Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1966, p. 3

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5ulxflifllm lulu dully Ivy unlor Me My mm mm 5mm my me ll mm In llnlnllu now year 3550 mu mo lhm mum um womb Molnr Ihmwdl mm 7m 5050 Ill monuu mum mum mm par mum Cnnnrln mum mammal mm 7w and Fan mm yan omtv mmn filrwl Mun MINI Inrmnrl IH 61 ivhhmImé Imam no 507 Find Before urban renewal grams can be oblalncd there must be 11 dcnnllo plan presented by the municipality This us ually requires survey often costly survey usually Ion thy survey Durlm th pmcetum munldpalily may In llnlown faculties have bogged dmvn Now York Herald lrllmno Having been rnmurngml to bollnve that tho American war Mort my man col lapm Um Communism appvnr to have been Ilszumlnl ronl accepting Proshlvnl Johnsons alter or uncommmnnl lalkn Sumo lmllrvo they am prcmnlly Mop vinu up 1er attack Inr lho punmn In Hut linszc llllnlsler lllllcllell Sharp rcgrela that many Cnnadlnn cltles am not Inklug full advanmge of federal funds available or urban renewal redevelopment rundown areas better publlc houslng slum ellmlnnllon Is proper Ilnt the senior fmnrmnonc xlopmlmcnln rmuru that nflcal plan he Mllnnnlcd or urban ronewn prnjccis vensafile helper silent invisible incredibly fast and powerful played vital part in bringing these words ID you Like the we breathe we seldom think about the helper or our world would be like without it in helping put these pages in your hands electridtys part began in the papermaking processes and continued right through the printing and delivery steps In every part of life from the cleclrlc toothbrush to the fantastic eledronlc com utoxs we are using eleelrlclty 10 day ways that not many years ago were little more than dreams And there is no end in sight to the parade of new uses and the changes olten fundamental they create in our lives In fact as National Electrical Week is obscrvml industry leaders tell us we can cxpcd many times more electrical pro gross during the next 10 years than look plgcc in the entire lifetime of Thomas lace lson Indeed the revolution he created with his inventive genius grows in succeeding Urban Renewal Planning Wnllu Publisher Electricity Plays Vital Role In Our Lives Today innu llnub Duly Mumfl 111 Ezrrffwfixamifipr BOON TO THE ENEMY OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publlhhad by Canadian Newipnper Limmd 16Bnyfiald Street 8min Ontario Aulhmlud mam elm mu Im mnu Ilqwlnwnh mum And lnr plymrnl wim um 1mm Sunday and flMulnyy Ilnlhlny cmva C1111 marrir Exmuiurr McPherson Mnnaglng Editor mum FEBRUARY ma PAGE£ THE HITCH HIKER Tl1ElIlNFh Fnr liumrwr Wan Adx Mu nu 7mm Th0 mama mum In all IN munu mum Mammal 6311 Cmuhllun Devllumnl Ilwlwnc my IMJIIIW Allodlllln Ih nnMiIII lhe AnvM Immu Clmllannm TM lllwllun lrrI II rmIv lhp nu In Irruwlmlm nm in lln paw uhth It nr 1h ltm or lvulm Iml Hm Ibo lml lulwl lhortln in hlxhcr nmlnlllu on Amrricam and Umreby insplflnfinflll humor marvth nml 11 ln liq nfiqd sum thlnver lwmmn of Hm nhlmhlnnrd rank who mm In put llrm halanh lhlrk Mug on calm Sonlnr governments Canada also glvo Innnclnl asslstanco lo tho plannan phase and yet lhcm have been regrettable do lays Moro nfltdlvo comdlnnuon ha omnllnl plannth nl vnrlnlu levels of lziwmmmm mlxhl help In break math rock llm an51er Hm cncodomonma Ions may wrll bu In Ipm on tho war nut 10 lncrmno the mat Amodcnn llvrs But their requirements should not be so astidlous to become prohibitive Mu nlci alillcs for their part should not end less and ncmllcssl kick roposal round In the flak 10cm pol U9 In the United States pro lcm also present Ike The Initial slop In Iro 5lcnl Johnsons pmgram L1 tho allocat ion of 3120 Qolfor Ilmfi yeqryhnnlnq MA Inn of 311000000 or year plannln Intended 10 gcljlxo job pang The progress of the electrical tn ustry the contributions tt has made to human betterment and the ogporluniucs it has provldcd arc pcrhaps 051 53mm tgt waves as one development after another opens the way for countless new ad vances To stimulate and keep pace with these achievements the electric industry as sumes many responsibilities Electric utilities are the nations biggest ea ital investor for equipment facilities an the like The electrical manufacturing lndust ry employs onefourth of all engineers and scientists engaged in research and development work among all manufaclur inenterplls05 The inicstmcnls and creative efforts xzoi oiy have made possible myricd new uses but also have made electricity even more economical During 1h asi 25 years vhiie living costs have oubied the average price or residential cieclriciiy immbccn cui morejhari dppcrfeni ihc theme of hits yehr National ma Vcck cctricity Makes World of Diffcrbncc Wilson General Manager lnhllml In rllnpakhu Aumalwl mu pub ml LIVE EUEWHERE Thu many who wmk hem llvc mcwhflfl else mu tho rem for the high ratio 01 mm wrkm more than 000 In total mum about Tho om Indudrial Oom misLon hid suppliu hm guru note 0110 those in dmtrics Nahummg umber ML employs 11m Three nuwr IMoriu emplrry 790 ur more film are aha Pr wa 35 mile east Tor ono IS in ma new because of light by its giant labor union against mo of mm himqu In labor disputes highwage inde ma net It maram vmrkexs mm at 50 mdlcs away with per haps the mnhr part mm ncgfby zoooooowsm Mew pofilazn Ivrvnta ma There an In plants Mich play 100 of mom 01km ml nl them ceding mawduh and Mal products Into the huge Gclwral Mar of Canada Ltd plan which cmplny H000 mmawl ahrlcatmg prams We ought In be mhnmcd our ll and alarmed arent The wage at uln dclh bul the gill of God In clarnnl Illa through Jan Chrlll our LanL OSHAWA 6P Cities thst wail or industry in he and hope greater wvemle will em he tax was cl Hm citizenry should take luck at Oshawa Its bursting its warm with industryand in residential fax rule is climbing and year The Tale was 365 mills in 19614 31 96 306 in 1964 and 111 in 1965 There Bra nwnuIamuinx plants In this cfly hat mid npko city sum elsewhere on lllde lhy lure rum my Ill MM out All my Inlquluel mm OnunnlxhtolhbmuxderMLGeehadn1adgaapeechindw House 0011mm urging Nova Seollamt wlhdrnw mm Can Muslim In the federal eleouml In August mliflnfleduatbnlm had won 17 the la seahin Nova South Jose How was al mdymlmdonlrymwpemade the govummntla amend the BN so Nays chfla could get out Mms May wa by wm boy mi 01 Ounmms and he mshcd mm the knees cube Ottawa fTim shoutinglhat McGee had been killed Primé Mme Sir Join Mindanale am mono flmfly plus mam It was shattering experkme became McGee lnd hem of his mosl gblewmbcu and closest Winfier much to Quebec dld not lose man 01100 lmYlglllflunmngyon Mackenfle expelleq mm Upm Canada lusBrillsh Parliament melved Lord Durhaml report ImCPR mulde Panqu Ocean gervlce lawFlu destroyed mm Parnammt 4W Coygt Alberta gtqbligmd iiiZblwovuy in msuhn 11an In Tmnhz 15404 ernqr General lard Wwdsmuir John Buohan died Whelx pmeesbd Mslnnomoa lathe end but he was be or the Fenian organlnflnn DArcy McGee who had been an IrLsh mbel himself exposed their activiuu fln the Hamaf Comm And warmed the govcmment that the Fenian wan pinning manure Canadn PalHim had adiourmd or some holidays but Almeciaiser don wu hdd the am day The House voied an annuity for Mc Geel bullyand Miami moon for the ms of the murderer OTHER EVENTS ON FEBRUARY ll IBIS1014311 flesh$119 of Ngw Bryswick 1d Saint John for lne last Mllb maxim In Canada look place in Ottawa on Fab ll 1869 Jmwak Wllelan had been lound ullly ol murdering Thomas DArcy McGee Fadwrol Commaannal lhough he was only years old when he waisth dawn as be en tered lILl bondinlmge on Spathlreet OshawaTax Rate Soaring Despite Industrial Complex BIBLE THOUGHT CANADAS STORY WE ALSO SELL WEDDING STATIONERY MATCHES SERVIETTES BRISTOL STOCK BUSINESSCARDS NEED PRINTING 16 Bnyfleld LETTERHEADS INVOICES CHEQUES MENUS Whelanv Was HangedI For McGeeMfirder at Mmtreal hr fliztrriv Exmuturr COMMERCIAL PRINTING 25000 Imprmloml Alk For Tho Famous PumaSlump Uln No Ink By BOB BOWMAN PROGRAMS ETC tomfi In mam Mm Excusas Mostly It mason many oihur cities would Him to hava Aha dly is arming much so as and so big the taxes are hnrpnsscd pmvidc new now 10qu new sdwols cum cl banking Oshawa ranlu an kIVOntarbo bdvlnd 1mm Ottawa Hamflmnmd TORONTO CF Onlnrlo mude nu Aubmlulon to he Board Transth Commit sloncrs an the darlalnn lo um tel lhu CPW crossCanada Dm mlninn namnnrr mm Prism John Hobaru Inld Thun ny Mum nun 3mm IFNlplxnlnx who had ukcd whether lho ovtmmtnl had mad or lnlcndul to mlka mngmglqllom gho board Mr Mm said min ultra mnutr Onurlql ch din lul you hut your eyes and dlve through In glnwing adlcdlves In the 0mm rcpcll 10mm or the reason or those rising taxes you me up among mls celle emu wzlh mud dbpusnblu In come In ISM of $119500 and hankchequemghing mm the same yGM of 320000000 Oshawa mink they can make go 1L In éasc youre wmdcrinl Oshawa Indian or lhe my In of mam smaller Mum05 The Industrial wmmmtm lei of the 3000090 Show ping plan mm 60 dorm 53 arms parklng or 000 cars and pipedIn music thug is piped gul ngarip for he lgcncm 01 ms Iiud her services an Iron woplu and many Ont Makes No Train Submission fIa wnl rcplylnxln be lg CLUB NOTICES with In anonnl can STATEMENTS ENVELOPES 7266537 In first of all Individu allsu Thnll our first and great handicap To star or wlth we Ilka lo crlllche cen lurn without respect to ban ter From um coma our In lernnl mum and rnlrlddal baltlcs Beululng no ollcn and am on call WM sons value the level our myths we believe we are in uverllmhlelu al stale we ddlnl aver ceremony Ill mm In lhll else bun Inter nnllonll alum In My very well no llka lhls but the Queen ul Enzlamt 1n also he Queen of Canada Indwlll nppmndy Itlll he an In 1967 In nddillm the 1997 exhlbllfm will be lnlernallanal nnd unl vernl not at Mannell All Cunadllna the majority oi whom are Engllshwenklng are paylng 10 ll flow In cxplaln lhls differ ence In alumde In behavior An Mord sudualn French Canadlnn lo Ilngcrllps and nationalist In addition loId us Iha ltl slmply be cause us dont yet knuw how In use lnlulllgenLly our demo crIUc liberties which are of AngloSung lrlgln Sherman Ln TribuneRe cently Mr Jun usage In his cnpaglly as provincial premler visited lhe Univer sity 01 Montreal Ind McGill Univ 7A Mad 1h welcome was Iyypnlhellc bu reserved Let us nan by puking our FrenchComa house in demnd than the large Cana dim house The lime will come lo examine iii question oi our relations which are quite loose with the Crown For the momeni we have much more meni problems in soiva Willie Chevliier Feb ml no the same at the Unlvmlly Mannoak the stronghold Latln lull tufycsccnce olhu L1 Dmlt The warldn 1dr Mannell coincldn wth th century Conledmlion Illopznlnz by LII Queen say one per Ion could be hlrmlul to Expo llld Iarnlah beuuu AL the troubles Much would comvmy It our nputltlan In ha res ol tha world All that In necealary In avpld these lmuhles to prevent them 11 need he to mull lhem beroraglhey mun It would be enlmlalisfi mun1n Invlle ony lhe Queen England lo mm thbwgg XI m1 says an ethme in m1 PWWs we May Help You Sell Somelhing In liulepflon 01 cal oxhll qumnl 1min mng fmn thq French yam pmrol Clnndl Chances are you have mmclhlnu In your house right now that youre no longer using Ihlnk II you can probably mnko up HM of or Itch um someonn In narrlu could find ullu unclul Duranl make good mum to plck up nomc handy cash no In Ihoso Menu on but you say how can loll mmwno nboul lhu mrgnlns have or sale simple Just call Freda Shlnner our clnnxlllcd salon xupervlsnr nlclurld above and sllull help you wonl mlghly midget Hxnnuncr damned ml to gour best ud vlnlaue and for host mulls Vcru MIR Ihat one our 10 00 reader looking or your ml OPINIONS PHONE 7282414 QUEBEC QUEENS PARK IXAMINER WANT ADS ARE FOR PEOPLE HURRY FOR RESULTS 119 Narrir Examiuvr As little As 96c Per Day Ask For An Advlsor Lnnepmibflfiy m0n¢arhm nmamm am now body mum Ilw It sum or instance dairy Mushy In the mince mwuunm0nmbomm ll Itsayllmmmhave been an dlhk bom 1mm milk mm mm SamuelsBM And ludsmmumm mm havebeenfutdm um data her new the wood is Younger mm espcokliu hayeimt becmsoimz Into tha my 1mm the older mp Govt May Tightefi relhenllMAWW wmahnn has Wmmmgmfw Mungglpal Act uvcREAsE Mics Toaomo on Munlclpll We pan txpeot de mm Allalrs Mlnlsler Spooner hinted Vlmmlk mm 91 111 Thursday the xovtmmenl mu Poéfiui gm WM hm prim lighten ailpA Nazism Vlln mu Munic ctr Loconv Jim MM duct 510m elected midls dairy the man63 has sued yum wrangling It layslnnmrsjave been genial ol mllk pmdmflm 58 WW The Mn rcjuvmmla lrcm aaacrop on arms in somhem Ontario include rejuvenation 7000000 acres sum lands EXTEND 15 YEARS years during what he armpr wfl do whatevcrk ncccssary to maintain the woodloLs And at the end he Edd flu Irm of mu will long to um armor 1m culnalkm has been Mmewhat neglected fanning program in soulhcm Onlaer 1050mm moms of buttgr hmlmo lldmt scan possfle does But enfly wnll bc nllracllvefimugh 10 our lormmfm lhcmto produce all we need in milk and milk prod HLL new vprogrmn llml Show lmgiglnallon ha been introdMed by Helm Wm Ontarln lands mg Icvegls mlnBlcr tfxb sum 2000000 mu ls waste land It the mozan 01 but mquues re Contracts will be entered lnl will Intmen flmy will buy lreesjmm Ihc gavcmnmk The domflmmt ol lmds and forests will plum Ihcm and do the urlgi nal cultivallon In Ihu pmm unlvcrsily dispensed uducallnn with knowledge Eu loday7 Jam while are really groplnl rnlher Ihun la work In In furm oncscll lo dncumcnl onesell it Iho nnlum lha man Ike mluro la demon strate ln noisy Insnlun then It the nature badly brought up mm one an who lack education gByfteri Shortage fIsPossibilityl leud exWL i5 vmamaw um 13mm contract um many Em have not boy 13 mlnia But he said zavernmmi oiii ciais are reviewing til section iile Municipal Act dealini with lhe code of ethics Ind amendmcnls likely will be brought helme he iexillltlm inter in Ihe union He was asked by George Bu kalar Niagara Falls whether the lovammznl Ind ro celved copy brie an mu nlclpal clhlcl dnwn up by leave Jame Service Now Yurk Mr Spanner said he had no men he hrlcf and was unable In reach Mr Service In cl hold nl ll Toaomo on Munlclpll Allalrs Mlnlster Spooner hinted Thursday the xovtmmenl mu lighten up prnvlslon In the Municipal Act muunilo conv duct oflucnl elected ommls mm mm Mm dnlhlry lied fimmi Behind this label 9n

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