Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1966, p. 4

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muuwc muu run Thu MM ulm qlmnl tlnnrl up or bl nun right and his olhrr thilllrrn nn fluff or Mrunw llmn lw wlllk all over Mm In fur IMlllhf Iblll IInthllan Sn run lllI parenll Ill Illillklfl II ml uny lnr hlm nr llwm llluny molle mlla mu nlmul 0m mallrr nml llrml alum ml alnlu err llwn mul ml vlru muler wmn Aicxamkr Installed mun Inmlmn HMlll la Ah lnrrlhlul lhnl ll NI lw MII jml In mlwr Hum Mink up Mr mm In 11ml lm Innum lvim llllhI lly IlaIlium ON WWI him IWIV an In mm Al ln Ml mmww Hwy ran MU on him ol Angus Mghhghtcd the Feb ruary medlng of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Builders Amdahon The meeting took place Tuesday owning at the Meriew Dalry Restaurant MLh so India mm The speaker cxhhucd several of her original creations In show the dilfcren types of bat forms Mm Dunn dcnmstrated how to make 10mm hat mm the various shapes available to me home millinors My rlulhl my my mini and uly In Alon with Iln llkrl nlhflr chlhlnn mul lint him In may with Mllunmh Mir In llnnlIIr us laugh him It mu lml mam In II II 1in ha lrwl In lwk will tlnlvl Hurll Mllml INT IIXIIHII An Mensflnz mm on hat dc gains rqncis Duqn Hat Designing Secrets Revealed AtHome Builders LA Meeting mguam kn should who her hcmllm Ind display lllllo mm the myn lop Him Gmn harm mlumnhl or EasyGoing Child Avoids Necessary SelfDefence flskeba tumOhm candy tn her baskm 50mp timisz members Mn Onarlcs We MI and Resident Mrs Glen Stewart take 0mm mmmzm of SOROPTIMISTS SPONSOR BRIDGE PARTY ham nullnu that you can da but ym ran nllrm mm rhlhlm mm us mu hmnumw Al llrul and mm Ialrruwhm you ran xhnly Mm ml mrnumzn Mm lo lnh rm Inlnl hla hm hm nu Ilrml Allflw mm ma Illdu uml mm ml mum urawuu In mm llnnl Am hmh Nut Ahwld you mm II no nervom bul jun um Ilnnl wlnt lo light My mva In parl tlnnl knnw hnnkr pm km llmn lhnl nl lrylnx In My MM xlelnul Mmull um rlnlly II hr Mn hem Inugm enr llrr not In llxhl back le tnnl nflnnl In mun him loo much In Illnvl up or hlu nwn Ilhll 1er ha in In Ilm nmmlm cummu nml IIMI lllnrkml nlhm Then WI mm In urnnl hlm In Aluml up lulul Ill nklrr nr Ilnmglr rmld II Iran lnr Ilm lurunl llvpa Hm yaur unn will Imam my vallumy In inll Ml ml ufllnfl vhlhllru nu Mnr nr ulllmflr Ihnn rm lmly uh ymmx um hi mu nu AITIMIT IIIIICNIIS the new executive headed hr Garden mu Pnddenl or Guests at the meeting Included Mrs Don Npling Mrs John Postnikafl Mm Ben Flock Mrs Terry Mrs JuQuafl Mrs Jamil Mrs Nmbed Moran Mm William Wouenden Mm Hamilton Mrs Robm Pfitrkin and Mrs Juliet don was finestneed gilt an behall of the Auxiliary by Nye Gmdan Pratt Mrs Mnivcgdacn was wln nor 01 the dinner draw the London Dafly Minor mm pm PM mm Inch in my Prim Mugnrd mm In hmdlno on me hm Min Gwen points out 13m amxmly the Barrie dew look at what Venture Club Pmsidem Mm John Walton 0min bu Im 910 Vemure Club mcmbers sold candy at the assert Midge msidcnc Mp 91a cop Tun lw Inn with many mm mnylhlnnl Hum hh plur mm ham Ive my um mind II My hle nppmplm MI lhlnu 11 mm nmmln rmm mm In ha rurlwl lurlnl hll ml um an rumium uni Immu ynunnrr In need In Itme hlm In hln only yuu ml to in him In pln My Mlh nlhrr rhlhlun nl In Ill ha play math Mlh ymmnr rhlllhm 1m NI occuflnn lo drlrrul MI 7mm ha munny an hnvo Mu my um mm In plan mndly ullh ohlrr rmMun My Irnll In pmml Mm In milhrr Imlnncr 1m lm hm Munhm In mum munl Imm and tlflrnrl awn vlzhh um MHMI ummum Mm Mn Wv1lmlm In wag um ml ml nf when you 1hr Illnhlanl Illll of MA Irllxlrlrme mmpll men Mm mmly DmI Ihnuhl nlm compllmrnl hlm him when mm Iluld In dellml hlmxrlL The Lrhythm ol the aucuon eera hammer added say note to the annual box loch auction held by members at he Inner thzl of the Rotary Club last evonlng After brief us nu Iessxon mndmd by pnsidcnt Mu Gerald Emberson he evuflnz wa syenl plyylng firiglge Al the conclusion of the game ll beautifully decorated box lunchzs were very rably and umuslngly Iuclloned hy Mu Hugh Gibson as dellghuul men adding to Illa clubl funds humHugh Gibsun was huslcss at her Suqnldale Road home uhflo IM Duchm of Kml LONDON MP Brit man my with4K Mm Hum Luly nmsmprr lam hu hunllm ll wally dam Mic11 7N IN the knee Tho Dude In Ihn my ad mum that ha Qmmn min hy mum Own ram hm Hostess Auctions At Box Social The parly was held at Club 79 Dunlov St Mn Chris do was oonvener at the fund akin evmt Examiner PM The Rage for Ike coming year Mn Wesl Vite chcnl Mn Myrlll Dean oud vlce Mn Graham Chaugr ley mtelary Mrs Emla Wolf endcn assistant xccrclary Mn Prank Perkins maxim Mrs Neil MncDonnld The lollowimz canvenerl were Ippolnled Empire Ind Wnrld Allalra Mrs IL Klllmcr Pub liclly Mrs Chatterley Hosv pilal and Mombmhlp Mn Smdbmok Ind Bench Immlgrnuon Mrs George Cam eron Flown hmd Mrl Jack Why IndAMcnnl Mn 11 mm End Murray Tclrphnnc Mn RoUuon Standard Hum Mu Dlvld Hury will Illa um mclnl convener peniclt Chlplel at he Imperial Order Daughlm 04 HI Empfie was installed Iho February meeting ll PROJECT Plum or flu mar lulure In The iiuiiiem business mix ed with plenum ma Feb runry business meeting of flu Venture Ciuh oi Barrie was tin Immlniioq oi two new members Miss Peggy Newton Ind Miss Sylvia Carbon The meeting was held at he home oi Mrs Wailon will be selling refreshmént and managing the cloakroom at lhe Soropdmis Dessert Edda Feb mm was received from the Menu Health Afiodafim hank lnz the club member for tha warm response In men recznl nppeaL THE BARRY EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 17 667 IhMIru Kiwi Qmn Ian luv Imuhiex ha Mmhuo vmlly Mxm llw lure and with was hwy guy mm ho 1in If when in pl wk 1mm Ilium luv mum mm WWII qltwnl do aha all our Mlnq méyth Inn Plans were discussed In hnld rummage sale on April 13 at the Odd Fallows Hall am ll anyone would llkajn donate please call 7231 or 7254915 mu Pm nu umu lll mu myi DUN lo he rllwd my nnlm MM Al km Mun mmy nntm Mt an raldnz leu Your Mum Mmo llw knro mhnImH minls ml llml Iho Moon In mrrnl muIn Mar In Pmma In4 dirnh uhwa ilw homllnl mm In 11mm Mnrnul Orrml MN has hum flue km MM Lan In Ilimvu Mnmnm flu Lhwun mnn ml lylnm Anm flu anl 0mm war will Mum me in vmly mY EXAMINER WANT ADS mynl lax wrlul Bally Mmr rminn mkmm 11ch Cum llolll with mynl nu otde hu ml Mal Minx ndmnnl to ho unmz Hm mm Mmlml at our HM Invw llya duamdmdim Would be Immllalvle Mlvmr whim 1m dr rmnlhm ll mum ukm I11 of Nunr beguilth Kempenfelt Chapter IODE Installs New Slate 0f Officers qu £966 executive or flu KGRI ROYAL FAMILY SKIRTS ISSUE Ilu It cluda wlndun brlxlu plrly In ho hrld nl lha Club 73 on Mmh cnmmenclng II pm Con vener ol lha brldxa pnrly wlll be Mrs llollnwn Ind Mr Dlvlrl llocy 101 member llsrusud plum or mm Ile In bu held lur Ill new when on lho romnlcllon ol nlghl Irhool on March Mn loom Camiran 10m member II he luclwr fllmmlfl uln wlll be mannered by mcmbcrl In March One new mmer Mn Mr Ellwnln npcnlal ho lb or llmnlnn Th0 Much mmln wlll be hrld the ham or Mm Jnrk Duvll Unpprrlnn SI the wmnma section of 05 Bar rie Curling Chxb Mrs Ken W501 WM d1 way In Why feadnx rink akipptd by Mrs David mun Mu Whatmough had he rink Mrs Dwz Shepbma as vice gulf Jack James seam and Kathy Wiflen l7 Tavistock Ont won 5500 first prile In he Red Cherry Institulex Annual Canadlnn cherry piebaking canlest Iglegday Joan Pine 1n Preston won $100 second prize and Beth Campbell of Burlington was third winnng Jcrry Slolar oi Winnlpéz only buy in he 17 enIrles wnn $50 and Mn Marilyn mums team mem ber of he Buiness Gnk Lea zpcfl whiuh our on My Best Cherry Pie By Tavistodk Girl youve pm the timr Mve lnl tvcrylhing the MC mm my time you mm In ml And new law lnw rnml1hiuummcr Ihucn mun numhcr 01 lmuullaulic MIMI URL from 10lnnln kl ICU In London by nu nificcnl MC Rnllvllnyre 707 or Alr Cnmdn ninnl Cljn lmm MU he nrw lnw umnallanlic am mm mm mm lflnmplc 214W lfcnnnmy lixmulnn TumnlnPmi Mphl will rml ynn only SUl mum Fum el wailiu So why wail any lonuc175cennrlmrl gull IIIIIIII OVIIIUI AIIWA IUIIDIAIIGI WIII All MIA 101m Ia Inmml mm my Kemedyq rink won me mgwl om cm WERE HANDING YOU EUROPE ON SILVER PLATTER FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL have Sorvlco ill lhlplnp IL HI MRS 0K Johnson Am an Inn IL WEST Regent BOAC mm mKLwnu luml Ila Pancake nm synonymmu wilb Shrew mmday which ede huwd Feb 11 Ind mm beginning of lmt flm Allzr noon brand the Woman Auxiliary Si karm Anal can Church will cnlzrluln Pancake Ten deny Mlcrnom lrom orlock Home balm And ah of fancy work an Added ourmlon 0m lea LDL EUClmE Mu Owls Kdl wm wimm olmo nm agu mm For the hridczmm this Is the second Both nnnlvasury ctL chralian at which he has been an honored guest Mr null re llrcd hl August 1965 Mr 60 ycnra service an Army hm hm wiUIA he Rayql Canadian PANCAKE Lampbtl vmn ha prle or lone hands ll Du n1 ullr Saturday Even arch pafly munsnml by he lnyal Orange India 31 In Mlflndnln Mrn Mndahm Harm Md Assisting in the annlvcrsany celebration um flu if three daughlcm Mrs Robert Burns Flmm nl West Hill Mrs 611mm Winqu red Momma and Mrs Banalt June Islinglm Mr and Mn Boll are vroud gandpnrenu In grant daughters and our uamlsaxu fichOOL Cqmn career as alarm with Lhu Royal Canadian Dragoon at Stanley Barracks Tnmnlo ms mimmenl was mnmd with regimental par Mrs Earle Tayiur and MrL Burhm Tnylur of Parry Sound were men guests lha home 01 their brotherinhw and tor Mr and Mn Mallory Napier 5L Mrs Geomé Edmond Mch land Toronto The bridegroom he son of the late Mr and Mrs William En nadv of Draper Township Muskoka and Iakr residm in Bmccbridxe Following their nunflag on Feb 18 1916 am pamnage of Eude Avenue Medde Church Tomb by Ihe lam Rev John Comm the couple made Lheir hmnc ln Tomato 011 Moving lo Barrie In 1945 PARRY SOUND GUESTS An Informal recepbm markzd the golden wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs nwmas William BIIH nl Oodrlnglm 5L on 1h bridoIUmformer Charlotte May McCausland L1 the only giguzhtgr HE late 131and jMdiy altcmmn and eve is xmer and Mr mm mm the menl wlm 1m AND mm BULL Ioék over one the many congrat ulatory message repelved on Bridegroom Of 50 Years Attains Second Milestone SOCIAL NOTES WM Ammg the meals allcndlng the rmlim were the bride uruoms brmhcr and sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs Joseph Bull ol The lace covered lea Me wu acccnlcd whh Slvcr candelabra And Maw vaem The llcrpd Mung cake was decorated wuh touches 01 add Tea honurs were pcrtnrmcd by Mrs ch Hrislow Asslelnz in serving were Mrs Truman PadA dison and Mrs Gilbrenth nnd Mrs Bantall daughters he cclcbranls ungrnlulawry mull and mm sagcs wrm received mm Month and Maxim mm many points In Canada M1 the cdebran ma had lilafime humcs in the Orange lodge Mr Bun Is Pm Com mander 01 the loyal Scarlet chapter Past Master at West em District Tmnlo Past May er Gideons Chosen Few and fa APreydem of the Lecture her and Past Mistress Golden Srar lodge Barrie an tumor ary member of McKinley IDEA 359 and member cl Crystal Chapia of Tomw The couple are members Collier Street United Church For no party yesuxdry the bride receivnd zuzsu attired in cornflowcr blus and Mo printed silk dm adorned with corsage yellow msrbuxk the gill her daughters The bridegroom malohmg bouwmicre In hisloiéure llrne due brldc groom is an cnlhusiasllc gard ener Vestgrn Dixlficlrlaron TEA TABLE ads and presentation an en graved plaque FIEATEENAL msnasrs Maia 1107132 tigaoccasion their golden wedding anniversary marked with Impiion Ii their Cod4 DRESS SHOES REG VALUE TO 699 999 WALKWEL SHOES Dunlap 5499 to 699 FLATS STACKS 0F Mn Bull cl Barrie WEEKEND OPEN HOUSE 011 Sunday the mlebnmfl will be guests honor at an open house mpbnn the home ol um suninluw and daughter Mr and Mrs Robert Dunn B77 Ovoflurq Rd West Hill Prlnr torihc Beehion laur 11y dinner party was heid at lhe nayshore Mow met Newmarkel and the bridegroom ygphcynneyvojdun Hull and ringlun St rcskkncg Wednéb day Examine Phnld Maui um mm Mn nbwih mu mu WI Du unm lxmmn Wclmmcmagon 1mm 725$ HUI umunu mpo in la yin BETTER QUALITY REG VALUE TO $1995 ll yuvv nawly Inivod loan nmn sum IN nlms In MI whoa rm your mm at syruqu pm In than of pumps pmmm rud 1299 Blrrh Exnmln BARRIE 72M

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