Amurrlaï¬m mum ho we pmlmpalim 0le mm pllnve Immuwnh III IM unmlh rl our man and um nyammn rugmm enmkm $an durldwlt Moi uh lull unlidmu in Ml lmly mirva luml lflVllll In uurml rllmhk or Ivulzlrml Mlmnrnl mm 1hr uwh mr mum lII rmumnl 11m MI mlrninml mums mml luwh uflm IM mUnl mxvllnl Iamvchum mgr Hm Im mm VJIAIIM hr min lhll mum huliun nwln unhm ulm III in llv lnluyru ml yr IM ml rlzlhlo lot damn Hun mm lnxnhm Innnm In Hul Mar 111qu or mus pmwu nulrllmhmu wk mm In Mnnh W4 mum yer in mhnmn Iunmr Lu my Ahr ll Um mm run my In rII lnmlm Ill mr JI mrvl nrrnl ruulplhm n1 nmlnmmm uvrnh In wynnnl Mimiml luv Inn Nam umul hmmm Mm mm unh Th Irruyl Iv liunnnl iquul hlmuw NIsMHmI Imw Id InT Hll ilxhwlmll upwlmw flu uuL II HALIH LUUMI Whom inndy Ind Ln le Many IIIdI lamml mum llkl lva ulnmmrd Imlruua mnmm Hum pro lrrrrd MIMI nu Iillh mu nw Hr wt n1 nqvnnn HI pmlmHy ml by mm mm Hm MN In lw mum mi wwn rm ml Muir 1004mm mm Iv prmcl dimmim on he mm and Mum mlc the my when wrld new was Snlo hands at no msl he said new1m writing on It lomnthnl alfaim mm the House 01 Comm now know Mm going on became they ham been there Ihc mm who are owed Hie nun nm Imam in lean the mm mm as me Mm nm he mtcchcs kn In he pong is far my mm the ybqn wri new was ll is much like Jam Dickn mm in his press relations after his seem year LS prime minam PRAISES PAPERS Mr Lynda praised Camdian mwsmpcrs for inter mum airs umugh their INESTMENT REVIEW Irhno Minism PW L1 showing nmwing owlnm porters Mr Lynch said has been warned that if heydme be hm ha gmmmcms lobby lhe muse 01 Comm their Hogcs will be wimdrmm slrictions on press mnmlm at Ottawa There an Emculflcs in gamutins um and here is shortage pm pcr working space the Southam newWm Fr day asde Canadian musing mum to work at better news gathering Militias at the Par liamnnt Buildings in cum Speaking lo 65 newspaper ex awtives attending the Canadian lingl Editm Mormon he snd there are lmHLNN GP Charles Lyndh head Soudxxm Nam cmgesfland Animist or Contribution Exempt 0n Retirement Plan Charles Lynch Urges BetterNews Facilities Promale an altar steps In Vancouver Bishop James Car ney lies in symbolic humility SYMBOLIC HUMILITY AND SUBMISSION wwin me nnw me mmmflcally lmulnl In Un lund 0mm Imh Mlnwlui Ilrflmdu rmnl Imimamu immw Ir hrrflvr In nvlng hM ctII nli lumen mm In mu mmmh ml mnlim la lha mlhvt flux cm Harm On Invhm Hill Inn lraHml nn mm mm mu unt rlzbl rr an or In Irr IVN mu lhr primmxu mm pmqu mIrmA mplm ulnn luul llhmï¬ll Hmnlly alum lhm par uut the III lmul nllumrdkally IF 13mm UV mm wnvu nwnlnfl um qklmulnnl Hnl llw wt 1mm Invmidunl Hill Inn lraHml nn munmum 1m unt rlgbl pm an or In Irr WL wt In In lwcu paid uw nmlmr 11ml Ihr mm Innle mutual luml lumva Mm plm ll mw lnurw mul ulml would My hm Own in mm Im Hm Innmm 02 Im mruu 77 par My mum Hnu prrlmmaum lml Im nr uniWu mama nunlly Item Mum rlrM tar nmt Ilnnunl jlnulx II lmllnkll Um ml Inin II 11 rmt nww rimilm Axum um AI rr mud Lu hmdm 1e lax mynlllr nu anlvln 12mm mm Innum rmalmu Hrr all nL wuhlr dnhxflmu Ime Inn whimml lnm mu lmwnm 1w nIIL lhrn 000 unhh llmmr pmth the In Ivldmul will will nflvr he 70 umn would bu mrhmJy muddmnl and pamclluulon MAUMTION 01 TI TAX MVI 55 ï¬n1lvgulknk liar he COMPOSER DIES LONDON MUPour Yukc lcaqcr apd coma pum died Thumlay Yorke allow at the Iloyd College 0mm turned Io lam music Mlh the Jack yum band EElZlI BLUE MOVIES COLOMBO AP Iolico 10 ELECT PRESIDENT DUBLIN ANThe Republic of Ireland xnll hair mid Lial clmuon June It was Mr bounced ln Um bail pndin nun Thunday President Eamon Dc Valera plan to seek his swarm sewn3w lam in ollke His only declared op ponmt ls mm dopuAy MdBEwn lawn nvmspaper member Inf the royal commission on bilingual ism and hiwilwaiism laid Inzmy Canadian am ï¬nd with Mr newspapers Jean Innis Gamma former editor two Montreal papers La Pressg and the now ddund RENEpa JamalGuam that walling 2mm coun try wiih the Wyn oomlssim hc mmd many pcopie mum my aim the now their papers gave them ARENT IN LOVE Some nwxpnpcr am doing quile vii he said But erally speaking the average nd in love with him and submission More Arch hsh mm WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF VENICE Fla AP Day nflcr day Gnrmnum II and MT Watch TV Including the 011mm saga aimed 1m 1110 ammo gorillas with the Muslim um 1mm have been ml TV HM since the 11 Mr he anklun Gw mflflllm IILKJM U3 mlpu apes pus ham bmxlun captivity REFUSE PAY lUSlI TIZL AVIV MW Ian nmmm Julml ullvne 1mm Thursday In giving up my rahs In mnlnl Jnflnnvn my lutr we my mannlnl by an arm All wmmfllre Ire lull lo Mmnl pump of INC simnl pwplc Tho Jamallsll tam up an mum hmase backdauxl will ML BET You CVIIIUH CA GAGITFOWN NJL CWTM Canadian Army luv annm ml luln lumen qur duly In Cyprus early in Amil If Um Unllnl anlunl ex Irllvll II Innnxlnln fur Iln warp lupin urrr lrynnd Mlmh in 71w mm0mm nro Ur znd Ila hhm hr le Watch nmp strum and II quwt um mh nnmhnn Hum 01 2mm Im raided house In this Ccyloncsc camlnl Thursday night and said they salad comach of Urly mowu US Wmmuvn Serv kc prom ser an audience 19 Police said Mp1de had bun hormwul him the 15 embamy or the showing at mde ï¬lms ï¬rm 7289 m1 nmk Vermont muster The Wall SLth Journal pmsfdm the American Sodely of Newspaper Editors said hr 13 no longer deeply worried about the un pad of Icevisim But he said newspa need ta ï¬nd new method handling md distribution Graybie mzbï¬siwr ol the Windsur star also dsagmed with Mr Eamon We hqmt done badly he said Ho said daly mspaxm nn as caused 103 mm 102 since 1051 and chuxlation ha mused 332000 in the same pc rind Complm le m1 RDmanVCaUIolic wnsccm fign tummy CF Vircpho DRILLAS WATCH TV QUALITY FOOTWEAR For Man SHOE SHOP INSURANCE IIJA DUNLOP Wes terms himself an over night smnxh we 12 years He started television an nouncar Sacramento after leaving Stanford University had been writer mulkmnn cnw boy and aclnr His most numb Indeed he not Batman 11 the squnres mum Adam West hip Balman lives In manor lhnl looks like left over from George miss movier Adam West has pad at Malibu Beach Dnlman spnnd most or bi me In the cnmpnny 01 his ward Rnhln When not working Adam Was often accompa nied by laczl chick vgnnm smsn was ha think major producer has become senile they can perceive that Im not batman Hcfore was llmiled play ing leadl In lowbudge movies The win has glvm me the ex posura God knows so that perhaps wmdd now be consid ered or lmporlunt plclures WM 13 whatl was worded Hm ad mitted TVI foe of wrongdocm wunlrald that my own iden Llly might be submerged 1n the trapping of teak in lights But then realized should be able to make lhelcraze work to my advantage Hos Bntman Holy Residu als You know what that means Hes going bench Ho also may be branded for lite with ha Emblem on his ï¬esL In by worried ND our EOLLYWOOD AmNah Ha lug HE Adam West By PETER HUCKLEY inndin garish Writer Thelinal collapse lhe Bei gian coaiiiion government spells one more worry for the Euro Nan Common Mnrkei Just if appeared to be finding way amndiha impasse causcd by Francos withdrawal last July from active participation in mgrigei affair MOVIE COLUMN Van CONTACT YOUR ECONOMICAL AGENI TODAY tBelgidiijGovt Collapse MQY Hit Market Talks Belgium 5va Naomi Ihe ALLlNONE POLICY ToyBatmï¬lfl LRole can am 10 on your insurance costs Combines your HOME Contents Llabmty Insurance UNDER ONE Policy lmuh ovum 4mm lrlvam Wuuum lwlun mum 10mm on Mnnhnl M00110 mm STEVENSON C0 llnd onm Mum 0mm cmmm ML It My MontrealValery Garcia 72 Mmde mama Mm phuoflm mmnflsdonui dun his 54 ea career RM 04 mx his Mm career to ph pm loading mantles wyu um Mr 11 Yam hemt al LEPIphnnlt Victor randl 71wa National member Q1th 1931513 lum for LAmnptlm riding mm 19 In woo OttawaRum Bitkuwski 35 armor 5L1 come with the ma Rough radon Football nadién Munlieal Serge MW former mumrue um Nei York Mus W31 WWW 5A 82 widow of the Immhm Munmm HEW Wm magnzlhefand 113 Manhunt harhar unmeasu sexvlcc nunm Mm mum Wadsworth dimer of CARE Canada and pm pm ideal of tho 01mm Womens law 14 playing secondary bama to 1102ch Taylar illThe Detectivc scr es Féllawing bxcakupol his mar flagehe has lwo young Chuv kenlie went In Italy in an ab temp to break out of IheB picture rut nu CANADIAN PRESS May In the same ï¬xIn both cases the elements of the ranem are similaran lua illly lo Ilnd sufllclent common ground among the previous second of the 51x Cnmmon Mm kc mung In 1nd Hall with out government less than two weeks before the Maxim nego linlois areln resume lalksln Hnlscls on Ike preuouslymlale malcd agricultural policy and other pendgngymllm DEATHS 7164 lol Hm May Help You Sell Someihing After government crisis that lasted two mwihs cabinex under Pierre Hamel was formed from much the same Social Guistian and Socialist elements that had governed hr are the eieciion Diragreement ver iundn mental issues remained includ ing ways of tackling the thorny problem oi FiemishWaiinnn rei atiunsi Instead representation In both weSenale and LhaCimmber Represenulim remincd bony Isst divided among Ihrea main puiiekihafSociai Chris iian Calholicsi he Socialisi Indvihe Liheraix only last Mdy general elec tion were held which it wai pod would pmduco govern ment man enough la make consutuflanal climaxes Land end um famflurzpatleiï¬ 7136 tomb coalitions Khe problem In Belgium not new Thu act has resisted solution unlll now clear In dicndan will not land use to easy answers membai of eoaliflon Mm Roman Emu diner unmmcu uu vnnlnszo mill or he sun lhnl one of our looking or mgr ml rnsulLl Chances are you have wmelhlng in your house rlghl now that yourn no longer uslug lhlnk ll yuu can prubnbly make up ll of or llomn lhat someone In llnrrlo could llml rule usclul llucsnl 11 make good mm to plck up sumo llnmly cash 501 nu lllcsn ltrmx but yml my how can tell mulcmln nbuul llm mrgnlns have lm sale Slluplo Just call Freda Shlnmr our clnsslllml n1ch nupcrvlwn plulurul nlluvu and kholl help you won mlgllly mlllgol lixmuIIur classlllul ml lu our best ad vnnlngo llllll or has mulls Were sure lhnl one of our Illl 00 mule ls looklnu Im vnur ml PHONE 7282414 EXAMINER WANT ADS ARE FOR PEOPLE IN HURRY FDR RESULTS 3119 115mm Ekamilwr As little As 96 Per Day Ask For An Advisor He laid the monks Who have Benedictine monaslery at SL Benoit du Lee 70 miles smith east or Montreal incorporawd themselves 13 munlclpallty several years am In mnnk had built an auditorium with Idle already given to them Employee described as un emplpycd on the municipalitys llst were mnnks 1mm Ihe mm aslmy QUEBEC CP 4PM Lav pom minister oi murdclpaiai lain told the ammny Friday Quebec has decided to give win ier works lubxidiu In com munlty of monkstittha ap provai havicdmi gavelIr Inan 14 mnmnmyï¬xumndnunnn mu QuebéycTo Give Subsidies To Ajgcgmfmupity 0i monks Colllcr Sluts Dunlap Street West Macsays Bakery 11 company arrive undxpemdly Map in aIVMacsaya bakery everybody will think youre the palm hosiesx COMPANY comma Phone 7mm Phnne 7284011 spokesman of the Quebec department 01 municipal nflnlri snld ih Montreal he mun 31$ fly ofSL Hanan du Lac 111 mated March 1939 It novrhas population of 75 Mr Lapele said Quebyq has raised nil kind 01 MW 110m the unemployed 11 sub mined by Ike munldpallly of St Benoit du Lac and mi 114 fused to give any mbddiea less the municipality got the up proval of the federal govern monk DKAYS PAYMENTS The ï¬rovlnnial auditor lflmi mind the nubsidiea allerthi federal government unved In approval to the projcél 9n 1M5 rr 319