Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1966, p. 3

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aim St Clair Windsor Sunny in law cloudy pc rind and not quite ns cold lo day And nxesday Winds mrlh west 15 lo 20 oday northerly 15 Many Aka Ne Niagara Lake 0n lario 1mm llnmillnn Om yddenfla cloudlnm um low natured mwmrfiu Iodny 7km vdih PW dandy Inm uh 0min and 1mm Not quato cold de nmh minty 15 In as today nmh Irly 15 Wcmiay like Humn Imflmn Gem thn My Mum 5mm Ste Mum lmdan Vndnhlo doodl nm mm mulmni mmflur 11 And msidnrnhlo drifllng today dinflnimlna gradually fleu WWI law dmvly mm min tunle AM nnosday Not wlndv nurleresl my may mnme 15 Mly James MtCague of Allislon Keeletled direclnr or lhls am to the Canadian Holstein Breeders Association at their meeting in Tarmlo last week Mr Mchgne was Iiso one oi flve breeder irom urns the gimme and ram Alberta to Appointed to the extension eervioe comnil of the asso datim This committee will spend H000 on the promotion oi the breed in Canaan durinz the next um nxunll ml mm mm Nunh Nathtm Gwminn my all guflo Jellydog nmagmvd Buoyll Allhoum the cold wave in hr mm om nan Lnucd allth modernlim in an penst cmcdcd during UM next day or lwo Smllcrcd mwflumm nru lmcasl for um mar ha GKLM lake to day Msday should bring con fideh sunxhino In nearly n1 mdonx Jim McCague Réelected Holstein Area Director will remain cloudy today with occasion mownunic and driluinx will be dimly war mcr Law at The Examiner ad 1151 was six below mm The PRESIDENT Raytfl Barker Woodbridge us elected yrcsidenl of the IlnlsldnFfieslan Association 01 Canada the board director medium Mr rg Humbcrcros Pilots on HMCS Bonaventurn he weather briefing baton inking oflon practice light DISTRICT WEATHER Cloudy And Cold With Light Snow IMrHEEml now mum tom the An nurme mm mm Dan at Mt lxmmnl duck Inlay In Main hln English mum nllcr monihn murnllon Mnnha Menl M4 had come 11000 mllrn nnd ho L500 mllm or the mm lm Mrlmcn duloloulu mu annl 11 mm who lunml mm year at Vxlku hm In Alulrnllln IlaUnn in lhu Anlnrcuc Bay Sudbury Variable domi ncss with an maslona light mflum Mny Clear with low cloudy period onlzhl and Woman Nm quite as cold VimLs north Forum Tempenlnm Low mum high nltsdly Windsor St Thomas London Mount ForcsL Winghnm Hamilton 5L Cnlhulnu Tomnlo Killnloe Muskokl Sudbury lInrllon Saul Sle Knpuxkulnz While flivrr Monsanto Timmlnn zsasuzaaasuuwoeunm RETURNS FROM ANTMICHC MELBOURNE MewM Alflmgfi 11 antl Two Simcoe County 4H Members Honored By Holstein Awards 1m viceApresidenL Mb Cam Napanee wand vicepres ldenl Harland Muarray Map Untown third vicepresidenL and Bruce M01111 Grand No county 4H members were among 14 contestants in Ontario to gain 136 point in the 4H competition to placa um All Canadian winner lrnm among the top llolslemx 1n the 1965 show ring Canada He ha been dimtor oinlhe agglufion yr 13 xeaxg While the maventura Is an training ends in mulch waters the weather man must uuweonnm In mldflhm la 0m qunl re nnrln Anmll Null reprtwnllnl Onlnriu Whnlualo me Equip rmnl Auoflnllnn will nddrm QM rummllnn duvlnl Int Illnmoun In subject In Whnl nnw In plum On the mom day p1an dimmlon mndcrnlnl lyy Hub Timber Maunl Alhtfl wlll drnl lLa dam and my Dclrznlu from the limo plowing msoclnllon In Slmcm counly will be allcnding the III nun convmllon of the Onlnrla Ploumenl Mmiaton mnlnl mnlornqm odny Govwr will be prisldin me ha day salon rh In ch3ch lull pmmm Pre Navn Sewn fourth vice prgsidg 11m were enlrie mm all nlne provinces Md provnd the idcsmad interest In the 4H competition Among ho 409 4H Call dub cantataan from across Canadn three fled In first place in he Ill Canadian junlar Judging any last with polest scam of pointy Judgu paid lrlbulew the Judging mms the 17 4H members from the nine provin who plug with flu lec ond are 136 Quinn 111 were am 52 members wilh the bird hlxhral 35° Winn illnn each provinclnl branch of the assoclnflun award In the hlghosl conltslanl wimln borders lrue lypa model Holslcln and he mend plate winncr copy of he hlslory ol the HolstclmFrleslan brood ln Cannda Fred Grillln Burgeslville Ontario was appointed as judge or he Rays winter Fair and Fraser Slrenlsville 0n lana was selected as allemau Judge 111a lwa young peopla were Sharon Waodrow Melon member of the Baton Cal club and Ross Cough of Burris of the Ora dub hamm mansion tom miuce at the Holsleln Friesinn modfilm Canada awards 3100 in cash prim and 102 114 Canadian calendar or this comm County Delegates To Attend Ontario Plowmens Meeting keep track oi conditions nvbr navy ledmnldan 1n the gflfifidfifeg PM weather ofiico aboard mxcs Bonaventm gels the latest weather lnlormalim twm nmu mu Lonit nownm nreér Non Wyfibnmflu Mun ntmnlnmul ImII er ll MINH HWY will II Ind IO nmn Xundwlm um um mu Slow Ml hrlnz lho mellnxn of In pnrlmenl Mrknllun And lhl Onlarla Gnmnrmnl Evmll 1m Dcpuly Mlnlnltr will be IM lunchrm weaker least Icvcn tmmflu will havn dollAnUons on hand mkv In to host Mum Inlrmltlvnul Mulch Huron County will he hml in 1066 and simmo In m1 Inglon In 1968 and Hunt lnnn me unim Fanneu Associa llan of Onvario have adopted Centennial Project locating and identifying all Century Farm in the vaince 0n arm South Simcoe Junior Farm en would like In luv 1m of possible Century Farms In the Cowa by Munch 15L In mic It qualif arm must be resided on And it must be In ncllva operation The He was laklng Io Ilshcrmen In their huh In his open truck Truvclllng along he ice 1000 led from the sham we ruck broke 1er the ice Hil Ion South slmcoe Junior Farmer will hold their annual meellnz 01 March 15 Dunlraqn HI at 800 pm in canjuncuon with the regular meefinz the All arm 13mph Ire cov ered by warkmcnl tampensa Han and name corduslm nun oxisg In cmneclion with this The Simcoe County Safely STROUDGcnrge Burlnn an Innishl rusldcnl met with near fatal accident on Lake Simeon early on ha morning Feb nmry 12 South Simcoe Iunior Famers Workmens Compensation Century Farm Project Innisfil Mans Lucky Escape SOUTH SIMCOE FARM NEWS 11y MRS NELSON rutIn ll mm WILL BUILD AIRPORT CHIGOUTIMI Que4 Cl Tendm will be called hl wring or cnnlmcUnn Ilrpmt at nearby numflle lmlmmlorGencml Cola uh Snlurdny Thoma mm consider able me be managed to an out the window Doing In good swimmer he hudcd or tho lop missed the open mace bul swam argpnd unfilllw and IL Mr Harlan lam gum lhe ice at the bunk mrmod m5 lmhu The ruck mu on tha bottom Lake 51mm Iu mum plm alum lhm Iill Equiquz laxms must be registered 1n the lame umlly name for loo or mute year as Jan 1967 Farm 1n the name widow or an lncnrporaled arm wlll be eligible but am lell to gum daughter will not qual Cauncfl have arranged two meetings or mIdMmh la have mm of these questions answer ed one meeting in Mleon on March 17 and one in Guhrio on Match Hill In the cab was hi to lump roe well as those In muopcncar Gemgosfillinme huckmrnl through to ho ho lom In 25 fee wnlcr Iner gym umumfilufly lo open Lhe 001 eager pull him out It must haw bun nweak mark uld George vlhcr vchirlel went over that moman Ahead Mr mum IVmcxnbcr El ntw Innst round All Junior Farmer an urged to attend the new County Ex ecutive and lutm pmjects will be discussed Il you have Cenlruy Farm please contact Norman KlInck Ell simmer or Ibo Ontario arlment of Agriuulm Al ahoro station The map sent that affect flying Weather olb by udlo is received on Mrvallon Iron the ship are lacsimile machine The weakh sent back to land stations at mans mam job on the mm We mm ankmal Da tier to predict conditions em INSECTS lAslY Biologist Jane Goodafl observ mg chimpanzee In Tanzania tried lncal delicacylemme tried in oil Sparka tn the Ontarin Fed eratlnn of Angler and Hunters he laid Canada would not deny game to lndlnns living In file traditional manmr Ind Med lngjalge on food BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEIiRUAm 11 1m IUTCHENEII North em Affairs Minister Laing said Saturday he sees no Masan why Indian passing same Ikillx andoprponunlues as other Canadian should hot Mn 11 wildlovgl consgryallon and dong really see how we can hope la manage wilder or the Suture AllCanadIans or even for the more Hmiled number In dlam who still rcqulre game or subsistence the acfivfliu of any signuicant number of pa plain org rpeygmd conlr IMamrlndmn leaders are call Ing or and supporting conserva mgagures he 13 Mr Lain assumai responsi bility for indian aiiairs under flan reorganization of govem men departments announced luv Prime Minister Pearson In December Among the main probiem he acquired is that oi 134m right to hunt game he Ancient realm guaranteeing Indian me continuing right to hunt Ind fish subject to law the mullry recognized de pendence of may Indians on fish and wildlife or lhdr food Laing suggests Indians Ioin Wildiowl ConserVation Plans muster NEWS 0119 cal will like hr are are here II Iowan he said But was plaJn that the treatymaker could no oresee he future that modern weapon would makc possibh wipe out wildlife The pancl heal returned Ira in an exchange with medium hcavy mortars that minimal ha an hour he added Israel Vila complained in the SyriaqIsyaefl mixed armlsflca TEL AVIV ReutnnlSyrlan mortars opened fire on an raell palrnl boat escorllng 11 ermen in her Sea of Galilee Sunday but here were no usu alllcs an Israel Army lpoku man reported cimmlsswn men mm mm munm In common Imam lnlnun awed by um acumen cau an nuxcuy gamut mur1 uhnmumllunlnl um dlxlmbed um um hyKldnlnnI mumAman 11 mm mn mm mm rm um nl me um um ur umo¥mxu dmmummmu new mom mmda um um or Mtumlflm smut hm 1mm gamut um mumr yum iiiExtras ammoth Syrian Jsraeli Clashes Reported FEMS and

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