MSW uome dropped three alone to lie Hollde Arvidl Que nved wine The ninth and proved the turn lna point lvr Saskmhewm lg 36 Trailing eltcr emu Engahom plled In three mm Ind dole anoma on the hull and ONTARIO Newfoundland Ikipped by Dmy Herder of St John umed the Mae Kim 5111a nfoprml mm Hex memmln major lawn NM huemun hld Mum Ih Imw Main lv 3mm In rvumlmu Wu WW In llulor pitched 11 lnnlnu In for the Tluen 1m Int lawn And did not flow run Mlh Kflkonncy fludlmfl who pound ms mark Day lma Bath and struck out 104 In hmlnn In mum Ind Gown Konm Ottawa Jmflawn WM 151 mm Canada becomlnz Increas Ineg Important from ulevl tlun pmgramminz slandme unduly 1mm anonlo north and between nmnlo and Mont Nflf chic loom FA Knmlnu II Mexico ï¬féuba In hmpe mu mum any team an negotiate and 911an It lea And have found that 01 udhn pllym do nut demand hm bonum to flu HA In CHANCE A0thommpitrhmonthe major league roslcrl John llflln of Sclrborough nppem hut the best chance May 10 um dub Bradfords Mike Kilkenney In Ontarios Big League Prospects aw laid ma under me new dung players mm Cur Detroit Ti hau 10 On Inrhyborn ynungsten 1n then wzunizalim Including three pitchm on he loam major lraxpo roster ENDORSES 11MB FREDERICION Cen lqnnlal Commissioner John Fisher animated Tuesday that the comtnlulanl bond db rectum had endorsed proposal to have 12 unnamed Canadian mountain peaks climbed In 1967 Climber will assault the peak in tho min loefiuhi Hula of ï¬n Yukon temiory LAKELAND FlaAPDCan Ida whose native mu dam nala the National Hockey League won may have some playing mqjorleagua baseball luv mum mum nui derwhoonin maxim Roll who held réoml going Into the fourthmum much aimed to alter Ln Ibe Leading um him the regulation mend mnhrh the Saskatehqwm four ï¬lm we to The Notthem Ontario mm aenulivu took advantage key ndujn lhc mini mud to udder In 1L7 victory over On urfouwd erch um un atul record to with 154 ctory over New Brumwick in the loam mmd Columblll Douala Enlmmr flipped his Prince George link to the uput ol the day delenllul Saskauhawml 111133015 olflumbold In aw lineronJmn Onlnrlo an un lendflwd recqrd lnlhl Oun dlan Schoolboy Curlinx Chum lonshlm and In upset by Ed Columbia Ive Wayne SM kll North Bay crew wlopou Idol ï¬rst place ST JOHNS Nfld CF Backmbnck victories Tuuday Luv Nogflurn piglnrlq an un um um um mm 115 Northern Ont Zops Students DR STWGEGLOVE NOW WITH METS we have gone Kgmljnu also mow donor llu lwl mu rmflq Ii llphllnl In IM mu ul IAAH In My ka MM and Inn mm Null 01h mljor lune club are mind to bc waldflnl how the Cmnflw Inn with Tum NM man Bob Gem nl SL Clum rlnu mum dude Hughes Tomolo mlrd bmmm Mun Ryan 0mm shortstop Norm Timmlm of Guam dwrulop Tony Bommln Sluk Sle undo and pllchcr Gcgrge of Bradlurd nx liolrnmln mkm making their flnl minor lcnzua Insign ouu In 113 Innings an the other who mar Katalin laid We find that most the boys have had mm coaching have Inlcrior equipment and do no la near man game LIL icy hymn mtg my laggiu llyeuo Ihlrd baseman mm Learning lon said he had played 12 ex hibition games and 100 during he mzular season with home own team More bcing signed mm the nm GREENEB All cl tha players we algnzd 1mm Canada hm gmer lhln aur other boys but had that nat urn Ibillty and developed Inst with 11an hclp 1mm our mm Kntnflnaa laid Pllchm our most Impor tant Ind and wa haw three real good mu other Canndim In the Tiger arunlmlllmn In Monti buse berm REL playmg EC Que bec meeting Nova Scam and Northern Ontario playing Manl loba Ontario will sit vul the ï¬lth mum sixth round Ls uheduled lot 750 pm NST nu mu round was scheduled for 145 pm NST 115 pm ESP May with New Bum wk ANewlmmdlnnd unnummw rem 713m gun In at 106m matches Albert ddeaved Man noba 1M and PEI domed 05 me IMM mind Nova Sm ti deflated PEI 35 Albcm Smkalchawnn Inlshad lb 331 action ï¬lm YMme an owns pry soc bnd place In the llvrlnk mind mbln bonsplcl WM ul KIM Nov Scolialen GEM ol Malfollowed wkh lwn Mm Inc 1M while BriuvbColm bl and Ontarlolwm tied at WI phcc with recordx HAVE SINGLE WINE Newfoundland and Keth Mc Eacheml Prince Edwaer Ib lmd rink mm Gnarlme followed with one win In three mm while rink ldpped by Bev Groves of Edmmldslon NB George Wilson of Charley wood Mum and the Quebec Mpresenlauves wen all tied Wiul onevictory In four tries The none mum 4nd1nllud the messq two slam the Wasatch mw wound up will Jingle 0nllflculWike Boyd of King on Ind lost héart breaker In the um round Against Steskl Buyd wm tone at umpud In hulclte double takeout In order to awn two and tie tbs much aames muted twoslonu nu 011 ï¬rst end mum Ontario Ind nuver MAM at he picked up my victory 417 NA lMIliu lur Ihm minor polo Plum ml mil Mm Ml MI aha mu 1mm hllh huh 50 AM MUM nmu AP WIrVanI Ram and Funu play 1m nlmc um mum 111m dly In CornwnJL fleavm mm head In luau with points two point mm thin Cornwall Raynls Bernard Bertrand led ha Buckingham scorer Tucsdny with we loch min hmumu Mb Ind Robert Aube Gilbert 0mm and Norman McMillan also unrul Ed Hebul wllh twa 1011 And Jenn and or leriu BUCKINGIMM Que CF Hucklnlham Beavers playing Umlr 1m gama of he mum nelson In cmded rm lor Nanny in the Central Juniar Hockey Magma Tuesday zuned wla possessim Iiru mm with win om oc uuu Farm KouIax was not available or garment but Drysdale had thin will not comment on ï¬gures which wmld put meln the position or MMZUIL mm ncqspnpcm How manner rotall Eénmï¬m Beavers Pass Cornwall Team tracts Willie Mays may have started me trend in basdmll when he signed twvyear comma WM San Francisco Gian for £250 000 Now Kouhx is reported to be asklng $600200 and Dryndale MM By nm Ramm Who does Sand mm think he is mkifl Undmedly he domt but men maxing In An gcles 8er wuld end to Indi cate at waaxland Michling muteDon Drxndae an tan add to trend that Im be come mm In pm football langicrm sixfigure mm mpyxight shory in ma Lo Angela HeraldExamiur lay It would take combined lizura of mom hail 5100000 lot he vmfld dlampim 1m Angela Dodgers to sign their Mo Ila plldm Report LA PitChers Ask For Fatf Raises nu mam W3 hurth sensitive Ind in volved trade mmu Earl Jlnhnson mum or he Bram told III court hut ha malarial by upstate um books was necessary In prep araflon ol the state an against the Braves and Due Na Hunal League The case zoo to his next any MILWAUKEE W11 AP Circult Judge Elmer Roller mled Tuesday that ï¬nancial record ol the Natlmll Dengue cths must be made available to the court ln Wlsmslnl mu tnul mll against baseball Judge Roller said Illa the cards must be opened an Iludy by the court and by luv you or he Itale but would ml Immerlly be made publlc Wllconlh Inrwym had Signed on My of hmballl General manager But zIeJ Bans of the Dodge mmhilc mnflmwd parts of the m1 Yes they am asking ol moneyhe admitted his $600000 LI new to Braves Ordered T9 Show Records 2th go pmpm or thq mam elzue season ahead of the main White Sox Emlalsosaidï¬wmmnot dldplt helluva PIIYSICISI DIES OAK RIDGE Tenn Dr Lqu Pinneil 31mm iniexmiiooaiiy lmwn nuclear physicist dim ol leukemia iucsdny The Canadianbom ocimiist llad been direckx 01 Munan physics Ifld was editor of Nuclear Sciance and Engl neednx maxim He received hi1 doctorate in phyniu at the University cl om The mod timid could be presented by Grant and Giana the two Ice hurlerl high baud weir Inky on Manson what Max mlvu Among Hue name players gull unhappy are Jim Mudcat Grant Zailn Vernst and 0an mimesoln Mns Bag Gibson SI Innis Cardinals Norm Cash and Don Demeter of deit Tigers Bmoh Robin son and Frank Robinson ol Bal limoro Orioles San handsufl Juan Madohal and Car Yay tnumski 01 Boston Red Sox Somo mo players rgmaln un smled with print training opening in 10 days grath pimflwge myear con but added Mmuyheularasl Imow Sn many Win in to dont know whatshagw in on is true that been M11 in terms of around 8100000 but nothing has been mulled on llgure mm mama The starting lineup Ll com prised centre Poker Dal Riva nix lect Ilvo Inches or wards Daryl Brown ix eel one Inch and Jim Hails 11x act hm lnnhu and guards Illiiu ha our velenm Ind six rookies Eight are producll of local high Ichool teams IAVi ONE OUTSIDE The only player mm outside the am Carl Glull Masler University student who came mm Toronto eonwbs sMuerxmdwcpAp wimmammgm wax on Ihlp Whywflh Amman Em ymelilch Dimer favored to hold burntyp Than broad mum or he man who 13 making ourlh bid or he muonal title Including loss Vunmver Saints ya the A1964 Hugh Dedicahom husLla 1nd do Jim are thd added Incentive according to Hicks who lends his Hamilton Qulgleyl into tha Canadhn Junior mens bum hnll champlmuhlpu Vicwrh F911 hnva never hndv Earn like it mm says They 3139 guy HAMILTON CHWhat Wu Hicks sou out to win 05m dlan title he helium In each 1m his Ieam member mm in haw to set up mdexecula uuul My AW Damn the European chlm pion seeking unnamed Alain Calms ot irlneo world champion hook the wly lead with ma minuln the lint two of six compulsory ï¬gure Nea Austrias Emanzew ï¬idsillForflworld Title QuigléYsz After National HcmOrs IVIENS FIGURES Have Your Car Cleaned Regularly Plan to hlave your car waxed by appolntmenl lo Bmtect your Investment Open 830 mm to 600 pm ally SPEEDY BAY can WASH Nu um lnnhu and Kuards mp lTCIEAN KEEPIT wmp KEEP IT lONGER ©THQ BAVFIELD s12 GOVT Docx ST LOUIS Mo lAPIhe National Council ol Churchcs general board urged Tuesday that Gum be admitted to me United Nation and Uni the United Stale study diplomatic recognition or China mm mwu era Glall and John Kennedy six leek Ire the secondary for mula while Bob Vylle five Itch 10 helm and Bruce Mo wnt live eel eight Inches are the mondary wards fllp Quigla have won 21 of hair 24 games lhls season They defeated Windsor 8MB Ind 9451 to weep llw Ontario ï¬nals Vinerxkl and Conï¬er um members ol the allOnlaflo high school champion last season PelzrConlen xlx feet flu Inch dumm with Rivant cenue Both Wain 210 pounds nd are stmng rgbaurpjl shoot Bowman high school all slur is he eamx lop point gab Ier Iverallng 27 paints game Hlju II flu lop rebound shooter and mend highest scorer on the mud Vlc Vinean Ind um Condor both six leek 10 Inches American Guy Vbcouu 10 wu fled or second with Woll Intsdxmnï¬l Austria wilt llGApolnLI The top Canadian wu Donald Knight 13yearnld Dunstan om Nudent and CaMdLIn tea or mmlnlghl was six with 3016 pain trailing Nobuo Sag olJApan warm MISSION Chums Suzuki 29 Susan 17 and Paui 21 nu Canadian Mtninl palrs Champl ons LPelfh Bunkn Murmur dc mung war on the warnmt singles event and L1 considered Canadas best chance for ï¬rstplace medd yufllufl ance of the serpcnï¬ne not works school ï¬gure cm skiing at three curve in mirrorLike palmm He said world championship moclï¬oallam demand this ï¬g ure be skated um lime in clrdea Impound upon each oflaer He wId Canadlan authorities should have told hlm about the dlllcrence in rules but there it nothflng mat can be done about it haw nnineriruce Ifyland wd he named the palr jn dumpedqrm AL an rolherclslef entry Susan and Paul Huehn ergard Taronlo ï¬nished 1m with only poian or the com pulsary ligum and blamed their perrbrmancc on an error of lnlerpmtalion in Canadn of world nuu HAVEI RULES mom The Canadian broLher Ludmfla Belusavn and Ole Prolopopoï¬collected 1042 pow compared to 101mm or Tatiana Zhuk and Alexmder mum vanilla new down at and second place In the pain compciflon alter com pulsory fizumg Tuesday Taronlo was In lath plus with 2384 point Jayr Humphny 11 of Wm vet Canadian Junlm champion In 196 and 19 wk fled or nth Mth Giordam Abbondalo 9L My who had 2154 wing tVIhc North America WWI or were expected up lame mum eeskqfln rnmmml nu compouflun In Wth cant anls do not have to trace pron scEIbed gums The catipulséril ï¬gures cam 60 per cent and the reevskallnz per cent Soviet Union Ikaï¬usl held