Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1966, p. 1

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Spilllu In nwmim ur 0M luh lul MIN Mr Multan nlnml nul but pumm rauw In lrnm nlne In In dnplm llw nu Ind up mm the kmwlnlze Wy In In IHnllnnre nlamlnl Ind nuluvlly Thin mm punhm IIMlr Ilpflllm ml AuvwI vaMmu In most flu rvlslI null rvnlxlu lmy may mall In Mr Marlin Thu ullJmnIn In mmlim ll minim ywmll In IhI ml drum mmjlng In Mm Inn wlanpnl nI Klnfi Faluml lubllc School nml ennwnrv 7mm Voyuruv IIIIMINI In AI lmquIn IavII EATon aSunday timing he mm in pay tribute to the dead In MW wens ddcgau mm mu Royal Canadian 11 hi Odd NEW Main and lluflmlunl Soddi It Wu dcddnd to mod men Mm when ommiuoe llama la servkes in recent yum WAh the anion mmaflva organmflms in mm M11 hafell mu PWKN 19 Anmxctmu or medal rmmoflal mice at Union mm were dimmed Mon daynigh at nwcfinzola number of arzanizatiom in Odd Fellom HAIL blew Beaver oéoms sax ar he then has been lack of Mr shmmg has pamflng since he wm 13 yum old His man ram hwmm goes back hack money to buy mat erials made it impossible im him pursue his cancer before INDIAN PAINTER P2 SPAN Arthur Shilling the flyuawld Ojibway Imian paws LI cur unfly Min 26 his recent mm at Barrie Public Tells How Youngsters Acquire Camp Skills flUlHT SPEAKER Lu Mdlll Minx ha Um Id Bad val MM Discuss Plans For Special Service At Union Cemetery lmlnliwl umvifl IW wngffimywn El Indian Painter Hasf Display At Library I151 dismiom an mstd has men 50 Anmn 11mm dam Huh um wr rmlm lrnln In In mu mrvaullm and lb mhul rumnllum nwl on ramve Sp well II lumlnl how pmme Iha lm lypu r4 llrhyrlmlM IMII lawn lul mlnl rrflrtnr mm rum ml Around the nu lhn mm Through ncllvlly ll Um In mo and on plum lvlpa 1n wildmm mm rmml mly Ivy mum Mrh IN Innuhl lhl IleI lwrrumy In Innma mmmlml mm Hidmmlnl IMdllnl hm Inn IHM ram mm nlor lion mlrnlmlu nuhlw root Inl klmurulm anmla lumvnl umplnfl And lvlp plm nlnl Ill pm of me lvnlnlnl Lax 3r mm 0mm clpauly wllh no boy In cwr that not emugh orgglu lions were inmlwxl and as result support was lacking Ho saJd the canme be appoint me next Mag mil in vnnom maximum to be scnmd fWehope to uni mdmk at od special domfion gram Ho Hid the baud spend mmidmblu mm nf money many on the vpkcev ha under and he tell them should be um mm wtclai ly spools days willbesotuplourangolor the detail wrvke Mr Beam said the Hatti cullural Society had harmed the annual risking day in the past andhaddmelgoodjob The Cemetery Boaxd balsam haw time When he was 19 Pearl Mclmhy Ihcn nt crch of the Tomw Glabe and Mail wa so hpressed with Ist work mat she upgained la sdgolmjahlp Ml he neprnper or him He was then sent to study um dcr Belt Henderson head of Ibo Souflnmplm Schm of fine Art From 11mm he Wm 00 study wiUI Gerald Scan ol the Arm Workshop Mr Scotts advice was just to continue paimlng rum bdrm Iml auntrd Camp 010cm Mald all In no mm nl Mr Mman lflmrnllfl Illa Inlk wlUI hm mix Hm nu Vuyumu Ilopirlinu ny Illllfl lnvlnl Mnnmll Inl Malllnl wnl on rnnm Mp ml thmppflpukl hlm Fin Wlmlmv In 1qu IIMkm HI cm Hum use wax lam flh mum 1619 mm ml II nnln mm and in lhl un hr lroup MONTREAL EN Mth dqu gnflalliuu Lm muzth Mm uMwialq mall in ms drum rmqll gm meeting will be Md Thurs day at Mel BMW Orillia hhnagcmcnt and 5131 mm hm mm Allandale Lumxr Ball Flam Etnva Lumber and Baum Ems wfll be It mndinz lmn Barrie akmz mm n1milxr mm mm Orilfla Bramlnidze and Huntsville Wis Fm pm Premier Onlana saw his work and made special Irip to 0b lllla Hm Mr Shilling has studio to pumase one nl his paintings Mr Shilling pains at hLv home on he Ofibwny mailed in Rama and has no dusk so My in Europe became he lee um Canada has mud mom to lief He Intent bahem in travel to Mambo not study but paint co his hem content constantly since he could ready see in his student the abil itfijsind skin mm in In Mr Shilling has also mceived $1500 sdmlnrship from the of Indian Mfalfl 9nd studied at Lhe 0mm Co In 11h hm mlor llllnl Mr Mndnn dzhl urn hem gm Hum pmldnnt Jack Lumber Dealers To Hold Meeting sits at thevsawie Public FARM PRICES UMPIVIICP ll inhaler la pmmo nu Krifinl mannum of Um humialflvflnnn ally mm with mum 04 um mmmyl 1m Novonmll ml to dqu new nwkum tummy Thu mumm mm by MmMHI prd amt at UM mnpmv and llmw vluwrmhlrm and gm ml nmmv lb umM71 Immortal xhvbiou The Banlo Examiner Pm Ediuon cast $261 with ball the lht mm to be borne by the Dan Industrial Gymmissim It was 50 declde Wrdmse lwofldrd panel In Ihe Georgkn Bay Develop ment Auodnllon Tourist Map cm at $400 BURNING RUBBISH Witching yani qurnwn luvs been wnnml that unless they compiy with nn mm whcrcby mbhlsh to be bum ed only on Wtdnosdnyn Ibo oommlllec wlll mmldcr minim btrnhw manly 10 LAY TILE name mmmluce mom mdMllm that the city spend 0600 lay lilo In rout of cash Gmrh Hamil Aldon And 5mm manngm mpcdnl manna Gina hvwinl limb ll Mlmdinq wwnduy mmm vim mned by he MmAllan Dnblm nl ILmvlman lamum Incin In column dmmkm flu mum Inlnnslum mth The can puny nugfladm mplmnu med mm ml Mimi hwknnlk manna Md lluld now um lhe mix rhm um In new kid cl Midu Hu ndum ol rmhuh 1an wxhh INN ml Iquhl ml on nl mm mm the in Na mam 7m Maud ACCEPT TENDER The lender Bayviaw Marina lux ha emotion of the dtyown ed marina was accepted by city Wmfiimm as dcadflm ADVERTISING It wag am In Mass nd wean In the North Collegian and Barrio Hotflcullurnl Soddy yaarboou at £15 each and In 1111 at UN cmrnncer hi run Mldnnell body was found fuse down In mudcavered snow bank He had been stabbed our times in the chest and abdomen and Ihrga time in the back The image For McNkoll yesterday ollered 3100 re ward or Information leading to he Ems Ind conviction the Milan This to $4000 um total reward olered The turneyGenerala deparlmenl in Toromp yeltminy offered $2000 and lhe lawn of Elmvale added another $1000 Between 15 and 30 Ontario Pm vindal Police olflcm conducted the Initial invesflgnllnn ap proximately 24 are still on Ihe lob Shortly after the boys body was discovered police iound an 84nd long blood stained iishlng knile on tha mi of the nrenn Thin is believed in be His murder weapon but check oi 400 homes in Eimvaie and him in Eimvale Midland Penelnnguishene Sinynar and Camp Borden failed to uncover Any possibility lo the owner the imile Mild had been dafeatedAld Bruce Owenuked or me to consider he mm became they had bee mew 1m 0ntarinProvinclal Pollen In Simcoe County continued to checkout every posslhietiead today In an attempt to Ind the killer amenold Michael Kent at Port McNicoll who waI Itnbbed to death which Elm valq Aunt Friday pint APPROVE ACCOUNTS City council this week Approv ed January accounla touan $36528113 but not umil an WW WNW FIND KNIFE The hue still undergainz leIL at the AllomeyGenerall Attending 7Day Meeting In 15 nu ulnmm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY ran lo CITYNEWS Police Continue Sedrch be Killer 01 Boy Tho DIII Chmuh Coum ll Ilmlna In flurlo vly In Mudh For InformHon lIlvlmm 716M CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS mou wtmllul In mlmgumcnf Ilhmlam lulu Dale Carnegie Course MUM Slve tho mum Fund Iml he 11mm Mr lecu worn nll mumd mmle to hold nu an bdwa nnw ml the lull nm nIo Smuln mon Mn rubdon In mid lholr mmml Amflu Day nml GM iukk hold pariah TO IN VTION Ncll Fox ml Alxl IL MIMI llMu lm nquvrlml to wind IM Ontario Gum Ilmrll Amrlmlm mm lwm Frb II la Mill MMFMKI mum on Ibo mm Ildn of Slmono 6m me name bylaw Banin Is to ho Amended lo pmell park lng In the mourod Iran on he mum side of Dunk sum Mum Hnyflcld 51er and Maple Avcnuu Mum 430 nrd pm Public Works Chairman Fred Smkh said the mow will enable rush ban lmllk lo mow man quickly In Um match near lhc live polnu Farm will the be prohlbllcd nu the west ddo of kanvllk sum be quu Burton Avmm IM Cum hedand yield nign lo be curled an Sprme and gym alum ol Day TAG DAY Bunh limnch OMMh umme 50cm Thu Loyd VIC IA Nupilal AM 517 TRANSFER ROADS Council thiawcek acknowledg ed the rattler from Db parlmen 411 Highway In Barrie of Pagldggfifloaev WWW lin an op mm lflghway mm Um dly Hmiu and he North hall cl Tilth Mn Patterson Mad lhe city limits It was agreed that the rallk byan be amend resaMion mm the City Woodstock lhnt speed limits in school wnm be reduced to 15 miles per hour mind appmv In prhcipnl Imm Barrio city Lwnul mdmlun mm the Cfly of Windsor rocnmmcnding fiflcclill liocnm phlm was also endmcd in mm How to roliovo BACK ACHE Crime Laboratory in Toronto Felice said earlier Illa kniie wielder would have in naive weighed more than 110 pounds becaula oi the me with which the blow wm deiivcred Cpl Cooper 01 the Elm nle OPP saldlodny Michaell brothei Kevdn was quesflon ed arm woman reported gee lng lwo youngsters plaxlng with hockey sum near the axon ahortlybeforethe time police believe Michael was murdered Cpl Cooper Add an younge brother could offer nonew In formation Werl allowing every lead uld the OPP officer There nothing new at this time but we sun have great number of person to question Cplo Cooper also Alaled that the rreporl Ihreeyeamld boy being choked unconsciou two wukx ago benulh the mu he Elmvnlu rink wal not be lieved to be true None the four persons who were thought to have witnessed Iheamck had any NEH inm mallon when questioned Cpl C007 laid From what we can gather the boy may have been play Ing with some Mher ynungslm Ind cnuld probably have bean but by mother boy But we dont believe ha was choked un conxcloua he ma dukl office and at out and west sum to city hall to cdved council apprwa Thu cummlllee report said lhe new file would enapr he cmuku to keep the ma cleaner and prevent lumber wear ed to declare thue road Ihrough mots ANOTHER AmcK flie 56y Kevm Fleming sald he was attacked by My METERS mndlA voll lhll wotk In In TRAFFIC BYLAWS SPEED LIMITS Dads was run In mum IM llln um mm mlu mum In ml ml 38am exam which WW WV WW Cannvala Itdwr events Ih wekecd at BanSe Fair Bald udny mm 11mm than ever in the races Warm weaflzer hm week few ed the postpownem of lhe out door mpelioivo even but all Now mimic were held and Ema termed huxgsuwgsa Iinpenal Tobbawb samba 5mm 91 96 PM WE week decided to ihe deom event 60 Weekend cainival with nrepnpared hi haul In trucks to cover the oyal Lbs fir grounds has mm an opponnnily add fifikfiflafl no day We will also be 1m ate In having the Sam SkiD00 Doro Devils pedotm In Barrie This woman 0am will Worm leak on skim that will thrill every mum We are build ing special ramp 31 feet hm and eight feet him oran Dare Devils They attmdtd an sznm ast week but will be in Baltic Sunday ENTERS RACE racing champ Ftkon Brandt had emewd he ran to Join an ll cIntéréStf Growing In Snonobile Rdbes For the right taste in Ale FROM MOLSONS INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 WINTER CARNIVAL GOLDEN ALE Nady impmsiva list of com pgfigors Jeanle9 Wuhaldleg Bdwoen 300400 entries an expected in the nmateur Ind champiomhip All driv er entered in mack will be here Idmg wflh my flight driven who were enmpeflngln other me In weekend mdianapolis 500 car racing chm Rodger Ward who was named marshal at he races mi oral week agoruid uds week he will make wary elfm poa nible behetofiil Mend Hum in hat lheJndoor event last weekend be due other cwnmmmu this week it 15 Mblo be my not be able to mud Amy Cooke Mia Plays1 100 11 Green MM re search for Lhe BanIn and D15 Asociaflan tot he Mentally Wed amll Mlcflem pmddmt Slhrday the first Mam al Inddendnl can sponsored by the Ontario Mum or an Mummy Re éxioo mm Minna Delegates ram all put Ontario mended lhq confer Barrie Men At Conference MOLSON who was am In lie cELy last weqlgendwill return Ibis week he the top auradion this week end there are many dim events planned that 0mm how will etaact Mania to NJ Emmi this wcnkn pmcuim Honda ride 11 sawing finals ndu including snaw mobile pony mum and go kan And also the Nam draw and Air Canada may llum thaw herel also possibillty genuine fishing mksgmay be fl 1mm speed skat lng dlmrpdmhim Will be held at an outdoor rink specially bulk or um camWaL Top cum pelilnrs 1mm Ontario Quebec and several states in ha us have musch this event other events will include sled do Megs curling bmwpriel Lin can Luxlmfl ski team champion ships Snow Vallley amhuy BEZZANT NURSERY AND FLORISTS Johann sz mom GLQXINIA BEGONIA mums WILD BIRD FEED BIRD FEEDERS AND SUEI LOGS Héo in 0211178

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