Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1966, p. 1

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The Hometown Daily Newspaper For humane District no pEAAsou MEETS JAMAICAN COLLEAGUE Prime Minister Pearson llolt pm for the camera with hh Jamaiwt colleague Donald Sangslcr during short meeting in Ottawa Thurs day Mr Slum was Ln tawa to 1me an exchange ol student and with Canadian Cut Loeses And Leave Viet Nam US Advised WASHINGTON CWGeorg Human respode Ameni sonn maturity on communism advised the United States Thurs day to cut its losses ard lcavo Vial Nam as soon as it can with or disudcrty mmaL The rising United States mill lary hltlmmlinn hdda tho Roda oi giran conflict and is dating nlng more important Mntima 11th Iiuasia Kcnnart told tho Sonata tonign rclnhona mitten Halt the military malnilm he advised Int Flick it they carulot dislodge us tlteywlllhamtotalktnlube cum they want us to not out But Kennan luthcr at tho coldwar plan ol commian soviet twin and Iormu hm tmsador to Moscow Md Yugoo Layla said be was no pms now of uogdinflons and no happy way out at tth Lmtlict He also wanted hiltUm SIP loyal admin at lionolulu be tween Pmixtcnt Joltmon and LATE NEWS Five Children Die In IIS Blaze ELYSIAN hiinn AP southern Minimum armor watch ud helpleu Invdcsimyul his home today killing hia tivo duldron mumth on the Demo mid Ham um liming lrorn wimloun on both limits at tho lramo home of Air and him Gcno Sowing olxout Ulmo mitt northmn ht Elysian Midget Submarines To Dive For Bomb mwulluvs Spain mm do mum aubmndnoa um upcdul Ia hogan diving lorhy to mm the nuclear donte deadtint tmtticLlliy an hydrogm bomb width in mtmna oll methom owl ol Spain Weekend Weather Cloudy Ilnd Mild NIKON CI 54mle OnLIrlh wNItHul yoatlm mflmlt Ruin hm momt eusiuunl out at Ontario Inlay leaving amid nrahln cloudiness In it wnlto Partly cloudy minim nm me to rmllnuo Saturday dtrturtnmm approaching um mu Inkm lmm the out will gin mainly dme uvntlur tn mtthlm Ont nnn Stlmlfl Ilnltilnn tcnnxrruum will omtinm at tho mlitl Aldo mustnt In the him MI Dlef Plckersgill quare Off Over OTTAWA CF Olwllim Irmlw Ilirlnnhnlur llmrnrtl tn Ull uan linmldy tun tho ottmupt to midi lotmtwn mum In Inltlo lnnn Im do inc all the mmmw nl in him la main lutlilmu undn lilo mlrr nl normy ml my Nulnwll it II no unwily it minim tlladlry rmltmm ln tmltr Mml it Mr Itirimltnltrf will in Hull Ninth Illvrrlnl untidy Walnut Illiotnln Itrltvngili Illo hmwnul llnll mortal llay In Ann nutml Imm lvolnttng amtmml muman on munnun mm mm lnll IllWI nul Allm Wolm mourn ul KVIIA TV at Ilmto lo trawler lmufl luiln unlit ln ll Rluln um MI Iltknfiifilll llrl Hvtulillml all lhnv mm lnlwluli Mr lwrlzrnltl Wm rlrlrnl II Ilimi within In Man Nmth ht lint Mr litlmstqll Md Mr Ind mitth ml liuvl in mm in Umth IINIIWIIM Ila llllll Inhfiml lilla MIN llwl luth new mom in litw Itll lie vallwwt Mr lultrmnil nu mu tha South Vietnam regime my bute created extra obsta oo prospect ol moti alien by in CW solid anty lhe soothen regime oppose any maximums Kamantsaid Mlldl had to mile with the USl request at the Unitld W5 Nations for further peace ntim STRAINR RESOURCES Kowmn called Viet Nam tomato and auxiliary thea Ire distilling 115 policy and straining its term in hnptrtante The us could not notice the world Kantian now with the Insti tuta ol Advmuvd atudim at Unlvumily was the ham tum below the Smut lemon nlntlons commune in it scrutiny of tho mtim VIN Nam ISM Mrs Mossler Ill Trial Recessed MIAMI Hit AP Ilinndo Cuminm htmdara trial in the laying nl hu hudmnd mu mum for the wound today altiv nho tram ill during the night And WM unable to mum in mut Dr lklwunl Mary un dtr qmntmlng on the minute mm by Chill Jtnhm Genny Sdluiz loatilifil ll muted him Mrmltr mlzrainv Inuktitut1 and mum in mnhimttm that hm nllutrd her twine helm during hot trial with Mrhin ration ILmlph Fallmu IM lull III mu ullh hy tlm Iltwtl ul filillmbl iiolrmtn And that ho Mill in no way tnlm with tho Ian Mr Divltmlmhw Mill lhta you iraiuanml rmnnu luv mnth whirl mnld ll lin mind The Hurt plain owl Inqu ninthII lvl lmvltv the tlmnnd intuit mnulllug Ni Ml plmtth In rtlaillhll Tannin million hat on rIvnlr In THE EXAMtuEA Today torus mum the witch liting in run mulld hy Ime paid miter lull Mr Dirtllth Mill All ltrwlzlmo Mil mm Ottawa tau Halnut mu Klinl In Imh lmhwull In ilt Ill all an lint they liar pink llw lllt It Iolb mm lrUvtalm lltll LIllIIIV lll lllwlillm hml mil an ININ lo all TV MIKth toiling lllll lll mtlm lvrw In uan him an nl tum alwt mm lnn lnalttnl um Illlllll timing multimillitmim Joanna gun ring In hawn1 wul Arrests Follow Wave or Truck Vdndalism mnomo CPINo strikV damége al trucking terminal ing members of the indepmd hmuordwemdadedhyw ant Temnstom Union were ar lite there rosted early today outside In one incident three owner ltomnto restamnt alter drivers oi Trans Provincial miler unit 81 loll the truck Freight Carrion ud had their that waapulhng It vehicles attacked as they drove Police said the pin connectmi north on highway 27 ran Thr lhe cab to the trailer had been only to 53qu Ste Marie reamed Two men standing on an over Roberz Campbell at llor pa bridge hurled lull soil unto we arrested on charge drink more through the wind ol passmmn dangerous dildd as Melvin Harrington 29 mam mmhlmpilywaa Miamdrmnlrtsmzdcbe merged with dunking under low ago and drhling while hi 11 The dtmbie windshield shat oenoe was Wed The arrests tollmved wave hon with but he was able otdamagalhzrsdayat truok oobring truckloaoafehail inz it in the We The men on the bridge thcn area co said windows were threw pop bottles 31 follow mashed and arson attempted ing truck driven by Roger Cov at two yards entry 23 also 01 negation but Ran Greene trustee unload Mr Oovmtry said he local one said there was no rawtltemonnm Doomand union mrmcdim with the it drive away broaka ol lundalsm The third truck driven by Earlier mania ot aimilar maria Ambeault ol Sault King Accepts Resignation 0f Belgian COaliiiOn Govt BRUSSELS lCIl KlIIK ltaudouln today accepted the resignation oi the coalition nov ornlment of Premier Pierre liar mo lie asked flannel and hia nix Inonthoid cabinet to remain In nllita on caretaker basis un til new government can be muted This in likely to be 5325 mfldfl °° TWINS CELEBRATE The King and Queen Fnhlola returned lrom threcday mite VENTURA Culit lAIl One twin turned to this oihcr and laid lust wouldnt want to live another hunder yuan Tho other ngrccd ilut today Smith and Mllt tic Duckwmth an on their way to dolnx lllll that They calcbrulrd lhclr tooth birthA day Thurlday It convolu cent home Dr Man Mm HIM The only living one their um Mm my Wyn 01 generation llnllhrr Donuill mm humid couldnt get to the party mm Em alumina ulu Ln llil non the twin um iflmdflfigmfi um Duckworlh children mm Mummy Rwy was born and ntml wan motmind try tnutm South aitll my and wiry Do ym hm hn npintm lril her wheelchnlr in until Judco Mud naked in around the room wtlh hot mount Mn ilmltr in lnullnz yourold mu Iinmplnn visit to Denmark and shortly alter the monarch rcccived Nur mcl The Catholic premier handed over his resignation or the scrond time within week and this time Baudouin av ceptod it Minter ll Nortion min iltoy hn msidcrhtn v4 thaw Iltrlmttnhrr raltlmlw In lull whom hwy llllthINI Ivyvnnow IN do Mr Ihrtmlnlu aahl Mr Mum mm wou Snrlemu in using tlw Ilanln it qvtnl lrlmlsln Malian In iota 1mm llo mt rw ulna mm Gn had lmluldtln Ilrmw will all mm mth nlun won him vlttkoaly Mlvnlnd Tho mumu haunt mm and utillrally an get awltdml tn Tomlin it would ha the mom mu unnrm or mme rm ntth In nolhn mm hau uvunu tlw time mints would two will 250 Allmd Wantm Banquet Coolulown Winn Slmroo Hully Lu v0 Some Carnlval Evontt Canullld kg Ann Landon6 Edlmlll4 City Nam7 SpolaO ClaullmlH l5 Theatre5 ComicsI3 TV LintingtII Dulll MullahI4 Weather5 DlIIvlclfit anonhl tend showering hit Handgun Ste Marie lost its trailer hut below the bridge Imam the mnholdingittothecabhad hm pulled The air hose lashed back utter parting and smashed the rear window showering Mr Am beault with glam None at the driver was hurt The trucka had stopped shortly hetore at restawant Oneal the drlvm said fluid an HEW 0o kfli It is the mat cowardly and del picdoie thing know at At Active Caflage In unburban xdale several dlice Windown um broken and highway m1 thrown into an allies It landed in large ashtray and did no damage éeneral Strike Hits Domingo SANTO DOMINGO Reuters genurlzl strike paralyud the Dominican capital today as Ihakcn inhabitants look stock ol two day at bloody ltrectllnhl ng Milappointed mike com mittee called for nationwide atoppagc protcsl against ugly clashes between pollco and populace which caused the dcalh ol at lcui nine period and lot so mom tnlurod Violenco erupted Wednesday tiller police opened tire on stir dent dunozulrntim ouLsule the cntial palace killlm two the atudenu lltild weather1h low tonight htghtamorrowla Please turn no page five Io complete Weathe Voluntary Police Believe Ilbdulciors Three Collins Bay Escapees 40yeamid woman kidnapped in Toronto Thurs day was found gagged and bound to chair at the Sky Iune Motel on highway 27 two miles north of Bar ne early this mormn Mrs Eveline Forsyth oi the load at gun int before noon esterda to hi schoolmto pick it her sdn Scarborough was forced off as she drove Po oe believe her ductors may be three men who escaped from Cole Bay Penitentiary Wednesday Forsyth to the Barrie motel alter two of them had ordered her to follow their com panion in anothercar police said They draw to Mill north ollhmlowlmtlnlimvw atdm Thtnday matMatur wehmabandmnd lhFusylh wardiswvered byGtarimYomm5ol0wm mnhitnfiydlum ii nysa Jam Dublin ti Term Whammth employde arm RCMP ol mwho were staying in the Editing John WWI Dmkwatdt no Kit Mr Yeoman said on orie Iounded like cat at lire he didnt Muelllnyobemm twuod shown and wrmcd not to Like any chances with the mm who we krmn to have about eight rifles and Mm Mrs Foxsz was Iound in the mid mom dressed in idip gagged and llzd to it flair with tom Mm She had Imp ed tn mm ll and lawn or hip Reach Agreement In Oshawa Strike DSIIAWA lCIl Sirlka manta oi the Oshawa mil the Toronto Nownmmr Guild tCiKI Thumday mtlilod nmcnwnt nadmi entity in the tiny by mion and Image uncut ithulutrn ending Mnlto that hm mtmtul put Iicution the OthWI Tim alum Jun II The Thum gmni mmnm II Itmltnu hold he homl the owning daily would nihtinh tunlay Niuntmlum mutwd rum Illlnl Ihumhy thloun lllllr ll Inn at onlinltnl mhmim mid mnmlmtut In In pirlkn which won domlrutlrd by tho In this thing rnni In on Mr Ihrlmlmhrr ultl Thu hing in turn This lluul iunmm Thin thin cant in Ammo Tillnlt this In he told Mr ikltmmll Dmi plle It rm ho llml Milk It cant it hail In hinnnohm which in dvnlal nl my unm cmtic mutt thin willy Hamil or iltia mum nl maltlu lor luoc by an Interimtun ar ranlnmw ranml ho mud hy thll Noun Air Ikhragtll laid hn am with murh that Mr Illuminati lwl hid in tho mutton tn lho mimmh valiant lllql lltlt Ilr Diemil hmlnl like the um um when Jdtn unfit pullltiw III the Thr mtn Momnn ml Jul Mllth our dying lor 11mm him Mr itcllbtuiil Mild Mlm can he do nhmt tho Worm auptkniim by the Myronan within ll lien him the mm man ptckdinll md mm pnny truuncuona Fruiting num hm at new Some to top Ieodm Gum dinn anti bdmullimvl Minn mm to mod tmluy In Orlmun to pin My in mulnun tho onnmnim against thn um at In lllndlom uhkh iivrul Rhythm at alrtkolxnnl Name The nmvmrnl width It give the guild til mom mo tract utth the noWlDIpM mum lly Ilulntsun Noemium IM mat liflnmwk mistn utmulltrtmnt in tho Soukut llf guild unit Mlldl lunrwhul lur so munitng nt Tho rm Othzntua only only gm 3ka $1 obtainiiu flick NM inside the walla TAKE TAXI Gilead hypnson ollicora the mom pmhul taxi trim outolhiaoabmdemdollm Highway tourd Odom bout ll mitta west ti KillLstDn EMon was WW six year for powsum deadly warm and n1 Ilmtgm tour yours or onto htll nnd Dank wmll Jo Harlin or auto 1th lotith comm fltum William Filtrmm in Kitch mu was umtuml thmo houn pilot the hmlk Provincial mihko helluva that mr mnyingt mum mun agotl in gel lhrotlph in poll mil block ml oi lotrrlxvr ough My 51M mt sinirn IIaltIIKk Wm nhnndnnui nmt nmthor was idol nl Lily balm Klimt tun mtlm you if the rity While Morin ml Quebec put too htmdlal ltlr tho lnn Mn immnl Itmlw ulu nml llm tn Wmlslnck natal Thuminy Aha hum hrr nan tNmnty ol Ittt thm Mil Nth itqu tumult up or he Audit Nu mid rho wm lllmll ho mum go to trnm Channel Ilnml Huller Gmlnwn Ito lflltl Mr lltdmlnhrr ll ntlamlind llnl twainn liw It Intn hmlml uh Iltnnln llwy hhotllll he tlmlnl Ilcllla than with old Styli INIII Tomato Dllltltlll nllo rman llw Mill ltd Mmsit Iohl Mr Iklt hlr ltrkmmll mltl llmr hall Ilflfl lm lllyll ul nuy tlrmtlitnn All tilt in turn lllml up in apniy Iar harm uamltr PLEA TWIN 10 IMil mztl lwl ullmd nu rrwmJ Milo ply tn lln main WM llo hut Kw Hinton and mind Iwu Tit mnln Hui wau that bath do Mlllll It AmyI mth Ial lmimz lmd In in up thmwl tn Tmnln without any dull knowledge Nllnly awpt Itrwl on and hit hawlam iM liotnl land to rumpclh lvt this tnolnn or himlm wintom yin call it not Mr Iirkmgill ohm Wm motml tomtout II unflntlum Maul in Inn immunity or um lmnm llahl llttll look WI dent ML limtl Md viuitwn In

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