Cardin To Study Fraud Evidence ti OTTAWA CPINew Demoé cratie MP it llerrldgc said in the Commons Monday be has been reliably Informed that the RCMP has documentary evi dence oi fraud by iorrner union boss iial Basin and others Justice mum Cardla re raids pliedhe couidn ay anything about the due until the evidence has been studied completelyulle stressed the word completely air Hernidgey member for Kootenay West said the evi dence oi fraud was totuid In tiles removed In 1964 and 1565 irom the Montsealheadquarters of the Seaiarcrs International Un lon DI Canadatind In RCMP lle had biiormeddhat lilontreiil coiqu receptly re turned the seized tiles to the RCMP niter legal battle He asked whether the verumeril plans to press charge Mr vCardin so was not customary for the govemment to dlsouss criminalt charges in advance my EXAMINER wanr ans PHONE 7mm DRUG STORES Prices Good Until Februe I9 Moscow CPIComrades be polite tonne another The woids posted last above the counterrot Moscow eervlcov Rudeiieï¬ DjriVe establishment have empty ring to westerneraelr But they exemplily senious campaign under way here to curb rudeness and raiselatand ards or public politeness The carnpalgn which offers all sorts of opportubity tor the deyelopment of new official slo gans Is cioSe1y associated with the accelerating movement to warda consumer economylu Russia Buttt also has more genernL tzed IPPIICEIIGIL ltcentrcs on retail trade out letsJand serviceestablishmem such aslaundrles and dry clean ers which had become notorl ous iorthelr grit and otten hostileattitude toward custom ers Complalnu about the lestlness and general unheipiulnessol clerks had reached the highest nomination Church quartet provided entertain ment htonday night at the regular meeting oi Club 60 for Tunisian cult to the Blind The meeting span sored by tirelmperial Ortizr oi the Daughters oi the Ern plre was held at the Orange Hall in Aliandalc Members of the quartet lnétude irom lzit pianist Mrs Bert Maw and vocuttsts Bert Maw Doug las Gillan Allan McNabb and Graydon Giiien PiilliilVIlZTTES MULTIPLE VITAMIN MINERAL TABLETS VIIIIIMIISTEII VAPORIZER WITH FREE HANKSCRAFIVAPORIZER FLUID PLUS FREE OZ organs oi government newspapers carried Articles con damning the mask of complete indllterence and pblegmatl HEALTH and UK Stage Censorship MENTHOLAIRE vaius 3937 14 OZ SUGGESTED LIST SIJO SOFTIQUE BEAUTY BATH OIL KEEPS SKIN SILKY SMOOTH I29 Moï¬zss OZ SUGGESTED LIST rm nocuLan 125 MANUFACTURERS SPECIAL 3c OFF PLUS 71 COUPON 41 PONDS CEPACOL ANTIBACTERIAL GARGLE IAND MOUTH WASH 1255 SUGGESTED LIST woo 99c 49 2959 FRESH SIiilli namearao CLEANSING car as PONDS HALIBUT LIVER on enemas courams VITAMINS it 2oz SUGGESTED LIST 25 ENTER THE ltIll CREAM SPECIALS TllilEE TYPES MANUFACTURERS SPECIAL 27 BUFFERIN FOR FAST PAIN RELIEF 83 MilliRflLIlX SI FOR $149 sI 503 SUGGESTED LlST 98c WAMPOLE 20 OZ ViIIi ANTACID PLUS TABLETS 10 $177 VALUE BRECII IIAIR SEI MISI REGULAR 0R EXTRA MANUFACTURERS SPECIAL 87c 49 FOR 99 AI SI Harpers Pharmacy 724407 ill tcnctann Strut SUGGESTED LIST 09 DANDRUFF SUGGESTED LIST 50 73107 NEILSONISVM 10c CHOCOLATE BARS JERSEY MILK CRISPY CRUNCII JERSEY NUT SCORE WORLD WIDE SPORTS IIOLIDAY CONTEST AND WIN TRIP RESDAN IlAlR DRESSING AND CONDITIONER OZ SUGGESTED LIST LIS EACH 93¢ 75c REMOVER LIST SI sIl7 GILLETTE ll 01 SIEEL SUGGESTED LIST l9 YARDLEY FOR THE PRICE OI ONI RBI ROSES 0R YARDLEY ROLL0N IIFDIIORANTS HOLD PER PACK 00 VALUE FOAMY SIIAVING fill2AM WITH FREE SUPER SIAINUES IILADFS LIST SI SUGGESTED LIST $550 $150 GR ACITVL SALICVLIC ACID TABLETS HYGIENE $359 SALE orientno HAIR SETTING oar REGULAR on sxma noun oz nos oz PRICE SUGGESTED LIST $115 IiLliilSELTZEII FOR SPEEDY SUGGESTED LIST 78c ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ REGULAR s107 255 67 NASAL MIST 15m 99 EACH SCHICK SUPER SlAiNLIBS STEEL BLADIE PLUS ONE FREE 59c CURIIIIIIIR ll RELIEVES NASAL SINUS CONGESITON ALLEVIATES PAIN AND FEVER 125 SUGGESTED 99 GILLETTE Iidiustuble Razor WITH SlAINLIiRS STEEL BLADES SUGGESTED 95 $177 PRRRMETTE MULTIPLE MINERAL TONIC 10 VITAMIN $339 100 FOR 14° Allundalo Drugs limited Em ltd MacKays Pharmacy MIrKM Prop 71M 66 Dunlop St clam worn by many ssiesglrls WELCOME SIGNS APPEAR As it to signify that the cus tomer need no longer feel In timldated on entering astore more and more shops are begin ning to put up signs saying Welcome or some such Some stories have cheery welcome sign or the customer as he enters and when he leaves another near the exit reading Thank ou ior your purchase or anir you for shopping here Such solicltude has not been expcrfcnced before by most Russians nde communism They seem delighted though somewhat perplexed as to what itFali medals or peope used to hing and shaving to get to at head at line then locking horns with saucy salcsglrl ttvrnust be strange experiencesud dcnly to be greeted with algal bidding them welcome Whetth the new trend is hav any protial result to an ot er qucstion Training schools or sales personnel ara sup posed to be hearing down on the need for prompt courteous attention to customers and their from cursory ob servutions It doesnt appear that the people on the other side oi the counter are any more obllg ing than they ever were The campaign to raise stand ards oi civilit should provide iull scope or urthor slogonccr lng In country whore slogans aro lway oi lilopart of com rrnin ms way of getting to to do things or to think min things Communist lcndcr has an lribrcd and unshakablo faith in tho power oi slogan it shows some Iigns oi low ing out from the retail sphere to embrace the everyday rela tionshlps oi the population gen erally Thus the cxhortaton tic pottto to one another Nothing gim ltsoii so cheaply and nothing Is more treasured than politeness reads another sign posted in some Moscow trade cstublhh merits TORONTO tCIITIIo motirrn third is midstd and on the defensive 31 ltcv ltny llord sccrrtary oi the Unltni Chde iii Canadas tmrd or cvnngclt ism and atrial Icrvko Mr Iloni told tho boards an nuol Wing today that tho rtuirrh is VIIIth try the rtntustral thanm omning In tnmula tho mummi il lilo Gorilnlvml theology mid by tho new mornlhy Htk ttivo plnml tho lunch on tho delimin with MUM that it is mutated Ivyinitial nirI INTIMDM hc lflIlI III WMIIIWHG main tho danish is dwindling armorial with the growing sanitation In hm Christians rrwutni all In civil ni tho worlds sanitation iii MLWJ Mr IInnI nil In ltttit Ihry only mammal 19 per rrnl omi tinnirh their numbers hat Innsneat tn momma lly to WW 1000 II II MIIMINI llin tlutzilnne will rusty ho til ma it the mid mad that iii his ntnhvn that the rhinih lu miimod the ltmlolmct rotary ivan that Canada is bring lunatith Inin IWJIIIII railtic nrhiinlnd us trtallmi ledy ISNT EQIIIIIEID No Iltfllfl is the pailh mitt Intrr Wlllimlll to lmllo the mint Indile Width my trout him he sold 11 trut Innit whkh minisim to mens personal mt witty nook mod be untamed tvy mils iomu oi tantrum ceian mum mans voca thnal willful thka lvtim Irvin ml Milvlling lmmmnls of the new the Bé Due FOE Shqkéhp IDNDON AP Sta cen sorship long under the Brit ain may be in for shakeup British playwrights who feel their uorksomothnes has suf gzrmcd at the cï¬rbisctgla hands more it may be tried The ocnsor hime Lord Coir bold the Lord Gumbeflain LI favor at changing the sys Buttbe laud Gimnhcrlain who licences all stage plays in Britain carries out those duties by not oi Parliament Until Par liaments es otherwise he is bound by dimctlro of 1909 Now itrsocrns Parliath ls Illicit permitting atmt It truism the House oi Lords owing memlon to the Thumlay hie thmc archbishops hid if on ig oi Wgot on the units stage The request comes from EWJ°2 antc and iri tual head of thtiyltngiican church Dr Donald Ooggan Amhwa 05 York and John Cardinal licena Archbishop oi llmtmtnstor and head cl tho it man Catholic church in Britain They feel tho ban gives the impression that bciicl in Tutsi Is table In need oi artificial protection lilost Cluistiiuis would uoicome open cortiso vmy they claim THEATRE RACKS STAND The archbishop request will he put to lnrd chtsold by dopulatlm Feta 2t tracking the dsrxitotim am ptayurlghts Am old llcskcr and Robert and notrvsscs Dame llnra ltd son and Dame Sybil Tlmmdyke xv also will risk the Lord huntedth to set up pint oi experts to odidso on each play The dcrutntton iollous hen on ptlpdmiic play Man Church Confused UC Cleric Says dogy who claim the Christian led at the PMI Is dead horn lolly may he mo iil Gods instruments in ICVlItqtiflfl now ontology iind bringing about now rviorrmtllm within his rhurrtn llr liurd sold t1IIln dinirgmlng that Ind ll timid hlr IltIni Mid radimt lite nlmzirinn mo ahcalting or Imi rrn ulonllilc mint man who Ill iatirn this wudd into his Mil Iinhdii and wants to ho lrco rrn notcmlllo mdnr nun also im tnlirn this world into his mm hands and writs to ho irco to run it IIwy mo clinllrng ing an aultmttartnu rotlgion WIIHI rlnhm In Aral for lmmfliilant hi rrnllrd shove the wanit No Inn gar rim ihcolugtaua Ictilint their mtqu in Iihrnry it ivor mm but tiuuigh pm risotto Intuitsmut In lltu mint IIan political actith ht Ml limo will dimer titI loom min strontium lullarlnl to tree and MVMIIL Ilia retain In on Many mite mint tho mnhty with home lath oi standards ml lhu nnythlmi goon ritlimqsilr tractor manly iirvtriotrn he said it rmptmimi mans lmdoni and growth in low The rumum oi the now nwoltty in MM in rmtlltmlh trigthat the tannin ethic Is one id Mr Mr llunl Mid lltcy Imve nvtl nnmcd us how eier that mntrmpnrary man In Ilnlililnl in mm the he mania and illoripllnes love as Is the dd WWII Wuhth aimlessly between the oid And the my In the ihunh MI in min rue invicrsimtiitity roulwd Dias which could not get itc enoe for stage production though it already has been on by millions oi television view ers The play in which Christ dances to beat rmrsic ï¬rst was staged six years ago by St Jmioss Church Youth Club Bristol tu number only audience The guidelines laid down by the 1m pafllasnontarymmmii too are that tho IAIN Chamber lain should licence pitwarn Meatless To vanchu orrv AWMeat imd mama are as tory some ummdm but bishops may get an optionpos sibirwithin aycartorliir the rule In their oomtrica Sources hero gnve that outline of how things stand on the question of the Friday mai ente chumti nile dating back it centuries The min is that Catholics our seven years old cannot eat uncut or amps and gravics made imrn mcat on Fridays Dctibcrato vioLItlun is matter for conlmion Occasional tor gellian is not Pope Pnui mired the 2300 on lates at the Vatican ocurmniml mull last October to let him know thrtnigh their national hshopa conferences what kind oi chnngo they hollow is nccdrd In the entire orca oi lasting and nhsiincncc The chalmun oi the at national and rrglonal bish ops oonlorencrs Incl hora and handcd In conï¬dential rcpnlll During the that week oi the council in lchmhcr many the ologlnns and bishops said tho Kurtili Im rith to cud tho lTI day olutinonm universatiy with riccrcc The Pope now is said to lure itXItIld to loan it up to tho hlslm and eventually will give the national nnd roglrmai imms the sigmlto go ahead less he oonsidcis it may reason ably be held to be indecent to contain offensive person alities to represent in an invldious manner living per son or any person recently dead til to do violence to the sormment of religious rover once St to be calculated to ilk duce to crisis or rice to be calculated to impair friendly rem tattoos with foivlgn power or to be reinstated to cause breath the peace Fridays Remain and legislate for tlmr awn ter ritorles Canadian and American clergy working at heVatIcan andfamiliar withetbe situation expect that the imtority oi the approximately 00 Catholic bish ops in Canada and the United Sloan will vote when the tirm cams tor retaining Friday ab stlnrnoc ox lain that the otnndt an and the Unitod Stalin has no problem over observance oi the rule un liko ltntyand few other mum tries whore muntltes Catholics habitually Ignore it The ctnavhs law against cat ing meat on Fridays Is neither part oi church doctrine nor lound in its moral caching it is counted as pcnitcnitni prac tice ilcsignod to strengthen tho soul thivugh hrici physical sclidcrrlal and to remind Coiho III that Friday was the day Christ riled to save mankian from its sins TOOK IN MI CURANS WASHINGTON theaters The United States took In 92m rciugcos tram Cuba in IM report released by the white Home said Tuesday this total am came during Decem bcr in the ulrllit arranged by the us and Cuban govern mcnls PREPARE FOR TRURSPIIY OPENING Mtmilll of the sort me helping the stage is pie pan the set tor In Hmp oi the salty whlrh hrsn at th Chiller St United tutrtt Roll In ltnule Thura day nrrnlng Itilc thinenit rowdy in IFII prescrth the lltttcs titli players LII town which me the trims on the eel Ihllq has mid itltt rim approval titm the with of an nrmrhslr tiisnmlner ltuitoi