the mathev matte program or grade on tn xix We are moving toward Involva local communill tn making up the curriculum md are making rccommendatloqs tn the department or nrov ial considefation he laid yet tomarty to make cmnmcnt on um sums this venture but It seem to be well ruc ed by xtudcnu and Ieaghgr TRY EXAMINER WA PHONE 7182414 camera Involved are designing and mnslrudlng useful lwo and hue dimenslon model or me cial awareness ï¬zfzï¬ Fab