mm Hack 11 rmy hnn lwo Alum Charlie bung Um oUur bond man In lbw DancorlnM Motor 11mm or mm the MI ml be 1mm Kmnnly Per or juy Knnwdy bent mlm llonry LN night in tho um Almul round Am Navy but Webb 11v haul aml HI ï¬nk Hdmvovl nun ml Gum um luv an Al lo mm um Ind mm In mnme Five ï¬nal games lor fire lro phics will be playui might 11 3311115 Curling Club Beginninx at 730 mu be the iwomcn ml for flu lebcy Tmphy Mm Dam Smilh skips her rink Mn Rm Hickling 1M nAmy Colpim and Mrs Dtm MacIPwrmn LILsuing skip ln Km lmxxmuuh and her rink ol Mm Doug SitMons Mrs Jack James And Mm Pcunvm In tho Icmllinuls Mm almrwm Mn SmiUI mat Mr lime Neurme and Mn Vlmlnmzh bent Mrs Jack WW lmnk In 31 lulu and 71 NIH for Ill WW NM If ll Emmi with fluid mm Mn ml lur mints Gram ml WWI 39 flunk on MI lw 11le mm um Ilium am ml huiuln 0n mnl In mqu In Mr with vnm and Im mm mint fly mm an In m5 Ihdlry Orr Ii Hmufl EMMA Mm mm Imml lur Rank in mm mm Ivy dllrmmun Mm run Iva MM Amer hmuix Ivihmrmu rm qmnl up an Inxvvirl 1M mm mum um me Ill Nu Haw MIMI Danny Grunt MI Midnry Ilnlnnll Inmavml tlw Imam um by ll um Ixig uwk lnr mum In mm wiry Mund anl Juuhvr Mriu In nl Nidwh Thmqm CM Fm Imxmn IJll Mur shzull Lumflwll mul Javk Mum Inuit Dr Hm kaxm MI mm mrnu pun LN um wrre claw1y mnmud 10 rmLu 11d 1e51an ram Barrlés Jix Tllli lANAIIMN IM minimu mm mm Petes Lacroix Holds Large Lead SoveIrUp captain Bob Gamer and Corby Adm have dumped back slightly in the ï¬st In aim thandxflnihplamlénmb mm of Semeps has Stub shed himselLa the most Prof Hindue defcnpoman with our goals and 19 mists The Collingwmd mnï¬nding combinaï¬qn of Hm Manley gndlfld Labgllc wmsted pm basement came mm bchmd mpmod deï¬cit to record three in The clinching 14mm tally by Bob Rnbcflsdn was ï¬md into an open after mommn milled goalkeeper Man Brand in dcwernunn last minute move With an week remaining in the Central will senior badl ay Ieaguel sdledule Orfllia Pepsi captain Buddy Home has Padded his header gship over Barnlid Jan Weeks 00 four points The law statistics born 3311 Beam do not includg Sundays Ban1941le game Hume continues as the top sniper with 21 goals while Mid Jandjlym Lloyd Bayer WM 21 is an only cm has readied the ï¬scal plateau Bill Kevngiy of Drillia Is the hm playmaker with 26 mists lollowpdjry Week at Hugh my the wimm Mile The scnï¬ opener was nip and tuck bauIc with he lead swapped no less than ï¬ve times Aside 1mm Beltans Inny Leon Morris Jack Kenwall and Can ml MacDonald earned singles for the winners Dun 5mm waile Jim Nixon Selby Bow man Bill Wealhmll Ian Nfely and Egv Skinner cam The Cookshmx idory was earmi allot our minulcs and sec1nd al overtime on goal hymvic Bellow his lamb of the hi Five Finals Curl Club Cooksmwn who captumd the regular schedule We on the last day of the season nipped de lending chaman Stmd 76 while Axum upsd lhomhm 3L Both am befloflive semiï¬nal series BRADFORD The South Sim one Hockey Mamie opmod it duampivnships playolfs an Exciting me with two close gamu BradIord Arena Tight Finishes In Simcoe Play mm who mkhed In the Bcbertspnf Leads Blue Line Men cmfliékmgm Mx hm rWI In mm mm Loam lawn murmurd why that my rm Ivrnlllnl Multan Ah Mrlkmahl Inn My Mun lvix hm rhfll In If WWII MIL Iluhmml IMmro 101mm Itlmm NN INnnm mm inum 311er Mlranfll AI WM 11 Nniumll airy Imam muggy ughlnythat mwn Full Hm MI lur Hum urrtu hmvr ll IM under Dunc 161411 yMeri Inlu 1mm ml Nialmd IM 1611th IN mlungnlnd mmk llnm ulry ll Im11n um Maw III 1mm mm rnmmh IIanmm£h Hmwn llmllml Nlngnu rnxu My Catlmrmml TWO JITNHVfl with the nunla unrmlrl hav lnn Km mallï¬l duo lo lurk mlrlm club dlxdnll lure Adv rdulnl nwnn Jilmy or an nmhy MM and ummx ney IM nuuuhy nih both to Ila dth onlrxk lllc llldl llml or he Gnrdm Tnmhy will he the Wednesday mum men in mm Supth and Ill nnk mll opprm bklp Ar lnwell And his murmur lst nigm Sltplmu brat Norm mark and lowrll mum lab Ilmlcya mm ln rmllinall lrmll wan luhhinu hr lord Nocdhnm The Human Girls Imam which curls Wmnmhy nights down to the hm yr lama mw night also surï¬ng ugh odt along with the men Rum Kennedys rink heat Fran Sultans cam L151 mm in Um milma and Marilyn Iur doucl rn boat mum flank mm 1111 rim will be or the Bill Sparllng Trophy in he mod schedule of the HUEINESK GIHIS Overflme IJ Cookslmm Bd on JuanDonaId anwell No penalï¬m Lorelle ï¬lmilon mm prrlod Thmuioll Schaly Gelhons No penalties Smnd period mm Denney DcdeLL Monks Penalty Mmks Third pede 14mm Den ney Dcdds 1mm no extson Wilson Mm mu mmumwnlwt Stxoud SHIliwr Mullisi 12 gzskstown MacDonald Bel Penzuu Neely Mc Second period Cooksim Kunwell Lainson Hell Slmud Bowman Neely Smunhwaie Na penalties Thin period Cookshown Beltan Maris Simud Wea Lhcrill Bowman XL Black Cgulgslo Belton Simud Cookslown Strand Fin period SW1d Smuzthwailc Cnokstown Bol ton Campbell Wamica Cookstawn Morris BellmNWar Moan SlroudL Nixon Sryyréhwéiy £31111 Alyl Ul MHHWAI Neely Mc Neely 11 ll 71 ll II 01 II 71 IM IX IIt IIAMH wm burs tmcmm lAl Mm Ilnlm To Wit lrurno Halal unner mad dump um 41 In Natuqu lebull 1mm Ilml mlnml mm Mm my mm Imr mmmmnl MET 100K KNWK NEW YORK Nrw Yka MM MM 1111 44 Ill Army nunmnl Muwhy rnml Im AAIMy mm and mqu ml Imwum fur MHle hame may maul Ulla loam A11 TIIMH IMM NRC FL Mn hnlwm m1 mumkm mm ulw mm mm In murle nil why um IMlnlw 11 um Han mu mum 1le Annmum Ioullln II Iluw MM mm nun mum In Hw Nnbmnl Nathan haw mlmm In llw now mtwh and mum ummm 41 Wnnhnmm Maxim mo mmle al hh Ill mqmunmv In NH lmnrlmgu we wan Man lint Tram Itmulmz mununfly Hum 39 1M Wellnutrm Dmry Mm Mtvh lino 51mm Draught 7D Cllllrn umm n7 Mmu III Mrlun no Team Llanllmu Slmlx 12v Cm 21 Amdm Mummy leyrnrw In Mdmh In No hicam Ia Imqmls IS CITv MIXED lwlim high Uncle Shillty Ir1n 26 1dm mm lnplc Tmy unillm Ml lit3 mm Mrmzex Ham Mml human Mml SCISSOBED SPORT KEMPVIHW LADIES High males Hlmnc Winin lmm 271 Mm Bertram 252 Milli Cnim Zvl High triple Marl 0an ml Game Hummus lroquni Mymne hue 54 Apntlm Mohawk Humm sa lhcI km he Lakem and the emergence pm hockey club competing with Ms Angela Blades 01 the Wash om Hockey League nixmy mm in he sporls arena rnuld leave us county Innilhy hula than tonvwlion mnlrc Replied Cooke In good with presented the plans Im ncw 1an the board xovumm at the Mr Inna Ilndwy League nnd in sum and law may acmplcd 0mm and me Wmnld build momscat 97000000 mm that mm 1150 be suitable for his Les ngck Lakm Natitma Baskclball Assoc afï¬rm cam Oookc said Monday that pro posed meeting wflh lhe Cali scum mnIssim discuss the Irwueruwld be milk55 L05 ANGELES AWM die is cast was Jack Kent Gonkea way of explaining why he retuscs to locate his new Na Liwnal Hockey League lraquchise in an Ange CounWs 15100 soil spam na Shortly after he was awarded Hm NHL lrmdxise last week the owner Town broadcaster lnd mrpan announced he Cooke Explains Arena Decision lbmmo nine of the profes sional Conllncnlal Foolhall League will be hem in Barrie thl Saturday evening or bidetthan exhibilion Many of their star players will be In the lineup against Barrie Salan of he Simeoc County Mans Intermediate loop Gl am llmnan Tom The Em pew Jones shown hero will be accompanied by quar BOWLING mm RIFLES HERE SATURDAY 0210 Howard lnpln mum avmgox nur Nanmul lrwlm mull Ihmmnip Imy mm MW Mum MINI mum Hum mm Ilmnr Maulm 1w 41 lmaky IlamiIlun an an 1mm mlKl Ixanw rm mu anlHn mu nun Mam 11mm 7m mm Mmuma npnng Ikl lyalwnnmlx rum ll ILMrn mm lminmiu lhnlr hwl Hwy ml Um 0th mumm Auma Illdv mm Hull at he mm rum luo hum minor penalï¬m mlh Hm My 0mm 5mm lnlmmm IML In dly llnnl Km Flnl pva Nu IVIIIIL rflvlmfl umr uvwn mlay ultmvm Swmd nmo cl ho Nunum Mal min mum mund t1 al1th or 041 Salmlay Feb 19 110 pm at mum Amm Jrfl Surler um Tnny Mm in lm mm wnlh Iwn mall Kmlo Kidney Carmll hm In mm lemm Inks mu InIn WIN owning nodal mm In Lu pair In Mm mmd rnuw we Km brmch MAI NM Mom tho ml xwriod In Nimrlflml Barrie Atoms Take Big Lead Consequently he die ms and cannot in abservance of my mvmisc tn the NHL board of garcan abandon the miqu haye made no man mccun mm mum mi cause am commillod to he Minding of an ama dd ml llnm to nominate mllball In Harrie at Hm you law will he launched at tho mm session be thd the ar ric PUG stall mom my Ilrmlhllnl unm 1min lnywlarm Lullm He added um he was mum to meet with county ofï¬cials at anyflume IgglUmt sudny Oruanlzallon of minor Mll hall in Barrio is In the wind smlal meclmg of all inter letd persons Ins been called or this Thursday evening Fcbnxary 17 at moo oclock Stan Mum of the new Harv rio Minor llorkcy organizalinnï¬ autumn Blanchard playing coach with Canadian Tm the Bane Scalar softball loony ha boon yanking on he Idea or somé me now and ham called the Kenna mssicn SOFTBALL MEN CALL MEETING GB JUNIOR berback Jam Hmryr Jackson exArgonnut Ed Harrington Ollie Dunlap Joe Willlaxm and allslar flankcg Dick immer lckl lhe game is slated for Central Collegiate gym at 300 pm An admission charge of one dollar or adults 50 cent for students and 25 mm or childzcn will be in effect with pivoted going 047 the Barrie YMYVCA II In IM I01 LG 17 Nu himzaa Eric Nrulmnkn nml mph TM plum llnlv lullunl ml Olin Kunm lsyï¬ whim gnmblm M11 deli goal mam um um Om mm ndvnnlaxa ran rally drflmo ll and at their Mr Mr burn lklvnrmo hm llu knack at Idling Inln lull urhk qulrkly mnnhhnz him pull away mm In nppunen ll be bunk nWlY Ame Adar wodxlnu In lav nr he ï¬nally killï¬ ll um ho ollmme playn grmnlly nll am driving tnwnnla an We 111 mt mm and shot an ml Thmv 11 chance lob shot It cm skimmer nlml tho In L154 lxlgn play on dcncy he 1er Inckmlmsiml You may catch him all guard bosauxe he mum the 00m my Mes mum him hon Alex and go out lo kill penalty bolurc we Imp cm the lmnls hell say MI if can we phy up mum flu nu NM 111 punl um For instance Mex 1an has made three goals or Dolmlt his Wm when we were ï¬bul hamlcd TM 13 mfllILr ul mm You hmllc and make wur mm breaks ln hockey And how an timrs lhnt gamble will pay all when youre killing penalty nrncr also on this mac In him now mixed competition He is maichcd against north ern rink again at Midland This Friday mrnor lakes another Elmvaie foursome into the moanarm Bonspici at Dur ham Onlarin Curling with him hm will be inmiiv unit vl Max Siceie Sn Max Steele Jri and Poker Sleek to viclory in me Colts ulimbiations Together with viccskip Ran Frankcom second Peter Vollcu and lead Stan nillong Tumor knocked on rinks mm Orillia Allismn Camp Borden Army and Camp Borden RCAF Colts competition is limited to mm curling regularly seven war or 155 The Elmvale rink non heir disirid crown the hard way curling our lzcml matches in one single day They now advance to inLcrwne play with their next match against Nar lhcrn Onlnrio rink at the Camp Bordon Arrny curling clubl BARBIE EUWALE Skip Lou mrnpr of he Elmvale Curling club has done It again Yefluday at Camp Bardqn he led his rink Hill HIIEKI awkwardesition watadng last week Bartold claim NEW YORK TADJimmy Farm has Lip 50 Mes Stay away mm lhht devum set Its mm on the lest didnt He mud Nasal some television melt ago and MW its uncertain whether the mic lumen from St Jams Collage Bmoldyn NY v11 be able on race against Bill Men Max night in the New You Athlelln Club Indoor games Ms up real answer on 3mg coach Steve Bahld sand Monday All we can do Is pray We wont know wsz hell race or not my lugij up night Turner Rink Wins Colt Zone BllllE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 15 Televisiofl Legs Affect Farrel 430 Mnnlh Ail Mwml rm II In mmmmlm GHOCKEY GORDIE HOWES CABLE TV lhm May In mr nqu umm why any rmulmlahle Inumnlo rMy rmur ml why unulnna lhr rlHnl vulMy nl mlumullnl wo mm Mw rhumola FED UP With The Weather Mm my hm hm In um hlr 1v IVIIH My rm Ill umlu HIII lvu my my humIn NM lnun lllf onnm IIII annuln llll plum AM vuma nv Illlmllln mmwI MN midwflnlvnlol mam lrvlnl Unxumrm Mayday mdl Unwmmn nlsu 51 that ï¬lm la hmhlm ollvmlln H34 1m lhc elimhlnn run Um Imltnlilq lulxl Mlurll 1D In FH enm helm mum lay ml Ernln Tmrll TORONTO CF Wm Gluvdn Tmln Canadian homymight Imlnx dumplm has duallmmd Hurry km 1mm lo Mend llritinh Emme lxavymm nrown hm And It ve ï¬rm Cooper nlletr 115900 parapmjl Opt It L1 gm gamble because he zoos mm the halo and the play Isnt made than the whole It side open and dfmflvo loam hm llvcon hm advantage ample r1 milplncui mm nnd has Chuvalo Offers Cooper Match tho puck 51 mm the tight hand side youll often see one ham dun right up through the middle bclmcn the pain Intn Hes hoping the mm will am pas nnd hell in lmcm or breakaway VTuesda land ciyniiygwood ii 12 Midland ll 115 123 25 BAHRIE 11 14 HE 119 75 Remaining Ganlu Toulghl Mldlmd at Orfllin mday BARNES Calling wood 530 OrilIiz at Midland Sunday Collinva at HAR RIE 130 tmuble In hislast aw races he sulfemd his ï¬rst defeat II 1h season and hen had to pull In the luck of racing Bar wld said If theyre both healthy it could g0 under But it when doesnt chm to go in front or Tommy Isnt ebIeIIn it might no¢ so undtx Orfllla mum has been out 01 com pelltlan Im two weeks quicily mining far lhe mmuh while Farm has run Mme Into weekend hallway ammd tha ï¬rst turn in mmde will we Uniï¬ed Stairs Track and tFidrl FLelglerï¬213d mud immee an upan dldnHinHL WON LASDVYEAE wm the same we last year thng time they met Indm that Fanell ledOmthg em Io pm tape In an Inim momd 1493 Orathen how ever had run himsell lulu ex 11mm in an exlemivo siting Mmï¬ve meek and had mllapsed in meet just the week before He had been questioguble entry until be lm mace tinA Soflua years clash Wen ï¬ally ï¬le top event on spark ling NYAC card and portal one lap dashm the charm hi 51513 iï¬ï¬oï¬viw It Is You can do the same flying W111 an athlete ita ymrse SENIOR STAX nn ML Collingwood Mid 1mm 61512131 114 113 27 115 113 25 31111 119 25 last Muy K4 mm nthw mm bitII 1m svmocmu Immulllly mm hwku mm In out rm AulnmUc munu Ln 24 hour Imtrm vkl my yulvvnuml mmm pll Am mmpm unhulyumunwu ï¬ii iunccn nun 01cnllmhy Winter Worry Solved in Hurry Sunoco Heating Oil Far ram being nn clan lo nhumo Canadnl role In the Iirld hockey In Instr and unduirnhln Ilnllu In my pin Inn ll has really tnhanmd Inc nlnhu hoary ppm night to flarl mm In around 120 new uwanunHlu vinyl en la play In no anJonal llnckry Lennie which the anHnn my Canadian hockry plucr Jutsz snld The money bar nn he NHL and lhnlr equally avarlclnu new associ ales have rclclulul Canada la lhu rule cl giganllc llnve NFL Campbnll rcpllcd In In the cumnl anlounl llnckey League loam are concerned lhis Kxpansinn nl lhc mm horkey played al the profu sional level will nol mnlcrlnlly lmprnvu he llnnnclal poalllnn In the ulslinz clubs almnly hc misc tell all ma llckcli wu Juckes had said the annouan mcnl of lhe xpansinn the NHL to 12 cams10 nl lhcm in me United SlMcswn Ihc inal sellout of Canadian hockey as sport by professimp BIL Vilh lhal announcement wont any Idea lhnt pmlmionn hockey gives damn about our sportexcth as monqmakcr Ior chosen few Campbell replying in an In terview la slalcmenl mndn In Calgary Saturday by Garden Juckcs secretarymanager or the Canadian Amateur ankcy Association said mink he mng just smgndcgi on Canadian who are anything but with me salaries inn he said MONTREAL CBIVS ludi crous to role to Canada as gigantic slave arm or hockey Clarence Campbell prcsldcnl he Naï¬onal Hockey League said Munday night Sum Nikita of Chicago and Gordie Howe of Deï¬cit are tied for third place with 58 poinlao Toronto Maple Deals stand apart in he tables eight points lrom Montreal and Detroit while Boston Bruins and New ngk ed wiu 32 um um mm Isac the top of the heap in he standings among the goalies Gump Warsley wilh 81 and Charlie Hodge with 42 Hunk out with sprained knee has 74 point on the basis 04 45 games thls stasun putting him well ahead oi his Mares r1valin the scoring race Norm llman of Detroit who has 59 poi so games Hull 3150 leads the league in goals wflh 45 He has 20 games remaining in scorealx gunk to break the record of 50 goal In season mark he now share with farmer Montreal stars Maurice Richard and Bernie Genfirlon Prexy Answers Gordon Iuckes Chlaago has 61 901 in the ofï¬cial NHL standing released today Ling Canadian and nun Ddr Wings are tieda 95 he diffomnoe is that Mont real has flayed 48 games while Chicago and Detroit have played 50 MONTREAL CPL Chicago Black Hawks nmjl Bobby Hull even though hei been oil nr live es are holdi on the 1251 lheyyve built 15 In the Natlonal Huckoy League ammo nIL SARJEANT C0 wirnom HULL HaWks Hold League Lead Play hockey slaves what theyre carn HIHII mm OVIIIUI mwm WINNING mm AM CAM BEEN BITTEN BYTHE TRAVEL BUG YET Tumnm utry urck Jet direct to Lomlnn by muni ï¬ecnl HOAC RnIIannu 707 or Mr nnndl giant DCl In And In hcapcr lml lmlu Apnl new lnw Iunmlmllc nlr am com mm mm lunmle lny licnmuny lixcunlnn Tflfflflllblflllkll uillnul ynu nnIy Slll mumI xaviru nmly 522m Id lhe 1lt Hug Nle ynu Sta luwpc IIi ummvtf llul Iml yuur rmll Axrul my puman arrmvll Thlx Inmmcr ll hudrr lhlll cm In ml off that trip Io Enrflm You hm the clinics of man number or 29 lmmlllnlic jtl nigh mm WEATHER rmmA nmm um um Iwunv In why 1mm Am um mm mm Ihnm FOR RESERVATIONS AND YICKEIS CALL season Play 1417 Iri add Uon be leading in Ihe nunw ber of assisLs with 35 lhls sea sonone more than Mikfla One HI assists last weekwas Howos 800m mars owe piled up eight pnnglsrlasl week In lour Detroit games giving hlm career ml In regular Johnny Bower of anongn whos béuqr at on personll Amara with 233 has plum inany 24 games ey mi played in 31 game fur personal average 250 Crmier as been in 47 232 seven of them shutouts 256 have given up mgmls or cam gullsagainst average of Roger Cmiinr With 113 and Hank Basscn with aixghavell goals against Ihcrmgivinl troi Equipment No II Hwy South 72 85530 no nox In Mm TMOIEAM 1m uinglu paer unit with Illefllan lulunll ltflchmlnll ID lhmt MW Vlcu Ilm Inwm cu um dlmonlmflon 0K Johnson Travel Suvvlca Miller BOAc WHAT Ell