Govt Estimates Show Hefty Increase Is Due TITAWA wlDolonu Min nu Hellycr rccclvcd setback this fiscal your in his mums la increase the portion lb dclcnca budch devolcd to pro mumenl new weapons and cqulpmcnt lcdcml esllmulu show Ho hnd earmarked 833135 000 or 155 per mm lha 1965M dcfcnto budge In wrap on and equipment nu the 190667 rsflmaus muted in Pnrllnmm Mnnduy show Um lhia nmounl now is cnltulnltd nl WWI or about 12 per crnl the mnlleat pmrnlnzo or thin purpose in yvnn ur mum In tho mm du lrnro lxulgrl hn rammed mnmmoa 17 per mt warm and Illlinnwnl mix nmmml all mcnl um Inrrcnso mrr mm wll be nearly 5100 OTTAWA V1IVv MM hunk uhppmg ml nwllmnwy lnloml mennwnl vlum In unvl mum mimmm In ca WIN7 WM Imnl lrhlw IN Inmmmu Mmuivw nwmm Hlnllhw Hmwm Imam umuhnu worm 4hr rhn yr ml Mmm wal mu hm lwfly mu Gun For Colllngwood 5M ylrd Work Flu Flmh Curllnp Ch Lnbenlvopporl Slug FM Pmlld Ann Landon76 Clly Nun2 lnIIiUldW II CanIIu7 Dulh NolluI10 DlmlclS Edllorll Spoill ThoIn Wullm Womm mm 01 10001100 lg nl louml or the IFs program Omduls nllrilmlcd he 51ml lull 01 about 365300000 mainly in drlny in hclrtlinn Ihu Northrup CPS Um CM new HxMcrhomlwr 9mm team at the Hun regional sdml distnot we rï¬vm aunigm meeting early The 1150000 membtr can gruss warned growing labor unrest over the increased inlm ducuon Job culling work chlhnd under lhuguisu of ex ive scrcallcd management It IS on much In expect that unlanl will xland by My UllAWA CPI Una Cana dinn Labor Congress urged lhc cabinet today to amend fedora labvr law and givn union bargaining role in Industryl mam towards auwrmLEnn Hellyer Receives Setback As Deience Estimate Is Short In THE EXAMINER Today CLC Urges Cabinet To Amend Lab or Laws mm Yin No 3s The Hometown Daily Newsphper F01 Barrhand District TEACHERS HOLD ALLNIGHT MEETING cmblfr ov helm Edllorlll4 SpoilB Thain5 WullwrS Womnpb mum um um hth by mu lmmw minlltv Wnunr mm In mum lmal 5m Anumuu mm Ilv mam rs Ilia Elma m1 Inklml Mm Inmmnlmmw Mmla Irr Hum um 11 Ml um um mllay Mr va lax Hymn um llklfl 0m muoNro rem mmnn who wu 41km In tho €in mm mm hang momma dead by mmnn Saumlay dim hm In grave convle In Mlei Inlay Mr Dr Ralph Johns hm lm bleanmm duty mm 1M Dr John mrmwr nim lNo wm cnllul In mum $mmlay by pollen and mud Album NW 57 on llw lnlh um um hm nu nu Innstignflm 000000 It by far he biggest single Manon program The 95667 defence budget usnmom an Increase of 1304807 over the defence n1 lnlmcnl for he currem year MAE March 1966 rogl Ar 0111 $215 The Podium report Enid the Introduction new ethnology should be made mallet or no The CLC 16Mword annual brief urged the government to adopt the recommendations made two months ago by Mr Justice Samuel Freedman Winnipeg In his Inquiry report on CNR crew run111mqu Pronounced Dead Woman Is Alive while employers make changes which arbitrarily deprive work er their Jobs at draslically allcr lhclr working condIï¬ons the Congress said Nico Mirle MXul by MA this mixing My wen meeurm to discus an em Mn m1de Sunday night by P5 um uw Hum llflfllmflm In Npmdflurel Hum 11w rm mumy lllul UHJFJW IMM lumln mmll my wlvnmw ml 11 o4vm47n spmulm Ivy ma wimn mummml Mud In lmulm mum Luv mt mm hr rmly AMI 11 mmum Imu 1km Intn llnm mam Mum mm hnr wkv Mm llul lint umnmulhm Lute Inlqivlnc ml Hm Mn luck And Mimi hrr Mam NW mld dth Md Ind KM Pkhl mllnr ma mummy mid 11m was no rmmmum nnilrmhln mo Mme nnd appaan pulse Dr Johm said Mthy nlxhl wwuhu Ulfy not ed Um winner the paunm was muddy th um conclle nbum mom ml M11 and hm com we 11m ho 1an mmtl ha wnnmn nu In Mr pyjamas prim5 vardtd or lower hnv ll praised the dbcision lo cre am department 01 manpower but said this only begin ninl of the task dcvtluping positive manpower program The CLC renewed Ii crillLism ol lha Usunada 11qu mm men that shwld On other labor mallcrs he Congresa complaincd oi the problcms that have occurred In applying the new labor nodes lohour work wack The labor code which went into mm 11 July had no pmvidcd ad qunleiy for Ibis adjusmwnl Mth In it he tohour week 10 certain indusirics particu larly railmuding It also endarsed he Frccd mam vinwslhat In cases tech noIosicnl change there should be adequam severance pay Amis lnnca or rolocalcd workers and aid la communities whose econ nnflc are disrupted gollalion between management their negoï¬ating wmmitlce at Quebec Cily Na Immunec mm was made allowing he Mating AP Wimpth labor and 11m am the mm mm manly Irmflnl by UK Mr am mm mllitary wom mm uqml up In In ILvnI Ihykvm wflh 5098 km mammal at UR Mint 11w unl ms Inuit um ulflvfly wuth Mmlny In lvlamlnm mull mind In Jamilum Svrmn linlillï¬l Inlulal tullrltd Dummi mn uni HAN DOMINGO CPLHI mt mm plnnm ï¬lm 10 rmnl llldnflu ml Ilirmrd lmmrk In Um ku rnvml mm Iwmlmd Hm mm by In 1mm hut III um nhnut miles ulfllmm 11 Win Wm MIMH Ha MllA Zola lnSLMrr flunk In ktrlrlrnn sou today nfllvr lwr cmw In lmk lo hidnu tn hrmy um MM Gun mid =v um mnnml mum mo nmr wnl lmmmlnu wlrn II rlliJl lnldflw an Elm llk 0w lqlgwyl a4 Six Rm Wounded In Domingo Attack Freighter Sinks In Caribbean Sea This Inn cmï¬rmm Imam R41an Navy has lost xu light or one or man now aimalt emitrs Britains main dofcnm cast of Sun In ha mm ul be mum by flu W5 WEI mm I575 LONDON AmPrime Minisv tu stona cabinet round out sweeping dclcnu mvicw to day with political mmxmnums taking it min um Bril oin will buy 50 to 60 FHI swingwing bomber mm the Ugtqd Stains POLICE CALLED AFTER CLEAN UP The can broke up in dispute over health Insurance but not cause of the split now generally considered lo have been the gId problem com munal hostility between the Flemih and the mainly social lsl Frenchspeaking Walloons bhanccs reviving the col lapstd on looked slim Mr HM I15 Abuul $15 when rubhvr mum npmmlmi ï¬nalbed Mm hy the 11mm and dclmlmlu his mmry Prer um Mr 011 pm Mel nmme rIum ham mg mvr hi wul Van Acker 6ycamld so dalist president of the Cham ber 01 Representatives lower house He will sound out political lenders and parties in helping the young mnnarch pul ingcmcr new coalition and Will have the mic oi lnlnnnale The oulEmng coalllmn St ciaI Christians and Socialists re signed last week pr in wanlul tn lxnim mm the dishM and hdyin up he Jlxurtmml Imfnm c1111 po Britain May Buy US Flll Bomber OTTAWA CF nixr1 no Tl wxlilm or an hour Monday mm helm nulzly in Mac cl nviubory hi mom BRUSSELS Reuters For mer prime minister Achille Van Acker today agrncd Io act King Baudeulns canslilnunnal adviser Io help untangle Bel giums wont govemmnnm crisla since the Second World War ExBelgian PM To Help Solve Govt lCrisis FERREWARDS Clnlda Tundiï¬ Fabruiry 1519 Madman1001 muqmumm mum mum and at 1V may 1m Mumcm mm hum mu tamed mnhr 1mm In deW huha mm The cducallon minislcr nld he could not 5ch out dclnlll ml the WW art hclure mnmmdng mu Hm Iralslnluru bul he Implied lhnl umnl commen llflhnlll In he 51 szhn rrpurl wmll he imnlrmrnlml The minlslcr spoke to £er ors xhorlly nllrr rrccivinu lha mm on Hbrnry resources In Onlmlo prrnuml by Pramls John Library bnwllanlx In New ank The rcpurtwnl rumpmd undrr he nusplru he Onlnrlu Library Associnllon TORONTO lCP liducflllun Minlslcr lelinm Dav mid Monday he will introduce new Public Libraries Ac during the current msion the lruisln lure Ho nlsn will new grant structure MI be Immduced In enable school board to lnrrvnso spending on Him llbrnriu Irpuumrm Hmlull mid hc mde Carmen Mosslrr ï¬mams flier snifï¬ng m1 In sum mummy am she hccame ill in U12 commom during her first degree mur dur Lnnl Amstinu Candace is her aclomcy Clyde Woody May Introduce New Library Act POLICE ESCORT ESCAPEES INTO ST CHTHMINES COURT com Math lwmmw my mm mm BECOMES ILL AT TRIAL Inan hla lonxlhy dmll ï¬rminl mlmmml Dll VIII II Smu wm ï¬lm 14 he Mum ramble Imklng him man who ulrmst rmwa CAPE KENNEDY MP xpmncuw flight plan has lwn drawn up It the mu Gemini Apnea adventure calling or walk mm nearly hm balmka mind the warm new grams could be called Lllm ulmion mm and school boards mus lnlllnlc library lnmrovo mun Io quality In Ihe money The grnnLq will be avullnbie 1107 In mlmbursc boards lnr mm Imnrmcmcnk he said Hour Walk In Space Planned By US In Next Gemini Flight Houslnn Tc 3er Mmskr becanm Ill during lcsflmony given by Arthur Gnmslcy who said her nephew Mclï¬w Lane Pmcrs asked hm to kidnap her husband Jamuc Moss Ier AP Winphoto 11x anlmnl Ammluu and Snxn Mminislr Ihn pun whrum Pu uumnnwd Arm will Ancnn mm whaliuflu with mm nltrmnlo lururl ulnrkxmz mhyur no hik nmmnml PIIM Neil Armslnmï¬ lmx mnmnmng mtktls on me momr9 In unmupl and KL Another mport wnccminx lhc nllack on lamyeaer boy no mun lwv uclks ngn ix bring d1 out by police The DENIES REPORT DcL SgL Tom lmon OPP Barrie said mmn Um young girl was muckcd nl Iho mm mmin and mum ï¬nlo urbane can was mwmapcr lulk spokesman at the OFF 0mm at vale cxpL1imd hm mm truth to the story at mm yum mm were playing Ith par u1 but It was me nn archival and lhrre WILI dchmlcly no nlluck made Polim now are taking pidurl of the knile schools at Pene Lmguishcnn Stayncr Midland 9nd Camp Borden In search for clues An night long blood smincd ï¬shing knife behaved to be the murder mam was found on of curling rink that 1de theamna Tests have mmirmod um was hu man ploodgn the knife Police said they turned up no thing in houseMuse mm of 400 hows carrying picture of hp lnilc as er be went the am mm his par mu Mr and Mrs John Kent to watch an older bmlhen Jahn 112 plny Mcqu He was rc ported missing 15 minutes Later The boy was found Mag ace dam in he mud ouLside ho amna He had been mum seven Umcx four times In the chest and abdomm and lhmc limes it be back Palm mused their investiga tions Monday as townspeople mmngcd to Saaod can Chunk at Pm McNicoll Me funeral mass sung or tbo FACE DOWN The Atmrwaomralk de partment tn Tomas today an nounced ward 52mm The Ontario vaincial Police at Elmvale said an additional $1000 has been offered by the town of Elmvale mm on loading the arms and convic hm of the killer of sixycarold duel Ken of Port Mchcoll who was 3L1de to death outside Elmmle Arena Friday night chwani mum have $3000 PoStedFor Arrest Conviction 0f Boys Attacker mm at 3371 km Jam WIMMoh Not Man Than 10 Par Copy II Page 12m lNImIIWWIIIImn wfll Inmnnlrd In the wnpmlIIm uummilw of Nummmlem ennui Imelwnwnt Awncln Hun The hula 11h EmuWM um he ll rm lmhliu Immune ha pm com the nmx MM later that In pmkfl will us win VA 000900 to mmrm TIIIINS GP Imxnrrmmlilm that ad lam ic be umtmdml seaport on Georgian Bay about 150 mlkl rmmwcsl Mm was ymunwm Mnmlny n1qu hy Trmmim do pmtmom mums The crLw opened emergency doors and bka windaus to on able pasvcnmrs or reach sflcLy despite he flaml Only six rs were lmmrd Ae vcmly maugh to need lupin mm and eight hm miwd ï¬rst aid The Indian Airlinu Cnravclle an eightloot mtch pole as it landed and lh whcels came and the plan skidded 30 yards on its bully as lam spurtcd mm the tail and me wmg Seek Rail Facility To Georgian Bay NEW DELHI mailers Eighlyme persons unlined in jet rpm mgd lived to Him tall the tale despfle ad lhg plane was burned out Many residan of Elmvale and surrounding district have been keeping IhCir drildren home after dark Some sald they mild not let their childrm go In the arena until the murderer Ls caught 83 Survive Iet Crash In India nu kn sai have my thing else new wcm all doing mu very best and Its just mum of toolslugging now pork slated Kevin Fleming was grabbed tom behind as he walked underneath the arena seaLs andwas choked or had hand held over his mouth Imlil he payed out POMSLOGGING Elmvale OPP sLaled four per sons in were alleged to have gc 10 aflflck were nucsummd and not one wilnmcd 5m an allaqk Del SgL Lennon said wday police will mnlinue Io show nic lunw of the knife to school chil drcn in all summing areas Remaining mid snowllurnu 10w mm 10 degrees High conarrow 243 degrees For qu summary lurn lo page in WW1 musty know Eat