Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1966, p. 5

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ifined For Contempt The story wm used minimally by Thu Globe and Mail It was later transmitted by The Cana dian Pm and The Spectator printed the GP mount Press Awards Bit mls wouldmcan 25+ to cent grep the axd OTTAWA CHPrime Mixr hlcr Pursan said Friday night 8131 Investment in Canada and its effects on Canadlan sov erelanly is one he mm diI mull problems he munlry as course when we talk like this were talklng about Ibo he tuld lmlversily liberal lludenL hm Im anenUm llwym even taking over tho National Hockey magma Mr Pram said Canlda would haw no pmblcm at all If it vim willing to develop iLs ovm resources cut all fomtgn MVcs11mmd iake other such 5E5 didnt thugk Jib MILTON Ont GP Mr Justice Eric mm nf Oho Dnlznia Smume 00m many convicted the Tmmh Globe and Mail two members nl is flat and the Hamilton Speak at mntumvt of com in arm neafinn wiMI the Martins of trial here Jan 15 mawwa The remmuck to die entry MW us was In file NHL mm laughter was man dont mink were 50in 00 use our 1mm hi cut at Wamtufl lcism lhxs Mk In he Cmn mg Mr Pearson said an mne people who get upset About US inroads on Canadian culture were cumming that ranger of devisim sm fion mm Barrie Tomato dlanncl in mm Wynr mm mm mm mm Doer 1M Globe md Maid was fined $500 and RWPadul who wrote the 1011 Wu lined $100 mm change emso hum the mm of evidence given w¥ulg the jury was en duded dinmg the Hal ml youfiu In outmodbn with the damuammcuza OTTAWA CPJThc second National Pm Club Canada Junk or wmanding contri bulions Jourmllsm Friday on to publishers Ram Munm The Canmlim and Stuart Kcaw of the Vnmouvcr Sun The awardssud and pew In mugswere 1de at UK annual ms duh dimet cm at oumundim nodal talcum the capilai Among the 500 50mm MINId In In Emm Alme 5m gm in 9nd 0mm NEWS ROUNDUP Mr Munro farmer war muspmulm or The Canadian Im5 Mm Somth NW1 Service all the 50cm Vodd Wu and aqwbwmipluu oar vrhm ho wm mmcd cad 11m Canadian new wcckly mamdne sunulomem cl Soutlmms nnd lllo Tnmnw Slain Mr Km ha AM mosh rnI nl Thu Cmuulizm lrcsa mxkcd nr Ihe Tmmm saw the Vnnmuur vainne Timo magnim nml Hm Victoria Timts before gain to The Sun In 196 Plan Attack MONTREAL CWThe Cl nmllnn Smitty or flu Punn llnn of CruelIy Animal plan HEADS ORILLM FOLK FESTIVAL War um um warn Mk amm aplmuina AI Im lnHIn Fulk Fulfill lu It will ml rwlay ml Pulm am mnnwl Murtuum éign Invefitmem Diflicult Problempm to mount cancelM attack on inter province lraflicldug llalen Ajay XML lngpcglor James SLG xaid Ffldly MM 91 these dug lifled at the street end up as sublecu in biology lab uperbnenls In salrl 1n an Interview The 5cher suspects lame of the do bought at auction an pen dotmapped on neighbor hnod meals We lmmd pet dog Irons Tmonlo at biology lab in Montreal Mr SL one said The thieves hld argnllcn In take all liwllfl 331 5a nu ma are alo len and taken In what he exme cube own auclinn houses where buyer purchasa dogs or the labs Bath Cundl Bread and Christin gave similar reason or the Ilse Higher lnbor dis tribution Ind producuun costs TORONTO CHBread ram lwo Toronto bakeries will cost two cent more loal starting Monday Cnnathmd largest bakery In Ontario was the first to an nounce the increasa Friday ol lowcd by Christies Bread 01 Taronlm Therwmpanlu ounce lamx which nuw all 24 ms will nuns Ipo 25mm or Ahnwa Wholesale Ltd mid brand of bread distribuch an not ex pected to rise Mondny but prices wen liker la humu lacr In the week OTTAWA CP Thu CNR lhould reconsider It plans ta Abandon pnunger lrlln mm In on fiLmfle Ankh bdmm Kapusknxlnx and Hearsl In Nanhem Onllrio Hahn bCochrlne Id In In Com mmu Friday 11 run pm of Hunt Toronto ruin Ihe CNn Inaugu rated in 1962 Abandonile Um Knmuknslnz Hum slrclch will mean mm mm will have VJSMIIRCF 01 CXIH MIV he by train Mr b9 5am 15 mm rltr Llhml prlma mlnlucr hld enem him In the North lo nlmd rallwny hclwccn Que bec Ci vgqnlpeg 11m CNR Ihnuld hmo dlml Lmln mm Ourbcc ln VIMDII runnlnl lhroum lh mum min of Quebec and Ihe Tlm mhu KIWIknlnl Ind Hun mu 0mm Should Reconsider Bread Goes Up PRIME MINI PEARSON aha lnm In leunqu pulva mum IanI my TV 11 1an Wm lnvlwlmg 1m Ilhl and Ema Uni my EXAMINER WANT AD Buga 3f lhé Swim Thu Canadian 17ml nuppliu new lobroadcnsllng nation through subsidiary Emadcast Nam OTTAWA CmA Conunh llve MP ukcd In It Common Friday whelher Ule bmngual Ism and bIcullnrnlism cnmmls Alon Is invuflnlinl hraadcnw In opentlom The Canudlan Pren Mr Spelker km quay don or me prime mlnhter Is he aware But the Ind Exam inlulon has inillalad an Invest gallan Into the operaLlon 01 Thu Cnnadlm Pm with radio na lionl urns flu nlllun request lng vlpwl an to how they can be lmprovod and ddes no appruvc of and action In Mnntreal Ike commisdon co chairman Andra Lauren duu salt the commisslwn conducting program of HA search on the mass media but the program 11 not cnnllned the broadcasung operation of The Canadian Prm Robert COME mbc land posed hi an on Prime Mlnisier Femgm re plied No Mr Speaken am no IV of that but will be lad to look lnlo it LONDON MunroAn In fluenza epidemic hal already kllled 515 person In England Ind Wale Ihll year the hum nulls rgporlgdloday use dunint 115 int five week 01 the year jumped by more Ihan 400 campand mm the lam period year ago The lnfluenntypeB vlnu not normally killerll hit children in Normern Ind Wes em England clminz score than The epldemlc uprud rapldLv lo adulll particularly Ina ed among whom mos death luvs occurred Mnmbm nald lha move fol lowed maning of the locall mombersMp which xlrika vole was taken Hm wlm ulnmum mm Ila bag njmmkd mam Fr ll SUDBURY CF Member Local mo the Plumber Ind Pipeliilcrs Union CLC claimed Friday lhey were locked our Thursday by 16 com panies involved in negotiation with the union 101 new con tract FARRY MUN 0M lower 3mm Atom nmtavqu numbfin mum mum WM dmrunl Mm he Mvh 1er AHA MW mmd 11 M1 hmflMr In 1mm mil rm an mum mu mar Numlridgo IA Pinlay nth mm mm rum Sm MI mm mm as mm mm th my IIIAWA CW Muly NI Inwuulflwl III mler it MM van ll uzmu um urznkul huml 11 Ml Jimmy lw Mm mum on IllNWKM Annwm man rid1 Una Ul Quiestioxix News Ray James he unlnnl bus nm null ported Iha of the mmbm the meeting no per cent voud to mine ll ho campanlu Muse continue nezollnllnn Ilmonlh conlrac between Local 500 and the Licensed ME chanical Contractors an em ployerl organizalinn expired 1m yur 1mm II Iwflry rm Friday laInd me In mum at mun mm IWNMH HM ml mum wmul limwv dmgnl rd um nuuu Hr Md mm David lmninl OTTAWA CPIErik Nwlkn PCYukon Mm rimml lhl fllvurd nmlr Frlduy put on he Commam armr paper who Hrlll qucslionl conccrnlnl bnflkrupfi Ho than rnmplninu hnv bun mmln rflnctrnlnl ulu In Pith ol Ihm arm lhl mum Un mmplnlnu lay whom and when they um mad and uh uUun lny lakrn crleve party murm mid Yau my any lhll Um bomb plus llfiltl Mr Nlrlscn nnmu bankmplty mum In Van couwr IIdmonlon Hamilton Tammy Ind Monlrrnl Nu pin vml Mimi uhm ML win Owl Illnmml Mr um In Im 5mm mun Claim Locked Out Ilu Kills 515 flwaxd Conlracls Presents Case Case Remanded Assault Charge Onl N7 Ipi uan tn rm nu In FHA OTIAWA CmCivil urvice ital organizauons representing same 90000 employees played down any lnshlence an gaining the rlghl lo alrik In brim sub mitted Frday In specia cab Incl committee ine brleil dealing wilh ml iective bargnlning legulntion expected to be introduced in the Caminone thin year were handed to the cabinet commit lee studying the subject by ilcal of the 30000 member Cmi Servlee Federellon oi Cen nde and immmmber Profu Ilnnel institute or the Public Service Canada The strike positions The iederetion brie lay the organization we prepereri la accept statement by Prime Minister Pearson almost three years ego that the civil service should be granted the right in Joint negotiation and arbitra tion while at the ume time re cagnizlnz that the supremacy Parliament means that the rlzhl loitrikeycannbt be granted Tho Prnlcs slon n1 Imlituu brie supporxtd Ihu View the preparatory commitlee with regard In he undulranilily legislallva prohibition Hamil thy HEM lo urike Last Mtk the mommember Canndlan Union or Postal Work CLC announced wlll ln on me right to 1th and to come under the Iull Iuhority he Inllullrlal Helnllona Ind Dlxpmon Inwsxignuons ML ml Frnnk Howard Friday chmzrd the zovrmm um conspincy mm In Im pkmenflnfi nioly HUMIle on Ihe 5L mama Seaway Mr ll Md HP or krona mlAWA llnlnn In mnw wore mnmnvmlrd Frivhy hr anfl all lhn MM LmmMM Army warm Mm mu mlw mm fork an my mm In va paw lnun rmml ulln IN mm Kan In mu CivilService Play Down Strike Btiei ma lnlm £111er inc 1qu gambling LAM and lame with Inflfn vet mm Iwymr rnl duly ll 100 Real llmuu Kim mm rIIIvI lxr lmmA IW pnan Mum Ium 10 ml an rt 0m mm MM Mdan ah llileMM duo inch mmmnm 11m nmhmhifim mun mu In cm Ilml Km mnlvm ImJun h1qu wmhl ho Mvnmflu In All HIM 11w mml hy Dr HM man mnhrnl mm Ihq Tatwlim mnim mumLl Iahnl In 0w mmm qunl rmllllwM hy Mrvmw Mlnwnr HM Tho an Kml rtmuu umm hml MINI um my Imm mum pmuitn wr or mmle Nully WI uw mm HIM KmI my um nl mmluu Ip km IMI Hrl ml IHMHIM My nlm Am Van In wmmm um Immune nzlmnl mwvlrnl lhl Hm Kw nlnmu Ammlm IM lr myun uuvuav quirwwrl ms Inth mm mum Tman Mink Pkluw glll mid lrnlu wnlrnl mm mm of he Seaway Is In mm vldl Myulxm 1n ma MIN sfill Mai Slevéslm am Recommend Pension Hike For Veterans Trim whim Lshinl vessel wall for flkhj crews in he 0n Seaway Salety Govt Is Bapped mam gmlmw Dem LADIES IN WRITING IN BC damage miles from Vahe cauvcr tn the 5mm arm at the ham River Soon he Lima ll nrlnulvl ml uvl ppm mummy 7mm hmynvntun hmva llmllmluvhnllllvltn MIAMI 24 Vldovll 5v Even after two years the Holliers of Oakville are still discovering good things about electric heating Its the nnnwer to are bodvu dream lnr m1 comfort In concerned he nflnnco venlmn of 1mm and roombyronm tum orntum control mnkn It Ilcnlsny Mrn ollltr Recently he Holllum were lutervluwml to dllcovcr their focllnus about cloclrlu hunting lhuy cmltlnuu Vn find the All la cleaner and much frmlmr wilh clcclric huntingw dont got my of lhu Mulllnm we uml to gel before wn henltd electrically The dimibulion of hunt in nciunll nurprininx Ilwm nro nn cold mmgm nml no cold rnughln ur nlmvu our oxpoclnhnnn Mnuy nmllha in Onlnrlo nhm lllo Holllvrn foe Inxn However llwrna mom In nlnctrlc hrnlinu lhlm Ila unmatched mmforL Flnmalm electric honung is mfo demulnblo and completely clean There in no rmnhuntlnn nrodum dual lifl film or ml Vllh all ill mlvnnum cleclric healing com Ir 1mm lhnn llwn nvmj lmvn In move would corlninly rhonso rlpcuic hulmg dont think you can no wrung wnh It n0 nIl DYKSTRABROSQ ELECTRIC FIVE EXCELLENT WAYS TO HEAT YOUR HOME ELECTRICALLY MIIIIIIII til mum Mm nwmn My all II Inlllvltlu lmHML hubm My bustling the sumxfier 1mg team 3152 CP Wimphowt Eloclvlc Hullng Speciallyh lu pump In mm um In mm Um ullhll mlnulm My flnmd yul vwwliunpn Ilull WAIERSKEEE APART The waiters 01 um Mismurl and Mississippi dn not mix for 35 miles below the punt at which hmrivm meek nu 3mm EXAMINER SATURDAY ma ma Thu lrhxln Full of Qunllly lhmllold mum hrhd bylhn mlnundunrnlllln hrnllnlwulmmnhlhnronllchnr ulm Ilulnllml and HM liloculn Ilrnflnn humlulu Onlnrlo who uu Hm In nyllom In rmmlly Iluilmd ynu may think No wondersn runny mph am um mg to elnclnc heating of tho corp on dunnlmoel and economy llmy wnnt heating system umiim lvirhullnmrumullnqmll un muluclnr nr your Hydro or find ductrlc BRITISH nvmm AIRWAYS CflnPDMIlflN W1 AIR CHM THIS SMALL ADVERTISEMENT CANMEAN BIG SAVINGS FOR RESERVATIONS 10 Dunlop 72641525 Am cu um Inlrk lf Mire plahniny flip to Eufopb BOAC can save you time And alm money 50 find out Iboul BQAC first This Hummer them are record 29 tnmllantic jet flights week from Tommo Hows lhllfor choice Jet direct to Londnn by mumifiofln BQAC nollykoyu 707 or Alt Clnadl gilnl Dos jet From April AI um Io Europe the lawn em Example IDny Economy Excursion Tammo Rome Wil can you only 3465 return Plan now and my S40 See your Tnvel Axcul mm lawman Irvlfilll 730M 0K Johnson Tfavel Service IDOK mn THE TRIPLE HEAL 07 QUALITYr THE HTRONGFJTT GUARANTEE HHAHNG HEX CAN HAVE yml wivh mun nnlehlmllllthwnhln mum hm um quuI In luml umWm your hydro AND TICKETS CALL MINT OWN flOINl Th US Comm anlhorim the minling of commemoraLiv coin or profit by prim groups llnlll Lkmn Warm Wlfle Tnvel Annulment nml mm Mum run fly Iv annl lllhrmlnuvyul mnl 7161439 31

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